SB ilt JT as OiOpC mi WATCHMAKER AND Opposite Church on Park Ave Under Studio- WANTED energetic Working Foreman to take construction of Roads and in Town of Newmarket One with knowledge the work preferred Apply to J wo have received further information on the Light and Tower a stated that Mr John for the West present the money mar- on Tuesday la likely cause much delay op Oliver Wright moved to To- A Wanted 1 Re- it I Ti For Jacksons Point Summer sort Diningroom Girls good Cook Kitchen Helps Wages from to per month Apply to WInans Newmarket carding the present plant would bit a is experienced in floating again gain to every ratepayer Tnbcnurs retarding operations Newmarket and a double gain to advances made have Wen re and Mrs Jackson o the Ranks friends to tea last Friday Ontario Legislature has ad- Tuesday Mean- a o the House On J ire assured by the J Water and light Ar day Mr a Government contractor I l thirty- 5 MlXfcUJ Side user of electric Ifsbi At the present it costs the Corporation over for street and other public lighting and we are assured by the Chairman of the the Hon K Then op town 100 at All that ftw cfor Ih canvas of the town shows that about horsepower can be used which at per will produce an annual revenue of Tbis Is to pay the hew debentures and Interest per annum as well as the debentures interest on the old iluiX repair renewals and all working expenses he surmising the I The users ol current promised aC cannot twne into force and TIN BLOCKS AND r about ten days later seftiiannuat visit Per Load Delivered to Town ON OH and they will have the advantage of continuous power whenever required This is iaus by tin- tact thai Another matter of great Importance is the fact that the new agreemen with the Metropolitan Railway Investigated it for the House provide or royal assent to the bills WHEN ORDERING ONLY Phone Orders No PARTED BY OUR OWN CARTERS ONLY Rubber Tiring Town of Newmarket will take its place among all the towns in the Province as a manufacturing center With Cheap allday electric WM ft SONS CO lhus the times After further explanation ot the agreement On Monday night the Hoard Having Secured from Mr A Trade it unanimously a plant for putting on anv Me kind of Rubber Tires w be now paid by the Davis Leather Co pleased to do you ft ing or putting new tires lor you agreement and can do it in fairly short notice l Wstioa but the Metro- work entrusted to me will re- PoUtal to arc in a position to most careful attention A the Hydro and a clause in the Howard North York Livery protects the Town to extent that no other town in County can have a lower rate Vote for the on the and you will make no mistake I Liberals no Friday Yi tannic of Toronto went to Orchard yesterday at the Ontario Legislature p her cottage for tie season Seems to be At rate Richardson returned there Is a lb from Windsor last Friday otter spend- with the tlio ten weeks with her brother iense Act The Telegram poluts I Mr and Mrs that the trouble Is that while visit inc the home Of his license year begins on May I who seriously III at owing at Handlton IJut- tenvllfe Davison Went to the to until the charges not ho possible city last week on account of her son to meet on and Mr Davison undergoing an from over the trouble it also Mr organUer for hotel men to continue to open lrs in town in the interests of that at instead of oclock a the Order and Is securing some new mem- amendment provides and to lrs for Initiation sell bottles over the bar which Mr lohu Anderson of who has had 2d years experience la piano tuning will in town the amended prohibits a scene horxlering on the lwo ln lhose sensational was reached in the Comgj services on Privileges and Kiections at M of Man Toronto because no evidence would not think of doing repairing wider a 5year agreement Is the allowed regarding the without Era We are having to Hon Mr which Mr gd counsel for the Provincial are Secretary admitted barf been received and or party purposes The likewise refused to allow Mr wilh and Mrs The to be urged by Mr iMr home at Mr MPP- Point vesterdav for the I for more particulars Finally tnecAdo the Local Representative Wanted season To lots In Parkway Heights subdivision Ontario The fastest growing town in Canada Manufacturing seven- Fire Protection the session the trie Light Sewers all available Car lines being extend ed to property This is one of the beat investments in Canada today Apply with references Realty Ltd Adelaide St Toronto gag was so strongly applied that e Smith arrived in To- Mr Mr and the ronton from Kngland with Liberal members of the Committee grants came up to Newmarket on withdrew Previously Mr Wednesday evening to visit his friend admitted that Mr Taylor had made Mr T Kirk accusations before Hon Mr to the cite vesWrday while pressing his claim against the Master Edwin Foster the introduced a measure for the Government but further particulars yearold of Mr Maurice appointment of a were refused And this is called Foster of this town has teen Water are a ot DeputyFire Marshall i b tw organist in St Anglican different localities The cost of The largo two r manual pipeorgan in the church was Men will be honest with on an- two years ago A bright mil roads Heights is the residontial within tlie city limits Seven min utes walk from the Post Another Look ah this Style Its from the Studio of- one of the Designers in Sea the Full Front elusive the Nice Lapels the Smooth Shoulders Century Brand Creation Another Ex- are Sole A gems i in the on system is to be by a tax the Fire insurance Companies do- KRTTLEnY strange the wet are G LUNDY business in Ontario not exceed- themselves one per cent of thc gross amount of the premiums received yearly The House For Sale following are the more important duties the Chief Marshal l00 fot large enough for another house Ap- with lsic career for the boy is anticipated having lately by his instructor prof Andrews ofj Mrs and Conservatory of Music were at J J TOWN LINK r ESTATE NEWMARKET Has the following on his list or quick sale Three now Houses oil Ave- side These houses each contain nice large rooms lathroom clotffeselosets and pantry and equipped with all- modern For Sale To investigate the cause and o every occurring C UghcS in Ontario by which property of his majesty or ol any person has been destroyed damaged specially make enquiry to whether such fire was the result carelessness or do- sign At tho request in writing of any Person having an interest as owner Miss on Saturday Geo Williams on Sunday Mr Cook also There were a great many vacant seats fa both churches on Sunday and till In good locality close to l or occupant or otherwise In or property to enter at business part of the town and terms on any one all of I these houses aro extremely favorable Nearly now Frame House on Jo seph Av west side rooms nice garden This Is an extra well built house Price Double House on Main side A very desirable property centrally located large rooms and Pantry in each end cel lar full size each with furnace well built nicely decorated on largo lot right in centre of the town Price Beautiful Brick House Stable chard Gardens and Lawns in village of A most suable country home formerly by the late Dr Pearson Or- reasonable hours the purpose of examination into and upon all the buildings and property situate in the blind local or not more than onequarter of a mile front the or property In which such Is Interested tak ing with hlm If a peace or other assistance as he may deem proper Order thc removal of any building or property which by reason of or dilapidation appears to ho peculiarly liable to attack by lire Or to spread lire In the locality Keep a record of reported to him with such facts statistics Burner Also Hatcher gain Marty farmers in the vicinity were are pleased to say that the ladies busy seeding to greater part displayed more courage than the young of last week but the rain on men day night and Sunday has set them Pleased to see Mrs in our back a few days midst again from On account of scarcity of help the j the Town Line items of last saw mill on the Town Line is not week Scottv got his ginger up Its SCOTT Building Lot j land circumstances as may lne regulations abort distance from electric car sta tion Price nearly new rooms all con venlehces on Huron street well built and nicely finished in locality Price Half cash and balance on mortgage at per cent New Frame House on East Cedar street right in the heart of the town SET All conveniences well built and nice- I on largo lot Price half cash balance on cent Summon witnesses administer oaths and receive evidence upon oath in respect to the prevention of fire lion with the enforcement this I Cause the prosecution of any Per son whom he deems guilty ol tie New Perfection Oil Stove Egg Incubator Cycle Good as new at a liar- progressing very rapidly in its cut- jail very well can hit operations Help Is at a one else I We would like to tell what we saw Jim West disposed of a number of going up the street on Monday night fine fat hogs this- week for which but we wont ho received a good price Jim is Pleased to see Mr Bert Maxwell quite a feeder back among the old boys again Bert Instead of Gordon paying his week- has been attending Agricultur- visit to the home this Sunday College for the past few months Kr Vance his brother spent the week- Sidewalks will be easily kept in with him now that the Mail Sucker fishing is in full swing the livery has commenced creek being lit up every night doing A chopping For Sale oil Oak Street feet frontage by feet deep There is a fine bearing orchard This proper ty is surrounded by fine and is near Pickering College Apply to Gardner Newmarket YOUR HOME to the contravention of any enactment passed by this legislature aspect to the prevention of fire the prevention- of injury to persons T public entertainments the for in n inspection of steam boilers the con- Also Farm clay loam soil well located lh2SfffittSS from Metropolitan stop atShar- public buildings on Price half cash or would take house and lot in Newmarket not exceeding In part exchange Town Lots tor Bale Call Look Ov er Plans and Make Your Solcotlons House rooms Ontario St In excellent repair good new stable fine garden with lots of ap ples plums and berries Price Nice New Frame House Cottage Style rooms nil modem convent- Youre wise to uie FOR FLOORS INTERIOR WOODWORK AND FURNITURE Dries hard with a durable glow Wean longer than any other finish Money Mr Walter- Proctor has purchased Mr Wni Doyles automobile Messrs OBrien and lingshcad were In the vicinity of Totr putting the tele phone line in shape again The marriage of Mr Fred Sutton to Miss Walker sister of Mrs Jos Sutton took place In on College Heights Price 51- Thursday afternoon Tho contracting 80000 parties left for Toronto and Brick House on Millard Ave for their honeymoon room nd pantry well built on etont wall with cellar full size good cis tern and excellent well of pure water on lot House in good repair and dole to business par was the hostess town Price and balance on time at per cent House on Main street north corner Main and Huron streets all modern conveniences terms a thimble tea last Thursday af ternoon Many cellars In town have been flooded with recent heavy and one day laslt week it was found take the lire engine to one on street to with the anglers and their torches some of whom get large hauls Miss Blackburn is visiting in Toronto since Thursday last week Joy and gladness prevailed in the when the news became that the ablest and smartest chieftain of the human race is to speak on the issues the day at New Arena In Toronto on Mon day evening next Maj In the person of Sir Wilfrid the standard bearer of Reform party bespeak for him a Marge crowd from this Riding and we are sure the Arena with all Its capacity for seating thousands will not contain them all The byeword among all stalwarts here is forget the date and be sure and be there Special Cars leave Newmarket and Aurora Return fare Fifty cents Mrs Albert Somerville has been somewhat indisposed for the last week or so but we are glad to know she somewhat on the mend Mr and Mrs Fred Webster were F BKNNFIT Agent Mr Isaac has been busy fading bridging and improving his driveway from the Town Line to his house during the week j Master Willie Cutting is a pigeon fancier and has this week re ceived some of the Hamburg and Mag- pfe species all way from by express was spread over neigh borhood when sad news spread around of fatal accident to Mr Pottage of the 2nd Line Much sympathy extended to the Several Town Homes J these days quickly cute the and SO St J ROflDHOUSH ST NORTH NEWMARKET All orders will receive and Prompt Attention THE CRADLE Whitchuurch on April to Mr and Mrs Hdgar a son Newmarket on April to Mr and Mrs Al len Martin a daughter THB TOMB Brooms Brushes FOB- House We have received a large assort ment of Brooms Brushes at very rea sonable prices Let us show you what we have Something Special in Jams Fruits lb Tins Jam at in Strawberry Plum and Peach Choice Green Gages at 10c tin Choice Lombard Plums at 10c tin One Gallon tin Apples at tin Compound Maple Syrup at 15c tin CVS Mi J Real aud Agency Town Lots FOR SALE Good Building Lots in different parts of the Town at Prices Also Convenient to Business AND A somewhat decent appearance Parts Ono day during last week Mr Ed Blackburn with a log scraper Invent ed but I do not think yet patented by Mr Fred went over and improved it very much leaving It not only nice and smooth but well As well as Good Investments In graded far superior to any old road Moose law Lots and Pine Grove Many thanks to not Sujnmer Lots near the Council who are too dilatory for anything There is a bridge Good Farms in Mount Albert on Friday April 25h William Cook aged years and months Fu neral Saturday to Mount Albert Cemetery OTTAOE In King Township on Thursday April Gar- ton Pottage in- his year BROWNdn Newmarket on Thursday April Caroline Brown aged GO Interment in Aurora Cehetery afternoon by special funeral ear from Newmarket Our Phone No PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All j Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson Phm B MAIN STREET m Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates W TELEGRAPH OFFICE No Store Phone I E i 1- THE LEADING Undertaking House earn bay yew Fnrnitare Cheap For Cash I UNDERTAKING A attended to at Mr and Mrs J W Huntley of Sharon spent Over Sunday with tbeir son Mr J Huntley A number friends of Mrs- Ira tee Miss Laura Smith met at the home of Miss Mae on Wednesday evening and gave her a consisting of cut glass band- painted china alluminum and linen After re Irishmen a sociable time was spent in music recitations for Sale At All Prices FROM TEN TO THIRTY DOLLARS Best Value on tbe- Market AH parts kept in CosHr brakes at each TIb All Bicycle repairs promptly attended to NEWA STOVES and Furniture bought Bicycles to hire A A Main St I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO