Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1913, p. 6

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i AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Vti David Miller ha serious- lot week Robert ban been very ill time tint is slowly Miss- Mabel Ktshtlcy of Toronto at over Sunday Miss of Atbect Mr of have home again after relatives an friends in IJundas and JOHN Wl Farm sales seem to be the inc day in this vleluit- and the popular auctioneer Mr is kept busy J reading with the public library is kepi open Tuesday forenoons and and Saturday Many Would like to so it kept evening dur ing tic winter ami nap Way be done Cooks horse Slipped and tell on an lev crossing one A shaft was broken le animal escaped witiwut injury Mr now Uwonly butelr town bavins the cant luxury o a iniy I nun buckle Frank got things floinf at the sixteen piles ftsa a wail to lo erected spring ivtinxv- Hot will bo to IbtH ho salary one dollars monthly larnoS Albert is IncUaal to light our my yon Just ought to see A be to see urn- Hearing is all no- ilMAiunisliip av dosire Uncle and Aunt Sally the Wth alt their cm day spiiit the day with Mrs Joel who was this sixtieth her A ftue old lot of ralen tinea those are ones also add unusu ally smart of out old worked them a day or so more easily realize the smart problem- A ill on day showed its temper on provide by a deJfeht- fill proranV was by local duotti Too pi ano ijsUtnguciVwaaVcH by Mrfi Kochs her autohorp and It by Miss were also quite Of well After tWM You e6w hoping In lyituro toranothcr All wishing nd suoeess In now the workers are talking eiitrtolhinent ehiidren the bear eongrouitiihs are Sunday a earnest Town tviij Host and Lino Con up to the and to Is to bo started 1st March Mr of SinKoe and Mrs Win Sunday over In Toronto they were guests of it tof i t day She bit TOWN is a short periodonly days ivr enterprising village is not on- it is about days without public hall but there Look out aaotlier cold drop ibis H no place In which any may be hold or any pur- port This state of affairs is hard to remedy building ot a denying tiie fact that it would not be iuwstment for any individual The would not bo sufficient to do much more than meet expenses At the same time it is admitted that such a is a not only to Village people hut to those in the There is only one way in which a hall can bo built and that is by a general contribution in some form by all interested We believe that if some of our citizens would hold of tho matter tla- thing could he done We understand a site in n favorable location can bo bought on reasonable terms A little and a few dollars from each one who is publicspirited enough to feel an in terest in this matter would accom plish the desired end Wetrust to see the matter taken up at an early date CARNIVAL A very successful fancy dress was held on Mr J Cooks Ska tans on Tuesday night There large crowd present plenty of good music and excellent ice for There was keen for the valuable of fered the result being as follows were- appointed Regent Miss Sibbald Miss Howard Secretary Mrs Cuttle Treasurer Mrs Standard Bearer Miss It was Voted at meeting that the by bur chapter- to the Western Sanitarium should hi transferred from Institu tion to the Preventorium for consumptive Children in week ladies will be flockiug in to Say goodbye to wb is a very popular woman She is a produrt having raised this ruiglbcrhood can recommend her especially lor her in little lolks to be mannerly The wood question is pretty well discussed A tew laggards still on the Job Charles is in the tot some on private business Christie is home for a tew holidays It you ones met Christie youd why she Shes a sweet lassie sweet by name and sweet by nature I never saw her in an and known her j aw lo from the cradle to womaiihood She the old block is cut after that pattern It you were here give you a introduction to some of our old ferandmarnmics As matters stand at present a card of through the Era is all can do There is grandma Aird sur- by and almost revered by a host of grandchildren She is far past eighty and serenely awaiting the coming of the golden chariot Then we have another who devotes Mr Barker of and Barker or Newmarket at 1 The SlimlaJ wits led by AsiGlj and Nest Mr hoy and Mfi Win Pollard take McNeil meeting on Wednesday evening War Church on Sunday lost- MrA M Coles Was Thursday last were savd MM Cole has been- wry sick but- is to Mr Barker is laid up with a throat We hope lor bis speedy and were visiting at MrWyhleVs on Sunday Miss Mary Astel was at Mr a Hon who has bought the fiusiness from Mr of with his two clerks Mr l-Mur- and Mr It are c4tanges and doing ool believe will right a farmer lie was very successful and his fronds wish him wry success in new business The Laura Chapter of hold their annual at Miss Howards on Tuesday There were fourteen imimitis four new beti were enrolled making a of and adherents of tjq the bo authorized to pay Geo for on or ccrtU from Smith rcoyb Work h bee dotie his and l further aufhorUed ac cept the tarfoa of Mr without him the if said work M fore that ibra pad Proctor bo a cprnmlUee bricking hall- and report at next Council i hud to and oat of a suitable fOrlnU beside the and report he next of Moved by Keiiey by Proctor antl order oft the trcaauro for payment salary Geo- ftreckoh Scott io J J -tfaripy- bolts World A It MaeKonUe Geo Pegg Abb Wilson auditing auditing J Grant And that the Corporate seal be hereto attached Carried THE DOMINION BANK A Manager Fund 570000000 Financial Headway arid a Savings Bank Account saving keeps the l absolute safety and ready ladVanlafe of business which corn cash to lake- ones way TV j- MOUNT ALBERT tJRANOH TERRY J 240 toOO teJaUut appliances Name Composite and Ideas and systrtiis will than has a continuous hUtory though at the home of Mr on I the Wth when about eighty BROWNHILl Mrs her gone to visit her son Don iuar Mr and Mrs Marshall of Zephyr spent Sunday with Mr AIrs was in the city few days last week mooting her sister Mr John Miller and family moved to the city where they expect to get rich quick I guess our old friend Tim is frozen with her She is in feeble health toUiltin and fancy work and act- as local historian of ye olde days Then there Grandma well beloved by those intimately acquaint- Mr Curl Cents 1st Cook 2nd Boys race 1st Stanley Cook 2nd Lome Mainprise Best Clown Austin Cook Best 9 and Noble Sutherland equal comical dressed hoy Donald NOTICE Next Monday tin- League will Rive excellent debate on more crime is due to wealth tlian to poverty Miss Mildred is leader of the and Mr Byron of the A cry lengthy and kg dialogue entitled ll Susan Jonas will he given also some A silver will be In the Interests the work a A Card it the undersigned hereby agree sell a package of five standard of Tip Silent for twenty cents Quality ftORR BASE LINK regular correspondent desires us to say that the first of the last weok were sent in toy some one dec and to he re sponsible tho same cents along comes Grandma Aunt Sally known far and wide for her generous Cul ture poor Dogear would miss it if ho asked Alms of Aunt Sally Her heart is always to the poor and unfortunate Another grandma would to immensely better if it wasnt for the unfortunate hab it of shotting tier when things dont please her Anoth er still boasts more grandchildren all the other grandmas combin ed The last one to which I call your attention knows everybody about I shall relate an anecdote her She and her old man were in the sights Of the They paused to hear a col ored minstrel show One of min strels a- snap and a crash with his Indian- mouth startled Grandma surround ings exclaimed John hes torn his mouth Exit Grand ma lb Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Henry Clark Thorns nothing like it Indications are that spring will he early Venus the goddess of love and beauty will usher in a warm spell about the of March Rains and electric storms will be probable Sugarmaking be as early as March This may please some but may be harmful to fruit buds it April should be cold are waiting for so thoy Ut her go Gallagher Mr has sold his store at Holt to Mr Milton This certainly will please as he would rather work at the tim ber Ha Ha I wonder if cold weath er affected the school marm on Sim- day night We are pleased to learn that Wil liamMerchant is improving fast The scow makes things go News has been reported that we are going to lose our Jolly Rob be fore long but tis hoped he will change his mind before the Win cornea Our teacher has lost three of her pupils Mr Walter Anderson has been wood to Sutton for Mr Paul for the last week Mr Jones is busy drawing wood to the ion to be shipped to To ronto Mrs Hose is busy preparing to move in Iter new home lately oc cupied Mr Oliver Rose Mr Thornton Prosper is home from the A like for him Mrs and daughter are tor spend tho rest of tfie winter with her son Dan Queensville QUEKNSVILMO A meeting of the Womens Institute will bo held- on Feb Mrs Hill nod Mrs Smith will give papers on Simple entertaining in thocfeun- KESWICK v a husy Wf Our market Is not doing as flour ishing a business as last Spring i Paul to make things Mr Frank- has bis Be on tho lockout for bargains bo Intends moving of her Mr Leach Is very drawing home material new born which ho intends erecting the -coming- summer iProt hag quite a in here Saturday morning are pleased to Miss enooTraviss Pine Orchard In the tillige- Mrs Geo and Miss Tra- Spent Saturday wdth Mrs Thornton Is again On his way back- he on his cousin Warren at and reports him doing a per ot feol0tlnKhhsciW tot to coutt UNION STREET Halloavd be Thc 5 We sorry to report so many of our friends and neighbors leaving street to make homes lor elsewhere but auction tales seem to be close together in this vicini ty Mr Mr and Mr Lawrence Foster will be trying new fields of labor and ex We tope they will all meet with On ovehing Feb- the A of the Christian Church gave a very Oyster- at Mr Fosters by way ot a who have always been connected with tho above church hi hoped they will pot locate far away but may be able to still to the excellent SB v tw McNeil has a series ot sermons at his here Last Sunday even ing was first and his text Father which art in Heaven Next Sunday evening his text will be that thy name friends Mr Isaac Marritt will be grieved to bear that he was taken on Monday with a stroke and is now lying at of death He was at Church and S School on Sunday and at Sunday School there were no leas than eight of his great grandchildren present besides a number his children and grandchildren Mr Jesse Is talking of go ing West for a few months this sum mer Mrs Wm Morton and four were visiting friends and relatives over The trustees of the School are putting new furnace at tho school house this week Osborne and Sons the Dr Law away very sudden ly last week He was a A W also Methodic Church In politics he was an ardent Liberal greatly from the his intimate circle of friends body vaata1qm to for interment A now rural mail delivery route being wick the Coo down show es teem tor Mr ami Mrs Pollard who are about moving away Mr and Mrs Pollard taken by surprise wken asked come forward the follow address and presentation were made Feb 17 1013- Mr and Mrs Pollard friends We your friends of the Church have gathered this evening that we might give some expression to the teen regret which we have at your contemplated from our midst and also to manifest to you in son degree the appreciation of you as a family As cit izens in out community we found you and in sympathy with whit was highest and best as neighbors open handed ami ever ready to help as friends gen erous and loyal as church members willing workers ever -Doing- with your might what hands to do setting an example hi urgent that was stimulating in the highest degree to all who were assocjateu with you in the we have found you to be that which will In your removal fill our minds with a distinct of loss That you may carry with you as you go a reminder of th happy re lationships have existed us and of the great- apprecia tion have of your we pray you to accept this Set and with it our sincere wishes tor your future success and Praying ever that the favor of the Lord may abide on you and yours Signed on behalf of the- Church Mr John A Cole Mr John Mr Mr J Wylder Mrs John T read the address and Mrs 0 made the presentation Mr and Mrs Pollard both madoa brief reply- which the Aid treated the crowd to on Oyster Supper in the usual good style East Council The regular mealing of the Muni cipal Council of the township of Hast was hold In the Municipal Sharon on the members present The of the last regular and Intervening meetings were read and confirmed were read from the following The sick children hospital the re- township crossings the Public Library Albert re grant Council In committee of whole took up the business of Proctor this coun cil grant to tho Public Libraries of Albert and sum twentylive dollars each Carried the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to ta of the Sccy of Sick Children Hospital under date of Feb re tho Child and inform him that said child Is not and has not been a resident of the township of Bast but was son I to he from in Township of King and that this township will not bo responsible for any es pouses In cured in connection with case of said child cave Passed ProctorCrowdor that the re port of Auditors of the ship accounts tor year 1912 having been received the hereby received and finally adopt ed Passed Kelley Mr bo appointed make enquiries the account received from the township of King re west of Yonge St that the Reeve be authorised to advertise and to feet of bridge feet and inches thiekr Thay the Reeve ta the 19W at am ou at ihi- feijifess the a mm eat teen to prove all that was It BE named ua daughter the were vct ftWr of number veit a lhp AlA I of daughter and 1 the all em- charges of drunkenness Thw youths who thought were the world are all shorty oclock the nan ot tt last Monday night rang false Our Toronto tend Ontario Good iVi an W I A couple dozen ol a bad scare on a use blew but on a street car enveloping the vestibule in Firemen put cut the Maze Last Tuesday Dr Jesse Mills Avenue ate supper about seven oclock went the kitchen where his wife was and fell dead Heart trouble Deceased was years of age Adcock won the medal in the Royal Templar elocu tionary contest As the result of short circuit the city was in darkless forhalf-an- a very unseasonable -time- between half past six- and seven o clock Tuesday night Speaking for the lorSs Day Al liance Rev Rochester said tho Alliance was opposed to granting of the applicatlorr of the Metropoli tan Trolley line to run on Sunday He could for this traffic on Sunday through the rural district About immigrants from Croat Britain arrived here during the fore part the week Most of them purpose remaining in the city and neighborhood Mr Peter Ryan a to his family hero- on Tuesday stating that lie was leaving tor home He was at Port Royal Trinidad and is accompanied by Miss Ryan Mrs Ryan passed away- suddenly and Mr Ryan and his daughter arc not yet aware other death eggs wholesale in Chicago are quoted at IT per dozen Toronto to Retail 3ii to 32 cts Oa Tuesday evening Dr Ave seventy years of age was hurled into a sewer after being run down by a can seriously in jured On Monday night- last the telegraph office on the main floor of To ronto Union Station was again bur glarized and between anu taken month when samt place was broken into the thieves got thiol is evidently familiar Witt office arrangements Unable to secure evidence that might explain the injuries to Elizabeth who was found in a dying condition in the back yard at avenue on Friday evening February Coroner jury last Monday night returned a verdict ol accidental death duo to a fall from back steps Tbe Ontario Good Roads Associa tion Convention will bo held in this city during the last three days of this month Controller Church the ex penditure ot for improvements at tho City Mall aged Jose phine Miller aged 19 who escaped the Haven on Friday were again apprehended Sumay at and brought back to tho city They got out by way the fire escape Word comes from Ottawa that the design- Mr Walter S Allward this for the King Edward Me morial Statue to be erected on Par- Hill Ottawa has won the competition Fortyfive designs were It now to look as it the City and Radial Railway Co will soon come to terms an Interview last Monday tho Company put before the Controllers a rough map illustrating their proposal- to link up their several- lines with common terminal at and Rev Burns pafltor of Street Methodist Church been invited to remain for a flrhh lquostlon is will the Coherence permit During tiw past year no fewer ndlctahle W3re handled by the two chief magistrates this of them by trateDenlson the by Ma gistrate V first Canadian Show Ulwm to alarm of fire Well they won be in to repeat the offence Police got on to them Molality city during the first half of February was very high reaching no less than UV deaths last week Of these were from pneumonia The wellknown Alexander Choir of this city assisted by the Central Methodist Church choir hundred voices all told once again visited on Sundayi night and treated a crowded congregation loan excellent exhibition of and in strumental music The bread bill Toronto Jail is estimated at groceries Total estimated cost for 1913 is reckoned at Reave of Hill was chairman of the meeting of Centre Association last Saturday Capt Tom Wallace- delivered an ad dress on the politics ot the day is Diana of the A city Alderman made a charge in the City Property Committee the other day that the Beef Interests tried to block the Municipal Abba- It was asserted also that if plant is not established it will meanyiat it will cost the citizens more week for their beef Hon Dr was the guest of Senator at an informal ban quet at the York Club last About thirty friends were present From information received at Toronto University the dis play of a agi last- Sunday night was from all parts of the Province of Ontario The meteors travelled slowly through space not like shooting stars A Toronto youth named Richard aged years while skating on the rivet near Belleville day broke the ice and was drowned The arrival of a band of Montene grins frqptle Hast en Wednesday- made the Waiting room of the Union ion look like a Gypsy village The payas will on the City Car lice on street on Mcnda Measles and influenza ave epidemic in this city This month there have been eases The Pharmacy students who got on the rampage lately have apologized to the faculty The participants ought to have been expelled for their misconduct On Tuesday thieves entered a home on street west and got away with contain ing Speaking of Womens Suffrage an investigation has revealed the that a larger number of women voted at the late municipal election in the city in proportion to members enti tled to vote than men This Is a favorable showing to give the fran chise to women Dominion Parliament J Tuiiff Assiuiboia the following amendment to Premier Bordens motion for the second reading of the Naval Bill That the said bill be not now read a second time but that it be resolved that it is the constitutional duty ot the Government under terms of British North American Act immedi ately to introduce a measure for tho redistribution of the representation for the provinces according to population as established by census of and that this House do not proceed further with this bill until such re adjustment has taken place and the people have been duly consulted NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Catalogue Now Ready full of good thing Con- Urn valuable let the farmer arid planter of the and worldwide Valuable Your choice of new ariitlci till not for sale until aUoIutcly with or Dont delay writ v Mail with your name and Your request will attention StaU If eta tits or Bo wen for have a special price Write while In your wind J HUNTER SEED CO- Limited A CANADA by taking a practical in one of Schools Toron to by attendance or by and by so doing quickly prepare to earn a good salary Hun dreds of young people do this every year Why lot you Free catalogue explains Write for itt Address Shaw Pre sident Yonge St Toronto j i For residences and farms in the vicinity of Albert write or see A E MILIAR Real Estate and Insurance Broker I bridge Oat I have a largo list to choose from For Sale Holt a white frame bouse acre apple trees cherry- plum pear and small thing in repair lor sale Write tor A IHL- Insurance W Oct j Chives of Ontario TORONTO ALBERT Dealer in all kinds of Wood and Heaters Steel and Cast Ranges Cut ters Sliighs Peter Hamilton Farm implements Gasoline Ideal made by AjMuir Co A number of Good Cook Stoves Cheap E GWDavidson REAL ESTATE MT ALBERT Come to Mt Albert and sec the very desirable for sale and also tho hustling town we have here Locate here and enjoy many of facilities not found except in much larger places Large Cottage and Large Double House and one- third an acre Small Cottage and Stable onethird of an House good stable and two Lots good orchard House and acre House good Stable and two Lots house good Stable and three Lots Brick Dwelling franc Stable and acre Largo House rooms large Barn 34 suitable livery all practically new Large Brick- Dwelling large Stable and two Lots Large Brick Dwelling Stable acre also small shop Most of places almost any terms can be arranged Be sure to see ttve above before you locate DAVIDSON Box -Mouat- Albert I J fc x We Represent Royal Co General Animal jncitr- r Cm fc m rJC

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