fe mis WW vr r it I V I I MOUNT ALBERT B Myrtle the has been hi ill for several days Etta Wrton friends in town Hi Lesley Brooks was in town on Tuesday old friends prior to his departure where future v I ion I BROWNHJLUJ at his homo In The man from too city makes little lot handling wood loads a couple ho eon Mrs- Spending Of WmW with heparents Mr Hamilton Rot in a ear of The skaters and the are the S it Mr iioi nrar I At at toe ins Juror on on lit French had a sale pi Worses on Monday and has moved with his Toronto where he has a home on Av V Oliver sale Tuesday Vail largely attended ami most He will move into town and the W err owned by Mr- Tohn jOhuroh the jf Many are taking advantage of the cold snap their houses with ice the mill roevnt sleet has out cement walks very dangerous placos lady hail a bad all on but was fortunately not- The walks ate kept it to pre sent this iev Zephyr will have the last Carnival of the season mi Wednesday March is scarce week jwill some of the friends kindly help out next week Christian also in Hip Ills do fol low l carrying on his calculations as tt boiler On a are assisting vWctcnryntiYt Mouldy and disagreeably sflaVv l fa l and jMUe large wIon during the Wi than a truly Signed Dunbar Isaac passed away ilo M reading paor noon on be a Stroke rWiJOVlnghls and 1 pronounce ft deserves this dXproisUw fit lrood no ft most at did 5omohingfot Mrs an tfH sold an much wgM him Wa visitor the Fair for the Since- the Methodist great if one Church at there ask talk thiHrservii tid ing signs of at Ino Thurs day by all his family Ho was horn la England bn the of and dairtft this country U ajpel with is Mrs l0tM asking permission for Iransfcr ho donated to tho from of to foi Chil dren nbW by the It Was at out meeting by a Should and letter to this effect has leen sent to Mrs fc A WOMANS sjw itii aw Sidh iTwWnhQa i it ffert of QufcoWiVilro close lu favor thi worth League Mar The Virgias Matt Sandy Milne Korea A Miracle of Missions John ft Speaker Mrs McNeill Reader Nellie Smith I A Card i s ffe the undersigned hereby agree ell package of five standard size boxes Silver Tip Silent twenty cents Quality guaran teed- i ROSE The Thing I Smith Wright Si Social Service Matt ShakerMabel Wright Header Arthur Milne soAnnual Review- Sec in SpeakerElla Milne Reader Milne v KKSWICK ri i H PECC Dealer all kinds of Wood Coal Heaters Steel and Cast Ranges Cut ters Sleighs Peter Hamilton Farm Implements Gasoline Engines all sixes Ideal made by Steapley The number ot Good Cook Stoves Cheap funeral of the late Isaac Mar- w largely attended It Waj very notable for the large number Mr will be miss ed very much in dur village He has very useful and honored citizen Mr is the smile a proud father in the ion of a daughter omens Institute has formed Pan WW gooxl thing coma out Verily do Johnnie would speak up good nui ft Picnic is a holiday in A from Morton per his amanuensis Spokane or Spooky have heart ft an he and his little mama Stella are doing famously The young is after his gtcal grandad the late North J J Foster our Is doing a rushing business be ready for needy ones nest year Mr ttilly Baylor have one hum and seventy acres of land to farm this year and an acre Is waste Master Foster ttill be his first lieutenant came home from the city chock full enthusiasm Hed been to see Major and got n of taffy- Mr VerylMgMan Ma- berry big man You pat- mo on the back I pat you on the back The Major musketry in structor to the York and you upon it he is a good one of the regi ment show hnt the Major has been a champion in shoot ins even the first and Rangers He was his grandfather on iM Is years sine I Column North ami resided on the present top years ago ho leu Mary Ana OiiKh to Albert who died yoafa ago lie three two sons nil located in North Mrs Ira Stephens John and a great many ftrandehildren to mourn loss recently held the Christian Church was a very enjoy- able The selections jcutionist Violet were admirably chosen and well rendered The Methodist and Sun- day Schools Keswick arc nt present aggressively at work During the past year former has started Crallc Roll and also a Home Department the latter two organized bible classes a teachertraining class Tha of local public school have recently had a installed whlci is tho kids fine style It is a pity that the recent prolonged holiday could not be considered the holiday so as to loose so much of the seBool time Splendid sleighing which is making it splcndici to team out the MAKING This to be much placed lor this busy paradoxical as It appoit there is sense On the of our made this remark the other day the Una effort he was So- whatever it it be Idle or The art ourselves useless is one we ought to leath A lew years ago a was breaking dowft were and tie was badly you take a vaca tion said his pastor in a Wmlly How- can lie replied there is one to take charge of my business When I do go away they bother life out with Here was a man who to do thing He was too particular about ev erything done his way The result was tltat one could please him and he could not trust them We did not sec that there was more DR P remedy for box of Dr JTmt PIERCES PLEASANT PELLETS OTOMACH UVER AND BOWELS THE DOMINION BANK OJ A Manager Cpll paid up RaMHpi Total Business Men On Farms lka towns and good dm of which this In addition to Ihelr Savioga they open CheckfngAccoUnts and ill payments by Cheque The Bank promptly Dlscouuta Sales Notes and kind of banking business Ae you affairs In business like way MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager coaled under his coat when the chief interrogated him lie quickly drop ped three to the pavement where they were- smashed and the contents were lost Chief took the re- in suffering the loss of tew bottle and landed Patterson mis tales than there was in trying j On te snooting even grain and get in the wood and ice early davs of always an ic water he was DWDavidson REAL MT ALBERT Mastic sports On the with the oars Even the great Hanlon himself was little Reeve had Sutton if any better Council inspect the Miss Gordon Gum Swamps charm- installed lightning plant at school marm paid a visit last Richmond Hill on Tuesday night weeU to the little Yankee school The ice harvest is in full swing Mrs J Crvdcrman Well at Jacksons Point Ice is a Owl No sicht toH sample being about sixteen A large class is assured and lessons W o fereaisRiu o clear will start in ftt future I the Stewards of the Sutton a Domestic Science Class Now look here srts stop and think Per haps sometime in the future this would come in real handy carry the whole business on his own shoulders He should- have to useless ami raisfc up a staff of assistants that could run business in his- absence Are there not some mothers who to learn this art They think their daughters cant do things enough so they must putter around through his counsel and drudge till life is unpleasant for and those near why not let our own ideals things o for time being and let some one learn as we had to Then if we art- laid aside or have more to do than v i FOR SALE- Come to Albert and see the very houses I have lor sale and also the hustling town we here Locate here and enjoy many the facilities not found except In much larger places and acre Large Double House and one- third an acre Small and Stable and an acre fi08tfroomod House good stable and two Lots good orchard House and House good Stable and two Lots U5ft house good Stable and three Lots Brick Dwelling Stable and J acre 200OLargo House rooms largo i Barn 34x suitable livery all practically now Large Brick Dwelling large Stableiand two Lots Large Brick Dwelling large Stable A acre also small shop Most of places almost any arranged Bo sure to seethe above beforo you locate C DAVIDSON Box 30 Mount Albert We Represent A iF Royal Fire Insurance Co i Fire Insurance Co Fire Co General Animals Insur ance Co of Marriage Done J A MoFARLAHD in ita Mr Percy Kerr Toronto spent Sunday with his sisters Miss Ruby Kerr at Mr John sister something to do with it I dont The meetings are stead ily growing in interest ami attend ance Next Monday nigrt is con secration meeting All members ore and make this Roll Call perfect The subject is Th Ideal Christian His Activity Miss Morton is to be tne lead er There has been six delegates sent from the two churches the Dom inion Alliance Convention in Toron to A from tla convention will bo given by the delegates next- Monday night Is Conscience Your Mentor Next Monday March 10th there will be a debate in the Christian Endeavor Resolved that Conscience is Infallible This should be n very interesting and helpful discussion Messrs Levi and Roy Morton spent weekend with their patents Welt Well Well Dame Ru mor was badly fooled again ami she isnt married yel Be careful Dame and wait until it is all over aid re gistered before you start out again concert held in Christian ChVirCh last Friday evening was firdt- in quality in attendance only fair as weather was very harsh Miss Violet left very fav orable on the minds of all who hoard her MH deal of complaint of cold this severe winter the colder the weather the warmer my feet are they should try the Cayenne Pepper odist Church have received do nations Mr Bennett ot New market It is not these Cheques that demand the sterling that place Mr but it is their We miss them our loss is New- remedy did Id rather and his family so high in have feet cold as the North Pole of the monitors of the make a fellow get Around as j Methodist Church lively as a dose turpentine to a sterling character dog and more but Prof 1 Dales will preach at the markets Christian at good Furniture and low prices- Sunday Match 2nd Subject- saw God and did eat and drink On department The sale is account of the temporary the at of service in j Church a cordial invitation Is tended to the friends of that neigh- to attend the weekly alter- Obituary noon service Baldwin following in the coop On Monday Patterson appeared in the police court with keeping liquor for sale without the by law He en tered a plea of guilty and one of the witnessfes required not being present the case was adjourned for one hour On the court resuming the defend- Bruce plea of not guilty and entered a plea of guil ty and asked for leniency The magistrate imposed a fine of 525 and all we can get with there will bo Others to help Ministers ought to learn litis LOOSE END IN ACCIDENT COM will propose starting a chair in our theological colleges to teach thfis art Better it is well said get ten mens Ottawa Feb In lour- storey brick block on Albert Street this resulted in a about 11600 SCHEMES moving work yourself Some preach- are steward sexton trustee as well as pastor the flock These all noble offices but every man to his iob Some so fill the round of duties that many of the able- bodied office holders on their charges wonder how they will get men to fill their places A PARTY- How alcohol counteracts the protection of working men is the theme of an article by Dr in the of the German Society of Abstaining Workmen May and June Ho calls alcohol the of pro- i at following is The mill is going splendidly and Wis paper ado is moving in and Ive actually j being a M en Frank smile of Sutton and wo little copied from a deceased Mrs Geo born at I- a HI Insure Success taking a practical course la cut of Shew Schools by or by Mail Ad- by so doing quickly prepare to a good salary Him- people do this every Why not you Free catalogue Write lor It Address Shaw Pre- sWeat St Toronto- a It I 1 For Sale trot Albert and I the vicinity Albert Real durance w vSETvw a large to for last week Sorry to hoar of Beit Coles dwell ing being burned last week Mr and Mrs spent Wednesday with at Mr Herman has joined the Oraclo drawing competition of Toronto One our went hunt ing lat Sunday Dr Bliss is around once more part of tho service lftst Sunday was In charge of Prof Pass- Toronto who dlil service Solos Miss dte Miss Stephens and Miss Barker new organist Mr Klbg will have charge next Sunday pastors talks On Samson have been Very suggestivo and helpful to the development christian char acter The series will be finished next Sunday evening the subject to Strength trade seen Ice at our Long John Is chief Some green ones services for Joseph White- try to cut their own but their work bread who died at his home shows as much science as a barber cutting hair with a knife and fork To keep well ice must be cut in square blocks Pleasant weather now looked for as a South Palm St SatuiVlay evening will be held there at two oclock to- afternoon The Rev Williams will the officio ting Mr Whitebroad hail suffered for a- year with paralysis of the throat He was born in the province of Canada June IS 150 and I before coming to this city about a year ago he was employed by mills He mourn their loss a wife two sons George and Charles Washington a daughter Mrs A this city and a number of grandchildren Mr Charles arrived from Washington yesterday as a storekeeper and sawfiler 1 leaves to mourn their BELHAVEN Prof J Dales will preach in the hall next Sunday- evening at I have Sale 4 wWte frame house thing in CASTORIA My lather my father the chariots Israel and the horsemen thereof So snake king of reli gious loader of his time and sd ev ery good man is a bulwark of his community and indeed of his coun try Our community feels that a stronghold has in the passing away of Mr Isaac who was Maid away on tins hillside at Queensville Feb 23nd Mr spent the major part of his life in the township of North and has been prominently identified with Its affairs during all these years lie was for some eleven years Reave of the township and enjoyed an enviable reputation for IntolliKunco and uprightness In all his dealings He was also for years tho lo cal- conveyancer and magistrate Many of docu ments in the registry bear his distinctive hand aui tho low of the community always knew that ho would temper with kindness But probably in the relig ious life of the conwnna- bis influence will be longest For many be was an active member of Church and loyal to it and Its ministry In way be yet broad enough to see good everywhere whether In man or cause and to lend his active assist ance to everything that was tot the general moral His ser vice was conducted by bis pastor A McNeil in the church wiiicb tor sale mm mm Newmarket a former pastor also spoke a re sponsive chord to every heart toe li Chapter I I The Masquerade Ball given by Laura Sec Chapter I was most successful Town Hall was well filled and with the small ad mission of a gross total of tig was realized Expenses totalled leaving balance of to be sent to Free Hospit al for Consumptives A letter re ceived In acknowledgment xf Same Is copied The general thanks of is tendered all who so willingly and so generously assisted by their presence and by donations in provisions and money Als to Mrs Greenwood who spared neither pains nor time in making the arrangements and was helped by a number at the members Following Is a copy of thet letter received It is indeed to bo reminded again this year kindness of your members in think ing of the needy Consumptives under our care after your Masquerade Ball It is a pleasant surprise also to find that the amount Is so substantial Your cheque tor received trust you will take an early 1 assuring those who were sponsible for the success of the ven ture of the sincere thanks Board of Trustees for their continued sympathy and When financial result has been so Is factory I feel sure that Ball itself went oil and that your Chapter and their had an exceedingly enjoyable time Wnd at is also WW Rood wish for tho success A young society woman of New York city desired to give a birthday party on the occasion her twenty- filth Instead however of inviting friends to her home and spending large sums of money on vi ands and flowers she decieod that she would give away four hundred doVlat to the poor of the city Accompanied by her mother and n po liceman they went to a street corner on a fore twelve oclock midnight the dis- tributwu of the dollar bills among the poor stranded men and women who passed by l am so sorry and such like expressions fell from that ladys lips as one niter another un fortunate forward to his donation l hope you a pleasant evening society style as rode away with tears in her eyes in her sailing automobile This young lady in doing this of act was directly carrying out the admonitions of Jesus who told People in His day that when they made a tuey were not to call those who were rich who could re pay the hospitality but rather the poor who could not meet social We greatly in need of people who will carry out this principle today a young lady makes a patty it is customary to ln- trends and to it entirely those who are praotically strangers in the com munity and who are tar away from their homes Entertainment has be come largely a thing of exchange hospitality When a social evening Is being for a hostess will usually invite to her house those who at some time invAted her What a hlesslng would to our hearts it Christian people mould open homos more frequently tor those who are poor in earthly fellowships and who seldom taste the delights the homemade meals or feci the thjrltl homelite courtesies I built chimney tor a comrade old- si did service not for hope of hire And then I travelled on in winters cold Yet all the day I glowed before the of working men not as used in but whfin used regularly and considered indis pensable It takes thi absolutely workman to avoid the danger accidents and the unheigenic In factories amid the i whirl and roar of machinery and air filled with gas and steam It is much more difficult Now Ready a brim full of good Col or the farmer print 12 Of l J Or J vr l Jc Valutle Your choice of new varieties still not until lance of Dont Mail with your name arid Your yquHt will attention State If crow vegetable or for market as we have a special price lliU Write white its in aiiinJ HUNTER 3 LONDON CANADA 1 MONTREAL a- It it all Hz THE STANDARD la the mar to avoid these dangers- it he is I Newspaper of iximinfw not master of all his mental and phylot sical powers if his hands lack the certainty and his eves are in any way dimmed It can not be often enough repeat- jriff procuring photographs from that numerous serious and fatal ail wr ilii world accidents in factories and workshops Mondays speak too plainly to make it hidcpiuKm possible to exonerate use of alco- A hoi The Scientific Temperance Fed- any in oration- a Children FOR FLETCHERS Canada or Groat UrltnVn TRY It FOR 1912 Montreal Standard Publishing Co fc I Limited Publisher Clean pots and pans with GOLD DUST Edwin CANT DO IT lb Ho easy under Local Option license The Enterprise records the following incident J Saturday CWet always on tho alert ran Patterson yonthot years was literally bulging with GermS of decay accumulate on pots and pans and ordinary soap and water only clean off the surface s Gold Dust does the does it right It digs deep after germs cleans like a new whistle and leaves your pots and pans as new as bright as the day they were newand sanitarily Gold Dust does this work half the time required by soap or any other cleanser Does if Gold Dust cleans every thing like magic a i I Gold is sold in 50 and large pack- The large S means tfreaW economy yy Four bottles of oval s JH I I S3 i m sea mm OF ONTARl TORONTO