Newmarket Era, 9 May 1913, p. 6

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s p V Sec sag I i I u I six I May o ITT 4 I it ALBERT at ton JOHN YATES AGENT SUTTON MOUNT ALBERT Congratulations A A Dike who ran lights for over four months without miss ing a night Peg bad misfortune to have cod of his thumb cut on while running a faux saw in Ross Factory a result the recent hot spell trees in In lull leal Dandelions a In bloom plenty of lor pasture and titer arc plenty flies And other insect posts personal Mrs Thos is a few days friends Cedar Mr Win llarrismi of Con re- from a weeks trip Messrs J A Hop- kins and Attended laurier Meeting- in Mr J KlRbtleo- ball game In Toronto on Tuesdiy misses the opening Miss Mabel o spent the with her parents Mr rctxiriicd on Monday April iSlfi was the scent Of a largo crowd at the Church when their annuo and were persons from all directions all enjoyed the sang a flno solo as alio did Miss Horning mem bers of Mi Cftolr Mr Walker also enjoy able readings and Sunday ftcooi at ihti tn evening at oclock Mr K en tie will address the will upstates A special wilt bo at this service for League purposes The punlio are Ihrltd to both of these BALDWIN BREEZES you saw rtr the tare oil Lord wad much views AM in number wero i-uinl- of Mr Mr the minister the church the talk made Very In teresting werf to the Point A vpty pretty but the Avenue Methodist Church oiMt Mrs Win Saturday at two o- trees ire all Wed on Johir- birthday May nth- I9i3 Watch for a cold I Cold rains beautiful as Well to his usual WchV rtshln ion of hid nativity This has been his the trnth of his ae years failed to silver and ho hold the he Century will have a color Hair like his never gray what may be the reason I pray Smart up at tour in toe morning I should Said Sally along to Ash him out if he creek Horse Register The beautiful black irnportea Stallion the propextV o A Stnltbi will make the season at libit ait Sharon and points Walter manager pure bred the property of Toole will mak sea son at Zephyr Alt Albert and other In arid Scott W Manager ir that Game to Harold py Mario clock youngest Went was united in to Mr Jacob Leslie Hamilton of Cupid has been hunting Monday irom ltitava Now York where he attended the funeral his Jj wsldejln mother township if North rttshoo The ceremony was by Philip Q presence a few friends Mr ftfld the Mr Smith and family have moved to Toronto where they will reside for the future Mr Smith was stationed the in vicinity recently olid it stond he has mi clever shots and got some Ho He hit soma of our pretty hard the April of Junior Room Cook Evelyn Cook leaner Mitchell Mitchell Merrit Charlie Maimers Her bert lgg Walter Arthur Maines Bruce Ross Jr Mildred Dtno Edna Dike Hen Shaw Kenneth Wage Ivan Willie Draper Jessie Hansford Kathleen Ross Ralph Citoutch on Awrage Present every day Cook John Draper Merrit Harrison Eve lyn Coot Rachel Mitchell Herbert Walter Carruthcrs Pike Harrison Draper Ivan Kenneth Wag Charlie Morton Ivan Woodcock Douglas Ida Dike Clarence Eileen Rowland Cora Hilda Davidson Efliie Ro little Queen A number young ladies sur- The Messrs filiss on East were up here on Tuesday with a shower of Sunday to find how this little chap articles A pleas- evening was spent We that M liter and made a la Ittpr up now residence for a store and dwelling James Woodcock of Jacksons Many friends of the late Mrs Wallace Young were much to hear of the sudden passing away of 0 whom they so much as- resected for her hut the less home ot his brother on Tuesday upright Christian character I Woodcock some years ago of SHARON Report for April Room of the Mount Albert Public School Vandewater Ben Stuart Rowland Lome Main- prize Millie Russel Stanley Oscar Dike Jr Ruth Laura Phoenix Forrest Ross Well- wood Stanley an Jr HI Vera Dike Ruby Wood cock Mini Dike Cordon Olive Rogers Donald Ross Clifford Klghtley Ruth Kenneth Smith Present every day Vande water Rowland Lewcllyn Millie Brooks Lome Mainprise Stanley Cook Vera Dike Well wood Cordon J DcGuerre Browbhill was at Mount Al bert on last night will find a few here with their scaling Miss Terry of Toronto spent Sunday at home l remarkably fast for heavy horses Give Mr chance lie is on honorable Wicwn him from four lr and Mrs and family of weeks of Vandorf spent Sunday with Mrf MrsOorjlon Bailey J C He Major and wife are now face doesnt show it Now Uncle Owl watch your heels An automobile may nip them The Breezes has played Old Ned with the fences They do seem to OF beautiful the properly Tiios Watts Holt will make the season at Mt Sand- ford and Other points la TfaoS Watts Manager PRINCE by Royalty imported Clydesdale the rOr perty Virginia travel through and other parts of Virginia To tht Milton Draper Mount Alrt will make the season at Mount Albert Xephyfj Baldwin and other points Walter Manage BARON the property of Xe- phyr and other- in scott J Mauagfcrv ROYAL bred imp Clydesdale the property of J Sharon will make season at his own stable and on Wednes day nights ft J Lot Con East Perchefon Stallion the property of Hill will East anil North Auring the season A beautiful black Pefcheron Colt the property of Hill Sons Queensvllle will visit Kes wick Sutton Baldwin and Raven- shoe during the season fehorltr Harold Winter bottom was graduated from High School bo employment the law shop of ei Stewart Mr Harold when the la He pre sented on tt certain Monday niorning stating that Pro feasor David of M Washington had scut him in answer to the Huns request tor a nisi week consisted Id learning 10 fllb letters addressing veiopes plahily and iocurateiy longand law lie Was given a desk Mi the front of the shop which front- oil Oho citys busiest to wore several Oilier and a great many Workers of Harold Who being in front Where lie not work by he could hear and sec all that was on Not lie least to bo Idly but he was ardently of learning is rapidly he ail that to be v- he was to putttiObest The first raonlus and pleasantly Harold liked his work and was looking forward to one of clerks vaguely hinted wis in store for when Mr Clarke with no of ap planation Harold that his work would tear of the shop unpacking and packing hooks leaning to merit plain ly dusting stock and various other duties requiring manual labor Har old did not the change He favored it less next morning when he discovered that Gerald Perfect Woman Nobly Planned to Comfort Intended to be delicate or a from Women age of hot Many women suffer needlessly from glrlWd to from to middle with backache or headache dUrin raininess or sensations For a permanent reUef from thess dUtresung symptocni nothing so good as DR PIERCES F P as a soothing and itrengthenlnj od mtvow xcklitr Mmn nd function It nfmhlAtf rtUvrw uuWy fld Tkf Favorite Prescription li known and joe 0 ylor tKt at women Your la medicine kU it in IkrvU or of you vl not lor a box Dr THE DOMINION BANK OIL M V0PIHOiHT A BOQERT General Manager Capital pal J up Fund Total AihU f Savings Accounts may bo In of so that either cm and depoill therein this Is for a or wo members of family MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH D TERRY Manager A GOOD FOUNDATION to be Judged by our works It in the deeds of love that will count at the P Meyer the noted Dap- Day The faithful way we living Mr and Mrs Charles spent Sunday hi We are sorry to report that Mr Allan Shaw has the measles woman feels that she ought to loin a society for the suppression of something other Mr a spite at what- Tom I a P Putnam fence Mr Walter right spent Sunday at farmers do get awfully when trying to put them There was a large crowd at church their on hog Latin which they used lest one Mrs Robert and think some men spent Sunday with her sister Mrs swearing J If the church had given as much attention to her traction power as si has to her track she would have brought many more passengers to the terminal i Kingston May C Two men Wil liam leenmn of Sydenham and a Polo whose name Is unknown were instantly killed in an accident which occurred In a construction camp tor the Canadian Pacific Railway at En terprise The Pole carried some bars of stool Into tho blacksmith shop and threw it on a I ox of dynamite caps The blacksmith shop was J Cook General Blacksmith HorseShoeing a Specialty Painting and Repair ing Agency for Pages Fence Farm Implements Steel Wa gon Wheels and all kinds of Fine riacffl Horses Tommy has now launched It is time the roan boss was lookout into the strawberrv and after the roads in our town culture He has planted were over- eighty autofi pass- ally here on Sunday Look about Tommy faru Miss spent a day at the J into the house to youll loam Horse Show at Bradford last week why nos called Tommy He Messrs Kitely and Tate spent Sun- has a tidv farm wife tidv at tidy stock It pavs Mr Win is at nit Albert Our hayseed poet has regained his decorating the Methodist Church nerve He has taken another pull at Mr Norman Crone and lady friend the little Jug of salada tea spent Sunday evening at Queensvllle and will do better next time It will be a good thing for some people when Sunday cars start especially when they have no horses Miss of spent Sunday Widilillelds Mr Ceo Sunday at the Tho wedding bells are ringing loud- or k Children FOR FLETCHERS RIA Outing Shoes L fc Everybody THE PERFECT SHOE FOR SUMMER SPORTS ASK YOUR DEALER i v a School Reports Report School Section No The services at the Presbyterian Church here last Sabbath were very North for April and Mr be- Mabel Marion series of talks on Homey Douglas Cooper Jr Norman King Blanche F CWDavidson REAL ESTATE FOB BALE Grain Farm acres acres worked balance pas ture and timber Water in pasture roomy Dwelling bank pig pen and driving house mar kets and Station Sand miles Telephone on place Easy terms jqOO 200 acres 135 cleared worked Good clay loam room frame dwelling bank barn with windmill driving pig pen stone creeks At front and- ot farm About of timber on place and lota of wood Terms J300O cash balance arranged or would exchange arranged or would for good acres Also good Highly Improved la Manitoba with stock am s V Wheat In Manitoba with stock and im- away below value About aorta adjoining village and sta tic on DAVIDSON Box evening services Next Sabbath evening it will be the Children the Home I Mr Milne was in our on Tuesday looking after his garden Lots of travel on Sunday wit and same were not thinking of overdoing speed rate We could not see any number for the dust What is to be for accommodat ing the public now that our Temper ance House is closed And there is scarcely a day without one or more seeking meals night lodging anyone misses the car their cake is dough Mr George Pearson had the mis fortune to lose a valuable horse on Saturday evening Mrs Johnston also had one die one Is kept busy spare time killing apple worms The Young Mens Bible Class of tho Methodist Church arc holding a in tho church on Friday even ing next May All the members the class and all who desire to become such are cordially invited to come and bring a friend The La- dtes Aid of the church are furnishing the banquet Sunday las been specially set apart by the Queensvllle Methodist Church Tor Sunday School and League The services of the A Victor Toronto have been secured tor the day- In the morning Mr Mackenzie will speak to the Sunday School and In the evening to the usual hour In basement when School will meet at class books will be marked and re cord Then the school march upstairs at 1045 and occupy the front centre seats special coltcctlonwUKbo taken Clarence Morrison Myrtle Cooper III Graham Karl Dark er Lee Ross Har old Storehouse Wiibert Pollard Jr Hi Leon Joseph Mor rison Muriel Stella Cooper Second Class Parker May Graham Harold Pollard George First Bell Phillips Reginald Kay Walter Kay King Primer Murqay Cor bollard Class A Harry Horner Harry Delia Harold Willie Cooper Stella Kathleen Allan Sennet For Sale Early Garden Seed Potatoes 100 per bag also eating Potatoes fresh out of pit Two setting eggs for Barred Plymouth Hocks White J ft SONS hie nephew Mr- Clarkes had of tells have met the duties of life awl exchanged places the presidents nephew and lie lias a pull- Til not stay hero said to his heart swelling with as he walked to the back of shop Powers or J as w was commonly called who had worked for the firm for thirtyfive years in the back of the shop was unpacking a box when Harold arrived and he stopped operations long enough to observe Yon can print most as good as you can letters to He was hack here last night and he likes the job you put on that no out to Iowa is mighty par ticular bout the way his are sent out to his customers even to the on the- boxes 1 word praise in duo sea son as It happened took tho wind sail and him Im here to learn all- 1 the business and I can learn to pack books and mark freight sitting at a desk filing letters smiled good as he removed the story a dying man to whom he charged its business obligations will was giving some words of coasjrationjbe to our credit when great as hy pointing out the attractions the shall open We need men in all world to which ho was scon to en- walks of who will put con- to Mr witK a science into their work The he said t put a piece of who will not waste his work under your hall sir time the manufacturer who The dying man did not think that Ms refuses to put shoddy into his goods faithful work would purchase salva- vendor who will not adulterate lor him but he felt a sense of goods such men are building on satisfaction and pride that he had what will ultimately prove a better done a piece of work which would foundation than wood hay and stub- stand the test When- we to the close of life we will probably have a similar ex perience What will give us- the most SS Jr Harold 3rd Grace Hodge Harvey Glover Jr 3rd Annie Wylder Vera pardM Sanderson Jack Knights- May Nelson Rose Sr 2nd Gordon Jr Hose Fred Knights Max Glover Jr 1st John Frank Knights Jr 1st A Oliver Elmer Pollard Kathleen Knights William Jennie No on roll Monthly average attendance Highest Total Annie Morle Richmond I Albert iV will iA tor Teacher so Vvv St- New Lowell was by a dis astrous fire on Friday afternoon when the station and freight sheds and J A Bells elevators and store houses were burned to the ground Duck Eggs Tor Hatching White Indian and the Bull Orpington Duckthe two Greatest Laying Ducks in the world Will lay more than hens O K strain Kentucky Price Express paid Also have a fine pen of Single Comb Buff Leghorns headed a from Billings breed Woodstock Price eggs for Also a Fine Pen of SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN headed by a New York Price for NORMAN A Deleave For Sale For residences in Mt Albert and farms In the vicinity of Albert write or see A MILLER Real Estate and Insurance Broker Ux- bridge I have a large list to choose from MT ALBERT Notice to Farmers you ate using an Inferior Sep arator as butter is selling at a high price and labor Is very high to help you- must have a Sep arator Remember I can sell you one of the best Land Rollers made for Order a full lino of Implements Farm for Sale or to Rent W7 acres being West halves of and la the Con of East County Beat barn In township tor sixty cattle feed carrier and water tem that cannot be beaten Stabling tor and box stalls also a pen for 100 hogs Farm and fencing in firstclass condition and very suit able for dairying being only mile from Metropolitan Station stop house hard and soft water School and church convenient For apply to Young P Oat bis coat Harold worked in the rear of the shep lor two months Ho carried coal from the basement tojeed the big stoves earned nut ashes went to the warehjruso nailed up boxes un packed boxes dusted stock- swept the workshop floor and made him self useful at the expense of tired and roughened hands One morning early in January Mr Clarke appeared at the back or me shop and accosted- Harold as he came from tho basement with a roll of Come to my desk Harold the president said A few minutes Mater when Harold stood beside him Mr Clarke asked Can you write well Harold took his fountain pen from his waist coat pocket and wrote on a slip of paper This is a specimen of my handwriting Verv good Mr Clarke comment ed Ho added to give you Mr Gordons desk ho is takin Mr Deans Mr Dean goes out- on the road the first of February I trust you wont find tho work dim- cult after Mr has Instructed you Your salary will be raised the February when all our pro motions are made- Yea sir Thank you sir Har old said He went to rear of the store scarcely knowing he walked Why had he been taken from the desk to do in the tear was he promoted now over head who had been the Arm longer Harold asked Jerry- Powers these questions and several others but tbe old man shook his L wer says much he Just does thing Ho expects his help to do the same It was who Harold that noon when left the shop together on their way lunch said Im glad youre promoted Winter- bottom Youve certainly earned It felt meaner dirt when I got your place and you got mine Ive been physically strong and when father found that handling was too much tor me ho ask ed uncle to Rive roe a clerical Yours was the only one But uncle explained to father that was mere ly keeping on till Jordons place was vacant and till Dean was ready to go on the road thb first of February I wanted to drop a hint to you hot Uncle doesnt say much about his plans and he doesnt like any of his help to talk either He simply acts when the time comes he stuping into- Deans shoes next and then into Your own when you go out Oh road that Is it you keep on pleasing- the president as you- have dona And J moan to That young man in love for first time imagines that he is the satisfaction then will be the- memory j owner of the biggest sugar trust in of the good we have done Many the world and of course he is ple seem to overlook the fact that right especially if it is a girl while we are saved by faith we are in this town 1 j t YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs K TAKE ALL RISKS fc I Cured Now Method HO OR PHOTOS USED NERVOUS DEBILITY K swept to ft through ftad If you have any iu it lao A you errou an f fipecks ih eye IhebtMrt belt energy filreugth eyes with dark circle under lack Irritable of Ihcbart and looses la urine specks eyes with l eye cle careworn poor memory moods weak bond hair throat etc YOU WILL BE A WRECK Oar Method can cure you make a roan of you Under the active blood purified so that all pimples and ulcem sirens as steel so that nervousness and vanish the becomes bright the full and clear energy returns to body and the raoraU physical nd are all drains no mow vital from system Dont let quacks and fakir rob you of your hard earned dollar We will cur you or pay EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND READER who has treat you write honest opinion of Chart Illustrated nStwt Dtwaufeof QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DrsKENNEOYKENNEDY Cor Mich jad Ave and SU Detroit I AT I 1etters Canada most he addressed I to our Canadian Correspondence iu Windsor Ont If yon desire to see us personally call our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows DRS KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Oat for our private CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY mm YOUR BOY IS ENTITLED TO A FREE CANADIAN FARM Why worry about the future of your sons The Government at Ottawa is giving away this year tree homesteads Western Canada The bulk ol these are located along the Canadian Northern Railway the line recognized in the West as the PIONEER FARMERS RAILWAY This title was earned because the Canadian Northern Railway lacked courage to Its steel into new districts placing railway and all that it stands for within easy reach of pio neer From now on end of October Homeseokers Excursion tickets to Western Canada ore on sale every Tuesday These tickets are good to return within two months from data issue except sold from May to July Inclusive may ho extended for two months on payment of Five Dollars for month or part thereof to agent at destination Stopover will be permitted at any Cana dian Northern station west of Port Arthur For of passengers a Tourist Car for Winnipeg via Chicago and will leave Toronto Union Station at pm on following dates Juno 3rd July 1st July August September and October Write for all particulars Some Canadian Northern Publications A Creator of Business A story the Canadian Northern Railway Peace River Alberta and How to Reach It Key to Prosperity A story of Western Canada Free Homesteads Any Agent ot the company will gladly you all of the above publications or write Departments at King Street East Toronto Ontario or St James Street Quebec- CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY sfi a a ground i laugoea iui ii 11 mil OF I ma ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO S

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