Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1913, p. 2

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I Aft Warned JApplr Collet I Good Girl Wanted town tot exflocei P Ave Toronto Millinery Apprentices at Mrs Ap ply at In Wanted My brother Herbert was working tot Tanner near Newmar ket last fall As hi parent both lit Information as to his bouts will bo thankfully received Era J Bowmanvilla ft the Maatns in pfatt on of which will undoubtedly I Iw Liberal ov er in Riding Besides fact be for both Provincial and Dominion Parliaments an aria of oratorical talent has been secured that wlH mark be oven I of importance in of the province The speakers IncludV Michael Clark MIi of Red peer Alberta and Sir Allen Ayloswott KO any one of whom would fill an ordinary hill faro fame Dr Michael Clack A v I its SPECIAL I W For Two Weeks of Ladled oys and Clothing Hoots and Rubbers has sprtud all over as ono of of prin- of true the In this extract of ho day- Orders to Assessors Irt on feSt lion Mr placed 6o a certain he had caused to bo to the municipal Wito view to secure clos er compliance with In said a part of aopjed Special of pouaUpS a numlcr nHluWitips which do aispKS buildings Wilt 4cpMon of the Act lhafc rely to a large cost ot b In thole- with ol In such is higher than is by a iho Act and So Causing a hardship In a number of a on 2J continuing tor two weeks fcure you of them F CLOUTH St Doors of King Hotel I also Buy Junk ot all Kinds It you have drop a card Hon Kins the tot law which a former Occasion will all who heard htm and then many who of him through his last here Mr who a host lends In North York will bo i ifcci and and patriotic Allan who- rights in tho Alaska Boundary and the North- American Dispute him to tho rtrsi rank Colonial In em pire made him a National flsuro WhOtv the people Will in years to will be oho iho greatest in focal cars will provided on tho Railway both ways The speaking commence at oclock sharp and special seats will le ladies who so early I hi S Barley bushel also Banner Oats J Proctor Yoago Street New 3w4 New and SecondHand Stoves and Furniture BOUGHT AND SOLO Repairs to Metal arid Wood Bring your broken articles- and have them mended as Good as New at Small Cost A Opposite Watson Jewelry Store Girls Wanted Apply at toe Clothing Factory Prospect Ave leads to hardshlos door tor tax reform The circular proceeds to the purpose of Section he as a general proposition a be bsesed tor Jte l the cost of reproducing it cost a buildup however may not the uld in deter mining the amount tor which it should bo In lust sections a city or cost of a comparative ly new building duo allowance be ing made foe any depreciation on age and want is perhaps the hest The impracticability setting in Act nil circumstances which should be Into the assessor in determining the assessable value either land or It necessary SrSwF j buildings Mr- says will to held in the market where meaning the Act is that buildups seats will bo provided should not be assessed for more than A full attendance Central ihe difference between the selling vol- Committee is at oclock c of whole property and the selling value of land if tiiere were Is visiting in Mr in this week MrAs Vale will not U season Mr this Maud ng a or I in R Mrs Morgan at visited IIdwuvhi- vi lie was homo ovor Sunday Miss Cane Rave Valen tino Par last Saturday evening Mrs J A 1 linns gave a tine ftrpooi number of youiin people at last A fc of luiiis op Tuesday aft6 muni Mrs Will receive on the instead of tho it Ijeaeh of FOR ARK IN AND THEY ARK same morning in toe Town Hall active Liberal in the Riding no buildings on it make an effort to attend this The circular concludes by giving Convention as the addresses will to jtotralioiis as to the purport the extraordinary Act I I fc C E LUNDY REAL ESTATES NEWMARKET Has the following on list for quick sale Frame Hough Cast House looms good stone cellar electio light ed This is well built and finished homo and located on north side Lot St close to Main Price Also Double House well finished for two families Rents for per each end Would bring easy A good investment price Nice New House Cottage Style rooms all modern on College Heights Price 80001 Brick House on Millard Ave looms pantry well built on wall with cellar full size good cls- tern and excellent well of pure water oh tot 68 House in cxoellcat repair and close in to business parti of town Price cash and balance on time at per cent House Eagle street a rooms well large lot very comfortable home Price Brick House on Main street north of Main and Huron streets rooms all modern conveniences S3000 easy- terms House west side Joseph St near Queen new well beau- rooms convenjenoea on Lot street- New mod- crn conveniences each one with rooms and bath will rent for to 15 each per month This is a good opportunity Investment Price il all Si Also- vacant lots on Park Ave sides Ave Joseph St Prospect St Millard St Grace St and also Gar dens Why not vacant lots In own town Keep your money here and help to up Newmarket Also several excellent Farms for sale Agent for C P Lends Dominion Parliament An official notice appears announc ing Parliament will be to incorporate a new religious body fco be called Wesley Ian Methodist or Church The comes from Pos sibly some one has got a fit in where he bos nitherto On Monday last the Hon Minister of Finance tabled voluminous of correspondence between Gov ernment and all persons interested in the recent cut in cement duties a vote of to the Com mons voted down the amendment the member tor South York to bring the capitalization of the and Ontario Navigation Co Under the supervision of the Railway Com mission On Monday last in reply to the MP for East Hon Mr said the investigation car ried on by the Railway Commission into express charges had resulted in no reduction of rates He assured the House however tho Chair man was at work on problem and would scon have a report ready HOTS An Ottawa press despatch this week states tout the Duke Con- naught will leave for England the last of March or early in April to take the back for special treatment How long he will bo absent he is not certain but he expects to be back in plenty of time to keep his in Toronto the end of May ft Ontario Legislature York Township will apply for legis lation to have a Township Hoard of Education Instead of school tees for each school section On Friday last Mr Howell Oppo sition leader called for the papers It is announced that the Central Prison rechristened Here after the institution be known as the Reformatory Ontario a term calculated to more correctly designate the work which is to be carried on at Prison Farm Tho principle of the Indeterminate sentence is likewise to be introduc ed The inventions of the present age are indeed marvellous A London cable this week tells us of the inven tion of a novel machine by a a Hull chemist in which a of explosive gases is the firing force It is claimed for the project ile that it will set on fire anything combustible that it hits tip to dis tance of five miles- either of the contending forces in the East or in Mexjco had machine guns of this de sign their struggles would soon ter minate According to fairly reliable statis tics the Western of Sas katchewan now has five times the population it had five years ago is very gratifying and it is likewise satisfactory to 1k the increase of stock is of even far greater ratio Government returns In alleged tack combine intiicfUe that during the post five After the Grand lury hod years horses multiplied from S3 found a true bill it is asserted that J to from on oder AttorneyGeneral j to other horned cattle from prosecution wfls withdrawn There was quite a scene 111 House writes weekly of the greatly and I attending Council week Church Vis iting at ilri Joshua Olivets Whit- church this week Mrs Wagner nave a on Monday afternoon in honor of Mrs of Some of the of Of fice Co were here from Ro- oh ittsda Mrs Peter- is the guest of Mrs Br- for a few days Mrs Hewitt got word on Friday of the sudden of Miss mother at Owen Sound of Winnipeg writes The Era has been and always will he welcome visitor Miss Marrow of Creek Mich visited her sister Mrs Cane a few days this week Mrs J Millard and daughters entertained yesterday afternoon and will do so again this afternoon- Miss Rheta sang Char lotte St Methodist Church Peter- last Sunday morning even ing Mr Will Thurlow of Barrio and Miss were visiting Mrs Wilfrid Pegg in East on Wed nesday Mr R Morrow of Toronto who married Miss Haines attended the funeral of Mr baby on Tuesday Mrs of Aurora and Miss Harrison Churchill spent Thursday of last week with their cousins the Misses Mrs A entertained a of ladies on Tuesday atter- in of her cousin Miss Ross ol California Mrs Davis and Miss Mc- Timothy Street will on Wednesday afternoon Feb and each fourth Wednesday Miss Johnston and Miss Owens of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mrs Albert Rogers Gotham Mr John Megan of New York was here yesterday arranging for the funeral of his mother died in Toronto and Will be burled here to day Mr Mrs A Richardson Main St and Mrs Geo Richardson Prospect Ave attended the funeral of- Mr Hugh Walker at Vandorf on Monday afternoon Miss Phillips left for Re- last week accompanied by her cousin Mrs Robt Melville whb was visiting Miss Phillips expects to be several months About ladies attended a Thjm- Tea given by Mrs Cane at Bel toy on Monday aftemnon on account her daughter Mrs Skin ner of Mitchell being on a visit Col Lloyd who underwent an operation in Toronto some weeks ago improving nicely and will Ai firm obnbnvaWoo oikI soils Fair 1ublic iMt of Course bocAUH not doinvf it for health iKme- con- to IVo- Century in lom- to of Drapers ovory Once Brand Wearer ftl- Wearer The of these and is no bolter lime than now to with their Merits I New Samples to Styles Made to YouvMeaauro in Seven Days If you would be Well Dressed join the Centuiy Banks this NEWMARKET SOLE AGENT UNALTERABLE So thats eh well hope you will bring it up to be conscientious- man afraid Is Psaw I As the twig is bent trees inclined know but tWs twig is bent on being a girl wo are inclined to let it go at that FaitHtoreft Undertaking House row i Cheap For Cash A Night to At wiMeac John Millard IT m THE CRADLE In Newmarket on Feb to Mr and Mrs John McCaffrey a daughter THE ALTAR In King Township on- Feb by the Rev S over I O Friday last Mr North is now to IWaC end swine from be able to around the house to 353118 This shows His Ulster from Sharon is this week of King Mrs Hodge who lias been visit- John Watson to yet rapid development the Liberal press has been in Toronto for few weeks asked or information as to spared the necessity or pointing turned home on Saturday of New Government House and weaknesses on the part the by her daughter Miss was informed that the site at Conservative who to the- city ley Park cost and press are doing work along that line same evening I Wen spent laying out The Ottawa Citizen Con has a Mr Jackson fforonto the grounds and the estimated fur- column editorial in which he whacks Observatory formerly Newmarket I was Premier Whitney over the eyes a lecture before the As- 5JS00W So far had cause of his folly in regard to Institute in Toronto on been expended on the erection of the reform It says anything Tuesday house which would bo ready for had been required- to show the survey work Hudson last early There had utter folly of the of Sir summer and has bce to re- been no estimate made for fun- j James Whitney on- the question of r tax reform it was supplied his speech There needs to be no greater Mr McDonald Centre has proof the necessity of a change vu- ox mo or a in has the for year introduced a MR to amend provincial leadership the words her father subscribed for it tion law Hero is clause- lot the leader himself They hears before he died The Over Tates Market Main Street Newmarket Are High in West Edmonton Feb Two hundred dollars and costs is the sum Patrick Lory postmaster and storekeeper VUIcneuve near Ed will pay Mrs Jean aged to of a fanner thoamcHllstrlct for a single kiss for damages and the heard In the Supreme Court afternoon Mrs t3ro the time and Was at some 3eod ery unmarried woman and widow either plain facts or to vole at Municipal an indifference to real issues lions under the provisions of The Consolidated Municipal Act Since I have been Minister Ml- amending acta shall bo gained have dismissed nine men who at lecHona to the persisted in drinking So declared it she is at the time Col Sam Hughes in an address to r of Ottawa week Idled in the electoral district with- in which Is the municipality where the unmarried woman or widow is entitled to vote at such municipal election as aforesaid IBs Royal Highness tho Duke of Conrjftight has signified his willing ness to open the new General long as I am Minister tho country will not pay tor tine ser vices of drunkards Every clean entering the Militia will have a good clean chance He made an other statement which somewhat re flects on society women at the Nearly as many women as met la Ottawa are using liquor tal during the third week in May simply because of the lho Duke will bo in Toronto at that time to attend the opening of the Woodbine races The Address in reply to from Throne passed the Legisla ture on Tuesday sharp debate between the two the he likewise declared Ottawa society in this way Is for the future Be fore concluding his observations the lion Minister occasion to say be did not believe In tying youths mother apron strings hut II boys wore placed on honor the peat it at in the near future Mrs grosser of -Helhav- who is years of age says she has token the for years and years before ho died The family would feeMost without its regular visits V Facts About Canada The public will welcome the of Facts Can ada compiled by Frank the acknowledged authority things Canadian and tie author of Throug the Heart of Canada Ten thousand copies are now sold annually which And their way all over Canada and indeed the world The booklet is at25 cents a copy by the Canadian Pub Huron Street Toronto and Is sold by all the leading Always put a small piece of crust Into fryingpan This prevents the fat from making the stove greasy and shows by its brown color I just when the fat is at the tight heat tor i the the Church of the Epiphany Toronto on Feb by Rev Bryan Francis eldest daughter of Mrs of Newmarket THE TOMB At on Feb Wm McQuain Inter red at on Wednesday MOKTSON Accidentally on Satur day Feb at Ontario James Albert in Ws year- In King Township on Feb iti Ruby Almira Gidney daugh ter of Walter and Ida j aged weeks and days BARKER In Newmarket on Feb 15 Eugene son of Mr Barker aged Vandorf on Feb Hugh Walker in his Newmarket on Feb Eliiabetb widow of Richard Rogers in year The holiday rush is now over and we will now get back to our reg ular trade We can supply very best groceries buy you with the that money can Qualify is Our Motto S Our Phone No is 35 J DRUGS PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO i Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J W Patterson B NEWMARKET ONT STREET Agnt for Cameras and Siippliea Chocolateit Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE Store Phono No i House No I Outrage in England I MAW NORTH All orders will receive Prompt- Attention London Feb explosion be lieved to have been caused- by mili tant partially wrecked early this morning the country resi dence course of erection forCban- of the at Walton near Lon don A iombhad been placed in one ot the rooms the residence which is a modest one adjoining the golf on which plays infernal was so powerful Belabors were attracted by the explosion found the thick walls of rooms Duke to Visit Indians i- Feb After lapse of fortythree years the Duke of Con- naught visited Tor a brief space on Saturday and proceeded to the Six Nations Council at where Indian- were pres ent from all corners reserve The Duke on the Ms former visit to Brantford was ChJel of the Sir Nations KaRahKonTye SmjV and on Saturday he sat in surrounded by other chiefs and took part In tbeir for setae- minutes Present the- Council were representatives of all roomswrecked- tribee decked out totlc regav OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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