Newmarket Era, 9 May 1913, p. 4

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tprgss sac ft em J MAY WOMANS via I ft a From that Weak Always Toed Feel hams Compound I cannot speak too highly of medicine When my ap petite Is poor ami I hare that weak lan guid tired feeling I get a Vegetable Compound and It builds me up gives me strength and re- mo to perfect health again It is truly a Messing women cannot apeak highly enough of it take pleas ure In recommending It- to other Mr AKnib Cameron Out Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex not lose sight of these facts doubt the ability of Vegetable Compound to restore their health There are probably hundreds of thou sands perhaps millions of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy which Was produced from roots and herbs over SO years ago by a woman to relieve wo- mans suffering If you and need such a medicine why dont you try it If yon want special write lo Co Lynn Mass Your letter will be opened read and by a woman and held In strict confidence Eradication l Vm Whitchurch l Is a source of satisfaction to Sic the now that bur are now WfS Hon mrf more attention to the of formerly esteem a rtiirostxitatiVe of the report thai Britain Washington in the session of the Ontario on whix the eradication of perennial sow this- lor una under tie twitch a prison labor and A number Taylor Scott men part a PtVrlKai of the and some Very very ta Valuable results were obtained A be on the toller properlr of rape the acd were to be an menus as follows Did make any- perennial sow And or threats expose twitch Rtass proved Of the if you rtol In twitch Unfa the than did buckwheat anddeepjin Your for cultivation folUwed by poinds or Did you make a to the or rOf corn gave results In the control of bladder campion Spraying with Iron or copper to bo a cheap and means On political pur poses during the life the this arbitrary action mustard in growing firaln roused a lively suspicion that there without injury to the crop Those Was something in who part being a Sort of Tammany by the experience They of dealing with an public- cleaned the upon jportance York stand demonstrated to their own for this of jpffectlvenesi the method tried and at time their re- practical Information ABOUT JVS Should bo extract ed outout for Dont bo too hasty and urn Thoy MAY bo saved wly fa worth minute you nothing- suits furnished to others These eooperatlve in Eradication will be continued this year audit Is hoped that a large number of men will take part them in order that data may be gathered to warrant definite statements being made regarding the best methods of these ptM weeds The experiments are as follows The use of rape la the destruction sow thistle a system of intensive cropping and using winter rye follow ed by turnips rape or buckwheat lor eradicating perennial sow the use of rape in the destrueticn of twitch grass a method of cul tivation and cropping lor the destruc tion twitch grass a method lor the eradication of bladder cam pion or cow bell C spraying with iron sulphate to destroy in cereal crops Dr A Henry Manual Treatment and Massage PERMANENT THROUGH PERFECT CIRCULATION Vapor Health and Medicated I 1 J remove the cause nature Cures treat for Asthma Those who are with any of these bad weeds ate invited to ail to supply experiments in weed Agricultural College alOuelph Ontario who will he glad to furnish full information concerning these ex periments and to application blanks for stone There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other put together and Until the last few years was suppose tobe incurable For a great many years doctors a local disease mill prescribed local and by constantly facing to cure with local treatment pronounced incurable Science has catarrh to constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured P J Cheney A Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure ion market it is taken Internally in doses from drops to a acts directly on the blood mucous surfaces of the system They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to care Send tor cir culars and testimonials Address P J Co letlo Sold dtungists Take Halts Family Pills for Con April all pre sent- ami others ro the of for Con From and re of Section at of Caiala ln- Co and the ax Machinery to Council the a Of use of their Various were for Treasurer stamp Municipal for blank turn forms for work on Marsh v fur and days work in lot lilfiVer Wells Veiling inow Neil shmilli iTushd STeai days atone a do KdwatdSi I day stone of T John room for VIv 100 I S for the same reason that One Piecie of Clpl They are the ill Better than flBH A Pint Enamel Suln or VarnUb for one better durable A Treasurer was instructed to Pay the bills as Resolutions were pad authoriz- acceptance Seven Dollars Horn for Timber on Allowance par Lot Con In to Climax Road Drags at each Road made as follows to be bet Con pare a of linen cloth a piece ate made of One thoroughly the not To produce a and paint skill of Lowe Brother Standard fatal ready fej use ii It the product of a half or a bud i- to detail It COVci longer Other will not chalk Crick or peel if properly applied every can conuiasfutl lav pcrUl paint of Coffee and for walU and I- LIQUID be Stain of drying Floor Durable lervlteaWe color card booklet Aitractlve and Common About We will be glad to Kelp you color com us ID i Gives Beat Want Lake Lowered The example of the West Hill rate payers of could be follow ed whh large advantage hy a ma jority municipalities of Tbr Dm Town ship Council to abolish statute la bor in future and to appoint a com mission to superintend the road wo of the The municipalities of North York Would advantaged Pleurisy Neural- Lumbago Di sease Liver Kidney Rheu matism Chron ic Constipation Hay Fever and Ataxia Nervousness Appendicitis Weaknesses of all kinds and Kill Soiios removed without Drugs or Knife a Specialty Hours to am to i Sunday and other hours by appoint ment OfficerPark Ave Opposite Method ist Shod Newmarket- Examinations Free- Phone Time Card GOING NORTH Leave am pm Toronto 130 Newmarket 310 GOING SOUTH Leave am pm The Committee Privileges Elect ious leaving five it sagged enquiry political subscription to Mr a Government The Mara farmers have ilrawn the attention of the Depart ment of Public Works to the very high water level in Lakes and fciimcoe As a result their representations of lands department scut a representative Mr Todd Jeffrey to first the week The water shows- a height of some sixteen inches above the mark agreed upon as the mini mum level same being indicated by a hole in a rock near Mr Jeffrey conferred with the Wat er Light and Power Commissions Mr Greenwood as to the any permanent lowering of watcr might have upon the operation of- lie power plant at Ragged Rapids The farmers whose lands are Hood ed desire in outlet at the head ol River enlarg ed this were none and the water head mi to expended Los Con 10 Councillor j to be extended bet Lots Con Councillor Comr Win Barron was appointed Path- master in lieu of K for Con and Geo Bingham in lieu lor 0 Con Reeve Baker was appointed Com missioner to inspect Pond hole etc at Lots and 16 Con and same guarded it deemed advisable I The Reeve and Pep Reeve appointed Commissioners to some bridges and culverts in No and Hill bet Lots 30- St Con and have rebuilt or re- names are as follows is i It sal r i r I Nick Names for Towns morning AND PEDIGREE Many our towns No is topical have fca title forced by a and observant public Most these re- b Caledonia in to outlet of River ii mis were none and the watt to the minimum or ores to one Liberal fa I SbiX Ion to Ptsbohat Rapids and or on J depend it contractor This 1st v Pft An pairod also to purchase Road Grad er advisable Clark was lor We j ship re Formation Union School Section at as petition j from Mr and others present- Messrs A Loarym and Baker who dressed the Council oh of Petitioners- Cotincil adjourned meet at Hall on May for Court of Revision and general business How Partisanship Works Queen City Ottawa The- Capital City Hamilton The Ambitious Kingston The Limestone City The Telephone City St Railway City ChathamThe Maple City Woodstock The Century City Electric City Gait Little Manchester Berlin The German Town London The Forest City CAPTAIN 35567 by he by Simmons he by George Wilkes he by First dam Viola by Diplomat he by wood 18 he by Belmont he by Alex Second dam by Caledonia Chief and sister to sulky Third and she the Maggie Allen Farmer Roy and Douglas The Canadian Magazine lor May is come less and less vigorous will le an inspiring number for in the first less reliable as the dams now used article The Wooden Walls of Can- to store the water in the spring Charles Blueit is would be abandoned Both Mr Green shown that no matter what our and Mr were opinion policy may be Canada built and that as the Department ot Railways nod and operated a navy of her own I and Canals would soon be proceeding on the Groat Lakes more one with the work the Trent Valley hundred years ago The article is mi- Canal on the Severn River it would usually Interesting and is illustrated unwise to interfere with the with a frontispiece portrait of channel all and it is probable Guy Carleton who is Father of the Canadian Navy The people North do not want to be regarded as condonngUw partiiaiiship the PostmasterGen eral because its representative in the Comntons doss so Press from Ottawa stat that Mrs postmistress one of the east ern provinces in course time married a man who be lost their lives April A horrible twice second once fourth and won a ted from St purses over dirt in worked with the Liner- Co in which young girl I besides winning five races and second to defeat the Mr Levis Que is reported I he that port Newmarket Toronto ji Poultry Profits Raise Hens that Lay it Rhode Island Reds PiUSSB WINNERS Eggs for Setting 100 Eggs per loo 5oo J To make Room for Young Stock Offer Hens at Each AUBREY DAVIS Millard Ave the latter will make such to his Department When the Canal is in operation it The Montreal- Witness has this to is likely that the lake level will be saw when comparing the past with maintained at nearly the present lev- the present certainly higher than the mm- living is no doubt partly due to the now in for purposes of cost commodities having increased navigation In order to insure a rapidly than most peoples in- serve supply of water to turn the comes a derangement which is we wheels of the Severn River power- hope always righting itself But lljplants during dry months the is also due the extraordinary difj people interested in these plants de ference between the needs of today sire that the level Ik- kept about a and those of a feneration or two over the mark Thus there won It is a false idea of life which be a supply in reserve foregoes the real things which made It is not likely the Department of- our for the of public Works will take any action as those things which our lathers and the matter will have to be settled by mothers lived quite happily WlthoutV the Canal Department when that work is commenced Times The faddists are not all dead yet A cablegram from London on last states that a pair of salt Judge Morgan is Married sold for in London on the 1st of May It was an auction Buffalo May County ol the mediaeval art collection Judge Morgan of York County of the late J Malcolm whm two and Theresa Toron- Llmogcs enamel saltcellars went at to obtained a marriage license at that price They decorated the city yesterday with gems Mercury 11- una Venus Apollo and the Six Muses I Judge Morgan gave bis age as painted in translucent colored years and said it was his enamel A packet of upwards of second marriage love letters of Robert and Elizabeth Miss gave her age as I ought at saio fortysix years and ad mitted she never before was married a grit At the la9t Dominion elec tion it appears this husband the postmistress and to daughter of Mr l Page vative nomlneoMr IW fl by The latter smarting under his in the hands of teat then wrote the Postmaster Gen- brother help the Libera have dona party he said my Mr CAPTAIN BRY SONS dam produc ed McCarthy Hugh Scott trial Harry 2231 Maty Scott and Jennie Scott These last two are su fattest full sisters in who fails than one and of Captain whose get- took first prie at Fair in J lister of Cap- tain is the fastest Canadian bred trottor over a half mile track She was nine times first Better a man who never tries Bay April The new power dam under construction at Abitibi Falls for the Iroquois Falls Pulp and Paper Company was away Saturday morning and two sale for by a New York deal- These loveletters will probably in book form about next Christmas Electric Restorer for Men h lm vitality decay averted at make you a new man File box or for Malted to any St Oba de Van Pills Judge Morgan was married in to a daughter of thfe late McCarthy who died in Argentina is the greatest exporter thouchtol the Klrton Stand meat In the world only Russia exceeds its exports of wheat and Australia sup plies the worlds markets with more wool daily press a Miss Carlin regarding whom says the ap pointment wouH to the same as it got the job himself and that it is not to be made in the of the latter because he goes on a is to last a week or so and which would not re lied credit on the department if the appointment were made in his name This is how the Government is being rim at Ottawa these days The Hamilton Herald remarks it is true that Nova Scotia wh6 married a was dismissad the post master general made a mistake had been let alone she would soon have made a sound Tory the bride groom and would have been Rained but as It is her influence will be added to his vote- against the party in power oaa Chicago May Lawrence a taxicdh was con victed of murder totday in running down and killing Joseph Weiss It is the first conviction murder by automobile in Chicago He was giv en fourteen years Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CAST A The I French testator Tha Opt A good many very wellmeaning churchgoing people will agree with the in regard to church union It says It is not union but church that Is first and as it Is with the Anglican so ft to bo with most of other denomina tions Thoy all want or profess to want union but if we analyze thfelr real wo will find that It is with the proviso attached Pro vided the union is with Jour church and our of worship he- Come the recognized It is a of satisfaction to real movement however to know v CASTOR I A For Infanta Children The Kind You Have AlwaysBought Dominion Parliament- Several have been pro posed to the Criminal Code by othe Hon Minister of Justice Procurers engaged in the white slave trade will be more severely punished hereafter Another amendment will increase punlshment for obtaining goods also pretenses and of carrying firearms A bill respecting the manufacture and marking gold and silver and ware was considered In com- mUtee and also an amendment to the Catyxda Grain Actj Both be up for adoption this week in a resolution for the maintenance of the Royal Mint Hon Mr White explained that inion Government made Profit upon the issue ol silver coins The metal in cent piccos were issued In ex change lor Dominion notes for which the banks deposited security with Cost of a Business hand in ELLIOTT mm TORONTO Is quite moderate when the Splen did results are considered One post al card one effort we do the rest This college is open all MM vear Celebrated StandardBred Stallion Captain Bryson NO 15603 Inspected and Enrolled Enrolment No The Property of pipiiER Will make the season of health and weather permitting as follows MONDAY May 5Will leave his own stable Newmarket and proceed to for noon thence to Albert tor night and Tuesday noon TUESDAY Afternoon Will pro ceed to for night WEDNESDAY S Rakers Baker Hill for to for night John Helses Qormley tor noon- thence to Elgin Mills tor night FRIDAY T9 King for noon thence 10 Aurora tor night SATURDAYS To his own stable in another over the- ice the previous winter lb Bryson by Captain one of the best pacing colts ever bred in has proven herself to be a successful race mare as she made starts the past as never behind the has the credit of win- J starts in straight at the various fall I fairs Newmarket Brampton Bradford Sutton Richmond Hill and Cooks- town been miles in and was right there second to The Undertaker at in half miles in Captain is also the sire of Sweet Flag that sold for at months old that could trot a half in A Proctor says of Captain I have seen him step vhajf in without one bit of training besides being a great trotter himself he has proven himself a great sire of extreme speed Taken Prizes wherever shown In 1913 he won the Brad ford Spring Show in a class of ten entries TERMS To his u re a foal t be paid the 1st of February 1914 For the season payable last round Single leap at time service When insurance is not paid the mare will be held responsible tor the service Parties- trying their maresf and not returning them regu larly to the horse will be charged in surance whether in foal or not All accidents at owners risk Pasture provided for mares fronVa distance at reasonable rates Grooms fee Manager or I 26 cent pieces were Issued King tor noon In for our invkx- change lor Dominion notes for which thence to Aurora tor night ADviSf KkwhiVm nV ffn Signature of the banks security with his own stable SCO MARION MARION the Government in gold where he will remain until wr University St feM v ft fev- Canadian PACIFI Homeseekers Excursions TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday until Oct WINNIPEG and EDMONTON A RETURKS43 Other points in proportion Return limit two months Train leaves To ronto p m each Tuesday May to August inclusive traiu to take J Upper Lakes Navigation Steamers Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays or Ste Port Arthur and William train leaves Toronto The Steamer Manitoba sail ing from Port on Wed nesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point at pm COMMENCING MAY STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto pm on sailing days making direct con nections Steamers at Port McNicoll AROUND THE WORLD via Empress Asia Leaving Liverpool June calling at Madeira Cape Town Durban Colombo Singapore and Hong Kong Rate for entire cruise Exclusive el maintenance between arrival England and departure of Em press of Asia and stop over at Hong Kong Particulars from Canadian fie Agents or write M MURPHY P ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Canada Lino HomeseekersV Excursions YEARS Marks DCSKN aAcartaia r ttu To Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta Each Tuesday until Oct Inclusive Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Return 43 Proportionate low rates to other points Return limit two months Through coaches and PulImAn Tour- -V- 1st Sleepfng cars operated to Winnipeg without change leaving TV pm via Chicago and St Paul on above dates Tickets are on salt vi and Northern Navigation Company A DUFF ronton Station Toroouv JC Depot Agent Phone 10 J Yw Phone ilena A nu Mm j iATENTS ficmainsiSHiEiii SS as i sw ARCHIVES OF ONTARI 5M wmmmzm Ss mm i TORONTO e

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