Newmarket Era, 9 May 1913, p. 2

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aawss Young Fox Terrier white with tod ten fte if relumed to Bank Montreal Ross i Money Found 5 can same by proving and paying for this -notice- Apply at Drug Store on Committee fleeting In Tory Toronto and git night alike a majority of bote ot respect to the great a op Chieftain and Protest nftiC toe play and political a statement assigning rea sons why he wilhd as prosecutor Wanted J tactics the Dominion Government The Conservative Press hare J been saying that the people not over the navy question nod the St Thomas Times even went fie If A man to work my grounds and ear for the orchard on Is iflouajhed Thos J Main St- Girls Wanted In ClothesPin Department Factory Steady pleasant work Ap ply at Office HE WM A SONS Co Ltd Barker BUILDER All designs of houses bungalows a Specially Plans on application Residence St of the charges brought him Against Whitney and Hon Mr Han- Provincial was not on ly a fair honest pre- lieoplc filling the building In Toronto as Sir in rlfr to a la sea of faces and an estimated crowd people In Ik- streets adjoin Is rather the con and upon he imoxbUdly relied to substantiate the charge had prefer re I before the Mouse and as the Hamilton Herald very correct ors only were it Uhat Sawyer Wanted Men to sawing lor stave Mill Cut Off and Saws Steady work The Win Cane a Sons CM- Ltd of on the naval issue and the Closure On both of these va rious speakers convinced the meeting that fie stand taken by Sir and his followers Was Just and right and in the best of the Dominion A few of pungent remarks at the big political meeting Wilfrid is the part Canada to come and her share of the defence that the boats may he built so tar as it may be done by Canadian lapor hear hear equipped and maintained Canadian labor as manned by Canadian the against the prosecuttoa It is true that and fair play were denied to if Proud- toot by the chairman and the rua- committee is hove to add our regret North Yorks representative was a member of that andsUp- ported we Understand the ruling the YSvei Conservatives in this Ridiftg are condemning this gagging of free and honest enquiry political corruption Do nations of hundreds or dollars from contractors to members of Gov ernment a menace to- honest- and independent idministitlon thihg short of an stich Card ol Thanks Mrs Chas Norton of wish to their sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for their kind assistance sympathy during the illness and death of their daughters S demanded people suspicion being Party success is not the ultimate ty end Ttie of principle the of duty of guilty of suppressing evidence thru Partisan will free the from the disgrace implied The itieism of Mr WANTED A live energetic Working to take charge the construction and Walks in Town of One with a knowledge the work preferred- Apply to J Clerk tfpoloRles tot 1 to Wanted m For Jacksons Point Summer 3 Diningroom good Cook Kitchen Helps screen back to Ottawa this take my share the Rood j iho honest enquiry However that whatever may be the conclusion is approaching when the electors of Ontario will have an opportunity of pronouncing upon the whole proceedings Independ ent of the rulings partisan 1 man Wages from to ier the Aseds men whose sacrific Apply to Jackson Point lj public lone after the Motor Boat for Sale foot Motor with a p Gray Engine Oak finished Chair seats in firstclass condition EVANS Newmarket RBAL ESTATE Has the following on his list lor quick still Three new Brick Houses on Park Ave- North houses contain nice large rooms clothesclosets and pantry and quipped with all modern convenienc es In good locality to business part of the town I ho and terms on any one or all o those houses are favorable Nearly no0 Frame House on Jo- wh Ave west side rooms nice garden This is an well built house Price 170000 Double House on Main side A very desirable property centrally located large rooms Bath and Pantry in each end cel lar full size each with well built nicely on largo lot right In centre the town Price Brick House Stable chard and Lawns in the vHlage A most do- country home oc cupied by Dr Pearson only short distance from car Price Fine nearly rooms all con- venlcnoos on Huron street well built and nicely finished good locality Price Half cash and balance in the Canadian Parliament shall never bo finished until It is fought before the Canadian people Hon Chas Murphy H is fitting that this first great protest against this new attack by the Tories on re sponsible government and freedom speech should be made in this city A this city which was the for J public memory long scriptions on that granite in the Necropolis will have ceased to tell the story of the simple lives and the heroic death ol Samuel Local and Peter Matthews Help us to drive to the country We have no tear of the re sult an election takes place we in in in- Mr Albert of Toronto spent Monday with witbor Hoy is To for a prior to exiuns Mr and Mri- A W spent Tuesjlay at their and Mrs lafksn the with son In To ronto ejd Mi lor last week to Join her husband Mrs WUea 6 visiting last with Mrs mbt Mr Albert To ronto visited his sisters on Niagara St Inst Mr Sainuel of writes Wo could not do the and Mrs J Norman WrlRht spent Sunday wUH his mother In Toronto Mr rushed to the evening tot an jwter- report was favorable Dr experts to the Dental Convention In Ihe first three days next Mr Gordon Prince writes enjoy Era as so home pews Alnfri business in List night the High hooiistacdwer to be- entertained the King Hotel the Chairman J McKay Mr LooSrd Chanutfe Kan writes have away from King Township York nty for a we are still glad to get old New market Era It is like hearing from old every week writes Of course want Kra and a visitor and well worth the to me to hear each week ol the progress of that country since J was a boy and a good many things that happened years ago am well and enjoying as good health as did years ago A WISE DOG I is I Suiting the Hard to Suit Men is to Clothes the Ihrnler Kg it to Fit Fastidious he is in to Style and detail in in Anxioi9 wo are fere for Ws Spring We want the Hard to Suit Man I I To come with AH his Notions and Ideas Two employees the freighter Co- fell a distance feet down the hatchway vessel on Mon day and injured The case Starr was tra versed at the Assizes this week to next court and on Monday two bench warrants wore issued lor- prisoners who failed to answer to their name a The Council is building believe the I ml party- wil regain Its oldtime Strength ami vitali fttot K SuiSSPtlui SSL of the Masonic fraternity Ontario political mistake mans in Hon Geo the men made wealth in the manulacture w tion o of armaments the men who event The se cured high salaried offices as a result of military organizations were put in the front rank there would be lit tle fighting or excuse for fishUm The policy of the Canadian Gov ernment Is to make every Canadian a I ago A party of sportsmen on their way home after a successful shholr log the time In telling dog stories each one being an effort to the previous one Here is the last story told I got a dog that makes all yours seem fools said little man I generally teed him myself after dinner hut the other day a friend dropped in and the poor beast slipped ray mind Af ter the meal we went into the gar den The dog scratched up a flower and laid it at my feet with the most yearning look in itwas a forgetmenot Mi We believe wo have an Agreeable in Store for In The Price aval of Our Suits something like that these Prices run Considerably Less than Cus toms asksand he could not give a Suit if he tried and and tried Sv THE MEN FOR MEN v i 1 r- J new Perth Ave Church dedicated on Sunday last was unable to bold all the pcople who desired to attend the opening ser vices Two men were arrested the other HEY Two men were arrested the otter snbstiUiteriaylng other people to on a charge of assaulting two girls fight their battles lnvt d w South African war proved evening that Canadians can take their place Clifford in ftrlniEHne in firing line Dr Mfehacl Clark call that en Immoral alliance which comes to to pull the flag down and comes Mo Ontario to win by waving that lag That brings which do you matter of pluck Worsted argu merit beaten in their first crude attempt to put us down by physical force they stopped the game in the middle to alter the rules The sheep of Little BoPeep were not in it for docility with the Con servatives when Mr Borden put the closure on them QO s horse Her- won the Canadian Champion ship for high jumping on Saturday at the Horse Show The heat on Sunday last drove thousands upon thousands the Parks was WHY HE LOVED IT was a minister whobelieved that there is something In all men and women no matte to what depths of degradation they may have sunkv The minister began to collect and jot down his notebook speci fic instances which proved his theory One day he was paying a visit a condemned prisoner and while the two were engaged in tamest conver sation a rat stole out Iron his hid- April ALTAR Parsonage on April Mrs Margaret Watson to Mr Hoot Mount Albert At the resi dence of brides brother Dr J Sandwfch by the Toll Victoria Edith only daughter of the late John to Albert George Atkinson of Creek Kent County me to the closure Privilege and Election was nearly forgetting What thc Buildings think these fellows in j its Tory majority of four to one had no difficulty in blocking the inquiry thereby proclaiming subscription to party funds from Gov ernment contractors to be a The 19th annual National Torse Show came to an end at the Armouries on Saturday evening largest attendance in its Not only was every seat in the occupied and the galleries filled to overflowing but all available room was crowtttd high jumping was the feature the show on mortgage at per cent and was very satisfactory New mine House on Cedar Ontario paper remark the In street in the heart of the town Hurt people are becoming tirad of All conveniences well built and nice- seeing Police Magistrates of our lf lMS finished on large lot Price 2000 hall cash balance on time at C per Cent iv Also Kami tor sale in East to take care of them fact acres good buildings is the time has come when entire nice level laud the best sort oil prohibition of the traffic clay loam soil well located mile I should be in force and stop this farce Metropolitan stop at receiving money to on Price cash or ho rcfjigeH take house and lot In Newmarket not expense to take care of the results of in part exchange the traffic Town Lots for sale Call Look The Toronto World has enteral up on thc prophetic role or rather its J II I had a surplus 1 seeing Police Magistrates ot our jailing ItMl This has inspired a move- g f Sort to Provide an asylum at L SffiSC on in the cell and crept toward- the prisoner The man fondled the rat with ev ery show of affection Do you love the rat and have you been so Wind to j him as to tame him completely asked the minister eagerly fumbling in pocket lor his notebook Love this rat repeated the prisoner Why Id share my last crust with him any minute And can you tell me my poor fellow what has put In to your heart this unselfish love for a rati Sure answered the pri soner This rat he bit jailer Sir I by Rev P Fletcher at the sldence the brides parents Li ly May daughter of Joha Smith exReeve East to Norman Pax ton of To ronto THE TOMB At Alberta en April Rev Reuben R son of Geo Haw tin Pine Orchard aged 33 years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery last Saturday afternoon from home Mr Starr THB CRADLE TCUNERAt Coshocton Ohio on NORTON At the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto on May 3rd Amy Evelyn daughter of Mr and Mrs Norton to Mr and Mrs vllle aged years nee Miss Grace Funeral from the residence Mr In an effort to prevent a defective oil tank- car from endangering a num ber loaded box in early Monday morning er Plans and Make Your Selections 1 House rooms Ontario St- in excellent repair good new Ottawa correspondent The despatch stable fine garden with lots of says that the Parliament will pro- pies plums and berries Price 1 rogue before Victoria Day and that Liberal members headed by Sir Nice New Frame House Cottage Wilfrid Hurler will waft out of the Style rooms all modern convent- 1 chamber and remain jway tor the on College Heights Price balance of the session In case the V bill Is put through the House as Brick House on Millard Ave I It will he pantry well built on stone lotion the closure rule fi- with cellar full sire good el- tern excellent well ot pure water off tot Houso in good repair and close In to business part town Price cash and balance on time at per cent Newmarket a son ORIKN At Lloydtbwn on day April to Mr Mrs A Gordon a daughter and to Mr and Mrs man a son on May Karl Eli on May meat at Newmarket Cemetery Ottawa May Harriett infant Mr and Mrs W Meglll aged 11 months days Brooms Brushes FOR- House Gleaning We have received a large assort ment of Brooms Brushes at very rea sonable prices Let us show you what we have Something Special in Jams Fruits lb Tins Jam at in Strawberry Plum and Peach Choice Green Gages at 10c tin Choice Lombard Plums at tin One Gallon tin Apples at tin Compound Maple Syrup at 15c tin fa Our Phone No is Opposition will as a body from Houqc This is the will it prove true We Kill House on Mate north j Mr corner Main and Huron Price easy Agent for P Lands Over Tata Street Newmarket flic Advertiser two Impertinent question Did- Mr- lor to make a on to the Chairman refused to question to the asked Mr Taylor The member for North York will likely be asked f of wiped oil name ouesllon when the next elec tion takes place May entire business the town of Knxlehatt was wiped the map early this morning Rumor has It political circles that Hon J J Attorhey-Geo- of Ontario is to he a Artf made its way Senator ron the wooden blocks that forced too mala and entire town blocks bare the observes Mr e foisted on that body it in the terminal yards and which com destroyed loaded freight cars and damaged a engine Loss Under the patronage of crnor Gibson the open performance of the first Canadian Cadet tournament took place a tthe Armouries on Mon day night Rivalry was keen es pecially in the tug war events Del College Cadets were suc cessful over Hamilton The Ottawa Free Press rises to mflrkHon Sir James Whitney and Hon J Harms must have wor ried and sweated the ex amination of Hon Wallace the latter must have had several twinges along choleric lines vrten Per using Mr Hartley compli mentary to him the entire procedure In cleaning kitchen walls a little kerosene added to each pall of hot water soapsuds about a cupful pall will make the easier This has been found especially good tation of tiles not Wat er but warm as it is apt- to have for walls that halve finish In a mottled appearance East Sth of May to Mr and Mrs Eves daughter THE LEADING FnrnitDreft Undertaking House You buy tout Furniture Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A A SPECIALTY colli attended to at John Millard IT ana Local Representative To handle lota in Parkway Heights subdivision The fastest growing town In Canada Manufacturing plants sever Rail roads Parkway is the only residential subdivision within the city limits- Seven min utes walk from the Post Office Toronto at home of her daughter Mrs Delaware Ave on May 1st Philadelphia widow ol in her year Ave To ronto Saturda May James Inline in his Husband ol the late Margaret and last surviving son the late J ot King Township Y on Thursday May 1st Mrs Elizabeth in her year MeLELAN In Fergus Ont Sun day May lftl3 at the residence her uncle Mr James M Watt Stella Laura MoLelan at the age of years only child of Madeline and the late Thomas Edwin grand-daughter- of the Hon A Leutenant- Governor of Nova Scotia DRUGS PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes W J Patterson Phm B MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and photo ChoooUtea TELEGRAPH- OFFICE House Store v trie Light Sewers Gas Water all available Car lines being extend ed to property This Is one of the beat investments to Canada I MAW NORTH Apply with y Realty Limited 33 Ade- All oidera will receive -v- BETTER TIME were at the skating rink George she asked as they round- ed the bend is your watch Bicycles for Sale George At Prices ROM TEN TO THIRTY DOLLARS Beat Value on the Market All with a J All Bicycle repairs merry is better time since 1 put your picture the case W v- you flatterer how that her y see- when I placed vour picture inside the case added i t- SECONDHAND STOVES TriDHMTn

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