Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1913, p. 4

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FRIDAY Society World idwn QfrqhPor The Good Itlias Dodo i i i We know no other which has in relieving of women or received so funny has Vee able In nearly community will find Women who nave been restored i health by famous mcdicW every woman you meet knows of great good It ainOng women for the past 30 year N- alwVa pains In the abdomen mid a there and of after meals a sore ness In my stomach pound has done mo much good I am stronger digestion is better and I can work with ambition have encouraged many mothers of families to take it as it is the best remedy in the world You can pub lish this In the papers Mrs a Bourque Fox Creek In the Laboratory at Lynn alas are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek ing health in which many openly slate over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Vegetable Compound many of whom state that it has Saved them from surgical operations Judging the of inn Commons day Minister made WtkaViof tlwiwlvrs and a wjonr In the not ere to themselves or the of Parliament cornea pass that the Speaker the Com mons to tne First Minister to Order and likewise to rcUain member of Wv It demonstrates a of speedy dissolution The under date at Feb observes thing of the strain which situation developing In 1atlUment evi denced at the wild scene acterized the chamber the spectacle 0T a Minister the Crown turning- House Into bear garden and hurling epithets fti the liberal leader and Prune snaking with pas sion making threats and comments Speaker Intimated worgd Moot be in IV comply demonstrated oe conditions Canadas- Three times Was Hon Root railed to account fox first In of the ld- I it wws sary to call leader the to order for the use un parliamentary It that the Premiers expressions were changed fa awl that port tons the omitted aitogettta- JVOMAN TUB WHO HAVE iAXUKlANT whorp from called PAUfIA yg at pen Is in itWl PAHISUM the discovery a wellknown and he it 1st tho only hair preparation that twill Will the persistent germs any rate- the It Co Ltd of Sago gtvo through the ever Wo PARISIAN to end in to falling to make dull and colorless hair and Hint io euro all dieses of he scalp or money What Followed a Cut A Magistrates Wonderful With ImH stAndiivriMd tt m- Should bo out out for overt Dont bo too Com nd It MAY bo saved worlh i I It you nothing a Profitable Poultry Actual yield for our mouths layers Dec Mar a record or winter lay ing tarough a severe is hard to Buy your eggs for hatching a of Island Reds which without a peer as table fowl and wonderful egg producers eggs lor SI CO Davis Newmarket The vs City is a sourcciof to observe that it Is quite possible that the decision of the Court of Appeal in of vs Metropo litan Railway may in York cars allowed to the city and down street saved the trouble having to transfer at the present terminus Metropolitan lino The Globe remarks As a result of judgment yesterday Thursday the Court of Appeal it s possible that York Radial Railway will enter in- to a working with the by which the rights of tho city to operate cars on that ton of lying city limits will be conceded by bar and hod proposed antitreat ins as measure there it had At tin the Premiers Was oral it was thought to he get but the anil the look hroigh the from the Throne lor to the an assure promise The Tax also discussed by Mr and a very able speech was concluded applause Ontario Legislature Mr West is a automobile license bill He proposes to adopt a scale of weights- as the basis of j cuts burns and bruises- the cents stores sell at or Mr J Peace aiI muster at on the Is land a of beollntj pontr f Four I had ah ar dent slipped station and fell on a truck a bad cut on the front of my leg I this but doing so it developed a and later into a form which very rapidly also started the other legs swollen and that could only go about my having them My said must work and Jay f UP Alter six this trouble doctor but with no better reaAilt tried all and lotions hut of letter worse was condition When I got my bos To that gave reiki I continued to to fete sores and day by Jay see that at last bad got hold would me and in the end did it Is over a year slncetZftiu- worked a In my there has been no return roma or any of It Such Is the tare pi great cures which Is daily iu in this great balm is a sure cure or all skin juJ- sres tost lite ulcers sonlugi varicose sores piles scalp sores Inflamed patches competitions wUt be The our Tor Judging the colore of his the legislature taut Mr IJW leader the merit to op its bill and also demanded Proceedings -Jij- apgrbw- and more as the days by Ottawa and World both are to which stoma to indicate- more than sfeoks out In tells Kir James In that his room its First Minister in the Ontario Cabinet belter company Worlds j inst Premier on o pounds on cars up lbs id cents per pounds on cars up to pounds and cents per pounds on cars over pounds money from this source he would tipply under the highway for among the counties Mr Elliotts tax reform amend- post free from Zamlluk Co to upon receipt price The at Ottawa appear to be playing the that to victors be long the spoils Ah press despatch dated has following re- dismissals by the ioyenimcnt during the three of strultit dU- ftiUils for the three were over BOO This represents only the first installment stated in the House a lew j Germs of decay accumulate on oftused pots and pans ordinary soap and water only clean off the surface Dust the does it right It digs deep after germs clean like a new and leaves your pots and pans as new bright as th day they were new and sanitarily safe Gold Dust does this work in just half the time required by soap or any other cleanser Does it better too Gold Dust cleans every thing like magic Gold Dust is sold in 5o size arid large pack ages The large package means greater economy COLD DUST TWINS Jo your IK days ago will take niottOuj the listdown to date Returns correspondence deal- lug individual cases and tabled in the Commons already total over Sdme of our ortyeight indulging an amusing W I aty from measles The death of Mrs wife Made COMPANY LIMITED Montreal aiakcrt Fairy Soap the cake Ward Three Association Toronto at its meeting last week so for an eighthour day bill and suggested that the Government should adopt a scheme to do with h taxation entirely by setting apart a Q large- land On- tracing concession should lario which being let on to the address reply to the passed a resolution the Speech tin Throne was the Dominion lived by a vote of ft to ment In not introducing a bill based oh tho census of During the course his spexch jlDU and cabling address last week the member Hon to prevent the passage of any for East Hamilton Mr bill until made for women suffrage bill is introduced and passed ilil hill I A- Greenhouses Qorham St Winter Bloom Boston Kerns each Fine Primrose white or pink each SWEET 1EAS NARCISSUS CARNATIONS DAFFODILS EASTER and Funeral Work on Shortest Notice Lettuce Parsley Water Cress Boots Carrots Parsnips and Cabbage S of the York Radi al Railway the city will use the citys tracks as it is proposed that all entering the city at any quarter should do instead of ob taining apparent independent of way It was a big victory for the city The Court of Appeal unanimously decided that the com pany bad no right to deviate the southern portion of its right of way from street The judgment confirms the opkiioo we expressed some time ago that the Metropolitan cannot deviate from the agreement by which it obtained use of Yonge St Coun ty consent fThe use of Sunday cars is also prohibited- by that agreement hold as town would le a tinuabsource of income to the Pro vincial treasury Dominion Parliament Free food stuffs in the estimation of the Reformer be a slcfiaii for any party at the next general Federal elections for protection nor re venue are duties on defens ible They should be cut off every one of them from eggs to apples Free will prove a winning battlecry and in the near future too for the party that Will adopt ft observations over the Lieut donned his titled uniform at opening of the session of lb Ontario Legisla ture- The Sun however has notion that the circumstance calls for than It jour nals ought not to fun at Sir Gibson because at the opening of garb which English words would to A cocked hat col let de sang that is cape color of hearts blood perhaps crimson silk lined bodice heavily embroidered with gold acanthus lace cuffs patent leather slippers tied with royal purple ribbons and satin britches made burden which ought to have excited commiseration not shallowest kind of subterfuge put up ROYAL PURPLE Poultry Specifics wilt tend or liinc our with ln- Mill common of how to feed all v c and milch cqw m that they wll la n summer It contains ihvi1c J No hi vUVjpt it full and hoy hi a our Stock do Without it months and labor una to you will not Iv than for 100 for one ftUvf It will ycrborii In conJitlou with If have en try It one acd which I I I Appropriating Liberal Policy During the course of a Ver speech by tho leader of the Mr Howell K in the Legislature last week he teredf a plea for higher standards in j Government Sit up and take no tice when he agreed that the Speech from the Throne should be lbwritten address is said to be the best delivered Assembly for many years In regard to the Governments ap propriation of planks in the Liberal platform Mr took to emphatically observe Last year we brought a re- volution for more favor able consideration tfor Old On tario Highways We were very modest in suggesting the sum of one million dollars to be in a Highways Act What the Government do They voted us down killed our licen sure then they stole the corpse and brought it tack to life It was our platform the Govern ment conies along and takes our policy without as inuch as Hut we dont i cure are glad advise any policy which the Government can out and we sup port- it as though it was our own Passing on Mr Howell next pro ceeded to pat Provincial Secre tory on the bachi figuratively speak ing for his prison reform and con- him upon the progress hade but just as members on the right of Mr Speaker to show evidence of Ir Howell ttwml stock gj inwkcfBttt are anxious to In- lduc tlw Government to do as much for the masses of thJ outside prison walls work for them as af fectively as they were doing for those within Following tjils kind of home thrust thercwasa rattle of the desks on thfj left of Wry Speak er that touched the nerves of front row men on the opposite side of the chamber iw Mr Howell then referred to the promised in regard to Workmens Compensation That promise was made but tfee present boasting Government Ontario teeps the question dangling a promise The Opposition leader then called attention to the weakness and the vacillation of in regard to the liquor traffic The that the Dominion Government will the Quesbion of drafting le gislation providing machinery the organization cooperative Hanks in Canada- On Thursday night of last week Borden resolution favoring tho appropriation of on ships for the Imperial Navy passed second reading on the following division for against S3 Seven French j speaking Conservatives voted against the Government Browns Nurseries Are famous for their fine Peach Apple Plum and Cherry trees They have the best nursery soil in Cana da and are the largest growers of in the AH scions and budsticks are cut by one man furnishing It adds James never believed in his own words this regard nor did his col leagues lie simply hod to do some thing and at the abolition of treating was the easiest way out The Wetland County Public School Inspector reports that in the rural schools of that County the attend ance but GO per cent of the en rollment Whereupon the Expositor very pertinently asks What better could he expect seo that the Government of the Province do not demand the appointment of truant officers In the Townships Somebody should awaken the Minis ter of Education to lively sense of such situations Welland County Inspector reports upon- Mr for Bast Toronto occurred last week ceased was for a cen tury a of this city One hundred dollars and costs was the sbntence meted out to an Italian in the Police Court a few days ago for gross violation the License law The new directory of Toronto gives the Citys be Crawling up rapidly to the halfmil lion During January seven charitable In- benefitted by the bread seized by the Health Department In all loaves ffls butter and lbs lard were confiscated In the Empire last week Archbishop McNeil took for Columbia During the course of his speech the Oar better THAT LITTLE GIRL Ot yours shell be having her hair dose up and too she will be outgrowing childish ways and you havent bad picture since she was In long You don exactly want to keep her she is tut you do want to the memory It ft I Artist Post The Photographer in Your Town Time Card Aj GOING NORTH Leave Toronto am LIS 130 pm sJ ArchUshop observed that the control Newmarket of the fishing industry the coast 30 l6e j of tiritish was now in the hands of the flritish The remark leave was received with expressions of GOING SOUTH Referring to that tho I and about ami he has been in their many south pole has been more fortunate I destroyed years so no mistakes are mode by the north pole in the manner of using scions or buds Send for its discovery the Toronto News Catalogue or write for as observes and Scott and they have some unoccupied territory I Amundsen all played their in your county I In manly without unseemly BROS CO bickering or Jealousies For Cana dians there is the satisfaction that It was an young Toronto scientist who led rtlief expedition Dr found the froen of the and here were applications for raised a rough td their of of the eternal honor Water and Light Frank Glover sof Tht Mail ami Empire The tendency everywhere is to un dervalue land buildings despite CO DROWNS NURSERIES Wetland Co Ontario Hope pneumatic tire that frequently punctured- Court of Appeal has set aside order of the Ontario Hoard in the Metropolitan Railway resulting in Toronto scoring a victory The Court was unanimous The Metropolitan Company claimed it had the right to make the propos- at the south end of the line from treat the City said no and won West Toronto has Sunday School that does things It is in connection Willi the Methodist Church A vueck ago last Sunday the offering on ilk plate at the School amounted A meeting the Registrars of On tario at the Queens Hotel which an association was formed for the purpose of studying the law with regard the of instruments so that may be well posted In the duties their of fice is During last month 1036S animals were- alaughtered in the private ab- of the Cityof which were inspected by the Health Offi cials No less tban4 cat tie calves and ISO portions of animals were condemned 5 sheep 35 ducks turkeys chickens rabbits of fish were Dont waste your time in longing Toef list appointments to the For bright impossible things Customs House staff here has been Dont sit supinely yearning received bo the Collector Forty- I For the swiftness wines six are transferred from temporary spurn to be a rush light to regular staff but just how many Because youre not a star this will affect In Toronto is not yet But some bit of darkness By shining just where you much satisfaction Although suffering the handicap of a br6tob stopfW a runaway last week which- endangered the lives of pedes triaris The Board Trade has placed self on record as the erec tion of- skyscrapers feethigoer than the Council approve The Council is right thete is not much sense a erecting twenty storey build ings- Patrick Kerry years of age a frequenter- the street yards Toronto was found dead in a car one day last week Kerr was there to attend to a stove used to keep the potatoes in the car from freezing Heart failure was the cause of death In- order that he may be free from any snspioion that he is feeing favor ed by the Globez W KC leader of the Opposition sev ered all connections with the Toronto Globe He formerly was a stock-holder- The last prop is now knocked out Newmarket Toronto pm 520 310 GET THE BEST IT PAYS is a of the rar est CANADA Graduate In mnd now rw you tit YEARS Marks Designs copyriqhts c description tit a ureal lent Oldest lor KKtta A ivumL iu Sc4b be tiifi Our Stock milk floV- to rt per Win ri A fifto will a cow or bone day JVl POULTRY SPECIFIC lny In vIntr cut In the and will from o rot filler to Unit buy on the mar it at the time got the job ito per mouth Of all the ills to which man is heir and there is a long re- list of them none is sa dif ficult to bear With philosophic resig nation as toothache A man with the toothache does not go mad just gets mean and takes it out on the dear wife the innocent kids and the log and cat It might help some if the next time have the toothache your forgiving wife would remind you that she is very thankful you are hot an elephant but only a bear the instructions -o- the Pure I Purpli Poultry Specific and- and tins that hold our tC and ttaJL Gall Cure and tins by P ij Purple Sweat Liniment bottle null Boal Cure tin by royal ln I iUjA Roup Cure by I PurpM Worm Powder tin by f Manufactured only by A Jenkins Mfg Co London Canada Purple Supplies and Booklets from SPiSPSma ss fe of Ointments tor that Contain Mercury As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system whan entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians as the damage they will do in ten old to the good you can possi bly derive them Halls Ca tarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo contain no mercury and Is taken Internally acting directly upon the blood mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls CatarrabCure fee sure you get the genuine It Is taken In ternally and made in Toledo Ohio by J Cficneyfr Co Testimonials free Sold by Druggists price bottle Take Halls Family Pills tor eon- as sessment act the effect that land is to be assessed at the value it would have in payment of a just by a solvent debtor The Matt and Empire Is wrong its law lbs Hamilton Herald comments there on There are no instructions In assessment act which is how in force There were such instruct old assessment act which was in force when the Mail and nireused sit up anMake notice Some ago up in the West a Judge drew a- hair line between crim inal and noncriminal stealing A Government official was before him on a charge of stealing Hehadibeen travelling upon a Railway pass and charging the Government in Ms ex pense account as travelling expenses iust as though he had bought his ticket as ordinary passenger The the offence but pleaded the precedence that members of parliament travel on passes and collect mileage and no charged them This plea allowed and the theft condoned To members of Parliament have in the past pocketed thousands dollars as travelling expenses they never yetwell we wont say the the reader- may guess Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS A Premier had thii of The Home Attractive For keeping the young folks homethere is no quite like making the home attractive For making home attractive there are few things quite so effective as i G fc t i which mh play your children and their pride and S SSSP ore 7- may th the one most problem and of player the GERHARD fc fc Let us show you is so Send Send for complete descriptive booklet it will present taken as part payment Merest you GERHARD You J i ueea Street Weat Opposite City Hall J Toronto rtl OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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