KB r i per annum la advance to State No York unless paid in Too Many RINGS WATSONS 1 Have AH Kinds not forgetting- the- Latest Style feJ Newmarket Qftfe Friday Feb Oar Toronto Letter W I cb V L top time Vital energy be derrick Simplify your hoisting problems with nn nil was tnksiusloik lAt sue- Mood wrist ol tfito wrist too w at the 2-in- Hoist and Wire St reichcr only strctchof with a locking tic vice on pull ropes you slack up pall rOpd lock locks Hie Grip That Cant Slip Holds Load in MidAir Yon racaseit with a mere turn Saves ami tumble hi swinging butchered lifting boxes fences support- lug sick or any of a jobs that or ftud holding Simple durable will last Absolutely to satisfy Hall Hoists are made in lbs to 5 tons Come iee one of these wonderful labor doing -lt- Letter Toronto iNbiuat who speotecUlai and fciioViiu visit ixcta this is born Juoii lie AsrnVbi Starw ly mi A tiiafc before ilobato nd Of the Legislature the Oa tU will The ircwiWIW WWWAR had those for wine awl beer hours aire may A druggist was safely be that still greater last week lor selling awaits thcin by i It is that- not less Important business- of 20000 of waste paper are the outstanding was the eret this city the value of o hlcii is Ion Mr Wi licr atKHJ tens are iak policy el Aboltsh the Needed Hospital Feb WCM W for eon- priosxxi pay the natural facilities ho present inn n delaying the the -Vcl- lural wore all dwelt in identity of the three-year- old they iiMi was arid at the what of the real who institution Mix weokn I from fever fattier raincoat 25- AGO From f soil and will refund Unsntiafao- duo to Mechanical Defect or Any is Binding ami wo Back it to the Absolutely Unconditionally Every we soil and will refund Price if Unsa NEWMARKET HIGH SUIT GASES 1U PAINTS OILS VARNISHES the general coining from printing ami other similar A- curtain fire in the House last Friday two ininuteiithe whole house in tat small On Afternoon while stand- is identical with tha of last immediate abolition of the the of all hotel club ami there with the treating a other upon the of the traffic experience- may show to be on the ice at the toot of Bay limit was struck by an to Us evils Local op- iceboat to be maintained as a Smellier fci thirty years iv- ployed by the as- clerk passed away on Snnda wiping out the residue of the retail sale where theeiectots so decide strict enforcement of the r tin Mi the iU K I tc 1 Kir his ship Canal- 2g ft 9J rc feet A stringent f U Civil War In U T lnltl caused the until private tl ii route ia Mb to Huron via tl if and fiivera and WW miles loud sobs for Shdyed Scheme Be Practicable back to the Nothing ami in night but the real Beatrice could the government was asked to hot be located VIM tec the interest on bonds to the extent of Nils a and just the law by officials sympathy with Trade on enforcement and the elimination S from the A a yardman named Warren of the law inspection of all houses of public entertainment as Making Farming Pay has come to be regarded as business yoeruod by tie laws of business Tanners to be succgssfuU bo business men They Bank account V v A Bank better pay by cheque than with castbetter be cause simpler ilton more and- certainly more businesslike- Have your With The Bank of Toronto A sound BankAssets A long estab lished Dank since Branches in Ontario and FIELD Mgr Newmarket A on Saturday morning was running ahead of his to throw a switch he slipped on ground and caught bis foot in a frog on the track The leg bad to be am putated Dr rector of Christ Church appears to nave got into trouble by preaching in the parish without tale consent of the and to add t the setionsness of the offence in Church The Dr says lie be quite willing to preach in a Roman On last woman oil fom Elbow to Fingers they would hot do until thor ough survey conducted by eminent engineers had been made ilaw WORKED A MIRACLE survey which cost showed the to le Pally to ensure reasooahlc Ion the very greatest that could be lor the travelling public I iindwtokeu on the continent Am a contrast to ot Government action Allowing the Oppositions- policy this to place an tern ol Queens v which is a clear cut straight lor- in the Parliamentary estimates Mm tes ward issue the actual work to bo- j the administraUori to teal them by using various defeated at the polls in to do me The the fl In li Philip Maekleini I I who passed away ville He man of sterling worth In all dralin- Tticrc altendance at the opening- services the tional Church last The Hall by MiducUd the services Mr Beach who has been hay horses In during the two left on Tor taking with him A Hoy met with a fatal accident t last Tuesday he was employed as a on Hallway and en the the watertank he accidentally fell the top a van between the cars the wheels passing over his legs lie was rush ed to Newmarket and medical aid summoned by telegraph was at the depot when the poor fellow but 1 was too tar gone to al though and Stuart did all they could to his life Mr Isaac Silver had- tune to lose two fine colts on Tues daynight The Hand gave selection of music on Saturday giving place a lively appearance ami the cit izens- much pleasure- i was Miss Caledonia must Miss Flo on Wednesday evening young to at home numbed how vdcillitaWng they are session introduced na tion to abolish treating but his done to- put it into until 50 YEARS AGO This week in defeating a motion ex pressing regret the Government had taken no forward step in mass IricS her little three- arc simply the supporters the scheme elbow W since the advent the present gov- educate the tain- I had five different doctors and Hois Mr that the up to advantages of the scheme Whitney Government have no settlH I pit ideas or principles about temperance out their Era Kyle Feb 2 The TombOn the Inst Eli- beloved wife of Dr James Hunter of Y- ami around or they can The spectacul was tike admission by Premier Whit- Ontario organizations and re South End Lumber Yard COM- BY P W PEARSON Ceo Harry and All would be a pretty dear way of getting it- Yet every our SGRANTON coal has a distinct Value as a heat producer And every load wo send contains nothing but of good clean coal No slate no stones no dirt Kill yean scuttle with that kind and it will last longer Phone Cor Church and son to the sidewalk with his express wagon After being out a tew minutes child was with an inclination visit hit store on mile away Ho lost his whereabouts and was taken by the police Station No where his parents found him six or seven hours search Roth- mother and sou got a lesson will not soon of- Motor Show Exhibition Ground thousands is estimated half dollars- worth autocars are on exhibition The Controllers voted down res- tor the erection a prised if the man who it wis building at the corner of King ami not far away This session the position again brought iip the subject Adoring burglary was commuted or several days the Prime Min last Sunday evening at the residence refuse point blank to answer of Or I Backs while away at o Finally after a church policy wUh Ray Canal possible some show of interest riilsrepresehiatlon lacts lrl event last week bad been made varQous father then took me jy was lie wb had j s the Canal to J sent Ihe Lake telegram onlj at an cost r before the last general election r that the Government was- go- danger of history repeating to a branch line of self was pointed out by the lecturer said Railway Lake It J who stated I got a -box- right was this announcement that assured the tanai nan re- Aroi election the Conservative canMi In the ilidate in freight to see a wellknown doctor He the arm and This was sent to a New York specialist but they could do further for me and I was- despair One day a friend asked roc if I Subject Real and There were letters in the Newmarket Post Office last month and uncalledfor in Aurora P Names all Council our Merchant and Business had Council and of the That first box did me more away good lofoixs Our Stock as it was in Assortmout of Cblpringa or Quality of We n old or young Satisfaction in Detail 1 F WILLIS PHONE MAIN ST IF YOU USE COAL Got acxiinlntOl With our Coal You will find thing to do You wont want to Ixrck again Nobody docs who LINE OF FLOUR AND A j T Survey a willingness to aid Incon- highway the Con on the Town Lino north across the Marsh to the Two Oak Trees- provided sufficient ian all tbe had Hues that brought pro- j wAimA 9 is to which Last session the Opposition tried to dace from the western ports treatment Every box the ids dally wend wy It And out sent the telegram J and Oswego to WI aud more until to makement is given to ensure tliai a million and a which signed J P Whitney from American seaports shor healed road The Minister at that time said was a corresponding loss completely Every- Mr J Pearsonhas secured the the telegram must have been a forft- trade to Canadian seaports as ai place knows of case- 1 services of Mr John Cook as and not he J showed In his opinion fllone which jt for North York Canadian people had already cured me The Division of en enough to the American W a grand gathering last Saturday they riot thanked for it evening at a teaparty The New- land Canal supporters said the minister is market Hand was engaged for tho would be transhipped to that the testimonial of Miss for Montreal the Amen- faras know- John Jonathan built that way ram g have known her for a Philip Charles year and a half and cure will work on Sunday and while on the top of a llydroKlfctrie pole Albert Davis touched wire and fell feet sustaining juries from which he died It is announced that the HydroEl ectric made a clear profit of tlftOOti last year For not washing and ster ilizing his milk containers a dealer was fined last week Morrison a plumber who invented and carried into execution a method by which he heated part of homo and lighted it without the gas through the meter was allowed to make restitution under reserved judgment Two more women were up before UVmeas Police Court on Friday on a charge of vagrancy and sent down to the Mercer torsix months In- a supposed at of jealousy an Italian at an Adelaide street board ing house slashed ace the making wound years delay he did bring down the arc not telegram and admitted that he had Mr sent it himself after oclock tin evening of December Cure Your Rheumatism HOME TREATMENT WHICH SELDOM FAILS Would Cut Rates Half Day Canal would cut by is remarkable Wherever there is ulcerations vid Abraham Staufier John Peter P Pearson Comely Randall Samuel Rose poison sores abscesses j Robert and James Brown brumes or SSSfSiA injury or there should bo applied It is also a sure Costs Nothing to Try Lumbago Pain in have cured government was acting in the real meaning word the out understanding the project a little Iodide of Pptas- Borden said Mr is Poke Root Resin and j being imposed- on by people Any person can fake schemers not studied these remedies in any reasonable conditions or are dishon- cargoes would be available Thus would be established a firm line of transportation east to west pro- cure for piles All druggists and viding means fcrth reciprocity be tween- Canadian Provinces which was strongest argument at the tune of the confederation but which had remained inoperative The scheme had been endorsed by of world repute and by late Sir John Mac- and Sir Wilfrid only reason for now was stores sell a box or post free from Co Toronto for price Refuse cheap and harmful im itations and substitutes J amount with- perfect safety and the results have been found to bo as tonishing It has been proven that man with a razor that required eleven stitches The man was arrested this combination makes up the best The fake German nobleman- John rheumatism remedy in existence hinder was guilty of fraud actually cured many stubborn and was sent to tho Central Prison cases of oyer 30 or 10 years standing for a year The man frayed upon oven in persons of old age women Ids scheme being to call at The five ingredients mentioned a house and represent as a prepared great accuracy German gentleman engage a room skill not only in regard to proportion pay for it in advance by Ho but also In selecting the best material would play the piano a little and have been put Dap compressed tab est He dosed a relerenee to the vast area that would be devel- by the opening of the land totalling about acres Dominion Parliament Bond Head Church Burned a On Saturday night Bond Head suf fered a great- loss in the burning of the church The build- which was of brick is completely gutted the four walls being left standing and it is doubtful whether they can be used again or not It is thought the fire originated in the the which was In basement ot tho building Some ashes badbeen left in a there and these are to have started the fire Owing to the of the hour th flames had gained such headway before being last meeting Whitchurch Council Abram Coryell was appointed the Village Council of to superintend repairs to roads and side walks linger the direction of Road Bridge Committee Excursions TO WESTERN CANADA EACH TUESDAY March to Oct inclusive 7T o that it was impossible to On Tuesday last tho Railway I mitten the Commons threw out nnnA wucaUb an Act to incorporate railway on grounds that it was an findirg short would bor row or strength of worthless cheque Ills pull game is over lor next months Robert Burns a boy 14 years was run down by an auto on street on Friday let form mid are calling iGlORIA TONIC ft ment Provincial the road was wholly in Ontario and should be dealt with by the fifty thousand boxes are offered Jcial IT MAY K It right In a certain Jjo kiss poodle you have nothing kiss- It never ing- for be a aouad ilnd and ah nlPC v xbanslng sclent tree to introduce It If you sutler from any form uric acid in the blood and Rheuma tism Gout Lumbago Sciatica this is the way to out your system quick time Simply send your name and address enclosing Uiis notice to JOHN A Ifigp Bids Windsor and tot urn malt you will tecnye the box VaivieTsaV I by of Trade It W4W Pa was On Thursday of last week Richard Miller- president and Heating Co Montreal was found guilty of con tempt because he refused to disclose or name the persons to whom bo paid obtaining contracts ordered boUm- has glvea entice providing for a ten- of tooti lands in western of South Vol unteer W is tto1it i Bond Head Methodist Church was most uptodate little churcfiv county it being fur nished with every convenience in cluding well equipped kitchen in the basement- and the loss is a heavy one The building was insured for but this amount will not cover loss Geo Lawrence is the pastor the Bond Head congregation and steps wilt no doubt bo taken at once to rebuild the church The Now receiving from Governor Wilson a batch of about Sixty appointments passed the concprrAt -resolu- providing for a extending to women lie right to The resolution pass- In connection with above the Grand Trunk Railway System will issue round trip excursion tickets to points Manitoba Saskatchewan and Albfcrta each Tuesday March to October inclusive via Chicago and St Paul The return fare to is and Edmonton Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba Saskatch ewan and Alberta Tickets good for days The Grand Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be tween Winnipeg Saskatoon Edmon ton with smooth roadbed electric lighted sleeping cars and superb din- j car service through the newest most picturesque and most rapidly developing section Western Cana da Through tickets sold and mode by all Grand Trunk Agents more than ty other routes Trains how in opera- J Winnipeg to Retina and also to Mirror and Edsop The via Chicago tracUve one as many large cities towns are passed en breaks the monotony of the Time Tables- Land othe literature to Ufa Grand Pacific fly may be obtained on appKcatjon 1 to to the Grand Trunk Agent or JJgd District Passenger tetion J BrrAtonCHtyPassen- and ARCHIVES ONTARIO TORONTO