Robertson StewinMoV loon OT Rood I solicitor CONVEYANCER tTTC Office on Aurora I loan I prank Duncan AUCTIONEER Church he Monthly meeting Of iho W M held in the Sunday School room and large- number present president chair consisted questions and Oldest Poet j -v- Rev Reaches bis 86th Birthday from Toronto Sunday From Mondays tfl4 Aurora IS to ho wot according to Ji1rc Ills Honor has decided thatli loal option bylaw Aurora was not legally carried t six voteswerc improperly cast not but sound without of the promoters of the or- 1 Aurora Stays Case May Be Appealed erieei Research Work on Is only natural thai It a DPdH Wesley ionoNFri of lhsicln Yolk County I Ionic A and p Opposite Main St Bolton rainier and House Decorator Streets Newmarket Dp Clank DENTIST Street Newmarket On Wilkinson DENTIST in Mock answers on the tt6VUtf J and Mrs J huted a very had pleasure now tve land On Tuesday Mr and Mrs and little child wore out driving cutter struck a hi i of mini on Prospect and upset throwing occupants out horse started to run and the circuit dowil TinVthy S t to Up to Mil lard Millard Main Main to and at tt ately no Olio Was Injured ftlihoughj cutter was pretty aged educate would not be ho j I his father with a request Spent last years not content to will probably flii NEWMARKET HARDWARE STQRE OUR lioub in court They claim that the judge Is beyond his In declaring the bylaw invalid character which a wal Id for education tore- Mary ftiUo ills parents settled flrsi voliiiiws which now 111 the United States and Un nwdpau of Ayr wis til he Was ten years of A TOri for time in they removed to Brant County Ont hut Was purchased St Up to this Hue he by some Scottish ft bad len ftihj to ihe Montreal iind relifrned as a gilt to schools but no facilities Ufa prowft Ayr were convenient to his pioneer a visit to our iodfc in Ontario that from his tenth to mot an old seeing his year he had hut eight loot before months jASiooling desire an Mr Smith It the Morgans the Votes in Aurora on was to at too by the and conclusion llu- was defeated inn more strongly to In his lhat there were voles properly wiijt for bo by law anil against Tola gives a iraciion a bare twothirds ma jority tor local option The so You Can Save Money By Buying From Us figures were iiinsi Walker NEWMARKET Graduate Ontario Veterinary College- PROMPTLY Day or Livery Phone Are You One not know who is author the following tines but there lis truth in them A town which never has anything to do In fii public- way is on the road to the cemetery Anyone who will do thing for his town Is to dig grove town furnishes so selfish as his business to he might be allowed to attend always spoke us Well you grant- his father there ore that distinction which avoids j other boys it wouldnt seem fair titled and recognizes him as just help one Hut teach school tor a while ami earn money for This absurd suggestion to to a boy who had not even a Of the sU hur were tost by nonresidents of to ballot waft deposited by ihaiiWtio Voted In a In which ho did not re side and Has filsUi ballot that of a man who voted in two in v owned property QuesUon for Sponsors of Me K Irwin with was fop the local option forces on thai an appeal Mr Smiths own shows would Tlw enjestiotv wilt of for the promoters the influence of tt tSiiitffe to instructor on Piano Violin Cornet and otto instruments years having lo cated Newmarket solicits a share of public patronage Name can he at Era Office when suitable ar- can made to his and ability Young Willrun gathered together a set of Looks shut litem for two weeks and iten fore making does not Tie from any public enterprise throws bouquets on grave The man who is howling hard times preaches the funeral sermon- and slogs the thus the town lies buried from all sorrow ami cafe teaolier of Cub iluol in St George At a meeting held Monday evening at the Office With of years savings in ally tor the purpose of forming a ibis pocket he mad Motor Club tho following York City to enter jty course but hi not sufficient Line of Electric Light Supplies Oils Glass Etc I A W ALLAN NEWMARKET j tlie rhythm having a pVfVreeiatlon of singing would be up The those are came he- based on events in the history of against his decision Irwin said that probably an made to the to what itha declaration should le the board for examine ion Church tributes j with such success that he was at literature mentor Scottish necefiBarilyi he village lessons of ex- t side local option the winning sioVof the con- A Loyal lanauian test at polls and be contends In poems purely Canadian in spirit that ufider recent decision the readier Piano and Violin Dealer in All Kinds Musical lu st ruraeots and Repairs PIANO TUNING wore elected President- A inns J Davis Robertson Schmidt Two members the Ontario Motor League Messrs Robinson and were present and assisted in organization They suggest ed that the club with the Mens Spring Suits THE GREAT BRAND NO GENTS PROFITS the was defeated or not James and Eric Armour vf re I Ontario League which Agent for Olumbla lo Grapbephohes and Records- cam out Inspires so reamed teaching for bad a place deservedly in teaching Naders It is l in New York he made by comiUlling or tha to the legal part Crosby the fi attest local option writer then he was as ha saysgiven to and ho and Fanny Crosby were to a New York literary weekly and upon- occasions tilted at each other to 7oo a Suit THE Bouse i NEWMARKET- not an uncommon in Cana dian home life the building the 2 The Canadians on the Nile new brick house the assumed by tlie younger gen- eration We have a pleasure in learn- ing that old John Tompkins vas able to bring the young to a proper I prospects look good for a member- an ship of forty As the club has the this requisite number of members they Ltyman of- MARRIAGE LICENSES the 1ra Ollice Offloa Private Papers Issued at private resi dence if desired entitled to a director Ontario Motor league meeting on March as TO AND WAN I to Lend On farms Agents wanted E Reynolds Victoria street Toronto Aided by his ever pursuit of on the j knowledge he his career in teaching and other mi minister March and jtlnuingevery Tuesday thereafter in honor the expedition Apil Inclusive the Grand Canadian Voyagenrs to Egypt JTrurnVRaUway Svstem will and Burial o Settlers Tickets in THE F QUALITY W WRIGHT An Empress Trio as he charge son tin thfe City of St only I vears sue Dp S Boyd Graduate in medicine of Toronto Iuiversity also Licentiate the ttoyat of mem ber of the Royal College of England Former clinical a Eye Hospital College Ear Nose and London England Main and Timothy Telephone Expert on Scottish Dialect When I visited him at his home in Toronto a couple of weeks or so ego recalled acquaintanceship with Evans Charles Songs tor Alexander and others whom wo regard as belonging to the group of pioneers in Canadian poetry Recalling a memorial service hold in Scotland in at which the me morial poem read was written and over by him purpose he brought home to me the distant- time of the incident by his joking remark Of course you wouldnt flint Neither had I remembered can easily understand are hopeful in tone and helpful in scuU- and deserve greater atteaition than they hitherto received In conclusion let me quote the poets musical and picturesque toast to Canada entitled Heres to the Land Heres to the Land the rock pine I Heres to the Land of the raft the river Sleeping Cars will leave Toronto pm for Winnipeg without change Ion above dates via Chicago and St Paul Berths may be secured- in Tourist cirs at a nominal charge The Grand Trunk PACiuc Railway shortest an J route tweed Trains now in operation Winnipeg to and and also to Mirror and I Aha Time Tables Land and I i- Heres to the Land where the sun- beams shine particulars relative to the Grand And the night that is bright with jtnink Pacific Railway m be NorthLights I on application to Grand l Trunk Agents or write to if Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS Neat to Smiths Grocery Alice in Wonderland Thi9 extravaganza under the plees of the Boys in ioj Ha11 two an afternoon last week was a success finan cially and otherwise f The marvel was that such varied and enter tainment could be produced with one hundred local people with only ten days practice It certainly spooks much for the young ladies Miss Young and Patterson arc certainly adepts in tin art instructing while adults sus tained their reputations other presentations The scenic effects were the best ever that his first volume of verse manipulated in this Town and added published In Between that find I wonderfully to the attractiveness of 190 when his look of Selected I the stage Poems was issued is a long active opening chorus by the of career in which more or less literary fairies with the hoop drill and other work was done Mr Smith movements was most Scottish expert on the Stan lard scene and the little folks and has performed the unique their part admirably I task of translating the New Tes- The part of Alice was taken by Miss lament into braid Scots He old Hewitt ami she portrayed- j of receiving a letter recently from a girl in a most realistic manner j Scottish minister in the home land Awakening In the garden she finds the J who is in great demand the mouse the wolf j made a specialty services CWl the eagle the fox and the roost- and sermons in broad Scotch tor all parts being taken by the a tors which lie always uses the Canadian Very naturally and then the J poets New Testament translation crawls in to comfort her which Another wrote from London only bewilders Alice more than ever that he and his wife were The fish footman and frog foot- lighted with the broad Scotch Testa- man then pay their and the only ad regretfully a is in no hurry to leave alter We can scarce read it any time texts to wher ewe he Olivers the queens invitation to without goetin- play croquet a response was to the to the bills of the moose- second scene with drills of the homely native dialect in TREADEASY night of the forest has passed in to story blanket Heres to the Land with its of show To the hero an I hunter the pillow Heres- to the Land where winds blow Throe days ere the mountain Can talk the billow A Family Frozen to Death RapidCity Dak March 16 Overwhelmed a blizzard on Die open prairie Hi miles here A Perry his wife three daughters I Heres to the buckwheats on the hoard- Meres th that smoke and one son who were trekking from the Black Hills were found frozen to death Friday morning according to wold Just received here Another son may have perished while a third in The Empress meets demand of the and the grandmother We have the of this modem shoe For Solid Leather Boots Shoes try WRIGHTS SHOE STORE NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER J to maple that sweetens I was found riding story I search of the others we swing their household belongings The by rose girls sailor boys and girls the elves the Japanese drills Cher- the exiles 1 have some ear NEWMARKET for the Scottish I the little wax dolls Mother accent myself but as we talked Mr SteS and be favorite characters Smith gave a of and Hag drill single vowel and capped it by Marble corners very well I asked at a stop ping place Is this No aman near me Youre a I I asserted immediately leer Meres to the her fields and dowers LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Mr Call before ordering elsewhere GEO l Lot Owners of would do well got deaigns and tenders tor train ed houses etc from mO Carpenters oies 3 Toronto The Mad TeaParty was foolish and would have been better omitted but it ended in a realistic Indian pow wow that was Mr Eugene being and Miss Jessie his squaw Mr Carl and Miss Tnunan as King and Queen in the closing played their parts well and finale was a brilliant and animated spectacle The are to be success of her Heres to the home ot cheer And the maid the own native Sallow Complexion yoti replied in surprise when one knew that the Scot always his as a simple Cleaning and Pressing Mens Suits and pressed per suit work called for and CONQUEST OF TUNE If you refuse to allowyouruiisfor- to conquer your- cheerfulness In all cheerfulness will conquer your misfortunes No thing is harder to bent one who never loses heart But the Most that Impair health have their start in ordinary ailments of- the organs of diges tion or elimination Stomach liver kidneys and bowels are quickly tho action of cosy v indigestion or liver trouble FIG PILLS will regulate your system and build up the nerve forces so that you can sleep and enjoy life At all dealers cents or The Fig fill Co St Thomas Ont on me force of the storm struck them Per- blindfolded his balking with lfnny sacks but in vain and finally sat them loose They reached the unchangeable Linton ranch Too- toj climb back he died beside the wagon shade of her Mrs Perrys body was found with Lit Infant son clasped to her breast in a hist to appease his hun ger three other were huddled about her Her skirts and underclothing were bound about tliem Two men who started jo search for the missing and no word has been received from the brother 9 I- r Brdwn Nurseries Are famous for fine Apple Plum and Cherry trees They have the befit nursery soil in Cana da and ore the growers of trees in the dominion All budsticks are cut by one map and he has been In their employ many years so no are made by using wrong scions or Send lor Catalogue write Ibr March Even without Hydro power Barrios electric light department continues to be operated at a handsome profit The financial Of the Commission for lust issued shows the net profits to be For several -years- the made good a number of cuts in To clean feathers I make a four white soap cut small and four quarts of rather hot water Beat j thisMo a paddle or large Dip the feather In this rubit gently YOU NEED NERVE EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER MINED YOUR SYSTEM control ell actions Ml V vM weaken and Excu Jtoi men JoaKoTero Weak- wryua drspouJcni vtth dark circles under then i- lac of 01 In gl hollow chwts Method to GUARANTEED TO CURE OF CHARGE I J wo Wonderful will you are of NERVOUS VARICOSE VEINS BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES GLEET BLADDER AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Men If ta 1 QUESTION FOR HOME TREATMENT- CorMlchlgan Ave and Griswold AV Ok Canada for five- or wasn fe5 hot as the hands Ontario j m hear and until dry 6 turxnaAltnCorfernn e pur in i we no patient in- Winder which are laboratory tot only Address alt fetter KENNEDY KW ISefor our s 1 v A lU ARCHIVESTOF TORONTO mm