Newmarket Era, 28 Feb 1913, p. 3

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VJ HUH to v i 1 Weeks Hems Hot P A V don enter bra TAT I OH hi 1 ford after school and bad Ram with their neigh bors to the north Ti score steed it Monthly Meeting OOhC jyilM TOes- Marohin at full is requested Press- Furniture On Square oclock mornings miss it Mel position a and of Town Council was held Wednesday afternoon doomed advertise for man waa some talk of it duties- between two ttfc pre vailed J and j- C3 C and Now Stor ha had a dandy garage built poor residence on Ae Mr Cha Hose now the carter for the Office Specially having the Of Mr Manning Womens Institute regular meeting of the Newmarket Institute will be at the- hews on day Mutch at pm Ow ing to on the in it was decided to postpone above meeting till this date Trapserred Mr Reg lias been in the Bank of In this town last few years has transferred to the Bank of in London Keg is a young man of Milling and fais smiting happy biased by a great many Newmarket left on the of for his new field labor we wish him success Hockey On Thursday- night of last week the OCd of the town back to fold played the OHA team Although the Old Boys were not of they put up a K played great hockey in the nets and Jack Kelly although a little overweight arid Frank Doyle up many looking rushes The paying of Matt was the feature Ho was heav ily at but when he did get he showed some whirlwind playing A rules governed the two rest periods were much appreciated by the Old Either on wind played their usual fast same and the score resulted in their favor Nip After the game Old Boys were treated to a banquet On Saturday nighl Davis and Clarke leather Co of To- played and the ton team won The Clarkes are leaders in the Ma nufacturers in Toronto but they wore not the same class with the locals for speed Turk Doyle A Wry at lbe Mr Grander MUlaixtJAw on Wedniwdav their tcr KsWii to lien Doner of cv SinipW To the Dells played Mount To the entered room toe of hex fatlibr bride was In white silk Wife wore veil caught up with crew of Was in silk iwi carried a attended by his brother Mr Albert of Kindcrsly Alter the ny ftbuftel luncheon serve The fricila from a weft- Miss Birdie Good J Doner wMiSss Lillian and Doner Toronto Mr and Win Mount Keltleby Mr Mrs KelHeby- Mr Mrs Lewis Mount Aurora Mr Mrs John Cook Mrs Miss Marsh Mr Harry Motat Mrs A Stocks Mr Harry Stocks Aurora Mr Carl brother of the bride of Palls Jit Mrs Doner Timothy St Mrs Wide- man and daughter Grace Miss Miss Mr and Mrs and Mrs bride received many useful and costly The happy couple left show ers of Confetti on the southhound train for and Detroit Mr and Mrs Doner upon their return win reside Essies Ave To ronto The party numbering over CO were iicT A and enter four he of be Methodlsl Sunday School on Friday evening A Very Was spent reresKnKnt8 Mrs Irtnn of Was a of Vf Mrs has to her Victoria otter tewvweefaa at Mr a Mr and K KcnncAJy Toron to attended brother The remain of Mr Ken- I Toronto Mr were later red in it bete the parents the tho community A Low a couple of days i g the wide World struck Mr Williams and made a trip to city this week away months Aaleratiuid Mr Lloyd Hoi- linsltend a very close shave of his hist Saturday while in Ai the Auto Show thU va pomincnt ttod tt thru only or roads Yea ami be the to noting else to do but roads the of the States to Wears put Without the Warden Pris on addressed psoples so- of the YorkTillo was as a vlllap in W was the first The corporation annexed to in l6W the year that Mr waywarden- I beginnjng q Is preeid- over Mr docket wis not hut Is seven out thirty coses are against the Toronto DURING THIS MONTH I We Oar Stock Taking and way A ntttrarfet Was made on ftJatUr- of ill It Is trait Welltodo EVERY DEPARTMENT Every Day and at Hours Sale were market have not yet the at the City 1 Closes on February the A I cause town line ap- stuiig in the Mary fiHl to be Will and to bis knowledge a Iwn for what is going to about the ami Match On morning the Albican Church was found to be burning in side As far can he ascertained it up until tire door was causing a Mr wto went up put on the nroe was- the first to discover the Tire Ho managed to smother it down until help arrived when was thoroughly extinguished dam age is great but of course it might have been worse Service was held in the Temperance Hall has let tor Arizona 9 where she will spend some time with Iter sister She will bo very much missed by her The Onward ami Upward Bible Class will meet at the home of Miss Watson on Friday Feb grouped by Artist front to the residence after the ceremony A n Young Society St lauls Church mecon Tuesday to hear a discourse on tho beau tiful Liturgy of the Anglican Church commonly called the Prayer The mooting was opened prayer by the Rector Rev the usual business had transacted president asked the to introduce the speaker of the Rev rec tor Bradford Prayer said Mr though not fnspircd as our was was held in as much reverenco and therefore it was well to know how we came to get our prayerbook and from what sources In the early church there was differ ent liturgies used but all- had the central the of the Holy Sacrament which was and still is the great service of our churcli In early Anglican Church in times there were a of different uses in vogue but was the one which was mostly and which formed ft for our present prayer- book which was compiled in The version of Psalms embodied in it was mado in century and other portions were added to- the book a later but in almost entirely the same form for it had existed then one hundred and ten years and this takes us back to the year Three years before that in the PrayerHook tongue had been published in very first shape Since no change taken place in our During the reign of Mary the prayer was suppressed but when Elizabeth to throne the prayernook was- restored in nil its former elements To go into the history of the praycrixwk fully would take too long so our esteemed visitor only able to touch on tho differents parts and wo that at some future date to have pleasure of hearing Mr ton wlien he go more fully into details Sr Pauls Sunday on Wed nesday evening March at patrb there will bo an Illustrat ed address given under the auspice of the Sunday School and f the Right Hoy his mission work within Circle where he spent years of his ministry Scholars and- parents of scholars and all interested in to bo present in The address will lantern depleting jot the Sale Register jWEPNESDAY March Law rence an extensive sale of farm implements etc on Lot Con GwUlim- Terms months credit Sale to commence at one oclock pm Kavausgh Auctioneer TUESDAY March Moore lot will have a sale of horses grade implements etc at one oclock J Kester Mil ton Centre Road miles south ol Allfcrt will hold extensive farm sale at noon lsual terms J Kester SATURDAY Lee Jones Con Georgina J mile east of will hold an extensive Farm Sale at one o clock Credit to Dec 1st on sums over IV J Kester FRIDAY March Thlrsk lot Con East will hold an extensive farm sale at oclock Usual terms J Kester Auctioneer SATURDAY March Sale of good household on the Market Square Newmarket commencing at oclock sharp Terms Cash Duncan m FRIDAY March Mr Bert Starr will have a sale of Clydesdale Geld ings and general farm stock and implements mile south of Queens- Sale at oclock H Kuvonash Keith Clerk FRIDAY March of Clydes dales Hackneys Roadsters rind im plements on Lot 9 Con 7 Lemon- ville Whitchurch tho property of Win Gideon Raker Terms months Sale at 12 oclock J Prentice Auct TUESDAY March Mr Wanan will have an extensive of stock implements- furniture at Jersey North moa credit at oclock Kavanagh Auct be present Through the kindness pas tor and friends of the Kettleby Meth odist Church Anglican senices will be in tlie Methodist Church the Anglican Church can he re paired at the usual hour of pm Cause for Alarm Loss of appetite or distress after eating a symptom that should not be disregarded TtbraitwholyoueatbutKhatyouv digest and that you Some of strongest persons arc moderate will more tiouMc than a disordered stomach and people through disregard or abuse of stomach Wo urge all who suffer ixi- or dyspepsia to try Dspepsia Tablets with that wo refund paid US without quest ion formality if after use you perfectly with results Wo Tablets to customer every day sn1 have yet to hear of one who ha not lieea benefited- We them be without equal They relief to acidity stimulate of gastric the digestive organs and thus promote perfect nutrition and correct unhealthy symptoms Three cents cent You in this community only at our store Wuiuirktt Ontario j ft In vc d in the United Is in the United different ordinary jvmI particular Remedy for every ordinar for which It is recommended Tbf SttMi an Deux I Wedding Rings i 1 r Our Wedding Kings are Acme of Perfection The Stylo is Work manship and are and the Quality is Plump ink It is of such a Khapft that permits the wearing of two or more other rings oh the Same St Thomas Feb disis- fire swept the Village of Vi enna fast night when six buildings comprising main business pof lion the village wcr destroyed The Arc started in house occupied toy Lewis Johnston and family who were away from home It spread rapidly and it was feared at one time the whole town would be burned to the ground but the heroic work of the bucket brigade kept the flames at bay Is not creditable Toronto Council adopted principle the radial in the Valley with a to Shore road to mid Grand Chapter the governing body Arch Masonry from the Wed in aimual in Temple and is still ses sion Toronto ladies iavo movement are nut us their Old Country about- acting more crazy neither will they the upper story by a march to fool hut To ronto will have representation in the Washington parade testuih mistake Mrs narm njyrf drank carbolic sup posing it to be nhcr Iconise Local Option is in Toronto Not a is new in The growth of temperance unmistakable Six are sworn in i en the City police Sunday night was the coldest this- winter Trains nest day from the district state that the Mercury stood degrees below zero Monday was only two or three de grees warmer but since then nice winter weather has intervened- A grand old soldier who participat ed in that gallant dash- in history as the Charge the Light Brigade passed away Tuesday In the person of George at Garden Ave Balaclava George as he- was known by reach ed the age of SO It in mining circles that severer Toronto People the drop Luck Jim Co The shares- recently drop- ped below ten cents in Winnipeg the bottom having apparently fallen out of the market In conjiuiyion the opening three convention of the On I Roads Association on the Grounds on Monday will he held a good roads exhibition the flfitt ever held in Canada Three officials who were recent removed to Hamilton to Toronto one day last week and were presented with purses of gold by their told asr On Thursday of last week the re mains of the late Rev David Auld were brought from Buffalo and in terred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery Deceased was one ot the old pioneer preachers ot days gone by class now becoming rapidly extinct He labored with the Indians for a lime The Court of finite Mr St Clair rightly convicted Mr Justice Maclaren dissenting Only about hours was length of tho session the Ontario House on Wednesday No wonder the mem bers want to make another raid on the public treasury they want some thing to do Judge Winchesters investigation in to Board Education rants Is making Revelations If begins to look as if skirts some members of the Board are likely to become soiled An Italian who was picking up Prices to Clear Out 1 Sets Single Harness for 10 800 Collars for 190 10 for 695 A Robes for 795 Whips Cents I NEWMARKET t i Cutting the Price of BOOTS SHOES and Leather Up in Price Killed by Explosion families Wiped Out Spain Feb of 200 people killed or by the of a charge of pounds of black powder which- had been laid yesterday by charge of the new harbor works with object of razing an enormous block of rock An Immense concourse of town peo ple had gathered to witness the de molition the hilt separating from the coaling arbor of Mussel a mile- and a half distant The object of the operation was to cut a road way and thus avoid the present long detour When the fuse was lighted and the i explosion occurred instead of the rock being blasted hundreds of tons of and small stones were artillery projectiles among the tonished spectators Whole families were mowed down as well as many of the engineers and municipal offi cials Twenty four bodies have been re covered it is considered certain that the total- fatalities will far ex ceed this number Live Stock Market Hogs are up to off cars In Toronto this week otherwise no par ticular change in prices lift j I THE LADIES STORE wood along the railway track on Gait Feb afternoon the fi a to large chicken house by 36 feet two storeys high on the farm of Dr a mile from on tho west side of the Grand River was totally destroyed by lire and fowls were burned to death The was caused by a spark from stove in the feed house and the whole was blazing within a few minutes The Gait fire brigade was called but could bo of no as- The direction of the wind saved other buildings from being de stroyed The loss is about partly insured NEW ADVERTISEMENTS and so seriously hurt that death ensued shortly after Attendance the Motor Show Is beating all former records Up to Thursday about was riven out as the aggregate Owing to a bursting a quantity of bur fine stock of staples were slightly damaged have decided to clear them AT LESS THAN COST to replace with new goods Sheetings for Sheetings for Pillow Cottons reg for inches Pillow Cases and 10c for and 33c pair Pillow Cottons reg for 12 to inch Plain Sateens to clear at lie MANY OTHER BARGAINS IK TOWELLINGS SHAKERS C W C LUNDY For Sale bush Sugar Beets- Cedar Fence Posts 3 tons Hay Pino Wardrobe good as new Some maple DYKE Armitage P on Monday night celebrated the advent of HydroElec tric by a great gathering In Opera followed by dinner at which addresses were given by Mexico City Feb- tor immediate peace in Mexico is slight Rebel activity in the north in creased and governments efforts toentor into arrangements with the appear to have tailed Quebec Feb Two boys aged three and five Jhe children of Daniel Jarlardeau were burned to death at thel home at Vcdcan- I night left with months old Toronto Markets Fall Wheat per bush 5p Oats per bush 39- Barley per bush 0 fiti Rye per bush 0 Peas per bush 1 Hay per ton U I Butter per lb 30- 35 Eggs per 30 35 Chickens per 0 Geese per It Ducks per lb 0 Turkeys per Newmarket Markets In all from l A CO- Jewelers and Licenses l yffl ft A man to filKthe position In spector Assessor and Chieot lice for the Town Newmarket State and salary ex pected up tb and including March 1813 i ARCHIVE baby was rescue by a neighbor Guelph Feb Joe Fleming abed- fOv son of William Fleming Arth ur met deatii in a terrlUe manner this morning He was employed In the flax mills and became entangled in ft belt Upon noise Mr Cole manager stopped the The unfortunate man expired as released and lew from the fcody trunk Coroner Feb Fall Wheat per bush 0 Goose Wheat- per bush 0 Buckwheat per bush Barley per bush v 50 Oats per bush Bran per too 0 Shorts per ton a Hay per ion new- Eggs per doz 0 S3 Butter per 0 Potatoes per Chickens -1- Ducks- per IK Turkeys per tt- ttr0 Let Your Next Suit BE SEMIREADY i New Spring Styles A AND Samples have Arrived THEY ARE THE BEST EVER SHOWN IN Style Fit an I Time to lk out lister IF F ONTARIO mm TORONTO Xtf mm

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