Newmarket Era, 21 Feb 1913, p. 8

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9B0 avatar THE I A Aid Cine heartfelt prompted letter Mada 11 loKniUMhreA for to health anil strength that allowed her letter to be published I J Hi is- Hoard of- met on iX radar at the home of Dr J Tralto to deal scarlet out break In School which has been ordered to closed was to allow school bo pupil ho entered would to medical inspection The lypo Is in Id and many children hive recovered medical so it is children have PILLS i joy it want men MADAM ird I have pleasure stating that have been cured of severe Dyspepsia Chronic Constipation by terrible from severe for many every retncily I lieu J and aUo was treated by without any Then I I fruit has completely both the Constipation and Indigestion I cannot praise enough MADAM VALKRlv a box for sire At dealers or seut postpaid on receipt Of price Fruit -a- lives Limited Ottawa Mr Mr John Monkmn to Auxiliary met the Mrs Lonsdale on Wr John Thompson of tenth line has moved Into Mr house- Quito a number from here attend ed social ptftcaftbeit hall on Tuesday Mr were of Mr and Mrs KH on Monday- Mr Carter has moved to the hi purchased Mr John Cooler Ihe line New Houses for Sale Brick and Ail at once to St Newmarket P Bar For Sale acres more or less of Pasture Land water creek Coaot T J DAVIS For Sale Brick in the growing manufacturing Town of Newmarket Main and Water Streets very for a doctor Price Roche Co SNOWBALL The annual Sunday School Tea and Entertainment was a great success The ladies the church provided an excel lent supper alter which a pro gram was rendered principally by the children The J fribble gave an interesting address to live and officers many helpful sug gestions He distinctly brought out the idea that the Sunday School was part of the church the child was elementary knowledge of theSftViour and where adults obtained a advanced of the great truths in the ol the great truths in the ful Book He commented tlf0 splendid work being done by Snowball Sunday School and hoped that it would continue to be as suc cessful Readings and dialogues were which were much you to to He a Other pit as do of all crippled up with or Kidney Trouble Theft and conquer tour Old did with help the GIN PILLS me to inform you that have used about ilk months and that hare of hare had Rheumatism tor a couple of and winter I mvself from it by commend GIN to tho public A f of hoses of PILLS are every year Ihrongh the of those cured and who reeouiiaehd GIN PILLS to and neighbors if you are subject to or Trouble in now on PILLS a box JlO you want to try them first write for a free sample to National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Toronto Mrs Win of on from An rora an supper which She very much SoeJwM and the enjoyed and wished her happy Mr of hi latest pieces on Mr anil lUoliard man comfortable i J f ST J- 1 WHITE The busy jotting their supply of Wood gut good of ico What rnlghi a accident happened on Monday night three young from the lake where thoy been In the corner of the buggy slowed Ice throwing the horse and turning the buggy up occupants to the ground Fortunately no one V 55 Alpine School had depress work Whrnho accepted ho a worker who would be Bothering In the the and anxious load to lariat Hut had hew dis appointed best loach- died classes ju nior closes ho to teachers and afternoon he seriously hoping man bo the thoughts ho road after was closed lane and hill from town presented a picture of Stomach Weak Blood Bad Lazy Nervous go rJtar day fa at hand and at little a of the day think not Though would try persuade- that they do And is si lo rvtness the very whoso lives are served and saved by a day of their- best to vote 1 able state vote taken on Wed nesday oft the Hydroelectric bylaw plainly showed the of the people to bo strongly in favor of the schema vote stood too and against Mrs Green and the Misses were hostesses after- from the mission field at air disposed pi his livery business to for On Friday married la dies enjoyed an and tea rink played hockey here On suiting in a tor the forme by goats to3 latest reports son of Mr Kd Lloyd to that Ross Is suftering irom of dipUierin The Sehdmberg the drill hall whleli stood In the centre of Ifeelr up to the southeast corner This will tot crowds that attend the fair each year On Thursday Mrs 11 Urviy there torching help gazed on the dolus but where nd their own ardor he cicoUsl the Vest interests Blood incdteUng until Startled by the of a sldft hill view here for knows loves that said the strait- h you frkiids askcxl I had one to whom i For Sale or to Rent 1 store and dwelling house Albert next door to Dominion Bank first class business For further particulars apply to MISS LEEK Lock Box 33 For Sale or to Let A Dwelling and Acres of Land situated on the 3rd Con of about one mile from stable driving house henhouse good water possession Apply to GEORGE STEVENS Huron Street A Farm tor Sale i a L acres of first class clay About acres uader cultivation has nearly a new roof aud ova spouts and stone foundation and a stream of water the ban house with stoae celiac a good bard water pump close Ten acres of new- hay five acres old hay four acres fall wheat four acres full rye ana a good hardwood and softwood hush and a cedar swam near the house woul rails or wood For full parti- apply to Fergus Kennedy Lot Cm Scott- Leaksdale P The people who and about fourteen other Wads of fur made from skunk hides do not know the varied experiences the experts have who the interesting ani mals kuflk- hides are worth each around here some catches have been this- winter A on the fifth concession of is credited with getting fourteen skunks in one hole evident ly the home of a large family or a modern tenement We doubt if had as much fun though as the Marsh Hill man who struck gold unexpectedly in old house the vicinity He had entered house to eat his lunch and before departing heard a sound that injpellcd him lilt board in the door Underneath lay twelve skunks His first thought was what a sees when he has no gun However he in with a club got the doen a pood days wages if his clothes were not valuable He and a friend alter two days work marketed hides for timber is fast disappearing from this part of the country but the Skunk industry bids fair to make employment for who years ago- would have put in their winter days cutting w December seems to bo the big month for muskrnt pelts Eighteen hundred were bought by our local dealer in that month Uxbridgc I Journal noon teas last week Mrs gave a tea last Friday honor of her Mrs Scott Winnipeg Mr Hi Rogers taken a posi tion in Toronto and is moving his family there this week Miss returned home alter a couple of weeks Toronto and Mr Fred Belfry Campbells drug store leaves here on Saturday to take a position at Sault Marie Mr S Thorn has been intense pain in the for some weeks atkl underwent an operation last week in which Dr Stevenson I moved small bones in Jaw since which the Pain has entirely dis appeared On Tuesday evening of last week a quiet wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage Lillian was married to Mr Rev the ceremony A quiet wedding took place St James Cathedral yesterday when Rev Canon Motley Miss Gertrude Thompson to Mr Smith of AURORA Town Real Estate Office AND NEWMARKET BUILDING CO v Houses from and sold on up ROACHS POINT Too late for last week Things look favourable for a new school house at Deer Park The plan is being drawn this wok On Friday last Mr and Mrs Geo Hamilton went to Brougham on a I A number uptodate for sale or rent ranging in tram to houses have been secured at a price and will be sold at Houses and lots well We also invite you to call on easy visit it being her former home it is all smiles days baby boy Ice cutting seems to be llio these days Gilbert had to bid well to the ponl Tuesday forenoon it being so cold and stormy Tillott Sherman and rage fare- Mr George Graham of Whitchurch has purchased Mr Alfred Tooles re sidence street north and will reside the 1st of March For creating a disturbance on a Metropolitan car n returning from the hockey match in Sutton cm- Mon day evening Thomas was brought before Magistrate Love on Wednesday was and costs amounting in all to The Electric Light Committee got In communication with an expert electrician in wel qualified to give advice as to the best system of electric light and power to who come and go over the matter give advice for a day and expenses The clerk was In communication with an expert to come at once NADRUCO Ruby Rose Cold Cream A toilet delight with exquisite fragrance of fresh roses Makes chapped hands smooth and soft and keeps them so Preserves moat delicate against exposure to the reveres weather Try It youll cerlalnl appreciate II In 25c at your druggists AND CO or cAMasa 1S4 Jerusalem with her husband diessed the of the Womens Missionary Auxiliary- together w5W a number ladies from the other congregations Her address was In teresting and instructive A delightful social and bate was held in the town hall on Tuesday The subject the debate was Resolved that Home Rule was in the best interests Ireland- Messrs Ed Marcbant and as took the and Messrs Watson Williams of Kettleby the negative The debate was very in teresting and many points on both sides were very The judges gave their decision favor of the affirmative The social was well attended and the paneakes were well made By the will the late Stephen Henry Clark of whoso death occurred- on the of Janu ary last we learn he an estate of To his is acre farm in To- to pay to another son Wesley 3500 the rat of pcr annuml a daughter is to receive a deed of house and lot in Lilian daughtrf receives to be held from and monies in the bank and Thomas son to be paid from the soirc- owe every mora than I tell but have years You will doubtless fiiai ehangetij said Maclean Yes but one spot is more sacred to we any other one It is that -Iciddbyoii- and stranger pointed to plca front which the superintendent had is the Stinday stftelyV to which you point I nave come there Indeed Perhaps I tell you of the power that race dwelt In side those walls was a wild very foolish laH at the time of I speak but somehow per suaded to of a Bi ble class I was many times on verge leaving my living made me to go but sir that teacher was in touch with the Lord Jesus Christ and he treat ed me so patiently and kept such a hold on me as only a Christfilled life could dp Splendid testimony said Maclean Is that teacher living Nay he passed away two years ago and I was far away- on business and could not get over to see him His name was He was a good teacher but I cared Bible teaching it was just his joy enthusiasm in his work thai captivat ed me and made me stay to tell you in brief if I can I got into terrible trouble never mind how no oiv3 would tolerate and I was leaving the place hoping to avoid ev eryone when I met him and found he knew it all can never forget his of pain at me Long afterwards I know it was the Spirit of Christ in him loving me to penitence His words were few but so lull of plead ing that they seemed to fasten a chain around me which long after- wards brought me to the cross though at the I withstood it all Sad If he never knew said Mac lean deeply interested Ah but he did do you supposehe would let one like me go He me by prayers and letters and with what blessed results God- knows and the teacher also came to know The who the day of rest a Common so prof It does not only violate a law In deaplslug iho of hia but also breaks down his happi ness lie not only but like a he the Ms brothers and He show he neither tor his Fathers wishes nor the needs of his other brethren in the great family of God But now suppose wo are all agreed that the Sunday to be day of rest it of Importance for us to it he a holy rest not ah Ignoble rest There are many false Ways keeping Monday The loitering Sunday will soon bo turned something else The Slothful Is fit only for the lowest ani mals If Suiuliy means only a longer and a better dinner it not only wasted but degraded Dr Morses Indian Root Pills euro many common aUmenta which are very but which all from the same causa a with Impurities The cauae the to move rcvulirly and the and open up the the akla throw off the accumulated and Bill- ml plaint Kidney atiam and aUmenta vaniak Dr Root at Doctors Bill MILLS FLOUR A Fresh Car Corn Car Gluten Meal Bast Producer You Cafe Buy a jf Try Our Corn and Oat Mixture Per it Per- Get Ready tor Zero Quality Price Right FLOUR LOWER IN PRICE RUT NOT IN QUALITY NEWMARKET DELTVTERY TERMS STRICTLY CASH IS TAINT ULCERS BOILS rPeopie like to get all they can out of the government forgetting that it is because everyone feels the same way that taxes are high Messrs and Maclean began to see a hat publishers London are was lacking in school and as he a prize of 250 for the best listened he sighed and said We el submitted from a aative or have but few lib Mr I dent of Dominion of Canada knew him but am losing heart in Two peculiar wrecks occurred on School vork j the P It within a few of nim and losing heart s a4 our prices tor supplying Hamilton were filling their ic ad building houses this week mi completed ready for Mr Jack a few others Hie material will be car lots at tho lowest whole- it your ma terial ask for our prices First slaaa have been engaged is work as as build- start tn the spring loaned on first mortgage on property Accident- Life tad Fire Tnsarance at ore at the Wharf Mr Ford has the contract to build wharf tor Mr at his summer residence Varney Road Tho freight cur- ran off the track at Trivotts So muohiec on the rails was nearly noon before they- were in again Mr sold one Toronto since Saturday evening the peculiarity lying the fact that no one was injured in either case al though in this instance an express travelling sixty mites an hour bumped into the rear end of a freight near Bronte and the other five coaches of the Detroit express the engine and tender were derailed at Junction TRY SOLACE AT OUR EXPENSE Money for any Case of RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA OR HEADACHE THAT SOLACE FAILS TO REMOVE CANADIAN PACIFIC the Real Estate Office Parties wtsh- to sell town property call on us Morton Phone IMC Vans Female Pill alia IU ara axcaidiott la reruatlng tStUtioti r at man in Toronto also a lot bringing good sum Mr Dick Hamilton shipped a ear of hay also one of straw to Mr week SPECIAL CRUSE THE WORLD Empresses Russia isst a any Out- Three men lost their Uvea in a Bra which destroyed the Hotel at New Ontario pearly Saturday morning years Pills at a r That tlere is a grave danger of losing our fair is shown by the tact that the officers and directors agricultural have recently sent out a circular asng tor assistance frotu the members It appears that the has about de cided to discontinue the giants to the small fairs those without the proper is upon will surely go The buildings here are a deplox- Toe Empress of Russia will leave Liverpool April 1st call- at Gibraltar and Port Said proceeding via Suez Colombo Singa pore Hong Kong Shanghai Na gasaki Kobe aid arriving at Vancouver June 7th Empress of Asia will sail rem Liverpool May similar cruise direct April 1st sailing is Em- Press of from St John March 1st v RATE FOR ENTIRE CRUISE Exclusive of be tween arrival time a and departure impress Full particulars from ATKINSON v SOLACE REMEDY Is a recent med ical discovery of three German Scientists that dissolves Uric Acid Crystals and Purines the It Is easy to take and will not affect the weakest stomach It is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Law to he absolute ly free from opiates or harmful drugs of any description SOLACE is a pure specific in way and has beyond alt question to be tho surest and quick est remedy tor Uric Acid Troubles known to medical science no matter how long standing It reaches and removes the root of the trouble Acid and purifies the blood THE SOLACE CO of Battle Creel are the sole Agents and have thousands of voluntary testi monial letters which have been re ceived from grateful people SOLACE has restored to health Testimonial letters literature and FREE BOX sent upon request Lee Morris President of First National Bank of Texas wrote the Solace Company as fol lows I you to send a box of So lace to my father la Memphis Tens for which I enclose This remedy been used by soma friends mine hare I must say ita wonderful Signed Morris Put up in 35c and boxes Its mighty lino to he well and you can soon he so Solace No Special Treatment Schemes or Fees Just Solace Alone Write today for tree WLACBRatoDXvCO flWSWIVi f is O fcVTd such work why sir it is the work an angel might covet but I grant you it Is spoiled when attempt to the way of salva tion We want the holiest men and women to train the young those like my sainted teacher are in touch with Lord Jesus Christ May has mantle fall on us and shall be a like power to win souls for eternity I should have met you just J was in this despondent condi tion hut knows what a change it may make for I can heart again and look to Him a bless ing Maclean and that was the strangers name walked to wards the town together and a fricndiip was started that led to far greater A time of good cheer came to Al pine Road Sunday School teachers became consecrated and all indiffer ence gave place to joyful enthusiasm told his experience at a teachers meeting urged the im portance of sympathy with young men and women and the power of look and a A look fainting heart may break Or make It whole And just one word if sahl lor Christs dear sake May save a soul Harvey- in the London Christian A TIMELY MESSAGE A- sermon delivered a short time ago Rev E J Harper of St Pauls Church Out hag seasonable message It was delivered come to hand- This Is a strong and in view of conditions in tho and was published in the Cobalt Nug get From It we select the Sabbath or old was or dained of all men be protected in their right a rest of a rest of their bodies and souls Do our men in these times who labor ia the round carrepairing foundries bridge building railroad construction fac tories etc stand less In need ot one day rest out of seven than did the GLANDS BLOTCHES PIMPLES AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT mm Wo tu cull of all aaicSJ any of Skin DtiiiM to our New MttKoJ Trutmnl i a curt or no ex cuse for fico from eruptions No matter vlicthrUreditaror our specific all and the most serious and cases us to perfect A Only tor Btutfil You you have any con sult us us pro to to you how quickly remote all evidences of or tha skin comes clear ulcere pimples and blotches up are reOuctd fallen hair crows In the eye become return and the vlctiax realises a new Wo opened up to Win- YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Sand for Booklet of GOLDEN MONITOR FREE If to call villa for A Question tog Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich M All Utters from Canada must be addressed S to our Corrtspontknce Deport- mV lit Windsor Out If desire to see us personally cull at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no in our Windsor offices winch are for and Laboratory for Canadian business alt letters as DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windier Oat tit cat J 1 ifi i 1 aw Hat Ha a I Hal Norway Hemlock la a4 All of i Fiat tt If a V Witt iV tflll i a aA to ittESEgti JTJ SilVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO sac m OT

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