Newmarket Era, 4 Apr 1913, p. 3

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Weeks WHAT ABOUT V St Pauls Church The will hold their regu lar In the School House Tuesday at sharp Come out spend pleasant evening C Cricket AH interested the formation of i Cricket Club are invited to attend a mooting to bo held in St School on Friday April it oclock A perfect Polish for Floors Linoleums and fry a can and a fa Aims Hardwares Water by Meter Now that tern down to a meter basis it Is Ik minimum rate reduced It tin system does pro duce a at figure should bo increased to per pl body pay In proportion to quantity used Power per Gallon From if purchased a Uinta Why Our fiasiHn la Wept in OUinL Big Delivery imiKhs farm from the During have arrived depot and will lie do live rod on Saturday Mr J entertaining to dinner the Hotel and the pro cession will there at out for It FRIDAY APRIL THREE Rates Changed tVcn the Post Office department Is the cost of living A for Post Office Or ders- into effect on Tuesday It Sc now tor any sum money MO Rial Estate Sale A few days McOauloy a residence on Joseph Ave to Mr Atkinson of is now located here having in Friday Mr Herb his Mr have ihi lot On Ave- and street with feet frontage and build ibis summer Mission Circle On of tho Methodist entertained the Aurora Mission Circle The visitors presented a very interesting program was served after which they left on car spent a most able even Aurora Contends for Local Option Mow to Morgan Kate of Another in with the option iont heard at Hall on day- Irwin KO and Mr reptesenUiig the temperance and of Aurora appeared before Mr lust ice lie or restraining his Honor Morgan wa a majority against byla and therefore to According recent of the bylaw Is The raised Was that the Iulto had a altentdUve in declaring ii- bylaw carried or cot car- riot all the ballots ail been destroyed by an accident Which no one Iwdany the judge would not be any find one Why the sitd Irwip It wad to ail of to coin- pel to do what everyone The late John of King Township an WaOo Of this total was In veal in lie- passed awny One- of the estate to the widow and balance Is divided equally among two daughters and one NORTH Mabel Hi spent at Mr Man- Misses ami Sunday at It Maiming Mr Mrs A Cody garb a party to a or young people On Fridav evening NetOn Jell tor In the on what attraction that black pacer has at Nnwuriet- duy rtei are fe oixi gelling ready lot tfccdlng TOR I ALL COOS USE I Knitted and The Pearl Tips Toronto Price Our Price Lace Collars to Lace Collars and Purchase of Tungsten Lamps A new lot stronger and better than at Watsons Improvements Mr Rose is building a garage for Mr on street and has also an order- or a similar one for Mr Evans on Joseph Aw Mr- Laurie Canes new residence Huron street is almost completed and he to move about two or three Weeks lne not pftmsOT KCi ami Mr Armour who opposed the lion contended the duty judge was clearly defined by statute which said he should determine in a summary warmer facts before His Lordship said hi to Mr Irwin that the requirements of the statutes might Ik- unjust and un reasonable but- could only be as an for their amend ment Judgment was reserved In to ape at fc per yard FURNISHINGS I Tremendous of Carpet Square In all Qualities OH Cloths from on wWe m I Serines Madras Muslins Nets and heaps of other Materials for Grocery Wo shall be call for your order twice a week if you us to Boots and Shoes w New Spring Stock Complete have the foods to Suit Every Man Woman and A BRUNTON av id Assembly dance in the of Toronto Hall lost Friday night was one of the nicest sntberings the kind in town this season Over couples were present The hall was gaily decorated and the music by Hoars Orchestra of was superb Visitors were present from Toron to Richmond Hill Aurora and also Hon Mackenzie Kfng Ottawa who danced with a number of young lames ind made quite popular More Phones following is a list of Additions Ohdogos since last Notice Subscrib ers cut out and paste in your dKj Harrington Huron St St Joseph Robertson- Smith Millard Ave Wilson Huron St W Dr A Henry Park Ave Arch Dike Second St Aubrey Davis Office l23f2Cjianged to Jos Lumhv to Rose lOCiunged to J E Wilson 10511 hanged to I Anderson Thar Small Cut In your auto tire will soon make trouble Every autu owner should have Let us explain why Hardware and Navy ate Fighting for Cairo Annual Supper The Annual Meeting and Supper of the Office Specialty Fire Brigade was held the King George Hotel on Friday evening last About mem bers present and during the ev ening a discussion was hold Fire Protection for llie factories as well as the town The chairman too meeting Sir R Schmidt made number of recommendations which Town Council should co operate with He emphasized the reat loss there would be should any one of the factories of town have a serious fire and not only would the the town but iilso to the employees He strongly recommended that the town Fire Brigade take up the suggestion regarding visiting any one of the members of the Fire llri- at the O M Co that they would bo paid the half day that would bo required make inspec tion It is also positive the factories would bo willing to do same In this way it would get the members of the Fire Brigade acquainted with the conditions inside factories s that should ser vices required they could find most hazardous department He al so suggested that on account of the growth of the town in tin it was that should be a reel house with reel complete established at west side of town as well as at the north end of the town This would give greater protection should there he a fire on the West side and possibility of another breaking out at east side also ex plained Importance of having the street signs placed throughout town as there were very few present that wore familiar with the names the streets although the town has furnished fire alarm boxes giving number of the- boxes and naming the streets that the boxes are located on were vory few that would know tho exact location especially when there a lot of new members ad dedto Brigade This suggestion would not be a very layout to tho town and no would odd to the very limited lire protection the town has at the present time Following the supper Mr Har rison a piano alter which Mr J Weir briefly the Fire Brigade followed by a vi- solo by Mr The MS played all throughout the evening which was greatly appreciated by every one Mr J Weir favored the with era was then sung and a rousing three cheers for the 0 M Co The Anglican Ladies Guild Concert Was a splendid success despite the roads and weather it is without doubt the best that has been given here for some time and is well worth repeating Repairman Is this the place where this phone is out of order Mr Yes wife talked thru it so much that the wires seem to he exhausted Is the above cause of the tele phone trouble through this locality Mrs Newmarket is spending a few days with friends here W J Tribute spent a couple of days in the city early part ol weak The wind of Friday the did considerable Hoes Glory a shed blown down and Mr Broad a silo and implement shed last reports Mr Albert son who has been very sick in Port Huron Mich was slowly improving Ve wish him speedy recovery Ab s a jolly good fellow reports in a short time there will not be a vacant house in Kettle- How about Jacks Mississippi board Some seem to be of the- opinion that makes perfect- Mr Terry and lady friend wero Mounts on the of- March The roads and the fields are splendid If you wear long rubber boots Where was Cecil Sunday afternoon and evening Mr Williams and Mr Pax ton were Cairo April 1000 Illinois State troops and naval reserves on the ground every ablebodied man at work on the levees Cairo is today fighting the maddest of rivers The Ohio River registered feet on in the Mississip pi valley which were swept away when the river attained a stage 61 feet on the last spring The entire levee tending a distance hf more than forty city blocks is being today the labor situation became so seri ous yesterday that the commanding officer Pol Daniel Re giment sought permission from Hie Citizens Executive to take personal charge fie exposed surprise at the apparent laeV of Mr Mrs Thomas Dale are welcome visitors at of his brother Mr Dale on ah Blackburn has returned home after a enjoyable visit friends in Toronto Hall preached very impres sive sermon in the line church last Sunday although toads were bad there was a good Si is now In he neighbor hood cutting wood and feed outfit Although Master Webster had been disappointed in his weekly visit to the paternal home for last two weeks on account of the measles he was able to resume his visitlast Sunday as his two brothers and little sister who were victims of the epidemic were well again Miss Leila Webster spent the 1 I I I Jo way the law is a pros- damage around Ground a Mr Albert Tew had The reserves arrived front Chicago today They brought two cutters whale boat and a steam launch which will be for the water patrol rescue work in the event of a disaster The drainage ditch which is on the south of Cairo contained nearly acres of land much of which is occupied by lumber and mills days last the day have in Toronto a couple of week was visited by Black sawing machine Co one quite recently Mr and tho deep sympathy of community in their recent bereavement Home showers are catching Aint they Harry Tall about chicken thieves and cabbage heads but they are not in it with pumpkin heads The- Misses Watson spent over Sun day with brother Mr 17- T Watson Miss Viola is spending a eouple of weeks at her home here Mr and Mrs James Campbell of Road announce the engagement of their daughter Lillian Belle to Mr Allan Alexander Alton of Dauphin Man formerly of To ronto The marriage took place ear ly in April We understand Mr Rosa Black had the misfortune t let- his buggy tip over a culvert and break an axle on the way to Jefferson- Awfully sorry Boss The many friends of Mrs Pax- ton who has been under the charge of tiro Dr will be to learn is improving slowly Mr home from To ronto where bo had been attending business college Born To Mr and Mrs M a son on Tuesday April 1st VALLEY A sad gloom was cast over this community on Friday- of last week when it w heard that Mr Leonard oldest son Mr and Mrs W J Marshall was killed instantly by a falling tree in Mr J was an industrious hard working young man of years ami bore a character unsurpassed The funeral was held on Sunday service being conducted by Rev Petch in the All Friends Church ami interment in Fine Orchard Cemetery The be reaved family have the heartfelt sympathy- of the whole neighborhood A hush of sadness rests upon our home A grief fills many hearts today And mirtli is stilled awhile a mark to own The deepfelt loss of or now pass ed away All earths intercourse is at an more his voice t hear as trotter friend So unexpected was the parting stroke hard to that it is true Master called lie heard the ice that spoke In haste obeyed his spirit bade To loved ones here to lifes and care To join those gone before their joys to share A Friend end at the home of her uncle Mr Blackburn on the 5th line Conundrum Which is the correct version the statement made by Mr Armstrong oh the floor of the House of Commons at Ottawa that lie denounced the Canal from platform during the cam paign or that made him in on March that he pro- against the closing of the Canal We can tell him he cannot make the people of Landing believe It is the last statement that correct version Sir James Whitney has always thought him self infallible but at last ledges he is not While discussing the high cost of living in the Legisla ture the other day he said he paid fifty cants a pound for his beefsteak when suddenly the Hon Thomas Crawford an extensive cattle dealer as- well as member for one- of the To ronto Constituencies suddenly jump ed up ami whispered something sof th in the Premiers ear when he then said he only paid thirty cents per pound Perhaps if he eats some thing cheaper yet he might be more polite but suppose he can afford it out of ten thousand dollars a year Mr Stephens exPresident of the Conservative Association said he was dead sure that when Jack Armstrong got through with the Hon Mackenzie King he would nothing hut an old reciproc ity cow Well we are more sure when Mr- King gets through with Mr Armstrong he wont be worth calling a banner Mr Stephens is not what I would call a wellposted Tort else lie wfeutd know his party Mr touring the world to make a recipro city with people of any color or I suppose if he read any but the Toronto News he would faint Mr Fred Walton cut a large sup ply of stove wood last Saturday with Sis gasoline Mr Joseph was a visitor to the city in the end of the week Messrs Fred Webster and Albert of the Town Line took a load of feed to Newmarket on Tuesdav for Mr Curtis Well has lots of friends The roads in this part of the are almost Impossible Wo won der if member could not get a slice oft the Good Roads appro- so they might bo School Reports Salmon I3ic iOe Vardlla Safer 13e Pear Jam Smiths Jains Smiths Jams Catsup Catsup Tea Toilet Soap bos a Blue 25e Japan Tea Coffee Fancy Cakes 13c Klppereil Herring Upton Tea pkg J English pickles Uptons Tea Uptons Tea Chicken Soup Layer Raisins Coffee Tea Baking Powder fie Baked Beans Corn Starch Rose Tea Jam Jam l5c- lac Vermicelli i2c Tomato Chutney Stephens Pickle Egg Dating Powder 35c Jam 35c Lemonade 10c Puffed Wheat Vinegar We Uptons Tea 30c Bulk Pickles lie Bulk Pickled Onions 300 Mustard Pickles Bulk Pickle quart Green Coffee lb 15c Sultanas I8e Dried Peaches Prunes Prunes 15c Apricots Japan Tea Ceylon Tea 20c Christies Fancy Biscuits Christie Sodas Sodas Syrup IOe can Karo Syrup Syrup lie Campbell Soups 10c Maple Syrup gal Syrup tin Handy Ammonia tOc Ready Mixed Paint Perry Killer Celluloid Starch 15c drupe Nuts lie Flour Potato Flour biscuit Malta Vita Force LaxaFood Malt Breakfast Fowl Canada Flakes 19c Fruit Wines Brandy Cordial Lime Juice Keens Mustard lie Fig Bar Biscuits Art Baking Powder Jelly Powder Maple Butter Ammonia 7c Valencia Raisins IS 1 Customers will notice by comparing previous advertisements that are put on and all at cost or less positively as lines are closed out new ones Wesley Eves Bessie Kershaw Hazel Eves Primer Vera Glover Adith Hew lett Leonard Hod- gins Willie A ClassRuth Farr Maude Flet cher Burton Glover Annie Diablo Walter Clif ford Teacher Average M Fitzgerald Teacher r Livestock Market o e Wedding Rings Mr and Mrs Brown are to it CO on the was servod 1 Our Wedding Rings are the Acme of Perfection The Style la Correct the Work J is and Finish are fectrand the Quality Plump It of sucti a Shape that the wearing of two or more other rings on Same Finger In all from- LOO to Travelled Allies in Aeroplane Without Stop Germany Mar ants Winter and of the Ger man army today completed a non stop flight of nillCS in an aero plane starting from and by wav of Berlin and to vicinity in this city The six hours ami nine minutes making a worlds record long dis tance with a passenger Report No I of Easter examination Whitchurch Names in order of standing WicVliiield Rose Kenneth Hopper Flora Marshall Florence Greta j An advance of fifteen twentyfive cents was made in the market values of good butchering cattle at the St Yards in Toronto this week As a result of the extended Easter recess during which few cat tle were ottered trade revived with force and one oft- the keenest markets of the was Good to choice steers Laud heifers and exports sold in todays transactions at to Good beasts ranged from medium from i to with fair from to Guod to choice butcher cows brought to medium to good to common to me dium from to Choice hulls ranged from to 5585 and common to good at to W25 Milkers and spongers were steady Good leasts brought from 555 to 570 A fairly active demand came for stockers and feeders and steady rates were paid farmers begmningtoj buy in view of pasture feeding changed at from to heavy and feeders ranged from to of calves were not heavy but many of them were light stock were alout cents easier for THE LADIES STORE TAIN f Before starting your Spring HouseCleaning see the Largest Assorted Stock in Town of MADRAS CURTAINING IN ECRU CREAM AND WHITE Heavy Curtain Lace 18 inches wide Deep Tus- a Net you would pay Special this week yard Heavy Fish Net Curtaining 25c 30c and 50o See our New Assorted Stock of Pretty Curtains Art Sa- teens Furnfture Covering W LUNDY Jr Laura- to was paid- the jMss Esther daughter of lb Kite Sain was drowned in the flood at Delaware Ohio Newmarket Markets 1000 April 3rd Kail Wheat Per 0 90 Goose Wheat per bush Buckwheat per Barley per rJthl 0 Oats per 0 Bran per ton Shorts per ton new Butter per lb Potatoes per bag per OX Parkinson Sr III JohuMoules Emma Jr Marshall Carl Reynolds Alex Gordon Philip Petch Mabel Hopper Sr Fred Hopper Violet Cecil Vanluven Frank Foot Hopper Robert Foote Mavis Hopper Russell tcn Charley Brandon Jason Fogal John Leadbetter Norman Moulds Hall Annie J Vi ola phis Good Willie Stalll- brass Mary Reynolds fiklnner Maurice Parkinson Primer Maxwell Petch Good Receipts sheep and lambs wrtc lew Retirements were more than supplies Prices ruled a little higher for sheep The best brought while medium grades went at from to Lambs were steady From to 5930 was paid for them One hundred yearlings came from Chicago last week were disposed of at A few spring lambs were in and changed hands at each From 51010 to was Paid for hogs to quote at country points V V fc 0 W Report of No for March IV Lindsay Mary Brown Olive Blaolc Edith Kershaw Kenneth Weddel Clar Tate Jr I V Brown- Lawrence Soar Vera Hall Cameron Eves Jr Hi del Harry- Watson Ross Glover Eddie Jr Schrank Toronto Markets April bush 0 Fall Wheat per Oats per hush Barley per bush Rye per bush v Peas per 6- 39 0 Hay per too S Egg Chickens per ft Geese pet tt 300 W Let Your Next Suit BE New Spring AND Samples have THEY ARE THE BEST EVER SHOWN IN NEWMARKET Style Fit and Satisfaction The A 1 i ARCHIV SS SW i i ria TORONTO 7 S3

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