Newmarket Era, 28 Feb 1913, p. 8

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IV h 1HAiSilX v I the fast bad ifnl nil nets I could digest foot ami everything the agoniidg pal In I also had a earful attack of limes I no of the foe doctors attended for two years and gave nil kinds of medicine but did me no good My weight came to only So pound and everyone thought was going to dh Finally I bad tile good fortune to and as soon I to take I felt better persisted id the treatment and to great joy I steadily Improved I feel Very well Heigh pounds and this Is more than I ever before my 111 I ftttHbutcnly cure solely and entirely to and can never praise for saving my life all who suffer from Dyspepsia and Cons- ypallon recommend a miraculous remedy Mrs ANDRKW a bo for trial tire At dealers or from tires KM dr of QuwaVtlle a hero on Sunday Messrs Kit surfe undergoing medical who Ill wjth s Improving slowly Mr cutting teed lor a number of toft far Mini Mr Gladstone Newmarket spent Saturday at Ws On tlo so KINO CITY New Houses or Sale K frame All conveni ences t to T Iho Womens will bo bold at Mia two oclock following to yWTbo VMUd of too in Horn CQasthttalif by- A A Ferguson on its awl Work by Weils Vests and by nee Call to by All ladles- ate inWM to attend The KinY on of Cha Fletcher and fceen made under Ms personal for over SO Allow no one to deceive you is IbU Countcrfeitav JmlteUdiu and Jlatergood ftrobui Experiments and endanger the health of Children against Experiment What Is CASTORIA is a substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Morphine iter other ago it It guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverls It cures and- Wind It Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It the regulates Stomach and Bowels healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Mothers the Kind Yoo Always Bought Boars the Signature of In Use Over SO Years Must Be What have to stop your from ypa Cried to try It at our risk MttWl and you MHiirTomgaWrdiha for thirty days wuT of that I yoii satisfied ant us so wo will your money Wo wont as promise- aayihlnV Wo Wont even We your more word and moaoy totoason that must bo ft and WQ Tunic dona of others hat wo back it with our wilt remove your aoalpeomiorUblo and healthy promote and to provenl wo will pay or treatment should It fall to Wo you any- You buy and hot r and wo will hand back what paid us Two sfceVooa and a bottle buy Hair In this Only at our BRbUGHTOrt Ontario Id For Sale 5 acres more or Joes of Bush Pasture Land spring water creek Lot Cm J DAVIS Newmarkjot Sale si For Brick in the growing manufacturing Town of Main and Water Streets very suitable for a doctor Roche Co 0 For Sale or to Rent store and dwelling bouse fa Jit Albert next door Bank first class business location further particulars apply to MISS Lock Box Albert For Sale or to Let A Dwelling and Acres Laid situated on the 3rd Con of about one mile from stable driving lienbouse and good water Apply to STEVENS Huron Street Farm tor Sale lis acres of fust class clay land acres under Bam aeArly a new roof and vi stone foundation a stream water beside bars Frame with cellar aid a good hard water pump acree of new bay five old hay four acres fall wheat acres tall rye a good and softwood bush and a cedar near house take rails or wood full parti culars apply to Fergus Kennedy Lot Scott came very suddenly to of Sixth Di vision Court tor the County of York on Wednesday of last was found- by- some la the shed ot the and taken to Vic for a glass of water but before the water was brought to him dropped fceart failure Another man under the influence of had a close call from Wing frozen to death bight A party driving up Street found him lying in road party back and notified Constable who bad him conveyed to the lockup where- he spent night the not been found he would un doubtedly have perished with the cold I Whitchurch Officers Anointed at the last Meeting of the Council A Eh Cook John Moukman George Olivei Archibald Dyke Fred Geo Oliver- Johnson Miller J a TOWN LINE 11 No iGio Millard liUf lab Marsh P Vernon Walter P Atkinson TOWN LINE EAST No Holland Landing t BRADFORD Town Real Estate Office NEWMARKET BUILDING CO iiT Houses from up IMm and sold on easy A number of uptodate sale or rent ranging to have been secured at a price and will be sold at a Houses and lots well situ ated We also Invite you to call on M our prices for supplying and building houses completed ready for occur The material will be car lota at the lowest whole- silo W Before buying your tor our prices First loss have been work aa as lag e start the spring on first mortgage on property Accident Stela Fire Insurance at Use steal Estate Office Ing sell town property call Phone IMC Methodist Mission Band enjoy ed its annual sleighrWe and tea on afternoon- While driving from here to Bond Head Monday Mrs Jos Keanoy was so unfortunate as to drop her handbag containing about vigorous search was made but wo have been unable to learn whether it has been recovered or not- An interesting debute took pl at the social on the sub- loot Resolved that more crime than poverty The was taken by Dr Ellis and Mr while Mr and Mr S upheld the negative side of the ques tion The judges some dif ficulty in coming to a decision in of the affirmative Last week Reeve Win Wood sold a six months old colt Tor He also refused an offer of for a team of mares Miss Marion Wilson of Chicago and Miss Wesley of Newmarket have been spending two weeks with Mrs A Wood A number ladies and gentlemen from town were to evening by Mr and Mrs John Paris Scotch Settlement A few days ago a young man pre sented at the Standard Bank Bond Head made flumberson in favor of Both are welltodo farm in that vicinity The money was at once handed over and the stranger departed It now transpires that the cheque was a forgery and the cash ier at the Bank is unable to identify person who cashed it the v Vans Female Pills lie da sold at Oat A Electric Restorer for Men to the body Ibi and sod at sac Fries SSa si Miud to any address 011s will ft f t I THAT LITTLE J- Boon bo bavins law Hat done up and too to will bet you picture Ween sine want to keep ber a you do to tfCHOMUKKO Mr Jos of is visiting at his home here this week Mr and Mrs H Coffey return ed on Saturday a weeks visit to Ottawa Lloydtoivn junior hockey train defeated the a score of 11 Mr- of Jerusalem addressed the Baptist congregation on mission work in tbc Holy Land on Sunday night The south mall delivery has Mr John Duggcui has on concessions and and Mt John Thompson the and concessions Mr Irwin has rented Mr Jas Kitchens shop and intends t a harness repairing establish ment On Friday owning Aid of Methodist Church gave tea and sale of plain sowing which proved to bo a great success ladies cleared about A good en tertainment followed the tea defeated in a game of hockey here by a score of to The second skating tournament in the hero on Wednesday night of last week was well attended The most interesting event was the race between and Bee ton during there were several was badly Injured Notwithstanding this to winner Tho tournament will sec a race to too between and Robinson Ferguson shipped from on lust a sow coming years which welgh- bd he purchased Frank of foe George Forrester William George Fred March James W Ft Joseph Cherry Thornton Bales John Megans Barton Ward Albert Starr Wm It road overseers 3nd concession I Smith Bowser Randolph Finder Penrose CONCESSION No Geo French John Carlisle 3- J Percy Forrester Leslie Preston Woodcock Frank Simpson Albert Starr John Parkins CONCESSION It Viv No J A 2 Geo Graham Jas Hennessey Frank Lloyd Emanuel Miller frNorman Kav Toole CONCESSION No Burkliolder Foster Isaac Scott Harry Preston Henry Silas Vanluven Hope CONCESSION No Matthew Timbers Crawford James Frank Alouzo Allen Parkinson A E Reynolds CONCESSION No Herman Abraham Russell John Harmon ft Bourne CONCESSION No Henry Joseph Grose 4 Watson Copeland Henry Davis J Brooks McCormack 9 Edward Peterson CONCESSION A John Kendrick Davis Burnett Russell Gray Mitchell Gilchrist CONCESSION No Noah Haines Arthur Topper J Paisley TOWN LINE SOUTH No Joseph Farmer- la lv town ailed and xr a Ybrr human WfcSwUMy Ibo la it is lbs Sail I Americas I Miss Mae of Toronto Sunday at the homo Mr Sidney Goodwin is spending a tew days in the city Mr Tlios Aurora spent Sunday with bis Mother Mrs Jane Stephenson Mrs Shields pi Toronto was spend ing a few days visiting her son Mr The young of our village a party at the home Mr DavisoA on Thursday last Mr and Mrs Jas and family returned to his mothers on Monday after spending few days in Toronto Miss Gladys Marsh Toronto spent Sunday friends in town Mr and Mrs McDonald re turned from Bolton on Friday last many friends Mr Wm Tuck will regret to learn that he has been ill with grippe Miss Amy is suffering from an attack of appendicitis Her many hope for her speedy recovery congregations of the Church of England and Methodist Church Nonfatal and tho Presbyterian Churches of tho arid linos held a union missionary meeting on Tuesday evening in the Methodist church which was largely attended The served the principal speaker being Mr Patter- sou of Toronto- Because ihey set so gently no purging or griping yet so thoroughly NADPUCO LAXATIVES are best for the children as well as the a box at your druggets 1 If I An Aver age Girl now was Janet day in itio K and a he CrotlV Wmnn was tN and as Usual her up brief and to point abl J en to know a place fi jkq lunch will you a and Johns to niglit I want you lo the WomenR Club Is Hniwlhlng on for our opening meeting It to Iho flrt Oigtit Spencer fniiiid a by of winneti She bud about and that to a iufat and It ah 1 for Just and and tor need no fear but you will i pass fefeiaaywl And Wise Jauot flfBt readily distinguish ed One ft sell much Mrs Ansoiii wiio the State sloko on the sentenced rang out ft Verltabld battle cry not you can shirk your you just average women Some of ore girts only entering the ami have dreamed that any beyond the earning an livelihood up you You may never have supposed that all the of world was to be done by college wonKn me there U no pressing reaponsibirity restir upon any girl than upon the average girl If she falls to live helpful and truly there must be a great lessening of alt the forces make for right eousness followed- a list practical ways in which business woman might help to uplift and purify the circle in which obey lanot had cIearIyfound an arrest of thought She had come away from home exptctinfe her living but because she was just a quiet inexperienced average girl the thought that she was to be a force for righteousness had entered her mind That night in the still ness of her little room she laid down this clearcut businesslike pro position lam only a girl of eighteen working every day and earning a week J I have neither money ex perience nor much time to spare but J want to earn all te responsi bility for other folks an aver- ago girl ought to carry The next day following Miss Mot leys wise advice Janet joined the evening business classes for girls If youare going to other girts the way you must first blaze a for yourself Miss said with emphasis You have not much time or money educa tion but you have as much thou sand of other in this city who are wasting their fragments of opportunity Do you now begin to show them a more excellent way At first tired after her days work unused to wisely handling money found her new business course a tremendous tax upon both her strength and her meagre income but hero Miss Morlevvavrrve to rescue your sense child she said Be careful of your time and ice cream and cahdv and an education as well You must choose between the two Then if you are tired you had better join our free gymnasium classes the there will help you keep your rosy cheeks smiled hut one of her strong sootier or show Us No mm to far or very fast woman suffers from the the sour stomach and poor digest Ion the unpleasant sod the nothing feelings which result constipation learn for yourself whats difference will be made IT a few of lfH A Tested through three generations favorably known world this feet and always erTielrnt remedy univers ally as the best of disorders of tho Here Tills tlrlhclivrr to natural you nil the them you HIV now your looks and yodr Increase Pay Big Dividends BEAVER MILLS FLOUR I- Just Arrived Fresh Car Corn Car Meal Host Milk Producer You I i I Try Our Corn and Oat Mixture Pit Cn each e s slaT- sum of SraS A hi si v Win ler weather roughens and reddens your skin causing chips and general discomfort try Witch Hazel Cream crenny soOlh and the and deeper tissues siler I SOLACE AT OUR Money for any Case of OR HEADACHE FAILS TO REMOVE SOLACE REMEDY is a recent med ical discovery of three German that dissolves Uric Acid Crystals Purifies Blood It Is easy to tike and will not affect the weakest stomach It Is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Law to be absolute ly free opiates or drugs any description SOLACE is pure specific every way and has been proved beyond all question to be tfce surest and quick est remedy for Uric Acid Troubles known to medical science no matter how long standing It reaches and removes the root the trouble Uric Aci and purifies the blood- THE SOLACE CO of Battle Creek the sole S Agents and thousands of voluntary testi monial letters which have been re ceived from grateful people SOLACE has restored to health Testimonial letters literature and FREE BOX sent upon request Leo President of tbe First National Bank of Texas wrote tbe Solace- Company as fol lows I want to send a bos of So lace to my father in Memphis for I enclose This remedy has been used by friends mine here musi say its action is wonderful Signed It Morris Put up boxes It s to ke you can soon be by taking Special Treatment or Fees Soaoo Alooa dot the i free xeto points was that she knew how to follow advice and so with both strength and sufficient tor her day she fihlsheU with credit her busi ness course At once things to pass Ames fc Johns fell in need a stenographer and because a casual conversation with their managers they chanced to hear Janets business course thoy promptly interviewed the Guild authorities It will be a matter of twelve dol lars a wecki Mr Ames said to Janet a little and of course suddenly need of a stenographer but wo your enterprise in equip ping yourself at night and the posi tion Is yours if you want it Then before Janet had grown used to fortune there came to her room at the Guild a couple ol girls who wanted advice ami cour age for their work Wo halt afraid Miss of said but you aro one of us alwas tried to help everybody Get Ready jo Zero yCoal Quality A Price Right FLOUR AGAIN LOWER IN PR fCE BUT NOT IN QUALITY GEORGE FORESTER I J Phone STRICTLY cash 7 Will Give to Sick Ear FAMOUS SCIENTIST ORIGINATED THE NOW WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT OFFERS 100 PACKAGE FREE TO SICK AND AILING Inorder that every reader of the Era who ma not have heard of this wonderful Home Treatment may have an opportunity to medicine- the now famous James Kidd offers to give absolutely free a full sized package to five hundred readers this paper to prove the wonder ful claims which have been made for it In miking this offer scientist said J that there are many people who have been suffering for years with chronic disease and many of them have spent large sums of money seeking a cure I know that these- people about in vesting money in medicine because they have despaired of ever People who suffer from Kidney Trouble Stomach Liver or Bowel Disorders Catarrh Bronchitis Asthma Chronic Weak Lungs Lumbago Piles Urinary Weaknesses of any kind wornout brokendown or despondent will be delighted at the of a few doses- This- derful treatment creates a One ap petite and helps digestive organs to carry on their functions as tiny should the kidneys too and drives rheumatism pouoa from the blood as if by magic Is why people who try it become so enthusiastic Any reader of the Era who will try this extraordinary medicine that well Thousands have told me that I has created so much by story and many thousands of the same people told me alterwards that my treatment had cured them after doctors and everything else bad failed I want to prove to a limited number no matter what the disease ho matter how long they may have suffered no matter bow blue and discouraged that treat and actually does complishtho wonderful remits that have been reported Its can obtain absolutely a full treatment by fill ing in the coupon below or writing a letter describing their case fteir own words it they prefer and ing it to James Toronto Canada No money heed bo seat and no charge of any kind will be As this offer is limited you should write at in order to be sure to receive your A Coupon Dollar Treatment DR KIDD TORONTO CANADA Please send me FtiU Course of for my case as a a you promise Province t free and postage paid just Post Office and o j nakAiM Age How Long Afflicted v Make a cross before the disease you haves Two crosses before the one from which you- suffer most Hay Fever Circulation Anemia Impure Blood dimples Female Weakness Eczema Trouble Neuralgia Ovarian Trouble Headache Obeslty- Nervousness Rheumatism Indigestion Constipqtlon- Diarrhoea Torpid Liver Stomach Trouble Lumbago Kidney Trouble Catarrh Blatter Trouble Piles Weak Malaria Chronic Cough Asttma Heart Trouble Give any other symptoms on a separate sheeti Correspondence in all 1 Painful Periods Hoi Flashes Bearirsg Down Pains t youro not so awfully smart we IT iViVi either- but you do things afraid to attempt tbe other girl added mite frankly No I am just an average Janot replied and then with a skill born of intense- to serve she directed these baiting girls into paths of Soon other enquirers seeking like help and with that she had out her own path and was honestly anxious to uplift bar companions Janet short ly found herself established as a aprfc of advisory committee one to allldtidV of girls things work and knowing of how to play game of life found their- way her room girls sadly need 61 made her ithflln and even- from Johns there com a steady a classes WUairw for their lite work To all these girls Janets constant message was We are Just 1 average girls but God has put responsibility upon us and we must carry it Oth er folk need help and inspiration and downright blessing that you and I can- give and we must not shirk The Guild authorities seeing the power of this girl in putting grit and ambition into her comrades com missioned Miss to offer a junior re- plied think I am to win girls by working among I am not clev er or smart but on thai wonderful club night I found even an average girl bad responsibility and I must carry- mine right where the girls can see and test me every day Miss was a silefct woman and she only said quietly Very well Janet but from her heart there went the prayer Thank God lor 7 Time GOING NORTH Leave pm- Toronto 3c Newmarket Allandalc 35 310 GOING SOUTH pm Newmarket 636 Toronto ar THE IT PAYS 1 sturdy faith an FORTY infuse years standard aod by Ail ments Dr Martella Female pills roof druggists ft i -V- v OHT is a Commercial School of the High- est Grade NONE BETTER IN CANADA Graduates in Enter now Catalogue tfiSBRSSI t In conn tries Ik iicbwmb6nt MM fl H V J 1 W 5vJ7vs s iy ES OF ONTABl TORONTO te mm

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