Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1913, p. 3

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a for a to J at wcro pros- bo reserve Of Us M was wis Council listing Si t In took for tie Council cs of Hi leeks IS a the Hall next Wednes day msMai requested bare been a4Ticd to thank correspondent for Rev 0yaspington too gifts in feu issue as copied of the Methodist is v bat on afternoon Is it Supper was riot a very cold when you pet St Mr Taylor are visUfai in Wo hoar thai Jack talking erf for a week west in the spring Bart not Tack the is full of ereyls Homesickness Oar Ottawa Letter A Special the Poultry ho tare- rooms on Friday evening All members arc qtteeted to be Musi Uni versity Matriculation in ply Store of lTie Joint in by plulfibnd composer Miss bo on Wednesday WhXift- of Array in aid Hit Memorial Ilanof Halt at Store for Mv Cook Is wearing sivU- Mr IK and ftftflf V lQt Ik- greatly a Wy and A- Regulation Act ho- cab iHiild a cesspool on tiieir Own without fitst plan to the Medical Any is subcci to a to J50 and costs if you are thinking build- do forget this detail is at Aurora or Of with her Ikvs dp tin iKv cause tippy say is Ottawa to and la alone either NeVcf nurse Is all right A is at lin s lUVdoa Harry ftdmquton is a few weeks with ids father js with The iaan to be averse to I be Kettleby sports any Miss Kate left last Ottawa where she will spend a few mouths with her Mr if someone else will go for Annual Cemetery meeting postpon ed until Monday Sale Register 7U of and of ICaal thp property James irony inert Sale at J ft Work e9 tf has proven any or Mr has the of to from of work On both homeRiid la no is thin than the Labor which was built up during ip niiiiiiiiilialiLMi In it is as model la bour the oyer is over 6lr to tudy the Indus- trial Act After a SHr corgi bus reported that the- way in Which worked better xtweea mid lalot only by eOiiing but by averting strikes lockouts met unqualified approval Should Abpea to Hon Mr in his speech oh the debate on ftubg ft Stralsi to the Tory which lui We continue Our Stock Taking and i J 1 Concert Wednesday evening March the intend giving a llrand Town Hall The leadim feature of the program con sists a Mock Court Trial The Breach of Promise different part being taken by wellknown lo cal people You will do well to re- Servo date as this promises to be one of the best evenings entertain ment the season King George School The new West Ward Public School is getting into presentable shape and contractor still expects to have one ftat ready tor the scholars after lathing is all don except In basement The will be to day lie first coat plaster is on top The carpenters expect to commence next week putting up stair cases The are giving i v TOWN LINK I Oyster Supper Lost Monday evening- Mr and Mrs John Parkins of their hospitality to thirty or more neighbors and friends includ ing Toronto and treated to Oyster Supper besides a spread other delicious evening was spout in music various games till the small hours fetten a vote of thanks was extended to host and hostess for having pro vided such a delightful time to which Mr Parkins very suitably Yhe- visitors retired memories that will be for many a tons day Another improvement shareholders of tbe King George Hotel met on the premises last Fri day afternoon and decided upon an other important improvement The barn and sheds on Timothy street are to bo pulled down and in place a new brick barn is to be built 33 with hip roof and metal covering It was the intention of taOshare- to purchase the vacant lot adjoining the property on the west side of the Metropolitan track and build the barn there but the shareholders considered price ex orbitant and concluded to do with out It- Services Next week pastor of the Chris- tian will deliver a scries of sermons each afternoon on Chris tian Life- services will bo held from to oclock and the themes wilt bo as follows Monday The Beautiful Life Tuesday The Siinplo Lite Wednesday The Prayer Life Directed Life Friday Useful Life Saturday The Spirit Killed Life is cordially Invited lo any or services You oro invited to spend an hour each after noon next in Christian Church and enjoy these services Ke- the hour from to just one hour no longer Concert and Capiat who will play hero on Wednesday Feb gave a concert in Brampton on Jan 28th and were reengaged same eight to play tho Old try Mens Club These young artists who al ready attained renown have played in Lon don and Toronto this season and for a worthy object tho Town Hall should le packed Prof director- 1 Frank- tort Royal Conservatory DAaW- was Mr tutor Mr Gray tho in Knor a cousin of the renowned mi the Toronto phony Orchestra is a Russian pupil of Jon Now York Miss Buckley will to the Garden V As was expected Mr Fred sale of Short herns was a marked success last Friday The was ideal the atteudjinee was pronounced the- largest of any sale ever held in the county buyers being numerous not only from the counties but as far West and as Grey County The bidding was lively the prices were mostly satisfactory The auctioneers and were in good form and toe hammer with great credit Mr and Mrs William Blackburn of St Clair Toronto are guests this week at the parental home on the of King Willie is fast becoming one of the most extensive sudecessful grain merchants the city We wish him all success Blackburn the successor to Mr Fred Bogart is determined to keep up the reputation of toe farm as a mod el home tor the good stock for in addition to shorthorns lie purchased the heavy draft team and although competition was and price paid was good they are with out exception as good as the next We Ed all success Mr Well Curtis gradually mov ing bis furniture aud belongings to Newmarket Mr Mclaughlin of Grey Co was the guest of Mr and Mrs Fred over Sunday Being the purchaser of some Freds tho roughbreds not being to ship direct home till Monday they gladly entertained him He wus a very in telligent and interesting guest We are glad to learn Mrs Joseph Cutting and her son Willie are ex pected now out ot danger Mrs Dale of the Line is suf fering a severe attack ot erysipelas The doctor is in daily attendance Mr Black is now in this neighborhood with his gasoline bat teries at all times loaded up for a big days wood cutting Extensive alterations are being made in the house on the hill for reception of Mr George Wil son and family who are vacating homestead for the incoming teijnuts Bros Mr and Mrs Geo and Mr ami Mrs Jim West visited friends on Street North on Sunday last Mr Fred Webster with his usual shrewdness knowing a good thing when he sees it became the owner of one of the finest young heifers of Mr Fred Bogarfs salei rare ani mal to lay the foundation of a future herd Mr was the pur chaser of the much advertised heavy draft colt Boy at Fred sale He was acknowledged by all to bo a model We Vlb not know whetbr George and Albert in navigating from the other to the saw mill in Cooks bush lost their com pass and latitude but they landed Per haps it was TUESDAY Feb Will have an farm stock roots thewest Usual sharp WEDNESDAY Mr lw- an sale farm etc on Lot its 6mSii Bast otedli Sale commence at oclock p Hi It Auctioneer the party pa TUESDAY Oliver Is in direct violation of the principles that have thus far obtain through the history of the The duty pi the Liber al party is to resist- such a setback to our national Heroic ally this is its task It was lis duty at the time of responsible- gov- ernmettt it was duty at time Confederation and it was its when was at the Imperial Conferences Our great Leader might well let well enough alone He has done his noble share for the country during last years But like the traveller who readied top ot ihe hill his jour- nay not at an end he must still move on and pursue his all the confident in his path from the success he has already achieved Defeat would never dis courage him because the upholding of British institutions the advance of must and will soon er or later triumph in Canada In my humble judgment appeil to this country is necessary because this policy is against the spirit of our institutions people must weigh all the of this new Venture before having it endorsed by a Parliament which has no mandate from them Interest the contribution of J35W0- sent to England instead the policy of a Canadian navy means to the Canadian working man was clearly set forth by Mr Pardee during the naval debate as follows Hon gentlemen- opposite say that they propose to send to Great Brit- tain a large sum What does it mean If Sir my informa tion is correct seventy per cent of that that is will go Into the pockets of wage- earners It goes into the pock ets of the workingmen surelj it is to benefit practically every oth er class of the community and and beyond all a sclrtce to the Hon gentlemen opposite surely with that great band ot industrial workers buil BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Every Day and at All Hours I e Closes on February the 28th W A BRUNTON Wags Lot i3Con Scott near Miunit AitKn will hold an extensive sal stock and implemenla at 13 oclock on usual J i will have a sale stock implements etcjone mile north of credit cent for cash No reserve Sale at one Kavauagb Aupti Feb 3L Mr j Lin- stead will have a sale- farm stock etc on G Con North Usual terms Sale to commence at one oclock tivelyno reserve as the arm is sold MONDAY Feb French of Albert will hold a sale implements furniture etc at one oclock Usual J Kester Auctioneer TUESDAY March Thomas Moore lot Con Scott will have a sale horses purebred and high grade Bur- hams implements etc at one oclock J Kester WEDNESDAY March Mr Mil ton Centre mile south will hold an extensive farm sale at noon Usual terms W J SATURDAY March 15 Mr Lee Jones i Con I mile of Brownhill will hold an extensive Farm Sale at one o clock Credit to Dec 1st on sums over W J TUESDAY Feb Mr Manning will have a sale of first- class Milch Cows as well as farm stoek and implements at Au- Usual terms Sale at one oclock A tioneers i 90t J COST flnd Grocery For Sale AT COST AT COST PRICE I Boots OddPants f In Sizes anil 10 AT COST PRICE Suits AT COST PRICE In Good Qualities AT COST Winter Goods AT COST PRICE Whitchurch Council NEWMARKET New Years Day in China Whitchurch Council met at home market will better Wedding Rings En- Our Wedding Rings are Acme of Perfection Stylo is Correct the mansjiip and Finish are Quality is Plump It is such a Shape permits the wearing of two or more other rings on the Flnfcer In ail to CO and Wednesday Feb I2th bombers all Reeve in the chair Minutes of previous were read- and confirmed Communications were received from I Jackson with tender foe township printing II Sliver Clerk township re grant to town line Bills wore presented from i Fairies gravel Mrs Smith gravel Williamson Win work J Thompson gravel Clark 80 J A M VanNostrand auditor J Foster auditor Aurora Banner Young labor J rent of room 100 The Treasurer was instructed to pay the bills presented each poll clerk and owner each polling booth for Municipal Election To ro tund Shanks and Mrs Smith each tor dog tax in error ami to Mrs Reed for labor tax Tho collector presented state ment of uncollected tax wEich accepted also statement of errors in roll amounting to which amount was deducted from the roll The auditors report was pres ented aud adopted tender of Jackson to do necessary township print ing and advertising for was accepted Cierk was to pur- chaso roll case for than it ever has been before Then ask you Sir why we should here as a Parliament take upon ourselves the right to send out of the Bominion the huge sum of in order that the Peo ple of other countries may benefit by it and not the artisans the farmers and every other class in the Domin ion of Canada It is absolutely Canadlan both torn the monetary standpoint and from fact tout the minute this Parliament votes money it publishes to world that forsooth will contribute to the fleet of the British Empire but that she not today brains resources nor above and be yond all tlie faith in herself to say We shall spend that money but wo shall spend it within tho of our own country When the vote was taken on Sir Wilfrid main amendment calling for two Canadian fleet units the Nationalists to a man joined the Government in defeating it When final vote on Mr Bor dens resolution came seven of tho Nationalists Messrs Belle- marc and against It In so doing did support the amendment but voted as isolated group opposed to both pro positions It is altogether likely that the rest the fourteen Nation alists sitting on Conservative side would have refused to swallow and would and grants made as follow- also have voted the Borden resolution but for influence of tbe three Nationalist Ministers of his For town lino south the Reeve and Councillor grant For town line north west con lino Reeve grant For Town Hue north east of con line Councillor- grant Councillor w app6lnrod comtmUsioncr to depose of tim ber on between lots and con If deemed advisable- A Bylaw was passed appoint ing township officers A bylaw to fix a salary for Medical officer of Health and ap point another Sanitary Inspector was given a first and second read- considered in committee and deferred o next meeting of coun cil for further action Council adjourned to meet at Vandorf oca Wednesday March at tired lying down for a halt prases of Wid solution oyer them the compresses by dip pins pieces of sterile gauze into Cabinet Messrs and who unlike Mr Monk prefer emoluments of to carrying out their preelection promises Thtf seven Nationalists who voted against the Borden reso lution and the amendment were doing what all tbe Na tionalists wore pledged to do at the time Mr Borden took of them Into his cabinet with the hope of winning- all over to his side He lost Mr Monk after a year but by placing part tbe government of the country their hands has suc ceeded in holding gome of others No in February- February is no longer to see the be- l ginning of Cncse New Year Alter Nils January 1st the New Year- of Celestial brethren and will celebrate it in the same way as we do Not only that hut in future all Chinese calendars will be fashioned after the stylo coun tries so that no mistake can be made- This will mean a alteration in the year but the Celestials intend to be uptodate Tlie oldfashioned idea that was supposed prevail among Chinamen and which someof them used tocar- out of paying up all debts so as to begin the new year right is going to be dropped- Our businesses will not let us do said Harold one ot To rontos most prominent restaurant keepers Some- of us used to do that before but not all wishes on little slips of red paper will however be sent to each other By the Chinese so that greet ings can be sent in The start of the Chinese Re public is going to revolutionize a whole lot of old Chinese customs Telegram This year Scarboro Township Society Fall Fair will bo held at Agincourt in place of the Halfway House where the fair has been held for tho past thirty years Live Stock Market Tho only change- in Toronto this week is an advahce of in hogs Top price oft cars WCLUNDY THE LADIES STORE A I Owing to i water pipe bursting a quantity of pur fiiie stock staples were slightly damaged We have decided to clear AT LESS THAN COST replace new goods Sheetings tor Shecb for- die Cottons- for 17 inches Billow and for 22 and 33c pair Pillow Cottons for to W inch Plain Sateens to clear at lie MANY OTHER BARGAINS IN TOWELLINGS W a Toronto Markets Feb 20th Fall Wheat per bush SO Oats pec bush 39- per bush Rye per bush v 0 I Peas per bush 1 Hay per ton Butter per t 30V Eggs per tot Chickens per 1 Ducks per ft 0 Turkeys per at Newmarket Markets Wot fitered that Pounce of Ijoruoid Vac JM I- i Jj thoroughly mired in it vf Belleville Intelligencer is ttoanWul that tho ladles of that city remove their hots when attending entertainments- It any hesi tate a request that those under sixty doff their does the trick- teV Fan per bush Goose meati per bush 088- per bush 0 Barley per V W Oats per bush Ow 9 per too JMOO0 per ton WK- Hay person new pec do iW per u JO pet u JrJ per ft Chickens per SjJ2 r IfiirOR A turkeys per Let Your Next Suit SEMIREADY St New Spring Styles Samples have Arrived t tf THEY BEST EVER IN ARCHIVES OF TORONTO mm m mm

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