Newmarket Era, 2 May 1913, p. 3

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m I a It rt- ea- lits ry I I Mr j i All Tir i 1 I Weeks IT OX monthly meeting the will be held on May the home Mrs Fred on Joseph Ave comment ins P- attendance is requested press Great Display fireworks at Hardware pick out your assortment early or May- Three Months Extension The North York loners met in Aurora on Saturday afternoon and granted thro months to the hotels that town landing developments the Local Option dispute A ACT WITH COM PANY FOB THE OK Kttjoxuto jwsn and iro THE EXPENDI TURE TWELVE THOCSANn DOLLARS fob THE AND OK AN1 AND OK IOneil ihb Mu nicipal the Town expedient to or too supply electric power AND an has wV of town liable be rated tfiwor in wh or the period twenty from dile when Ibis conies into effect Aalt into force and laVe upon the final passing thereof to by the voter oteais Qualified to vole there- on shall be submitted lor assent ho aaid of the Municipal Act on Friday the Mth day May At the hour of nine o clock In the poll will Open to take the votes the the aW on the said and the poll will at the of the said day places for the said and of the said vision of- will be months date FOR PATTERNS The Best Vet what youll say when yen the Concert by North Choir in tho Church next Wednesday evening Tickets a Wiling Subdivision Growing Fast he Customs returns for and Aurora which to jvparnted now as there are two sep arate offices for year ending March total an increase viouN year sold town Shall be toll mane by -the- Toronto ork 1 diitl or ply upon Ihe and a certain or copy which is forth this is referred to as the afcreeiueut Deputy vr AND the Couneil It expedient the said At Subdivision and to enter the oMllfi m for the supply and disl the corpontte n Mayor shall appoint in writing the over the electric to the Viae limits at est- rf ftt u mated cost id Twelve Thousand A Government engineer was here a ago attainting Tost again with view of en larging the lot to meet ments of Town An option was secured Mr property probably now into corner which will new buildinK of AND it is desirable or the purpose aforesaid that debentures the Corporation or the sum of ttliuV be extending over a per twenty years and repayable by annual instalments interest and principal then a splendid site AND lor the I the votes on Iho in terested in or respectively passing the Clerk the said Mu nicipality shall attend at the Coun cil in said town on Mon day the 2nd day of June 1913 sum up the votes given and against this DyIaw Dont Those Joe sweat pads at Hardware They are going last Accident While Mrs Define of street was driving on Huron street with some produce or shipment a team to a wagon that had been left unattended ran away and reared upon the buggy injurhig Mrs seriously and demolishing the rig Too bad any person would be so thoughtless as to leave a team un attended on a public highway- That Grass I Will soon need cutting Our mow ers easily cut and wear welt up at of the said debt and interest the re spective sums hereafter set forth will required to be raised annually by special rate in each of the years dur ing currency of the deben tures as hereinafter mentioned AND the amount of the Hfl6 rateable property muni cipality according to the last revis ed assessment roll is the sum AND the listing bent are dct l to of which lip portion principal or interest is in AND the Council deem it that the question of contract as above re cited and of the expenditure ot the as set forth should be submitted to the vote the elect ors to vote thereon in ac cordance with the of the Consolidated Municipal Act COUNCIL OF OK AS FOLLOWS- That the Corporation enter in to a contract with the Toronto and Hallway Company for the supply by the said Company ol electrical power upon terms and conditions contained in the agreement set forth in Schedule of this the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation are hereby directed and authorized to sign the said agree ment and to affix corporate seal thereto The Mayor is hereby directed and authorized to Issue debentures To clip your working horses the Municipal Corporation of the or Power machines tlut do the work Town Newmarket to amount Jot Twelve Thousand Dollars which debentures shall be mark ed and known as the Electric Light v- Cucumbers Wanted The Wm lb of Toronto are not satisfied with the acreage obtain ed in the vicinity Newmarket to grow Cucumbers and Cauliflower this season as the storehouse already erected will take of more double the contracted for Mr Smith one the representa tives will be at tlie King George Hotel Newmarket on Saturday May 3rd from a m to noon to make further and final contracts for call and see It Pays Well richt at of of to whiih of the two A or to adopt pay ment election It io to Company in writing J provide that during such period six tho may par Upon either treudicV to iljs have privilege o changing A Hut versa ninety days notice is fcivoi to the Company that intend to further n p and the shall le changing A to or vice at the of contract upon option and amount Power by the Con 11 l the rate be In accordance with the schedule hereto r to pay for Hie power taken this contract thb Company to rem Prospect its afOUftti tie previous Offtcef Mr on or tenth day Dolaiu iixjuth and the to pay ef Polling Subdivision or months consumption by Polling place Market ItuildlnSiM twenlieth of month I OF Measurement Power by llie- Company shall be Consumers by Curiae Wattmeters and In stalled by the Company The trusters shall be subject to test as to accur acy by either party hereto quited OP CONTRACT- This contract is for a five years from the supply Consumer to have privilege of renewing this contract is be so desires a lather term ot five years at existing rates giving three months notice In writ ing to the It is agreed that each or renewal fori five years- is made within y from tle date Commence ment of supply shall a clause similar to this giving the Consum er a right to a renewal the con tract or a further term five years ami shall also contain all other clause conditions and stipulations con tained in tke contract so The Company hereby at any time to give revision or of rates it at any the Consumer can show that any City or Town in the County York in the Province ol Ontario outside of Toronto is getting from the Com pany or any other Power or from the Hydro Electric Commis sion of Ontario a better rate Iran that paid by the Consumer and in that event this contract shad he read as if it contained such lesser late as the basis tor payment by the Consum er When a demand for a of the rates is made by the the Company agrees within thirty days liom the date of this demand to arbitrator satisfact- to the Consumer who shall con It- theVVvid w and that of he Supply of Electric lrQCt le to the j Power entered mto at the Town inl the Tr formation and costs Ontario this day of April or BETWEEN THE TORONTO RADIAL COMPANY- hereinafter known as Company eases of in the OK THE FIRST of the arbitrator the AND lor shall be appointed by a CORPORATION OK THE the County Couri the County TOWN hereinafter known as The Consumer It is agreed tot ease THE SECOND PART shall arise relating to THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH instruments- or ALL OOD BRTJNTONS i HOUSE KniLt Silt Tics afiO an J lies stock Toronto Price Our tofeTOv of Carpet Lace Collars to Collars and Cutis 1 I Purchase of In All Colors pure regular to on at per Squares la all Qualities Wo shall be pleased to call for your order twice a ask us Oil Cloths and Ilnolcunis from one to four yards wide t Muslins Nets and heaps other Materials or Draperies- and Shoes New Stock Complete have to Suit Every Man Woman and Child A BRUNTON Rolls A and qualities clearing out at I I 5 ti I fl 13 IS 19 re DS9t 51367 17657 sl92S 24437 90291 792KS S952 Roll Side Wall and Ceiling Clearing out at cost price in Basement as are giving up Department This should interest who pay cash and want to reduce the Cost of FOR to render the power available to the Consumer The decision shall binding and con clusive upon both parties hereto and THE Brief lets aid Power Debentures ana shall Many unusually healthy citizens with the suffering considerably twse days signed by Mayor and rer backache It becomes an epidemic lot the Corporation shall Depay at this time year and is caused by able within twenty years from man to spade thc gar- when this J don or dig flsfitrorms lect at thc onee o the I mm at Readers who would consult their Town ot Newmarket with interests should not all est at live per cent per as to closely examine tlie advertisements follows that is to Merchants who advertise bar- principal with interest at the sum gains in this paper r In twenty equal annual i There arc about pupils the meats art the Separate School sick with measles each amual t I Autos and agricultural Implements and interest shall bo the sum mo arriving at tho station by conpnted as sci lorm the carload- A hereto- May 24 will be red 3 The proceeds ol letter day in Newmarket A good j said debentures shall be nend programme of sports Is being arrang- the suel now requires or shall or may dur ing the period this agreement re quire or Municipal light power or other power sinners within the Town Newmar- Consumer being unable to agree up on this expert he be appointed Bv a Judge of County Court ol Municipal Including this expert to it may desire to sell to con- as to the mat- in dispute his award being Anal manner as this Council shall direct In the reorganization and the electric light plant and equipment at present Block opposite the For the purpose o paying the debentures and to coyer for Big crowd last Saturday night Mr Kirk new mason in the Era Office is 50 attended the How- est as aforesaid the sum of Knot dance in the Hank ol Toronto shall be levied as a special raw ojcr Hall last Monday night and above- all other rates the Nursery stock is arriving same manner and at tho same time i and daffodils are making taxes levied upon the line showing who went to keep track of the water they use will divide feet by bight the answer will be in dollars and cents Minutes Whitchurch Council re ceived yesterday too or this is sue Complaints reach us regarding the condftlonol Huron street opposite the Kelman property far has secured con tract to urnlfih OSMCo new fac tory with all the stone window sills required added that branch o trade to his already well established monument business Pasture- Is coming on rapidly Bell Telephone Co received a car load of poles fast week for their ra pidly growing business Clean back yards means a few mil lion house flies less Council meets at Sharon next Friday the The jar a man receives he slips on a banana peel usuall breaks one of the Where Quality Counts Ts in a Halter We have It in be and at 1 000 Bracelet Watch fc These of excellent guaranteed quality- For value these without rivals are good and cheap and just what you a CO and P Ticket Issuer kef or in the country j The within a radius miles expends the corporate limits except to wlthlho arbitrament shall also be Town of Aurora or within the said OF Company will not from the j case the supply power is date when this contract comes interrupted or ails whether rom make any new contracts or causes acts of tho supply of power within the accidents control the liable for damages by reason I in interruptions provided that of such reason- ore the the Town Company shall not he less council Consumer agrees to such new contract 3 AMOUNT This contract coyer a Probable maximum proportionate Shall be made in the amount payable outside which the Company Is lhe Consumer corresponding to to supply subject to the clause following v 12 It Is understood and agreed that entire responsibility the I shall at the point where service enters the the Consumer at any time to take more SCO maximum herein stipulated it- will I give at least MW jjftuCT the customer at which to the Company and in that mo the C and agrees to piovide for the added required and at the end of that time to supply the name not KIND OF Company until ac- ttlc lowr shall be lurnlslKsl by its proper at volts cycle not be modified phase alternating current with vu vurlathui per cent age and in writing into this agree- livery the current shall be at in- Itive ana snail not ting current Uh J not more than by or is or minus as to volt- Company unless The point oidoi in side entrance of cables or wires of Consumers substation at or near the Pumping Station Horse Power Year payable monthly based on highest peak during each month duration not less than twenty consecutive minutes It is herewith agreed that the monthly maximum demand for the purpose establishing the basis payment snail be tbe maximum monthly demand having duration not less than twenty consecutive minutes as shown during the month Maximum leads oocuring during such times as power is used for fire purposes shall not be Considered Or cents per kilowatt hour with minimum payment on basis per cent of es se frs mm ment before acceptance As witness thc seal Com pany and the hands of General Manager and the Seal ol the Consum er and bands ol the Mayor and Clerk the day and year first- above written Signed witnessed anfl sealed in the pr Mayor sence of lMaitaM i Clerk Gen Manager Schedule Above Referred To Amount HP- used A to per to 125 PUBLIC NOTICE monthly peak baling dura tioa not less than a rate of per Horse Power Year and- which be finally Is hereby given that the Is a true proposed bylaw which been taken into consider- by the Council Corpora tion the Town Newmarket In the event o assent of the elect ors being obtained thereto month the first In the Newmarket Era the date which first publication being on the Second day pi May 1913 and tie voles the electors qualified to vole on said ByLaw be taken thereon at the respective polling plac es abovo named by the above named deputy returning officers on Friday the day of May between the hours o nine oclock in forenoon and five oclock in the afternoon J HUGHES Clerk NOTICE TO LEASEHOLDERS A- leaseholder who Is entitled to vote on this ByLaw is one who is of the full age years the born or naturalized subject o His Majesty and who has neither directly nor indirectly receiv ed nor is in expectation of receiving any reward or gilt for the vote so tendered and Is resident within the Municipality for which the vote for one month next the vote and who or whose wife has a lease real property in the Town of Newmarket Which extends over the twenty years mentioned in the ByLaw the period o time within which the money to be raised by the bylaw is made payable and or which property he or she is rated on tlie- last revised assessment roll to amount of sufficient valuta to en title him or her to vote at a Muni cipal Election and who under his or her lease has covenanted to pay all municipal taxes respect property leased other than those as sessments for local improvements provided however that every lease holder who desires to vote on the said must file in thc offlce tho Town Clerk at least ten days prior to the date voting a stat utory declaration stating that his Or her lease meets above require ments The names leaseholders neglect ing to file such declaration will not be Placed on voters list for such voting April 1013 J HUGHES Clerk THE LADIES STORE a in ReadyMade Upstairs do not fail to see them Complete range of Ladies White Lawn Blouses The Finest we have yet shown Price to Ladies White Underskirts Elaborately Trimmed with Lace Insertion and Embroidery Price 50c to S3 Ladles White Drawers and Corset Covers Elaborate ly Trimmed with Lace and Embroidery Prices from 35c to Ladies and Childrens House Dresses Made of Fine Scotch Ginghams and Neatly Finished with Contrasting Shades- 50c to Ladies Norfolk Suits 5350 to W C LUNDY r Live Stock Market Prices in Toronto this week Export cattle Choice butcher cattle Good Steers to Common to p and feeders to Calves to Sheep Jambs 950- Hogs a Newmarket Markets 1st v FU Wheats per per bush 0 Oats per bush Buy Your Suit Now FOR- j SEMIREADY Are Showing and Boat Range of ever Shown Fit Guaranteed JvSv Suits Made to Your Special Meas ure and Delivered in DUNCAN The Cents A ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO mm TORONTO

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