Newmarket Era, 28 Feb 1913, p. 2

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r K IvW I Lit 1 b Oxford down I- Kwic Card of thanks Miss to many and their sympathy- the illness and death of her aunt Mrs pupil such and Holland y Vltts At King Hotel Newmarket to Carlton St Toronto lotion bclxU the Hall the anate tojk the first place inthe Mr St from IfwlBay Sunday over Mjss fa la The vital interest Great Hiding Under the plan ol candidate it is hMkW will on important hat every part first oJ each itttW oclock the Central Cane and Miss Olive 1 will meet for business At two o clock the MassMeclin6 tie Addresses Will ilon SP ECU ill UP For Two Weeks or Hoys and Girls Clothing and Shoes Sand on And continuing for two ffeS WO tore you secure some them F South of King George Hotel I also Junk of all you drop me a card fextra cars wHI- run North every- from and extras wilt also come gut ton and noon- As the Hall is not likely to bold the crowd an overflow meeting will be arranged for BOTES South Unit House to the iKcsioiusl by the death of Col is announced to en March Nomination earlier i s G E LUNDY The public accounts Ontario for year ending October wero presented to the Legislature on Wednesday and show a deficit on current amount of total revenue lor ytar all sources amounts to Of this amount repre sents current receipts receipts on capital account that is front the sale of stock debentures j etc and is the balance carried over from The current expenditure was We are qjite inclined v A HEAL ESTATE Has the following on his or the Hamilton Herald totVToroiito quick sale I Good Frame House east of Pub lic School Dearly new rooms tod well of water lot feet by feet plenty tor another house 1 House rooms in lent repair on street close to business centra of the town nice lot with some fruit Price Frame House on corner of Raglan and Queen street large lot and stable a verv pertyV Price 1350 Frame House rooms Ontario St in excellent repair good new stable fine garden with lots of ap ples plums and berries Price lias done well in establishing Wo mens Court It is degrading even to degraded women to be obliged to face the crowd of male loafers who constitute the usual Police Court au dience In View of the desirability of such a Court in all Canadian Cities wo are inclined to the opinion that all City Police should be authorized and rev red to hold a Womens anil Juveniles Court when necessary to large lines to the mens Court presided over Com- Starr in Now is the time to make move while our lawmakers are A somewhat curious muddle has been discovered in connection with Frame Rough Cast House 1 the Conservative Convention held at rooms good stone cellar electic light- Perth to nominate a candidate to This is well built and finished AH the vacancy created by toe de- and located on- north side of the late Provincial hi l St close to Main Price Also Double House well finished for two families Rents for per month each end Would bring 10 easy A good price Nice New Frame House Cottage Style rooms modern conveni ences on College Heights Price Brick House on Millard Ave rooms and pantry well built on stone wall with cellar full size good cis tern and excellent of pure water on lot US House in excellent repair close to business parts of town Price SHOO cash and balance on time at per cent New House Eagle street rooms woll loilt largo lot very comfortable home Price Uric House on street north corner of Main and Huron streets rooms all modern conveniences Price easy terms House west side Joseph St near Queen new well built beau tiful rooms All conveniences Two gentlemen were placed in nomi nation viz John Ebbs and Hall when the former was de clared to the party nominee on a vote of to wore opened on Monday a couple of days later two ballots were found in Ebbs envelope favoring Hall and while Ebbs was named as the choice of the party convention Hall Nilcs visited two or dais this wee Sam of pru ford spent Sunday with daugrH Eves Mrs nee Miss Case was in town calling on friends latter of List Week N entertained on Thursday evening last week of her guest dteeve Hunter andN wife left on Saturday for Winnipeg on account the serious illness of her mother Eves and Mrs Cane a party given Mrs Lukes of on Wednesday Ottawa spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs J Rrodie and Sirs John a large surprise party at A iAurora lust Mrs Maw and Mrs are the at the Dominion Alliance in Toronto this week Mrs of I cannot possibly do with out the Era as I for it just a letter Mrs S will be in Toronto at the Spring Millinery Openings next and will re main days Mrs E Manning entertained a of ladles on Tuesday after noon to meet her guest Miss Maude Wallace Lindsay Mrs J were in Toronto over Sunday on ac count of illness their son is from an operation in his neck Mr and Mrs John Currey cele brated their wedding anniversary by having number friends in to sup pert on Wednesday evening when a delightful time was spent Mr Millard Howard of son the Allan Howard arriv ed- in town yesterday and expects to leave for the West in a few days where he is Mr Case of Toronto spent a couple days with his brother- Mr Cose last week He came up to Aurora to attend the funeral of the late Benjamin Case J W of Cedar Grove who formerly resided at Pine Orchard was in Newmarket on Saturday the first time since bis removal seven years ago and met many old friends Mr of Toronto whose professional will be found in another column has been coming here for a number of weeks and has several pupils who are already show ing much improvement Mr Mortimers sale on Tues day was largely attended and prices for all live stock went high Mr Mortimer is exchanging places with Mr Peter on Queen St Newmarket and will move next week Mr and Mrs Mcintosh Mr J Mrs- nt Sunday with her in Toronto Trenton boon for Kelly Mn it Thursday of In her friend froni Wero guestsof Wi ilfc APfaf one NfrrtHQt Who baa In Kinjeston a few vck has SoM oil and reUrned Mis Maud Is a Hi in with her brother pi Richardson formerly a Aurora Miss Annie returned to To ronto on Saturday spending three weeks Bit and Oertrudo a number of ladles on in Miss Maude Wallace Mr Jos Wesley bad a bad all on Sunday evenings W bad just his home for when be slipped on ley pavenWnt striking the back of bis bead Mr Wi i orth cattle for TvIIv Lloyd which will be to his son Mr Frank Lloyd Ranch herd will be in charge of Held who will spend sunn- in the raneh his dog and gun i i If muddle been the out come of a Liberal Convention tho Government press would spent whole week writing on the poli tical of liberals- In an effort to lessen civic charges hi the Hospital Wards City Relief Officer Coyell will send out the fol lowing I beg to notify you that hereafter all patients admitted to your hospital from anyvothe munici pality will be absolutely at your own risk as the City of Toronto will not he responsible for the maintenance of nonresidents This is pretty notice to give in the face of the fact the County has been a contributor if houses on street New mod- t to Hospitals and Provincial Government has made fern conveniences each one with rooms and bath will rent for to grants thereto from the public purse each per month- This Is a good support the samemoneys belong- j opportunity Investment to people outside Toronto lor all Just a little l A Also the following FOR SALE acres U miles south of Oxbow miles northeast 375 acres broken and under cultiva tion- All this has been summer i fallowed the past three years acres summer fallowed last sum met pasture fields water in each about acres in one field and acres in the other Kramo house rooms built years ago at a cost ol Stabl ing for Granary room for bush Wind Mill and Chopper foot wheel 200 bushels No seed wheat one stack of oat sheaves cut green for feed heart horses with their harness and box cutter Hinder Grain Drill Gang plow and sulky plow one sot J Harrows Cooking Range I furniture This j Is a clay loam the verv best wheat in West Price 32 per It re including everything I Vat least cash balance l66o per annum fcHVf with privilege of ravin more at any Payment period with interest at per cent The above farm high level except which includes the hills ordinate along the and an Qf with tailing water City officials if they desire the cooperation of the country SOS I 1 I IAJNDV Agent for 1 gates MeM I Si Ontario A deputation waited upon Pro vincial Secretary last Friday from the Anglican Methodist and Presby terian Churches and asked that too law relating to the hours for sale of liquors be amended as to time us follows from a m ftp in live days in the week from 8 to noon on Saturday and to entirely forbid the sale ot liquor on all legal holidays as well as Sun days Earnest consideration was pro mised St Catharines Out Feb 25 An of scarlot fever has broken out at Ridley eight sen ior scholars have developed the dis ease Feb The Canadian distance of feet yesterday aores ot ground beside the factory of tbo Dominion Mills Co situ- Mills Ltd has secured five will proceed to erect at once a plant employing 75 operatives mostly men and skdlled mechanics London Feb now and not able record of three hours and five minutes tor a flight in a monoplane from Paris to London was made by the wellknown French aviator Mar- has a majority oY the votes Mr Moat Mr and Mrs daughter of deceased and her three Andrew John and Walter Hunter attended the funeral of Mrs Hunter on Wednesday Mr of Lous- ana AUa writes Having a fine winter in vicinity Lous stock all doing fine Good openings tor all kinds of business In now townyon the branch of the TP Dr Alex Henry ot Indianapolis is in town after an absence of IS years lie left for the Slatesin and this is the first time he has crossed the border since He thinks of locating in Newmarket or Aurora Mr and Mrs Warner got a wire last week announcing the death their son Herbert commonly call ed Tot the at Chi cago Warner of Detroit attended the funeral Sad news for the aged couple Mr Church of has mov ed jutd the house vacated by Mr Geo Mrs Church is a daugh ter of Mr Thos Oliver of formerly of Whitchurch Mr Churchs brother has bought the farm in just vacated by Mr Da vis McCarty Mrs- Davis and daugh ter received for the first new homo on Timothy St on Wed nesday afternoon They as sisted in the drawingroom by Mrs Wilson and in the tearoom by Mrs A Mrs J Steck- and Miss of QueensviDe Mrs David and Miss Morton returned from Port last week after spending a with their aunt Mrs They report a fine trip and very enjoyable outings at snow-shoe- dogsleighing snapping the very beautiful scenery In their kodak The big elevator and ships anchored the make excellent back ground Our esteemed friend and former citizen Mr Jacob Johnson of ville gave us a call while in town On Saturday usual he was deep ly Concerned about the development of mineral and pro ducts as well as its tourist attrac tions A deputation waited upon tho Government a few days and received regard the building of another railway through TOWN LINE ITEMS Mr George has been con fined to the for the- last week wHtha severe cold Mrs- Blackburn was also under tlc weather we are glad both nre ok An epidemic of measles is rile district we do not know whether Fred is afraid to venture or thinks prevention is hettier than cures We think the latter The haircut we rim is that performed on Lloyd last week Whether it is Law or Lloyd George style we know not but it reflects the ut most credit artist who piled the shears and displays Lloyds good taste in everything up to date We are glad to learn that Mrs Date of the line is this con valescing list have read North York ten line on the Navy Question in the House of Commons week Those who have not had better d so it la very We wonder it he had it commit to memory as he used to have the Rus sian barley during the cam paign This reminds the write when the P was giving some of his own oh the barley ques tion The writer was about interro gating him when one his suppofterd says Dont Interrupt him he has it by heart and might forget where to start again Ima gine two speeches- one last session saying he denounced the Newmarket Canal but no one but himself ever beard the deuounciatlou and one this session summed up the lucky words He knows the Navy contribu tion is reality for Premier has said so Many were disappointed on Friday night as the carnival billed for Ket- pond did not materialize as the probs failed Severe colds are wry prevalent in many homes in the neighborhood Master Gordon Webster spent Sin- day under parental his weekly visit from Newmarket relaxation from hardware busi ness Leo assisted by his bro ther George from Kinderslcy Sas katchewan is busy laying in his years wood Mr and Mrs Wm Blackburn have returned to their home In the city after an extended visit to the home of his parents BE THOUGHTFUL THE AGED In the rush and of modern life wo think as much as we might of the happiness 0 those wild are growing old have lost so Their often their health most of the friends and com panions who started with them on lifes journey and yetVe often grudge them the brightness and joy so easily put into their lives We will not stay to hear the recollec tions of old and happy days which they love tp tell us wo lot them see so plainly that their day is over and ours has I That those who have borne burden and heat of the day foiled and struggled and worked themselves out for others should be left i to feel lonely and neglected is so sorrowful I We can and ought each and all in place and way something to bring glow of sum mer and remembrance of days of roses and love into the lives fast nearing their winter and their end Port Feb Hans Pe terson a Norwegian aged 20 years working for the Toronto Structural Steel l Company at the Canada Ce ment Companys plant here fell a distance CO feet yesterday and died from his injuries at oclock was young Petersons first day at work and he became dizzy and lost his balance- SB hW l Moalinais to- that territory i Undertaking House You can Cheap For Cash undertaking embalming a specialty calls amended to at reJWeace SAM1MS FOR WRING ARE IN AND THEY ARE to Pro- A firm arid StyKfth awl sella ft Fair Public ot IMilnwUiropwt nro not doing it for health ftro bene- actors howovor they con tribute The Century in Una they fori and to of Good wery Once a Brand Wearer al ways a Century Brand Woarerr of these garments are con- and is no bolter time than now to got with their Merita New Samples to choose from iffervnt Exclusive Styles Made to Your Measure in Days If yon would be Well Dressed join the Century Hanks this Spring W HUNTER SOLE AGENT CRADLE to Mr Mrs Austin Bain a daughter- Sunday Feb Wu Lodge North to Mr and Mrs a daughter on the Feb to Mr and Mrs Emerson a son- filth generation living ALTAR the residence the brides Mallard Ave on Feb by the Rev J Simpson Mr Ben Doner to Miss Granger of Newmarket i THE TOMB on Feb 1913 in his year At oclock Thursday evening February 1913 Marritt at Keswick ge4 SI years Interred at Keswick Cemetery on Saturday afternoon his late residence Yonge Street south of Aurora day Feb Benjamin Case in bis 5Sth year The holiday rush is now over and now get back to our reg ular trade We can supply very best groceries buy you with the that money can 1 Qualify is Our Motto Our Phone No is 35 I Thursday Feb at Toronto youngest daughter of Mr Joseph Meads Funeral at p m Frklay from lo Newmarket Cemetery tlie residence of her soninlaw Geo A Yotston Road Toronto on Monday Feb Maty Hunter wife of Tbos Hunter in her year Interred at Newmarket on VYednes- In Belle on Feb John aged years and days MEGAN In Toronto on Feb 19 Mary widow of John Megan aged years Interred at Newmarket last Friday I In Toronto on March 1913 Louise of the late A Lundy formerly of ket Funeral Friday the de pot on arrival 250 train PURITY AND MOTTO I QUALITY 1 Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson- Phm B MAIN STREET Agent lor and Photo Chocolates TELEGRAPH OFFICE Store Pbbne House Phone No I I -l-rv- MAIN ST Prompt -Attentton- Minister Killed by Fail t Feb Venerable Archdeacon J ACaulbaeh of Truro one of the bestrlaiown clergymen In Nova Scotia was killed this evening at Truro After dinner be- left his residence to visit the central Engine bouse about yards distant In entering the building he fell to the concrete floor the basement thru a trap door a result which death was He was years of age wife who came from Quebec died a few months He has been a ister of England for i v- New and SecondHand Stoves and Sought and sold- Repairs to Metal Brine in vour Bring in your broken articles and have them mended as Good as Mew at Small Cost a fc v top A I mm t OF ONTARIO TORONTO ftffBS3 v- ax wt

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