41 EIGHT tt J IS rvThay Will Cure You i a the Richmond Agricultural the fleer for starts with a upmenibnrjlji Wtition held us usual pa loo CITY OKY Wen in in for good mahy of my townsmen that long periods was extreme brought on h Indigestion Mid I fonn I suffered in most seven tad Out sleep tafure about four in the morning one of your testimonials someone lisVA lives for trouble ami akcd Mr Hunter my lit opinion on the matter and ihftlt Use I mediate I several am enjoy splendid health AUKUHA Ttip ictvlw here sit or dollars in bUtWIiySan t0 tho Autvtt and and out ho bod- the Metropolitan oars of fipworlh of Methodist Toronto Up Church on iVOm for At conclusion program now would visitors to for nothing of fUrel Of Ldlng of two iKiiUiccaperienc of tr A of He l I KldneV over In my and sleep aup idUt Could by of Wltcf and day I met of leading hpljint if fiuiorior for them the woHdovor throe h had me to at my box fell t fiuUUcd the iwu 0H completely to j ttilnOUJ Can taMi i a AHireritic fefllQU to say that I now enjoy mi aloxv for if you on i and CO of Jacob AH I crossing last And could not possibly letter day frith a of hoy Joe ShOppavU can eat with every decree of satisfaction bis a in UN and sleep without an effort his anyone suffering from like meat he to complaints to commence using load of hay horses would have With the that the Hydro joe a for trial size had it not been tot the Power construct AtdealersorfuxMninntativesUmiited of Mr lov wbo lost no time and operate radial rail- thus diving the torsos working along the channel of Municipalities NOW Or Sale the Knickerbocker lee plant on Stounville and late on top Von art- An iVfcri An- thin I am a you for nvrlhi lhl work a ffeit from rphH aM bad n- d be- avarcb and stein reproving for a waql or In more liko a ronn of atooeJ I ban of and Anna booh us the raiders In ashed tfahe might lea but old to remain She fcqdw very well when She asked the would not bo allowed go nd ana would faro a bar UDderatcad as well It bad beep In Joar pocket must to The before by a fromlba on to the other must bo worked oat is by duplicity and most perfect master of these arts Is Anno began the work 1 ask favor said to If you to aearvh mo and let mo BO provided nothing beg of you to work dona at order that may return to ffi Where I you am greatly needed I hero to see Vera to for a Che reed ended Case of and should go at to Orak of Anna into another room and The two women went out Vera with When they and the searcher My brother a pretended fofij dBotMhg permU the but is really working withdraw It and In our 1 bo who warned to Vera to cay the two To Our Friends arid know as know ftffordto back em our word Nor out tfon to Jrto oh VJJ- mo common tw tail to dally rWd accept our 4Vk- baa for ihey are coming- lvo t to every thing that wo in a them as 1 vomtiottlMa a within a a of paper that barm was left v thou they waited for the coining get wind of Vert St- Now mat Let il For Sale seized him by arm and that to safety have joined with the view of preached electric radial the Baptist Church on Sunday fioaucing project was for The large quantity of ice alroady all municipalities to raise bonds acres more or less of taken from Lake said one government to guarantee them so lush ana Pasture Land Never-tail- tbo Managers of operating to good market and low in spring water creek Lot 35 hero this placod Sir lames Whitney in re- Con Whitchurch of on ioe famine Toronto this to thedeputation said that if J DAVIS j summer out of Up scheme were adopted it would Newmarket jto last week company had token mean the adaption Of the out not less than twenty-two- bun- principle basis for tho con dred other are other roads The idea equally well advanced in their storage appeared very favorably to Mr Whit- work It conditions con- jne but if adopted it would bring train loads will continue to bo about a revolution in the pwvinco in a Position to say For Sale Brick in the growing Town of Newmarket Main and Water Streets to Toronto all this month He was not for a doctor Price A Co For Sale or to Rent I and dwelling house Albert next door to Dominion Bank first class business location Foe further particulars apply to MISS LEEK Lock Box 33 Albert he believe that it would further commend Itself GRAY I For Sale or to Let Dwelling and Five Acres Land situated on the 3rd Con of about one mile New- good driving bouse pigpwi fcenbouse and good water possession Apply to OEOQGB STEVENS thus saving a draw stored anything definite He said that the ice j project itself him and The ice season makes Belle when there was more time- to eon- more like the busy seasons of years ago when tfhe saw mills were in full operation- Severn cottagers are now making the village a sum mer resort but the days of tho old saw of of the Emily May etc belong the past Natural Hair has wrought Us changes and will positively restore gray hair since the Metropolitan has been run- color and keep it so IT there has been no use for Copt KOTA DYE and will not Kills and his between hero and scalp Satisfaction guaranteed It is now thought money refunded Price One a would pay between Sent post free Address the Point and so thao SUPPLY CO DEPT 35 trolley to Toronto Toronto me But who me 1 dread to tell fiitekk can pear To hear that one you loved and trusted baa turned traitor to you and the caused Come bear up Wyoo pise crisis safely you will have lost and back MM Huron Street 1 Fa rip for Sale scree of first class clay land under Cultivation acres has nearly a new roof and eve BRADFORD j r A Mr and Mrs AH Lloyd spent a to the days last week with friends in ot Mr J It was due that Mrs Keancy recovered Harry Woods is moving the large sum of money which shelve resilience lately occupied b lost last week Miss Mr it in a short time after it and promptly returned it to was lost the foundation arid rt Mr John Rogers I ft stream of water beside bar house with stone cellar aaa a good hard water pump dose acres of now hay five acres bay four acres fall wheat four tali rye and a good mixed hard we ad and softwood bush and a cedar swam hear the house would rails or wood For full parti culars to Fergus Konucdy Lot Scott Leaksdale P Town Real Estate Office Aim NEWMARKET BUILDING CO v Houses from up and sold on easy number uptodate or wic or rent ranging In to houses have been secured at a and will bo sold at a Houses and lots well situ ated Wo also invite you to call on tar get our prices for supplying and building houses leaf- lag completed ready for paUoa Tnte material bo in car lots at the lowest whole sale prices buying your ma- ask for our prices First eiass have heen engaged as build- aerattoo8 start spring mortgage 00 gaia town property Accident Life and Fire at ttelte Pstato town property call on Morton Phone LITTLE bo having done too w35l outgrowing bet cwUaUsai and you haven t tec picture taoen to toep in but is now the sole owner the toll gate between Brad- and the Holland Landing bo having purchased the entire stock pi the old company It is his inten tion to put the road in good shape at and will erect a now toll house near the lauding Last Thursday Mr Coombs mot a very painful accident while Mr Mai t land kill some pigs While earring some boiling water with which to scald the hogs Mr Coombs sllppcdk fell thow an interesting striking him on the shoulder and address in the Church on side scalding him severely He has Tuesday evening His subject was been confiucd to his ever since i fulfilled to be and directors of the of Agricultural are with purchased Mr ThoS moved this week outo the farm lately by Mr Harry Woods Mr and Mrs Vernon New market were guests of Mr cud Mrs A Weaver over Sunday On Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Walter Porter entertained a number of their friends with music and games The young sou of Mr wak operated on last Friday and is improving steadily Mr Wm has moved into the residence recently vacated by Mr John Thompson sr who has moved onto Ills farm at 4 4 1 ass VtsattBmQcy very gratifying results their en deavor to raise enough money with which to erect an uptodate building in place of the one in present use Altoady sonic twelve or fifteen hun dred dollars has been raised and the subscription lists arc Open arid money still coming in are well under Way for the establishment o gymnasium for the young men of Bradford and already money hasbeen to guarantee the success of the project The parish hall has been chosen as building and the gymnasium will be uniier the direction of the church club Doling gloves punching logs mats fencing foils dumb bolls etc will be Included in the equipment as as a basket ball outfit A small membeiship fee will bo charged- It is expected that the gymnasium will fae ready for opening in a few days now Witness now eighteen horsepower traction en gine to give the farmers satisfaction this coming season last skating carnival on Wed nesday night- was a big success The Tottenham band was attendance and rendered very good music It is remarked that the quality of music rendered by this young organization is improving both in time and qual ity About three hundred skaters enjoyed the evening on the rink The races were a disappointment- A grand baud carnival will be covered rink and given concert and racing held on on March flood prizes will be old buttons can be de lightfully se for hatpins or other trinkets V fc I I 1 n 1 a tw Aji Mrs JMf Smith Leamington and Miss Huntley Sharon spent Wednesday of this week at J Huntleys An oyster supper was held at Mr on Tuesday evening prior to their departure for Toronto and- the neighbors with an clock A- Dia Morse Indian owe their curing Rheumatism Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of atlmulatuig and acrerigthening the kidneys They enable organs to thoroughly filter from the block the uric acid product of waste wan into the joints and muscles aw- these painful disease At tho a century of U IT lug Indeed you will have bare never trusted Peter and have warned you against him Vera covered her with her hands and moaned- Ho a spy Anna went on who was deputed to make your acquaintance you being a sus pect and ho succeeded In his project by winning your Heaven grant that you have not furnished him with written proofs that use against you Vera by this bad mastered self and her that eh had kept the she bad taken not to reveal to any one the secrets of her circle Peter must have known that she was a revolutionist but be had documentary evidence of fact It was doubtless the purpose of the po lice acting on his to and secure that evidence not that the police eared for evidence a sluce they could send any one to Siberia they chose but their secret service system was so intricate that they were never who of their spies was working In their Interest who was working against them Anna bad not been able to give her more than twenty minutes to prepare for the raid Indeed she bad run so fast and bad mounted the stairs so hastily that she was but of breath when she arrived Soon after Veraa assurance she bad divulged log to Oraky footsteps were beard bo- low and a few moments later were coming up the stairs Then Verasud turned pale at the same mo ment clapping her hand to a pocket In the skirt of dress 8he bad no time to tell her friend the cause of fright but Anna Inferred that had forgotten something Incriminating she bad in this pocket In another moment the Was thrown sod Peter follow ed by half a dozen policemen entered The rabidity with which Vera had re gained her coolness was remarkable fihefelt herself able to play any part end was determined to gain seme ad vantage by convincing her lover ahe still trusted She looked at when be entered With the police behind him as if she did not understand what It meant His own face was unintelligible to be doing bis duty as a machine merciless and Inexorable What is It Peterr asked Vera a thorough search of room to bis men without any reply to the girt to whom he had I been making Last to enter the was a woman who had not been keep up with the men and It was evident she hurt brought for a pereonsl search yfAHsaitktp fieri have flnbhed wort Then we will give yob Ihe room for The woman herself and the no Idea- Peter Id Vera CANADA I In do- ih beat Wrrt Uort We wouldnt y brtfave it true this if dHnl in W- it rill wck tiki M fur you Our Mk raw 1 of ftiMl net aaar Ty them at Our Risk Ai lhr with if you with them ire Will thai your turn ifi proper and In action not ow ing Of to ton 0 rtu In vastly 1 let work fuit loi their lhnlJot Wopi every ana the We tgUata po too CAUTIO bear In lht fc not sold by You iy the can hi 1 la tmly at our J Ya The In fW la t tot is ll of it The Stores are Americas Drug Stores EAVER MILLS FLOUR a locked themselves each others arms l said Anna 0od that you will come through this cannot be that whom I have considered so steady can bate yourself With iiuu horrid was speakers emotion that she became quite hysterical others much moved by her who aeemed iho same aphlnx assure yon- my dear Anna re plied Vera jour fears art groundless I desire these good per sons who are doing their duty by the government to make a thorough search so that they may exonerate me com pletely from the charge of disloyalty Let me know as soon possible how your dear one Is getting on add I la- trust that the remedy l have recommended will bo While this dialogue going on the of the two women were pressed one other They were the foil- skirts of years ago In which there was plenty of room for pockets and the women of that day used pockets That aide In which pockets were the girls turned away from others Ansa kept up the expression of her fears for her friend and Vera continued to reassure her till Anna had contrived to set her hand Into pocket selre a paper crash It In palm and transfer It to her own pocket Then after one long cm- brace took her departure As soon as Anna had gone work In preserving equanimity was much easier for her Had she not suffered under the shock the man she loved bad won her heart betray she would have felt buoy ant under removal of terrible danger from which she had escaped As It was she took do more pains muke Orsky think that she admired blm for doing bis duty but when bo looked at her she flashed him a look of contempt It seemed to hare no effect upon Mm whatever- for he con tinued to direct the meu In their search till every nook and corner bad been ransacked then sent Vera out with the woman who had searched Anna to undergo a similar process- When the two returned without any thing criminal being found showed the first Irritation he had manifested since be entered and or dered the searcher tb take Vera out again and make another trial When this was and still nothing was found bowing ceremoniously to Vera he withdrew with his party The withering look Vera gave him had ap parently no effect upon him for he retired carelessly as a custom house inspector who bad examined ibo bag- of a arranger That evening Vera beard a footstep on the staircase ft knock at the door and to Walked Looking about him cautiously he said used you for a blind on the gov ernment She pointed to tbe door can convince you a few worcs be continued with perfect self posses sion saw your friend thrust hand In your pocket then thrust la her Vera started rs her brother to that she might warn you I took every pre caution for your protection but I been In terror lest some incriminat ing paper might fall Into my bands been reporting to the govern ment certain circumstances about you and suddenly was ordered to go at once to search for evidence against yon bad only time to send warning as I did Vera it alt was playing one of those double parts so common In the secret service and especially Russia She threw arms around her lovers neck and yielding to a nat ural reaction burst Into tear years In use years standard prescribed and by physicians For Women Dr Female Pills at yoaridrujaisg y Just Arrived Fresh Car Corn Car Gluten Meal Milk Can Buy Try Our Corn and Oat Mixture Per each at Per Owl I Ml Get Ready or Zero Coal Quality Price Right FLOUR AGAIN LOWER IN PRICK RUT NOT IN QUALITY FORESTER Phono t NEWMARKET TERMS STRICTLY CASH 1 a- I X J wXv To Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta Low Round Trip Rates Tuesday March to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Return Other points in proportion Return Limit days Sleeping Cars On all excursions Comfortable berths fully equipped with bedding can bo secured at moderate through local agent Colonist on All Trains For settlers travelling with stock and effects Special Trains Will Toronto Each March and April Settlers and families without stock should use Regular Trains Leaving pm Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers No- Charge tor J TRAINS TORONTO TO WEST Around the World via Empress of Asia tile Empress of- Asia will Liverpool Juno calling at Ma deira Cape Town Durban Colombo Singapore and Hong Kong arriving at Vancouver Aug 30 Vessel remains- days at Hong Wong Rate for Entire Cruise Exclusive of maintenance between arrival time in England and departure of Empress of Asia and stop over at Kong particulars P Agent or write Murphy District Passenger Agent Toronto ATKINSON Agent A A S THE BEST PAYS TORONTO Is colofthoHWt- eat Grand Trunk Railway System IB III I Colonist Rates Sale Daily March 15 to April inclusive NEWMARKET TO- Vancouver BC Victoria Seattle Wash Wash Los Angeles San IHego w City Proportionate low rates to oth er points- in Arizona British Columbia California Idaho Mexico Montana Nevada- Ore gon Utah Washington etc From all stations in Asfc Grand- Trunk for lull particulars The Trunk Pacific the shortest route between EXCURS1W0S To Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Each Tuesday via Chicago and St Paul Through coaches and Toujist Sleeping Cars will leave am on above dates for Winnipeg No Chango of Cars and return Edmonton and return Tickets good for days Pro portionate rates to other points Settlers Excursions To Alberta and Saskatchewan And every TUESDAY thereaf ter until APRIL inclusive from stations in Ontario Peter Port Hope and LOW RATES Through and Tourist Sleepers to Winnipeg change leaving Toronto p m above dates V iiteraturo and Full Information from any Grand v i Trunk Agent J Y BROUGHTO City Passenger and Ticket Agent Phono a J Station T Agent NORTH Leave V i la v 1 Dr Vans Female Pill f 3U0 I i J SfS TORONTO