Newmarket Era, 28 Feb 1913, p. 4

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A US Oyer How gfe Health Who Take Her Advfcew one of the flesh- beir to in the coniWoeto make life burden causa fa disordered Dr Indian They root of the I rouble put the liver right the atom- clear the and J MkbVI want to tell bow much good Lydla and Sanative done mo I live on farm and worked Very hard am fortyfive old and am the mother of thirteen Wren Many people think ft atrange that I am not broker down with hard work and the cans of am- but I tell them of my good friend Vegetable Com pound and that there will be no back ache and bearing down paint for them if they will take it at I have lam scarcely ever without it In the I will also that I think there do better medicine to be found for young taken action on the part of ronW with apparent ympahy or portion souicvi York to rftfc Join ho city in the Registry Is by any degree V Nqrth The At first of which bounty M unite with in erection of present House and City Hal wnibinpd has resulted plac ing an undue burden the rate payers of the County and now foe eonTrrfeiKXQt the of the an Is la kind way to rtfh v 1 Dr Morse Indian Root Situation In In Ilenvet tHot- MfniVatte the Conjoint the of art entirely too fond of surgical of now prof to compel to appotjdi- it j Is nothing frbo ifftU this at but it 1 stop the too liberal use -i- Store WW Hill- Ointment 4 the Aurora Recount Wans explore to assist bis The the decision of- the Sit- least so says a press Quinine SPECIAL FOR ut day March the 1st To BvAry Mftkin a to of our BOOKS- It over lOOO of rook- nd otfivr for home of accident Mi regular irc oil SI mi fiOc Urns Hill Vigor ftartprllia MoBabieV Own Army Caustic or- girl My eldest daughter has taken Pinkhama VcgeUble Com- for painful periods and Irregular- and it has helped ben lam always ready and willing to speak a good word for Pink Vegetable Compound tell every one meet that I owe my health and happiness your wonderful medicine Johnson Mich Vegetable Com- pound made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics or harmful drugs and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for womans known v 1 ABOUT way I How I I Why J m mwiAil nothing with to ion and of to satisfy any longiiii for further So York Is had wo two southern Hidings and formed an our County rates be Ifhter and the money would bo in the instead nnotber wo notice that the Special Commit the Council had urged to flavor proposed sesliotv for a Joint Hogistry Office to at a cost of assuming liability cost of maintenance and the County yis per cent of of the total cost as tent The gram further remarks This would the to the County J The present County sity to be worth and the annual cost is being six per cent of the cost plus- for heat light So far as the County is concerned the people want security but there is no desire to pay taxes simply for ornamentation of the city One quarter the expenditure proposed would refit and make fireproof one- hall of the present Municipal leave In the Spring and be gone aPeii that of by-law- tbe tout jeats ore will a d on the part of loo quired to tlon must be declared In Courts wefo that- votes be re te deducted onfdalVOaieUertl from the The for th in- Opposition tejmodonV vjewa Judge of all boilers under will on the scrutiny deduct to that proper It In both Court North Pule J supporters will case the work cut to tty- proclamation In the Ontario for 6ft these reforms when ABSTRACT STATEMENT ACCOUNTS OP Year 1912 Clergy Ketone Inter est en Iand Til- of 193 l- Ol MM of North no doubt about It si 1115 Codec legal vote from either aide because rials ate used and- safe of he cannot tain forwhich side construction employed object is they were cast ltt6 Secure in Pari lu- delating of a local option by- form maximum touching the law Invalid has done -be- Jons it has been Arranged at the bar of fore in Ontario and creates a situa- granted la Province will La Montreal which And Us way to the in any other to fell to Provincial Secret and should this of the Dominion So of the House of out to be case at Aurora Ontario is concerned the Province had paid On there will new election next will be into districts with last Mr flureaii of J- and district made reference to this SO I by the people to pass legislation covering the point just raised This that 1 1200 50000 Timber Brown cedar a I in iMgur old A A Co Refund Excessive Freight Refund Tax returned- Railway Tax Hank Interest Loans Loan from Bank of Toronto Legislative School Grant Leg A County School grant Clergy Reserve Fund Int 450XS Salaries A Allowance A Printing titirity Tux i i of Loom Notes Sheep Dogs j St Total balance km A that he ltad never paid money loony A press despatch Ottawa says Parliament deputation from Toronto makes reason why so ioeriuR point raised Tmsi the deputation from Toronto state o affairs may present itself in week con- American exchange the Aurora recount sidenxtfon when tor that one teas The recount and scrutiny penalties in the matter of wife te the farm Saturday at Aurora in the Town Complaints which are being which was crowded interested per- coming to Canada sons- Mr Irwin and the old country quite Thcinas KC appeared of late deserting their wives DrLGTHOMS9NR iUCtr TO in Adelaide street and serve purpose of the county for tii the supporters of the bylaw and Mr James KC and for the opponents liquor interest attacked J NEW YORK DENTISTS TORONTO S5 Profitable Poultry Actual yield or four months layers Dec 740 Jan Feb a record for winter toy ing through a severe which it hard to aurpaM Buy your eggs or batching a strain Island Reds which ere without a peer table fowl an egg producers eggs for Newmarket Co nici trust the members the County Council will give tills matter some thing more than a mere passing con sideration- families The deputation asked for heavier penalties and deportation The deputation also asked the all i law be made morc strinnt against and give etc We trust- have their desires Ontario Legislature property owners in Aurora but it is J contended were there for j last with only three months prior to the election jbers in the House the case is that a voter in- majority forced Hon Mr advertently voting in different wards tcry Mil to a seoomV Mr many boys leave the farm for the city la because of the failure of the fath er to take the boy Into his confidence and make clear to him that he is not merely a newer of wood and carrier of water but that he is in lull part with him and has personal in terest the success of work We are very much inclined to think that those farmers who assure sons tliat even a small share of the from the sale a cow or horse or other animal over to them to save or 541003 ASSETS Office Furniture Road Planers j American Grader Steel Tile Tax Clergy Capital Cash on hand in Current t Collectors Salary Clerk A month Loaned to from C It Capital faterest on acct in due Schools 1913 Balance of Assets in excess of 269ft 32 I Greenhouses 8t f Winter Bloom Nice Large Boston Ferns each Primrose writo or pink each PEAS NARCISSUS CARNATIONS DAFFODILS EASTER LILIES Work on and Funeral Sfcortiest Notice lettuce Parsley Water Cress Carrots Parsnips and S The The question of conferring the fran chise on married having a property qualification was discussed to some extent in the Legislature one day clause in the new Act now before the Legislature to prevent cor rupt practices reads as follows A who himself or- by any person on his behalf person who hires or promises to pay or pays conveyance to carry voter to or near tie polling place or the travelling expenses of a voter in going to a polling place shall be guilty of a corrupt practice and shall incur of Under the provisions of a bill now before the Ontario House any cor poration big or little will bo given power to cast one vote on a money bylaw fi Mr L P P has intro duced an to the Voters List Act to give to married women and life sixth that of a voter who cast bis vote in a subdivision in which he did not reside As to lost two it contended by tbe local that the Judge has ju risdiction on a scrutiny that the Governineut- had not taken the vice ot paid inspectors In framing the jHe movedrAThat It is the duty of the Government to immedi ately introduce principle factory regular inspection so as to more The Toronto Star remarks Mr effectively safeguard the- lives health Armstrong of North York if and physical and moral wellbeing of tho were to be a series the men women children would vote against ployed in factories and shops This i He also says thatJ Catonda it cannot man two fleet units If Canada cannot organize main tain a fleet what can she do but on contributing North York is waiting to hear Mr Armstrongs an swer amendment was voted down by a vote of to and Aurora Factories will please make a note Wile possibly a tempting salary be- a factor in the ministerial life of some clergy to has recently shown it is far the predominating thought able men who have taken vows The News mentions the fact that two young Baptist clergy men in Toronto Rev John McNeil of the Road Church with a salary of has refused go to a New York Church where having necessary property quail fica- he would have assistants and long of he franchise the holidays Rev A Cameron of Same as now given widows and PURPLE Stock Poultry Specifics We will f as now spinsters Government it Is expected A a in our fatten by our lo Vir Canada TSJSffi No farmer bo will this week provid ing for the appointment of Municipal to govern public utili ties It is not to make the Act compulsory Commissioners to be elected by he people the vamp as councillors Mr McDonald has Introduced a hill to amend tho Ontario Election Act The Appellate Division of the Su preme Court gave Judgment last week allowing the apical of the City of against the Metropolitan Ry Co Tfre agreement with York County Council for the Companys charter calls tor Yonge Street and ends the business The same agreement says that cars shall not be run on Sunday and doubt the Appellate Court will so decide on appeal As the Court stated section it is very distinctly set out that the acquisition of the fran chises shall not enlarge or extend them or enable the appellant company to exercise the powers to one common of and 10 all and mans ter it provides for repeal of subsection a section and substitutes following Who is of the lull age of years or will be of age during the current calendar year which tho Voters List is prepaid he Legislature in Committee you SSra a poor ffSiunJr amendment to the Muil- tftt lu no will ana hi month Royal block without ffiffi or lb one Tn which v pal Act extending wh days to three months to bring tFJFJF against to recover It a hre day damages from on highways OVL POULTRY will ft rjS oo1a ore any on the in true to his congregation under sim ilarly tempting circumstances Tho KinR contributed to the fund of Catarrh that Contain Merc ury As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell anil completely derange the whole- system when entering it through the mucous surfaces articles- should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possi bly derive from them Halls Ca tarrh Cure manufactured by P J Cheney Co Toledo contains no mercury and Is internally acting directly upon the blood and hold Poultry M KHlrr if 0c tin WebotlU- CuW coo ir Million Damage in you get the genuine It is taken In ternally and made In Toledo Ohio by J Cheney Co Testimonials free Sold by Druggists price per bottle Take Halls Family for con stipation Chicago Feb Damage caused by the sleet storm which gripped this city for 30 hours was at Although the fall of rain and elect stopped early today tho citv still practically is isolated from the out side world as practically air are and it will to hours before repairs canvbo The storm compelled electric Una between Chicago Elgin and Aurora to shut down for sever al hours There was much damage in the parks where hundreds of trees were broken doRn by toe of Ice- Quads of were busy W Supplies Booklets lay restoring the thousands of from graph telephone electric an trolly J wires which under the Nowmarlfrt or prejudiced The in the West I local may lie according to law but as Rev Spence says it is an outrage and against all sense of justice If this law enact by lawyers in Legislature it means that they nave so legislated that I he of opponents of local option should eount in favor the perpetra tors of the fraud As Mr says Look what it means ta us combined with the threefilths re quirement When a- per son votes against local option his ballot in the box destroys one and a half of our local option votes and then in tlie case of a recount- de stroys still another so that Illegal vote cast destroys two-and-a- half local Option votes Let us the will be corrected during the present session of the Legislature spend as they may would be mutually advantageous and tend to streugtUm honie ties that they would be very loath to sevec The son very seriously dislikes- to feel under obligation of to his father every time he wants cents and all too frequently this mines him to leave the old farm home and thus remove a sense of obliga tion he feels to be Irksome and In New York Society BEAUTIFUL WOMAN OF TE LUXURIANT HAIR In gay York where womeji get Ideas from foreign sisters the hair Ionic called PARISIAN Sage at cents- is in great demand PARISIAN Sage is the discovery of a wellknown scientist and he claims emphatically that it is only hair preparation that twill kill the perslstentdandruR germs At any rate the R Booth Co Ltd of Fort Erie Canadian manufacturers of PARISIAN Sage give through ibis guarantee the strongest ever given guarantee PARISIAN Sage to end in two weeks to stop falling fiair to make dull lifeless and colorless hair beautiful and lux- co euro all Itching diseases j of scalp or money back Adair Norton formerly principal or public school for nearly 30 years died in that town at the age of To the Municipal of tte township of Whitchurch Gentlemen We the undersigned your Auditors do we have examined the Securities and accounts the ami the Securities satisfactory Cash for the amount of balance as Dec 3it and vouchers for all We have the honor- to be your obedient servants J P FORESTER J A VanNOSTRAND AudiUra Finally audited and allowed this day of Feb Clerk SENECA BAKER Hare Hand a Urge of White Norway Hemlock ale Order Special M Door- Sash Flooring of Georgia Ron to OraW work Dressing Turning AU Sec Work THE WM CANE SONS CO LTD Home Attractive For keeping young folks at home is no quite like making the home attractive For making home attractive there are few things quite so effective as a Gerhard Heintzman Cure Worn ft iidrr Browns Nurseries weight ice J J Are famous for their fine Peach Apple Plum and Cherry trees They have the best nursery soil In Cana da and are the largest growers of tries in the Dominion All scions and budsticks are cut by one man and he bos been in their employ many years so notnUtakea are made by usfog wrong scions or buds Sender Catalogue or write for agescy as they have- sonic unoccupied county BROS CO BRQWNS Liberal members of the Legislature held a caucus on Thursday last week at which four were freely discussed and since then twohave already taken definite shape before the House The caucus decid ed favor introducing immediate ly he temperance policy propounded last session of which Mr has since given notice Another matt was Jo demand modern up-to- date factory act for the better pro tection of workmen and women and children and oa Friday when Government asked tor the second reading of tho revised factory act Mr objected claiming it was not sufficient niotern to meet situation The third question Children FOR Ft m ij which anyone wm play Make your home a contreof aclfiofa for your and friends Music will help perhaps pre than you realize They take pndo and delight in any and all they may dance The piano player is the great solver of the one most parental and of all player pianos GERHARD HEINTZMANis the beet It show you why this is bo J to brent Wood Sitta ASTORIA g JrrC tz seas V OF ONTARl Wyjc Ml fta

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