ft SUTTON Well permit and we that is not can A COMPLETE Buffalo id wile sweet the tender- arc boiled it into the istod with it woman about Medicine ither and two and a half and be good plain ired fur Sutton West sent Co Insurance Co Insurance Co Of IftBidA cense AND Albert Albert Real largo list to A- mine everything it or quick sale A Mil- and Insurance Coo til l worldwide Your alIutly MIL your 1 twelve nlc ija TLf sm- itoGal a Mr baa sold Mr bullth V to fiospifalkl fee Court 1 torU H lied rtcal frul Sets Mi A Special BootVo I ft and bold- Am 1 A- is Tesliuvo WW their day nkjrU ft ig ijartsh- j HockeyVkater all over Canada wear Lightning Hockey Shoes because they give moat and strvicc I iJ delighted 6vttr- Mount Albert can also safe- injured 000 l that feVety person iWieti stoutly China Hall Grocery have of that Entire whenever v Coffee per TRY A SAMPLE AT AND BE CONVINCED S TEAS on Buy OujgBulk Teas Their and at following prices and per ft Black and Green per ft Japan 30c and per Tlio Leading CORNER OP It you do not use Dust bane in all snow on the Canadian j has ever your- sweeping No dust brightens Northern the skidded from the whi W- stances i Free sample Hard- and turned- ftotWug Jess than riots -J- over burying tbe firetnftnand who weto The Annual March 17 i badly smashed- Briefly teS i SvOtind trait ration S SSSS to Washington this week owi r Mr moved from others iw- n in hUchtet to his new hVU Co blent flThe Lightning Hikh is buckled up in Second and after the shoe is laced on the m foot the inside ankle support be ad- v Justed to the ankle without unlacing the the shoe The large eyelets make it easy to lace the shoes in less than two minutes Drug Store on Mar Wtli The Orchivstra has engaged for the Concert and every should bo grand success Repotted twenty passengers injured quick Kile driver John Eaves Ontario St A Spectacle LINE ITEMS House- in excel T James Go I The Men Main St J- Hew ls a paragraph proclaiminB thc- medical virtue ot eggs After Main Timothy Streets I SPECIAL Trolley Service has done and there never was lot Frame House on corner of and Queen stKet large lot and stable and a very desirable pro perty 6 rooms Ontario St in excellent repair good new stable fine with lots of paragraph from the pen of a scientist proclaims TOWN HALL and Kettltby a fellow usually called Bill on night seen lights the young interests warms K taUta t he ones as j w clt Leonards the book in Gordon Webster toW the will be presented sUrm Supd under public March owl one paMlW root Gordon thinks of prettiest over seep here and beat of all it will be presented by home talent exclusively One hundred of the brightest children is place like name plums and berries- Price The buzz of the saw and the tie Uia engine in the hardwood bush on the Una have been t J and younfi people of this Town will fcw days cooms good stone collar light- fill the roles The and Mr Walton is making good is a well built and finished properties are elaborate and various WM located on north side Lot songs choruses marches and special- s mi J I close to Main Price Liberal WassMeetyig AT NEWMARKET Hardware ON Christian Church SATURDAY March 8th man shell diet breeds centenarians France they have uncovered another virtue in them According to a ted by Dr before the the membrane covering a newly laid egg forms an fertilizer for human skins When a patient comes to him with a bail wound he washes it covers it with tiny layers of egg bandages it up In four or five days the wound la healed and a fresh patch of grown Hon Mr Lucas is somewhat fruit ful In resources when occasion re quires Referring to theovernment deficit ot in Provincial fi- Frame House bourse he had to someone Thursday A Friday Style roomy all modern conveni ences on College Heights Price 1- Brick House on Millard iAw rooms a pantry well built on The chances are the- Government the increase last year over the estimates would e repeated which led them into error and now is thrown upon the Special Extra Cars will proceed tbc regulars from Junction Special Extra Cars will and cars f rem Sutton many his early in Job Line of Shades of the heather stirred up in his On- good spring rollers light green memory this week when he read in paper his native toon some speeches at a banquet given to a few of his early associates who are Paying a protracted visit from this ino series revival meeuugs com- Dominion and land to the last week being continued their old home and every night this week except Friday scenes of boyhood and Saturday They have been fair- memory brings the light of well attended and the addresses by days around us the pastor have been listened to with We not know earnest attention prod spiritual membership but his jiif nights interfered trust that man has not a conscience All interested cation of- their tt iwuen no sum wvuns issue u k with a speed that precluded attempts both will rent for to rescue each per month This Is a- good some of the guests time to wall with cellar full size good Senate for the tern and excellent well of pure water Evidently chickens were counted on lot Hoyse i0 wera and close in to business parts of town Price cw balance on time at per cent IS Petlll hotel htm I i GRAND SATURDAY J HOPE LEONARDOS QOROEOUS SPECTACULAR OPERETTA ALICE in WONDERLAND LOCAL PEOPLESGREAT CAST AND CHORUS BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES ELABORATE PROPERTIES SPECIAL- SCENERY COLORED LIGHT EFFECTS All New Songs Dances Marches Specialties Etc MUSICAL NUMBERS PRICES- J EVENING cents MATINEE CHILDREN Cents CLOSE OK MEETING E- invited to be present at the Chris- havo been stung wha will run north Church Endeavor meeting on being Kettle Ji Newiiacket Tuesday next Match at pm pendent in the issue the week before A The feature of the for I can him I have is a Meet- not felt the yet For GONNAUGHT GARDENS opportunity Price stairways but othere were for all caught by the collapsing roof the structure before they could be res- KB I SPECIAL lP SALE For Two Weeks of I I It lS I m mid V ladies Hoys and Girls Clothing Hoots and Shoes sand Rubbers commencing on SATURDAY FEB And continuing for two weeks BIG BARGAINS- He sure you secure them Main St Doon South of King Hotel also Junk of all Kinds It you have drop mo a card Man Found am informed if aUowea durpg the past throe persona estimated IpbftVe been in thy I lambloton Directory in the- station acres suiiuner fallowed last sum- building had been account fepv mlriit have found mer pasture neKU fenced run- t was hoped that the death list water in each about acres would lw smaller than at On evening Coroner A short lime ago a party of Millinery Apprentices ley- was hastily summoned to the North End by Mr who had stopped a horse and cotter in- front of his residence that was apparently withouv a driver The man who had been driving was hanging partly over side of the cutter and show ed of life- when the Dr arrived ho said ho had been dead only a few minutes It was soon discov- that the man was- Samuel Cook who resided the 3rd of East adjoining Mr Ben Heart dlseaso was the of death and an Inquest was not con necessary Ho had teen out to Yongo Street to see his son and while there as sisted In cutting ice Although he had been Ah 111 health for several people of this vicinity celebrated the marriage vows of Mr and Mrs Les lie Wilson and made the night hideous with tin pans and on Thursday night last they again thorn when they spent a pleasant evening and Mr and Mrs Wilson were greatly be presented with an ex pensive hanging lamp Mr Wilson made a very nice reply to tie address and everyone had a good time Chicago 28 Mrs Louisa LMlbfT who was convicted of murder of son to- obtain insurance on his life was sentenced to day to twentyfive years in the peni tentiary Belleville Fob Shortly after Sr Dan Prteee Edward or After- UhV rt K cutler struck a I For Sale Co i Oxforddown young S Keswick S i in one find and acres the other house rooms built flvfe years ago at a cost ol Stabl ing for Granary room for 50W Wind Mill and Chopper wheel bushels seed wheat stack of oat sheaves for feed l head horses one wagon and boxTone cutter Binder- ft Grain Drill plow and sulky plow one Is a clay loam the ven best wheat soil in the West Price per acre including everything cash per annum until palds with privilege paying more at any mated as it was known that a score or more of those who escaped left the neighborhood without revealing their identities In addition to the loss on the hotel proper several business firms who bad j their establishments in the building EXTENSIVE RAILROAD- The District OF NEW MARK BOULEVARDS PARKS Now is the Time to Invest I Lots will increase in value fast as soon as New Shoe erected of AGENT FRANK J SULLIVAN fc NEWMARKET iron Range IN other household furniture This- WEST During the ten months which ended October last a 638 miles of was constructed in Canada The draB to the fact that J ivArtnrf t there has been an activity i Payment period with in- railroad construction In Alberta tt BANK OF MONTR I Incorporated by Act of Parliament I I d up iofits j i- I branches at all in Canada and in London Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS 1XVJB waa- CAPITAL PAID REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS ARCHIVESF TORONTO