Newmarket Era, 11 Apr 1913, p. 5

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WW- i 8 V I i A ia no For quite I I d i 1 f I Notary St to loan on MA Bit SOLICITOR CONVEYANCE ETC Office Street Aurora Phono TO prank DuDean AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR Of Wesley CORONER FOR CO OF YORK to York County Industrial Ionic ft and p- and Oflice Main Opposite Tost Bolton Hewitt Practical Palter and House Decorator Niagara Tecum Street Newmarket Graduation Exams Junior Wrunce for will bo held June to to Juno to p luno Juno a m to 330 Grammar- Juig DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Wilkinson DENTIST Office in flloch J NEWMARKET Graduate Veterinary College- PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Livery Phone Clinton Stokes First Class Painter Decorator ami Corner Queen Newmarket to Jitoo to 330 p Tho Junior Public- Diploma be held on June to as follows Elementary Science d 30 and Canadian History to Art to Aebm and Geometry to 1130 Comp to t 19th Arithmetic and Mensuration to Literature- to to it Spoiling to 130 to Candidates woo purpose writing at of nMisfno Inspector before April troubles con tain Ibo and thai nature to tha ill and aid to food and to quid convert into rich rod blood material for lxd a uckajo of your voi keep your atcr each heavy our assertion tiey keep In aeation from you Wo know what and rha do We them to roliovo and or to reiind your money fall to do It to rouon thai wo this wero wo not certain Dyspepsia will Three cent and lOOl can buy ill In hi- community at cur J ft BROUQHTOri Newmarket Ontario TlWrc in ton Id 6tjkte UM There Reuli or ordinary each ociAUy lpxj lor the iQ for which Jed Bar ties Oldest Medical Doctor Smith Rutledge REAL ESTATE Office Main Street Newmarket Central Hotel Building Farm and Town and Sold roper d PHILLIPS Instructor on Violin and other instruments with years experience having lo cated la Newmarket solicits a share of patronage Names can left at Office suitable fl Stouffef NEWMARKET Piano Voice and Vielin in All Kinds and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Stock 500000 to Lend On farms Agents wanted Reynolds Victoria street Toronto Town Council Regular last Monday ev ening Mayor Core Reeve Pearson Deputy Hunter and Council lors Lyons Eves Cane and Pat Following bills passed A Livery at fire etc Howard cartage Bits charity Eves coal for ff 770 Foundry castings Express on valves 30 Belting Co reps at Power House Express on repairs Radial Co reps Telegraph Co re power Geo constable etc Application for Water Service from Stephen Doyle East Prospect grant ed from Chester Brown Raglan St grants also from Janes Prospect Ave referred to P Com Applications for electric current Stanley Janes Prospect Ave and Arthur Simpson Eagle St granted from Office Special ty Co regarding condition of Tim othy St referred to Road A Bridge Com Application of A and A for rebate on cost of digging L a 1 50 Times says the Advance contains the fol lowing reference to Dr Bradford Pat terson Harriss A letter received Mrs Walker tells her timely ar rival she having called by the illness of her greatuncle Bradford Patterson a widelyknown physician of She mentions tho unusually quick time made in reaching her destination from Muske gon by means of the excellent con nections Leaving the city at arrival was made at at the next morning Ono and also a panic at At tho latter place her train passed through the tunnel at midnight and three hours later the panic occurred among tho passengers on a train fol lowing owing to the floating ice in tho river into thej tunnel On her arrival at Mrs Walker Special to the Era Tom IN WEEKS 1 Government Toted down all pnv for to Government kpposed Mr motion to a to tbo Hour censure for failure adequate publicity for Sir lames Whitney Is no probability ot i this session Eiliott Liberal West dUsoit intVoouces Hilt to tho breeding of reading Hon Mr introducos Pot tan la the Act Changes in Motor VleTea Municipal Committee- Every driver private and professional must be Ladies are Those women In OnUsrlp ami there are thousands of them in part of ProvincOi Who ftNAnt to Sec least of the to their sex are disappolntoii at recent action of the ture in Voting down every variety or stage of During the debate- en this subject the attendance in the galleries was as large as at debates and standing iooir at a premitviv Sir James rather antagonized the ladies present by asking the Sjeaker in vry brusque terms to clear the at one Point a few women applauded Sentiments in favor of Io nian The Speaker smoothed down Incident Black Of special interest t people in the country is J to assist in the breeding black foxes ilr Elliott Lib eral Member for West Middlesex is ens of the leading men in the House and is always alive to the interests of the Province- found her uncle much improved Dr received its second reading and Patterson is now years of age will come up in committee al- and still has hopes of reaching the century Mrs Walker states that his intellect is as keen ever and his face shows few wrinkles Three facts would seem to have con lows fox breeders to catch breeding stock at any time of anil not only in the open season as at present The breeding of black foxes is being taken up enthusiastically in o- and heads of flllcd a table t Albion Hotel Saturday The occasion of ibis display was an the Ioronfio Vepj and Ore given Arefato McMillan of Aye was sent to jail for days by lor ateal- tides of from The ItOlert Simpson any and Eaton was up before Court on Friday on a charge of breating Into the produce store of 1 Todd Queen street and In mono lor a week Walter preached in street Methodist on Sun day evening stirring the most powerfully Immigration from llritoln Is into Canada this ring In greater than About In of for the Provinces Not gh remain In Ontario to lane are to protcssUn People be licens ed who Seek to kind herotofmb been Another wife boater his time a So days find lashes v A service by the steamer between Toronto and will be inaugurated the June acre lake at which will be by the owners of the roper Last year the City Council spent entertaining guests county judges of Ontario have signed a requesting an increase in salary from to per annum this be granted standing grievance our own county judge will be renie- dicdi Guess the Judges have the no tion that by io large ad vance they will get an extra The of the Toronto Play grounds Association are the Ontario Government to amend the Workshops Act so as to prohibit the employment of girls in any capacity in to consti tute a days Mb MARKET ARE STORE LIGHT FIXTURES You Can Money By Buying Us Full Line of Electric Light Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc J A W COMPANY E W M A R K E T alt t His present Hill under years factories and for to his Ho has various parts Ontario and Mr been a he has Potts Hill if ii law will never Mens Spring Suits THE CHEAT NO CENTS PROFITS 5oo to a Suit liyman Issuer ot LICENSES At the 1Jra Newmarket- Offioe Private oar Papers issued at private resi dence if doaired Of S J Boyd IWB Graduate in medicine of Toronto University also Licentiate of the Herat College of and mem ber of Royal College of England Former clinical in Eye and CoUege Ear Nose and Throat London England Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone Consultation 16 Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SONS 4 Next to Smttaa Grocery for water main referred to Com J Y gave notice on behalf of the Express Co that unless U delivery of express will bo discontin ued A deputation from the Poultry As sociation composed of Rev J and Ed waited upon tlic Coutril and asked for a grant of 100 towards the deficiency in finances of the Poultry Show which amounted The Show was a success and they con sidered it a big advertisement for the Town Considerable expense would be saved another year and prospects were good for a permanent exhibi tion Petition presented from J Roche and others askjng for new walk on Petition of Thos and oth ers asking for grading and new walk on Cedar St Some of the councillors thought it was time an objectionable sign on Main St- was removed The Mayor consented to certain action The Committee presented a report concerning taxes but as several had paid since the report was made out it was referred back to Committeo to uptodate and present at next meeting of Coun cil publication in the report of the auditors A ByLaw received its first reading to amend the- WaterWorks The proposition is to make uniform service charge and then add price of the water used at the rate of per gals A motion was passed requesting Metropolitan It Co to allow pas sengers to on off the cars at corner 0 Main and Queen 1 A request from Col Allan for the privilege of removing tree on Park Ave that interfered with access to his garage was referred to the Com A special grant of 10U was North York Poultry Association to establish their Winter Fair in Council adjourned been a temperate man he has used tobacco and as a physi cian has been very careful about his diet An interesting autobiography the doctor accompanied the letter It was written him at the age of It is an interesting history and in it he mentions other old residents of his among them Thomas who was the first printer in and who though age was at that time still setting type An expres sion of Dr Pattersons views at his advanced age after his strenuous prove a real encouragement Ladies must have black fox for their and they are willing to pay anything for them There must be lots money in- the business Complain have two causes of complaint against the Whitney Gov ernment arising from the weeks sit ting first- Sir James Whitney surpris ed Item by declaring that the Work mens Compensation Act will lug reality a powerful Influence In every day life but as a I control of Dr Pat terson is a Mason about sixty years having received the Royal Arch Chapter degree abont years ago He was one the first students forming the class at New York His wife is years old and is an accomplished pia nist Mrs Walker has decided to remain with the couple re quest of Dr who is an uncle of her mother Dominion Parliament Allan Labor Mender or East Hamilton and of Mr the Government refused to appoint a Commission to study the Eight Hour Day and Minimum Wage questions thesa subjects are mat- of vital importance and Ontario On Thursday last week three men different places were struck by street cars and seriously if not fatally injured It was a fear filly wet and windy and the men appear to have mistaken the dis tance of cars when to cross in front Ontario Cabinet Ministers entertain ed their supporters in the Legisla ture to dinner at the Albany Club last Thursday Liberal members of the Legislature entertained the editors of the Liter al press of Ontario on Thursday ev ening last at the Ontario Club Ten horses belonging to the Transfer Company were smothered and burned in a fire which broke out in a stable on the Esplanade at the of George Street on Thursday night of last week Fireman George Henderson of Rich mond street sustained a bad scalp wound by being thrown from hosewaggon while answering a fir alarm Work among the foreigners is to be the outstanding feature of the ladies of Roman Catholic Church whose headquarters will- be at Ossingtcn AT THE Toronto Jobbing Bouse NEWMARKET C THE OF W WRIGHT The Voice of Value it keeping up to the standard of advance j averse A Sister who is able to set by the United States Australia speak foreign language- will bo Britain countries Ana other European NEWMARKET Marble Works ft LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stories before ordering FORTY years In use years the standard prescribed and recommend ed by physicians For Womens Ail ments Dr Female at your druggists Around the World via EMPRESS OF ASIA The Empress of Asia will leave Liverpool Juno calling at Madeira Capo Town Durban Colombo Sing apore and Hong Kong Rate for en tire cruise of maintenance between arrival time in England and departure of Empress of -Asia- and stop over at Hong Kong Particulars Canadian Pacific- Agents or write last week temporary sup ply passed the Commons total ing and received the Royal assent During last week In reply to member from Premier Dor- den informed the House that whole question of Parliamentary re presentation may be under considera tion by an interprovincial conference during the coming summer owing to the decrease of membership in the Commons which Is steadily affecting Ontario and the Maritime Provinces in every redistribution Judging from the Postmaster Gen erals Contract for forty years supply of mallbag keys and locks the Bor den Government at Ottawa is an ticipating an early change of Ad ministration and a long vacation from office Last enormous price ol three and a half million dollars was paid for acres of land at the back of Mount Royal Montreal This is about forty cents a square foot ShIohll family for d coils to little and to Marriage Act Changes Hon J chief proposed amendments to marriage act are It neither of the applicants for a marriage license have lived in the town district during the preceding days the license will not be is sued until an of application has appeared in a publication for three successive weeks exceptions will be dealt with by the Registrar General If any issuer of licenses or any Minister or Clergyman knowing or believing that either of the Parties tho Intended marriage is idiot insane or under Influence of li quor shall nevertheless issue the li cense ho shall incur a penalty not exceeding twelve months 3 If any deposed Minister there after undertakes to solemnize any marriage ho incur penalty and in addition bo liable to a prison term not exceeding one year i Thomas Riley was found guilty of manslaughter in a trial at Hamilton for killing of his wife a couple of months ago and was sentenced- to seven years in the penitentiary in the work and will investigate assist the needy cases Tho average increase Torontos population during the past five years has been Tae Budget of the Presbyterian Church of Canada for the year is an increase over last year of Lying ill in Grace Hospital for the past three years Edward Sheridan St was made today when Mrs Sheridan visited him with the news that he had been left a small fortune of pounds by his grandfather who died in a London Mr leen a resident Toronto for forty years has under a large expense owing to his continued is working on a new en terprise operations are being carried on at the property west of St under the super vision of James Report lias it that a is to he built on the east of the for the purpose of the formation a large lake ot acres which it is proposal use for boating It is expected that lake will he completed by the first August THE SIZE OF A YARD THE VOICE OF GOOD VALUES STYLE AND SERVICE SPEAKS IN No Uncertain Tones Here WE ARE IN THE SHOE BUSINESS JUST FOR A DAY Our Margins of Profit are Not Based On the Selling But One Pair of Shoes TO EACH CUSTOMER Bur Rather to Supplying Footwear to Our Patrons- Season after Season FOR THESE REASONS Our Shoe Values Stand Out in Bold Relief WRIGHTS SHOE STORE NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER NOTICE Here is the place to dispose of your junk arid get a good price for It Mixed per Mixed Rags 6c per Rubber per Copper per lb Other metals at a Anyone having any in this line to dispose of just me a card and I I also buying Live Fowl at per jA A DRUGGIST IN WINNIPEG rati Cured Himself With GIN PILLS No greater could be paid GIN PILLS than to have a druggist use them Mr Rogers being in the business tried all the ordinary remedies but It was not until he used GIN PILLS that he was red of a ftevc re pain in the back Winnipeg May In the auluaan ef I anffeied ivitli a continual ain the back As a druggist si tried various remedies without any anjiareBt results Having sold GIN PILLS tor a of year I thought there must be good In them otherwise the aalea not Increase so fast gave a fair trial and the results I found to be good V ROGBRS An Englishman and on Irishman met one day and former to have some fun Pat asked if he was good at measurements am that said Pat Then could you Jell me how many shirts I could get out of a yard asked Englishman- Well said Pat that depends on whose yard you get into i GIN PILLS eare you or jour money vrill be refunded 50c a bos for kg and htsWcal Co of THE FEMININE MARKS Returning from school the other afternocn a little girl proudly her mother that she bad learned to- punctuate said her mother and bow Is it done Y6u mother the child when you write Hark you put a niter it and when you ask a question you put a button hook SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How many young men cau look back their early life regret their misdeeds Sowing their wild oats an various ways violation- of na tures laws wine women and song all have their victims You have re formed but what about the seed you have sown what about the harvest Dont trust to Jack If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees If you suf fering from the results pi past Indiscretions if your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry if you are married and live In dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past if vou are suffering as the result of a misspent lifeDRSK K ARE YOUR REFUGE- Lay your case before them confidentially an they will tell you honestly it you are curable YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cur VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and BLADDER and all Peculiar to Men CONSULTATION FREE Book Fr on Diseases of Man- If to call for a Queatioai for a v DrsKENNEDY KENNEDY Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich All letters from Canada must addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Oat If tou desire to see as per sod illy Justitute In Detroit we see and treat no it used for correspondence Address all letters as follow ami Laboratory only DRS KENNEDY A KENNEDY Write for cur private Si T Passenger To- National Drug and sjafcl OX Of wrta I i trlliU W St Newmarket Canada Limits pronto aai taait TORONTO ii y

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