Newmarket Era, 7 Mar 1913, p. 6

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5SS K45 i J t I t- es i V jam KSBCH i j I v G rf AGENT A f r V friends for Wr Cob ftp funeral service sables kilo per uuii of thA but a trance pwcotmcnt JOHN SUTTON is Well That 1 brothers illness J i of Wd Saturday W Orr and lloii moved to town Toronto la is la H was Mrs Shitrou Albert Vrt on Thurby Mtv iuid Mrs- rook ftl iw On 45t uiftbcf UU wii of ho wood dclljht bo- SV- y A ol District will wet both services in Mount Albert feun also the at itfUic Voor- wi Rive a Concert under f for In a ttWnaa fe Will In aV6W S Mr and Kay partus l VlVlio fthiAad and VHiW Valuable AHpr W lot the fl up or mild I instruction of and -p- to the work luij ItUmdcn Ann sails on or land In witti the plaits of the si School Reports Mario Kighttey All Stanley lurian Vera ftftft lt v MNtet left on Weduer l is with a MtWd of a 3oSi6r- I weep Sir One local was the of in of tlie forffkiyitlL Tr Id Hen ry it III Oowleti Hodge lQiiftbteU Vera pard 5 k Jr St In pt h of lh fcodj Dot Golden Discovery of fUcficivi la pw A J2SSSSaai The on- c fanner storting with good foundation in a small Way and carefully working on Mx Moore rented one of his farms and sold the other is engaged in build- v A John Smart Albert one of our men was the victim rail jruthers way on Monday Mr Smart Ross a on a Northern freight train the engine of which left the rails and plunged over a embankment at fivo mites north of Station was crushed the overturned engine and Smart In trying to escape Jumped from the cab only to fall on the in of the cars following were instantly killed The mains of Kmart were brought Albert laid to rest his in Albert Cemetery service at i his father and was largo- attended Deceased given evi dence of considerable ability and had already qualified for the position of conductor and was to have Hen in a short time Clifford Khtley J I of Primary for Srain6rnico Cook Mit chell Rachel Mitchell livid Annie Harrison John Diaper Hubert Jeg Walter Car- P Manners l0 sec tion who Is possessed of seine SAmpathyvitKsueh things therefore son was Jr Dike Mildred lien Manners Robbie Harrison Ivan Jessie Hansford Willie Draper Kath leen Ross Ralph Crouton Norman Smith Number on roll atteadaiA Those present every day Cook Kvelyn Cook Rachel Mitchell Ross Ada Rowland Jean Draper M about a mile east of Queens- ville breaking some the parts and causing much delay Mr me along lh team had j i frojn being crushed indwelling i Holy Spirit but a knowledge of ll sciences 18 not hill to our wUbeinB It Is after school They were rd- ing on a great curiosity and in Compositions A Highest JnVKBjj iiighresl Average attendance 15 MERLE RICHMOND Teacher Report North February nee Morrison Sr Morrison Marion Douglas Jr Sforriscn manKlni Myrtle Cooper v Sr HlWBJarr- Barker llnrokl THE DOMINION BANK A BOQERT General Manager Savings Accounts in name of two id either one can and money therein amount Specially convenient for a man and vile two I a MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager Ross Bernard customs but in every community Lee Ross Graham tliere are women Market tatoes in the pan with the loins The potatoes are boiled hall Tfmes have changed new fashions tender and then are put the pan hive arisen- new things to eat have with the and basted with it appeared and upstarts old until they get soft a maple- tree room The was to do the dusting Now said husband must- en no- account An any pretest whateveropen of closet Thats Veep the gdt She promised to obey his orders to show Their esteem end JHe well knew her failing so he ST Jr Morrison Stella Cooper Leon Muriel Second Barker May First Book George Arcvill Reginald Kay Walter Kay Ernest King Primer Marjory Ar dill Murray Barker ho still go market ing with market basket on their ann as- their mothers and grandmothers did before them Baskets on arm and money gripped f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Wanted f A devout Christian woman about safe in a tight purse they know what middleaged to go to Medicine they are looking for and when they find It they invariably have bar gain If more city men and women did as housekeeper for and two bright toys ages two and a half and five years old Mustbe good plain cook References required For fur Murrav Harder years If more city men and women did cook References required For have a false pr We and were not particular enquire of I casing bundles T TAYLOR tho- bottom drop out ot Sutton West Pull to s v in this OBITUARY Mrs who are about solved to give her a lesson He They were complete- cured Billy with a great- taken surprise come forward and tho dress and presentation ilenry Wright Dear Friends We your friends and neighbor Second Street have gathered this that we some expression to which we felt MYSTERIOUS LUMINOUS CRUCIFIX OR THE CROSS OF ETERNAL LIGHT prices Full weight would be given and better Irving would result False pride is one of the most costly possessions you can have The telephone convenient and ne cessary but should not prevent any woman from visiting the source of when to mvstifiw will a loud Baa his might might give leave to imagine the rest the keen regret Miss Violet and- at your gave an In V V Trot Dales spent Sunday vicinity Very bad roads Mr Thompson has moved to his at Ross Stickwood was the old- Mr p utiles carrier had est son of John of Queens- bad start on Monday We wish IBs mother died years ago better success in the f w He was a brother Mrs Herbert Link has into the departure from our midst As Baldwin on Friday aisht Rolling of Albert Some house recently occupied by Mr citizens in our community we have a success her Maries It is reported that ton has moved from MMM Most of the farmers hove teemed on an equality with Miss their grain to Someone will loyal and your removal will I guess she must be cut after the profit as an old lash whip and our w a distinct sense same pattern as her mamma Well cane have been lost If returned to loss That may carry away I my lady Ive heard the great you might get a reward a reminder of diva Pat and she suited me I her daily food supply and selecting I and not in the most land marvellous work of art that first food the whele world with luminous effect which is The figure of Christ i- ago had typhoid fever and never regained health For some years he lived ids sister Mrs Rolling and a week before his death with ft hemorrhage Shortly alter wards pneumonia set in and he passed away on Friday lie joined Hope Methodist a num ber of years ago and lived a sincere Christian Hie During his illness he was The as well as the cross itself are it ion material showing WHITE in daylight and in a GLORI OUS LUMINOUS LIGHT NIGHT IN DARKEST In almost all goodsized towns the delivery is taken of A few daysago a grocers tele phone rang Send me a bunch of five postage stamps and a nursing bottle for the baby said a voice That order- meant that some one must cross the street to the We Represent The Royal Fire Co he Me i chants Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insurance Co Th8 General Animals Marriage Done J A For Sale A Card We undersigned hereby to cell a package of five standard she boxes of Stiver Tip Silent -Match- for twenty Cents Quality toed STEEPER DUNN v it PECC ALBERT i Dealer of Wood and Coal Heaters Steel and Cast Ranges Cut- Sleighs Peter Hamilton Farm Gasoline Engines all Ideal made by Goold Miss Mildred Myrtle- Todd and Mr relationship that has Todd have been visiting Mr between us we pray you to ao- Mrs King of and wi Mr and Mrs John Kjng Sutton wislies for future and Mrs James are mov- happiness into their house near el haven j Signed on behalf of the neighbors 1 Wright Ernest J Wright I Co of Good SecondHand Cook Stoves Cheap H CWDavidson REAL ESTATE MT ALBERT A fob Sale Come to Mt Albert and see the bouses sale and also the hustling town we have here Locate here and enjoy many if acuities not found exceptor much larger places Cottago and J acre Double House and an acre Cottage and Stable sir Wv ot an acre KESWICK Miss Hazel and Master Hatty Mer lon ot Visiting relatives in Keswlcki over the weekend Mrs Fred Mrs Eli White and Mrs Will Commit tee appointed by the Womens In stitute have succeeded in organizing I a class twentyfive mombers ami have secured Miss Hughes as teacher for a short course in Domestic Sci ence class will take their first lesson on Friday at two- oclock in the Temperance Hall Kes wick when Miss Hughes will teach them cutting filling and adjusting paltoms As this subject is of special interest to every home mother the committee arc hoping to see the hall well filled with mothers and daughters of the neighborhood Each lady is requested to bring a piece of cambric a needle thread and thimble Those who have not time- to take the full course can take a single lesson any time it is convenient to do so Keswick in vited the- ileaguo to a party on Friday evening The Leaguers have- secured Mr Morton s rink for tho occasion After young people are weary ot skating will retire to the Kill for re freshments and games- Mrs has vis iting friends and relatives In the neighborhood Mies teaching the Cherry Creek public school spent Saturday Sunday with Mr and Mrs It that the debate on Resolved that the Conscience Is in fallible which is to tho auspices the Society Mr Wright read the address and Mr Ernest Wright made market sentatlon Mr and Mrs Wright a suitable reply after which a very social time was spent as- a progressive party never heard her superior She j had none Im sorrv so many neighbors are removing It leaves a vacancy hard to fill Nellie Mrs- Will Arnold is now t lie possessor or liiat thievish Owl sinn ed spose she felt she must have an Owl and the Eras Owl is not on She got a hand- somer though not a wiser bird It eats not it talks not No expense for food or drink but a bad record My head is alt chuckled this week I hope to do better next a glorious and most precious article i true devotion Science fias been j to accommodate This at this mysterious work of not an extraordinary order It it any wonder that grocers charge There are two different sizesthe much for goods that you one Hi inches has been ff rrouwell They must make residences in Albert farms in the vicinity of Mt Albert write or see A Real Estate and Insurance Broker- I have a largo list to choose from larger one J by reduced to only from the orig inal price ftu00 and the smaller oho by from to but one wi- dollar in order to enable livery At first people Christian family to have one in their prcfit some place state of has paved the way for stores that have no credit are -v- onethird of an acre sMZrootned House good stable and acre House good Stable two Lots MM9roorned house good Stable andthree Lots Dwelling frame auspices- or w T acre the Christian Church next home for meleft for large will- be quite and v A number from around here leaving for the west this week Mr Henry spent a few days in the city this week Mr THos Shank is under the care Hamilton Bros unloaded a car of salt Mr Geo Belfry of Newmarket Sunday at Mr Willie Mr- Wm Holborn took in the Auto Shew at Toronto week Miss Lottie Gordon was home over Sunday market on Tuesday was a grand success Butter to 30o Eggs to Miss Horning spent tle week end in- Toronto Mr Phil Hamilton made a business trip to tho city last week Owing to the stormy weather on Sunday the meeting Was withdrawn in the evening Mr Rob and family moved to Toronto last week They will greatly missed in this neighborhood Mr Knight and family have moved to house lately occupied by Mr Mr Morloy Hamilton spent Sunday in Mr Ernie Glover left for Toronto week Hamilton Bros- are expecting a car load of sugar shortly Mr Fred Barker who has been their home these prices will hold good only till 1st April Vougo St Toronto Ont Please mention paper in which you found this advert 66 Lives Lost For good Furniture and low prices you should visit Furniture Department The sale is now on and the goods are moving out fast Stibbard Nora and Mr David all from Pickering College Newmar ket spent Sunday at home of Mr A here Mr of Toronto was in Sutton last Wednesday He is almost with now store in tho city and la opening up a butcher and grocery business W Shoppard has sold oqt hardware business to who possession next month We wish Mr Culver- well every success in his new ven ture Mr Shoppard intends going into agency business House rooms large 34 suitable all new Stable and two LOW iMW Brick flweHtag r TORONTO JoETTER Mr and Mrs StaRord Churchill Ave Toronto celebrated their golden wedding at- on almost any trtaB Be ltd seethe locate Miss Edith Morton take the ami tf and Mrs the negative LANDING W ll it A number of bur young people took In the concert at Baldwin given by Miss Violet Sedore -V- Monday last v v The membra for West and North Were on opposite sides of tho fence la regard to granting charter to proposed Forest Saskatoon- MalSatWlRairwdy WMtJfork one waSundayrs was passed by for to Heligoland Germany March a Sixtyfour of the crew of the torpedo boat destroyer wore drowned together with their com manding officer after the little ves sel had rammed by the cruiser oft this island in North Sea last evening surgeon and engineer and men of crew were saved The torpedo boot sank immediately Torpedo boat destroyer 17 was of the most destroyers German fleet She displaced tons and carried a complement of officers and men was returning during the ev ening manoeuvres in which she had participated i with the Gonnani battleship fleet the cruiser squadron ft other torpedo boat destroyers destroyers attempted pass through intervals in the column worships while they were steaming ahead at full The commander of tho S calculated distance incorrectly and his boat was cut in halves by the cruiser and sank instantly Yorck tho accident to the other vessels or the fleet which slowed down and cruised round in the vicinity flashing their in all directions Small boats were low- from ail tho- vessels and in picking up twoot the officers pad fif teen of tho crew of the sunken destroyer Simllat accidents tq torpedo boat destroyers of the German navy July when the battleship rammed destroy er during manoeuvres at Kiel Wuing belled when these stores appearedbut when it was found that meat was hiAtVnvc cents cheaper pi shops that the their eyes Visiting the markets stores quickly gives ideas the food question and it will not be I very long until tho uptodate woman is herself What bushel potatoes and how many apples to a bushel basket or wonder if it is not better to buy butter in bulk than in prints That is only the beginning six buys a set of scales and weighs her package goods and soon she stops by the pail the glass by the tub and by Instead she orders by pounds and pecks stead of paying fifteen cents a pound and a half of rolled of rolled oats packed in a fancy carton she buys them in bulk three pounds for ten cents weighs the purchases and gets value for her money Housekeeping is hard work but so is any and its a great game fine and interesting if you go at it with all your might and master it For Sale la Holt a white frame house J acre apple trees cherry plum pear and small fruits everything la Al repair i Cheap for quick sale Write for particular to A MIL LER Real Estate and Insurance Broker Uxbridge Catalogue Now St Ipm 11 l of iiiM- for print planter It of the And Your of new nll not fur Mle with order or Dont delay writing with your name and Your will Sut grow or flowrt for market as we a special price it In your mini HUNTER SEED CO Limited LONDON CANADA I I Chicago March 3 Despite the ef forts police the strange story told by Mrs Mabel Mills years old wife of a real estate dealer in Sam Anjotjo Texas that she was robbed of alter becoming unconscious in a suburb Saturday night remained tonigfet still a mystery one has been ar rested and no money has been recov ered Salisbury Plain Geoffrey England was killed today monoplane while the army- Dying ground moat flying over Storhedge a ins J 56oO feet when Ss from plane was seen collapse and MONTREAL children pry FOR tracked or fell oft Dominion fatal In three men 14 rammed destroyer in 0 hex crew their lives like a stone The aviator bad been flying for hour before the accident occurred He was testing the ma chine with a view of to the British War Office Pork tenderloins roasted in the ov en are improved by a sprinkling powdered sage with the seat- and per meat should bo hrown- inU stack oven iasprmkK Canada Great Britain c Is 31 mi OF ONTArtf lj 5R TORONTO iT

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