Newmarket Era, 18 Apr 1913, p. 3

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i I I 1 a- a v I in Y I P I AUS osier aptly vks 5 OX MA MOOT TOW sinker and at I9V nothcr Office Dr Caw has wu red and convenient rooms In the Royal Block and opened an of fice for medical practice The is a genial fellow arid be pleased to have his friends call See Sen Office Mi Terry son of Kir Milton Perry of Keltlcby has opened a Real and Insurance nds Mr Terry is an man of good family we wish him success ii At a special of the Council last Mond evening toe Joint IVtm- the Town Council dlTra brought in the following re port After considering the re port Of the expert and going oViRhly into the business details both with the Commission and the MotrorbUtah Railway Co your committee strongly recommend that aopepaiKt loo appended With the fa rite intetesu Town the Astronomy An illustrated lecture will be Riven laOie Friends Church on Friday v- by Mr- David Rogers SCio at Pickering lecture astronomy promise to one or the things Riven our town lot some time lv for missing it within except l con- council The to- nii- rtorpand this amount be the amount nipany t supply sub- clause ffW 0wn deslies WO company agrees to provide the added he by the company at W Phase alternating a variation of not more per ient plus or as or a to be horse power payable did pea during of not less Dont JjpaLsc Will cover a multitude bare spots on floors furniture or iMH house Sidewalks is of Council introduce a byla to put down in future on the front- age tax As only some portions of streets mentioned in the can built this year it is very import ant that ratepayers who want new notify the Council at SO that the cost may be in cluded in estimates Public Meeting ratepayer should attend the Public Meeting in the Town Hall this Friday evening and hear the dis cussion on the Power Question as will have to decide it later on the polls When the Power is voted on there should also bo one to pro vide for the Trunk Sewer so that It could be put in before any permanent improvements are made to Main St Stove Bargain Kitchener coal wood and tank firstclass condition at Hardware of Ihe the Whole Hunter to power to reoonmiendaa aRrcvent or lid Were- simply to report the offers tor power supply opinion tin of iirixMnont was of SUch a iotlvlty The apology was the delay in bringing In ivport which he would ask explain said thai Some in the agreement had changed that it had been necessary him to take ma iter Prof by hence the delay A of the j Hoard trade and chairman the power took the stand that a draft aRreement was part of committees report The kernel of this whole business he sard Ms the prices offered by the two corporations The Is seUing power in town at the same price they offer p The offer from the Hydro is and we have contract tor and pay tor p whether use it or not We find after canvassing the town that wo cannot sell fifty horse power and for municipal purposes we can sell P In addition to Perh- have a trans porting ana lor reor ganising our distributing plant This brings the gross figure in the neigh borhood Wo per p If we out and try to sell power for a p while the Metropolitan are sell ing it in town tor what we expect Again if we can only use p and have to pay it will he a straight loss annually of 1 up the on Long my self and said to them you will sell us p to 300- p at I will promptly support the but they claim that unless amount than p will not pay tor the Wait for Meeting champion arose for the Hydro Councillor did was to adopt the committees report before the public meeting took place on Friday He was keenly con scious that the report was couched in such terms that its adoption en dorsed the agreement All to no purpose however majority had already was adopted The companys agreement was then taken clause by clause and they wallowed in a vortex electrical technicalities Mayor and Reeve Pearson who are power users hand- chunks of information from unim aginable heights the less interest ed- a complicated ex planation said Councillor Dr Wes ley referring to a Professor import phrase cycle and all that kind of thing I dont under stand Thats what the expert for replied Councillor Cape thresh out all those things ihvu twciu Rate loV per hour with mniimum payment on the of per cent of mohthly peak having duration hot less 3ts at the rale of 3550 per Year Consumer to be given six it elects as basis of payment l to tor with privelcge of renewal by agreeH lo give time a vision or reduction of rates the rates it it can be shown an acceptable to both parties that W the Pro vince- Ontario is getting rate from or any other the mission Electric Energy in Newmarket Terminal Station Co at Toronto and so arranged that either line can be the ok in roteothv at the PoinU assure 0 rr- a 4200 3 line with a neu tral WiWi making ft vol town Toll system available In the town bis line is also connected to a similar plant and a steam turbine plant at how in period iwidl In the con- tract regarding quality of service ternandirx a volU and regulation for not per I rcqtiusftI at ai the to on the fol lowing quest to vi Iiahitliat would be to at present Light in order either of two systeins and give the a duplloate and tho present and have to v to the present Con- of kilowatt phase 13 andyOne kilowatt by a steam engine switchboard to control These machines cannot be used either as icaetve generating capacity when the power of the To- Co or the Hydro Is not it necessary tor to have a staam as a reserve or to serve as duplicate tern or the electric light and power demand in the town The continuity of Power from the Toronto York Co- supply Is TOR rATTERriS ALL pi HOUSE Knitted Silk Ties and The Pearl TW Tt8me Lace Collars Ko Lace Collars arid Special Purchase of In All pure ftilk regulafis to on Hale yard Squares in all Qualities shall to call tor your order twice a week If you us to Boots and Shoes Oil and Ilnoleums from one to- four yards Madras Muslins Damasks ftlook Complete Nets and heaps of other to Suit Man MaterUls for Draperies W A and Child BRUNTON 5S Deputation of Men Want Aurora Dry morning five special cars on the Metropolitan convey ed a delegation to Toronto to oppose granting liquor licenses in Au roratwo from Newmarket two from Aurora and one from and Richmond Hill in all about of most prominent business and professional men of all the localities as well as tanners iu the vicinity The visiters were introduced to Won Mr Marina by Mr T Herbert MJP lor North York who assured Provincial Secretary that for the last two years an intolerable condition has existed in Aurora Rev of Aurora was principal spokesman He made a comprehensive review of the situa tion pointing out- tbat on vote last January ballots were cast for the loTal option bylaw and against Application for a recount was immediately entered and Judge Morgan ordered that one vote be read knew but deducted from each side The Judge h Engineering University Feb His the Mayor reasons given above amt Council For this reason I would advise l that the two engines and generators Following the request of Mayor Cane I on to propasars for the simply submitted to the the Toronto York Radial Railway Co and by the Hy dro Electric Commission of Ontario At the time of my visit I carefully examined the situation visited the present electric plant and installa tion the Railway Co and had conferences Hie Mayor the Chairman Light Committee and others of the Council also of the Hoard of Trade On the following day had inter views in Toronto with the Chief En gineer of Toronto and York Ra dial Railway Co The proposal of the Hydro Electric Commission as letter Dee attached is for tho supply of electric power at volts or at volts while that of the To ronto and York Radial Railway Co is tor the supply of electric power at volts with alternative price at mm n fc be sold Jorwhatover they can bring distributing system in the Town will have to ho entirely the transformers and meters replaced by new equipment the street system should also be entirely renovated ftguted the cost of these al terations at approximate my stay at Newmarket was too short to enable me to make more than a hurried examination of the Regarding the rif the pumps for the waterwiorks and fire service as electric power contracted for on the monthly maxi mum demand and pumping need not be carried continuously can be done at of loads- a large over the cost of the pre sent method of pumping by steam would lie effected if eleceric driven turbine pumps were installed The present pumps can the as a or- as a duplicate system if this be the Fire volts as per- draft of contract would advise that ami letters attached lHe Toronto York Thb prices quoted are as ilydroKlectric Commssioiv-esti- V0 ftt price 3630 per Of Groceries in our Basement at Cut Prices to clear out the Stock All goods purchased will be deliver- ed on ReadyMixed Paint 60c for Wall Papers Very Cheap mated cost P contracted for rate volts l contracted for rate Horse Power annum draft of agreement be accept ed and distribution system v in be per II P distribute the power con- I for 2 v per P decided that votes had been cast illegally and as these were all deducted from the local option count bylaw was quashed Rev pard then submitted the details of the six votes pointing out that in the case of four there were grave doubts as to the judges action The details of votes cannot a factor in our said Mr The same proposition has been put up to us before and have established a practice of dealing with those cases If your case comes within our scope we can dispose of it in five minutes but If it docs not it will require much consideration You may rest assured we will your very strong protest the most careful consideration c Mr K York told of conditions in his home town a result of the sale of liquor There was ttnore drunkenness in Aurora be said than in any other town j the Dominion and mentioned some of the conditions He was followed by Sir Hume Hill- Mr King Mr Jain Whitchurch and Dr Wesley Newmarket all of whom urged that Aurora was the Mecca drinkers from the entire sur rounding country and that much In justice was done as a result Local Option has carried for 30 miles up street and Aurora is now the only wet municipality- in the en tires section Mr T Aurora urged that the case was very similar to that of West Lome ami submitted a lengthy legal brief in support his contention The same difficulty of which yoU haVe spoken exists In greater or less degree generally less l other points of tho said Mr In reply The tacts regard to local conditions are not entirely new I may say that before the matter Is disposed It will receive the very consideration that We can give to It If as Mr has case is similar to that at West our course ought to he fall clear The visitors departed very much en threshing out had not resulted in anything tangible to him hie committees report has been adopted and the public meet ing on Friday results in some extra ordinary demonstration public op inion Newmarket will be supplied by the Metropolitan for the next five years The Agreement The agreement is in part as fol lows company agrees to supply ine consumer and the consumer agrees to take from the company all such elec tric power as the consumer now re quires or shall or may during the pe riod this agreement require for municipal light power othermu nicipal purposes including power it may desire to sell to consumers With in the Town Newmarket company will not date ol the contract make any new agreements or the supply of power volts Toronto A York Radial Co 50ft P contracted for rate volts Mr P contracted for Clerk Newmarket MM volts liXar have recently been ask- Chief of the HrfroH Electric Commission advised me that Upmarket provided only p the prices quoted were only estimates on the basis that charges power ng built from he Hydw Quid not exceed the amount given but they w to wo would remind you that reductions as other loads were con- do not recommend this voltage for the distance the curlent has to be transmitted particularly in the case of Newmarket Which wc consider a very heavy future power user Upon the volt propositi wo niate will cost p p In cerupnisbn with these costs ill give our eatinted cost for pow er to Newmarket on the former using a 41000V volt trans mission line On account of the good regulation and the possibility a much greater area being served re ducing the cost of rower to all we would strongly recommend that this proposition be accepted p Owing to the press of business with towns that have passed their enabling are anxious to vote on Money ByLaws our have been unable to up the dis tributing system at Newmarket fur ther than obtaining certain data from your Water and Light Commission Yours truly HydroElectric Power Commission of Ontario Chief Engineer W LUNDY THE LADIES STORE i 1 000 Bracelet Watch Those arc of excellent guaranteed quality value these are- without rivals Thoyl are good and cheap and just what you want ft CO and p of Marriage nee ted to their system Again that the charges would monthly peak loads without any minimum fix ed charge although a charge 75 per cent of the Power contracted for be legally collected from the municipality- At my meeting Toronto with representatives the Toronto York Co 1 took the op- porUmity of submitting to litem a re draft form of contract which af ter discussion was approved and ac cepted by them- am enclosing samel You will note that 1st This Contract is or five years periods renewable at the Municipal lys option 2nd the rate is subject to revision In municipals j in the should receive a more favorable price 3rd Power is be paid for monthly on maximum monthly denwnd conditions named as to minimum payments The Power Co will contract lor- Power in the ct Council Contract is for power at volts at the site of present electric plant I am of the opinion that electric power at volts at which volt age it can bo distributed at price would be about equivalent of for tho volt supply based maximum pi 500 H P as annual to Town for the transforming it would haver to equip and maintain would bo approximate ly per P the SCO P demand J With power supplied at volts no capital expenditure will be requir ed the maid or electric power act that the Toronto York Co a supply you Power at volts la of great to town you with Sale Register Homeseekers Excursions To Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Each Tuesday until Oct inclusive MONDAY April Auction sale of farm stock and implements on Lot 9 Con North Jer sey the property of New- burn Sale one Terms eleven months Kavanagh WEDNESDAY April W will have a sale of house hold furniture carpets etc on the Teeumsehi St pei commencing at p m J Auct Live Stock Market There is no change this week in To ronto from the prices quoted in last weeks Era I I If A it rfi Before starting your Spring HouseCleaning see the Largest Assorted Stock in Town of MADRAS CURTAINING IN ECRU CREAM AND WHITE Heavy Curtain Lace inches wide icr Deep a Net you would pay Special this week 60c yard Heavy Fish Net Curtaining 25c 30c 35ci and See our New Assorted Stock of Pretty Curtains Art teens Covering 1 W C make no Winnipeg and Return 36 Edmonton and Retura 43 Proportionate low rales to other points Return limit two months Settlers Excursions To Alberta and Saskatchewan- Every Tuesday until April in clusive from in Ontario Port Hope and West at very low rates Through coaches and Pullman Tour- 1st cars are operated to Winnipeg without change leaving To ronto via Chicago and St Paul on above dates t Trunk Railway Is the shortest and quickest route be tween Winnipeg Saskatoon and Ed monton fierth Reservations and particular from Grand Trunk Agents A a a Union Station Toronto Depot If Newmarket Markets v April i per bush Goose Wheat per bush lluckwheat per bush Barley per Oats per bush Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per pn new Kggs per Butter per lb Iotatoes per bag Chickens per lb Geese per lb Ducks per lb Turkeys per lb i V 00 0 0 37 23 DO- a 025- 20 0 17 0 i Toronto Markets April Kail per bush 0 per- bush v 39 Barley per bush Rye- per bush CO- bush OS- J5 Hay ton Butter per lb 0300 Eggs Chickens per lb per It 9 w Ductal pel ISfcViVVO W- Let Your Next Suit A BE r New Spring Styles Samples have THEY ARE THE BEST EVER SHOWN IN NEWMARKET Style Fit I f- Time to Pick out Your I if xmm c r TORONTO mm a s S5

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