WS t I Y I r hi- Tire IVES J I on is J to Hydro- Elect He Power Hon Adah Heck was expected a a public meeting in town Hall last night Thursday In in- lots of pouex A Oft for Repairs Mr UA Cane tried to knock pole the other day hut It was no use- Ttto stoat work at the critical North Motor Club p Spft-m- making count mps autoownera picas attend of the Will to In the Room the on at 116 pm All art quoted to present in the discussed near future MAY 1913 Important All persons coding libra this Paper their fo if expect them to he published this request frequently still scarcely ttk we without the poisons Victoria Day Concert auto Is TwT gear failed to lt tact which made- such hit here last Kail Sunday Cars is expected that the next but Announcement made yet There will be a car every hour between To ronto and Newmarket from ttU Last car leaves ton Brief lets Two of stock wore from by the last wee this week m run a car to Toronto leaving here at in Arena PATTERNS New Train for The Grand Trunk Hallway System is putting CO a new train Toron to lo Wharf Saturday May leaving To ronto am daily except Wharf m making connection with all poinds on a Public School Board the Board took place on when a accounts were passed The shows that S5 new tostwtcAsohooloniWUtol May One room in the School is finishtW and see a day of let visit you tor posters i ma Motions pupils can Monday that Miss it nest Pine Apple the slickest- thing used at inns ever Methodist Church The annual meeting took place in the school room on Wednesday past the most siccvsslul in the his- the Society of raised The oAlcers P Irwin- Mrs J Simp son Mrs A ft Hewitt Cradle Cornell Successful Entertainment The entertainment in the basement the Christian Church on Wednesday owning under the auspices of K Society was indeed a great suc cess in every The pro gram was well rendered and the two plays given the Dramatic Club Striking Oil and Left In Charge were very ably presented the latter especially delightful little farce The Young Mens Athletic Club this town have engaged the Dramatic Club to produce Down East in the Tew Hall on the evening May Victoria Day to take at lfehWd here Thre mile handicap lnfc mile invitation race Hoys race limit IS years and under three miles awarded events The refreshment at the will tor May Further information can be A ecu THREE ALL I a Your Gain Is Our Loss Better get an Oil StoVojat the cut price tuners with oven only 12 present Hardware Canadian Home Circle J A very successful meeting was held on Wednesday evening to initiate a class candidates that through the of Mr Organizer Have decided to share the benefits of this order Mr T Young Sup Organizer and Past Sup Leader Toronto was present and conducted the initiation ceremony After the was a social time speeches and songs was spent A very enjoy alio feature of the even ing was the presentation from of la Home Pin to Mr for his splendid work here Another class of candidates is to he brought in very shortly A pretty we4dlh all the because of the took place in On Wednes day when Miss daughter Smith Mr MUrdok Toronto grandoA Mr John of Hay Midi Intended he Pe but was fiy the- til of his wife performed by Rev ft Simpson In the pte- about guests The kvoiu1 with and blossoms The bride adorned In white and bream res unattended Her sister Miss Smith of Toronto wedding match The gift to the bride was a sunburst iliie happy couple the train for Toronto where they will amidst siiowerso confetti good wishes Among the feuests a distance were Mr and Mrs Smith SrJi and Mrs and son Douglas Mr ami Mrs Smith and daughter Mrs Mrs baby Mrs Geary Mrs and daughter of Toronto Mr and Mrs Martin Rose and Mrs and two sons of The at adds its congratulations A brand now train consisting of ear and be operated and passengers are assured of a Or table along the most route to Wharl which Is Original gateway to the Lakes This trafn runs right to aide at Muskpka Wharf thus avoiding ah to Return connection Is made with train ieavlhKMdsVoka Wharf at am dally except arriving pm at reduced are on sale to Rood for stopover at any and to return until mi Pull particulars and Think City Passeng er and Agent J Station Agent 10 White Vesting to Cords 20o to White White Ureas VI0 to India Linen T3tc to il Persian lwn to In Cream and White from to per yard Do not Forget that we keep the of In the County of York Boots and Shoes Grocery We the Rest Only as we think that TUB Is none too good for our Customers largest and Mosl in the history of the Town Cotton Lisle Thread and per pair John Hull Pickles lor Toasted Corn for Quart Jelly Powders lor j We have thing i an4 that Man Woman can want- We only re liable makes at Possible Prices and That of ftcOreU of our Sales in this Department Ammonia for Wo shall bo pleased to it thing In W A BRUNTON i Horse Register AtCllOStairfatdRrea Trot ting Stallion- the property of Ml Albert will make the season at Albert Zephyr Queensvllle Aurora market and other points FROM 6 TO OCLOCK Wanted on Saturdays Young man as salesman in Grocery Department Apply at to A the once iV Play Bali Get the game bv using best qual ity loves Mitts Balls Hats etc Hardware has good Ontario Death of Mayor ChappelL Wo clip the following from the WorldSpectator published at May The residents of the town of Flem ing and vicinity were sliocked the news came from Winnipeg that Chappell J P had passed away The late Magistrate was bony near in and his ear- IM Marriage Act The new Ontario Marriage Act came into yesterday and all June brides will be regulated cthereby An important provision is that to obtain a license in a locality where neither the parties has resided for at leas fifteen days a notice of application must Be inserted in a local paper once a week for three weeks The object of this regulation is to pre vent sudden and secret marriages at border towns Another provision provides a pen alty of for a clergyman who is guilty of uniting parties mentally defective or under the influence of liquor Sice Lot Or Ladies and Childrens Hats la test styles at Mrs ment at low prices A market Boy The Rochester Indiana has the following concerning one the boys of this Town of tile big gest that ever came from Peru was in- Rochester Tivsday of this week making arrangements lor the running of an excursion from that city to Rochester some time in July In explaining the purpose of this years were spent there married Grace- of New- for some years was business in Alliston tit In Mr and Mrs came to Win nipeg where he was lor three years in J hard ware business They then came to of they started ahardware which ho carried on successfully Trotting Stallion property of Robert will visit Zephyr Albert and other points- WARDEN Road Stallion the property of P Evans Albert will the season at different points Scott and East black imported Stallion the property of -Randall- Smith Queensvllle will make the season at Holt Albert New market Sharon and Intermediate points Walter Randall manager pure bred Stallicn the property of Toole Siloam will make the son at Siloam Zephyr Albert and other points in Whitchurch and Scott W Toole- Manager 18 Cream White Silk Soft and Heavy Regular- yard wholesale 3JC Saturday Night IS Inch Black Silk soft and heavy Regular 50c cost whole sale Saturday Night if ESQUIRE OF The beautiful Stallion the property of Walts Holt will make the season at Holt Albert Sand- ford and other points in Scott Watts Manager A Blue and White Gingham Dresses for Girls Regular Saturday Night A Ladies White Underskirt reg ular Saturday Night inch Silk made in France Price yard cost wholesale Saturday Night Good Coflee it right Cream Quality Saturday Night Gallagher stated that it to carry ail ot the Peru flood victims here that could stick on train and will be of them too as all want to show great appreciation of the man ner in which the citizens responded in the time of need All the old ill was Womens Institute- The annual meeting ol the New- Womens Institute held at the home of Mrs Win Walker St last Saturday wjien the following were elected President Mrs C Cane VicePresident Mrs J Smith Dorcas Directors Miss feeling whatever there may hove been in the past is no more and Peru day in Rochester will be one of a social nature pure and simple There be no rake from the excursion but tickets will be sold just as as the railroad can afiord Another feature of the day will be that the excursion will not be run on Sunday hut during the week when all the stores are open Mr Gallagher stating that they want ed to- be to walk into the places of business when they conic over and say hello if nothing more How- J ever will be no restrictions placed on the excursionists and all who wish may spend the- at the lake til lie retired two years ago Post Master for ten years a of Town Council and last Decem ber was elected to the Mayoralty His place as public man the town will I hard to All la he was a staunch Liberal and In re ligion a Methodist He had been in poor health since last February and went to Winnipeg a tew itaVs before his demise for fur ther medical advice Here bis advis ers told him it was mights llistease and that nothing could he done and on Monday evening April passed peacefully away at the Clar endon Hotel On Wednesday the body was brought to Fleming accompanied by the at w id- station by Council The matter will he taken up before Clara Proctor Mrs j the Peru Commercial Club In a few Mrs A Mrs A j days for the final arrangements and Starr jit is expected tin whole affair will bo Auditors Miss Lulu Mrs closed without a hitch However John Lewis I before leaving Mr Gallagher stated Rep- Mrs CI Cane Miss j that in event of such thing as Dorcas Doane Mrs Andrews Mis A Starr Director Mrs Cane An article on The New Way- was read by meeting Lewis Miss The summer will Me ncld at Mrs John Town Line on June when from the Department will be present Another Change Mr A James and another Good Roads Move ment camAto town on Wednesday in company with sonic members o the Council arranged to hold a the Counclllpr-s- of all tJc in North York with the idea asking County Council at its June session to con tinue system of permanent pave ment through the main roads of North York as InSouth York As at present the government pays very active for this Good Roads iind the balance Is borne by tlie Count Council It Is expected ihc will increase this to of con struction as well as t cent of the maintenance It is understood people in Au rora are very activb lor Good Road hae promised to attend a public In New market on 31st of May The Road and Bridge Committee were on the point of purchasing a steam roller for the Town in view ol the possibility of having a Government Road built through the town In the future- have cut of all negotiation roller and think it would be wiser to plan for the main sewer for Main St which should go in before a permanent pavement Is laid IS fa Jure In arranging the excursion he would charter and pay for a special car of his own on the Lake Erie which would bring fifty of the men that over came out of Peru in a body and demonstrate Peru is thankful And hed do it too A letter from Hilly to the Edi tor Of the Era this week says Peru is getting the the flood nicely loss was about sixteen hundred dollars Rest wishes to all boys Brass Kettles and was met the members of the and prominent en to his late residence The funeral services were conduct ed by Ins pastor Rev The large attendance from Fleming and was an tribute to the great esteem the late Mayor was held Interment took Place in the Fleming ft the casket was followed to its fast resting place by the under the direction ol and a large concourse of friends Many beautiful floral otter ing were received Winnipeg the Council and citizens of the town the Club the Odd Fellows All Hags were at mast All places of business and school were closnl and- sincere sor row was evidenced on all rides Resides his he leaves to moim three daughters Mrs Jos visSny Hill Mrs Anderson S A Moose jaw and one son Deer Alberta the greatest sympathy is I to the bereaved through chell and other parts of Virginia Tp BLACK Pure bred imp thl Milton Draper Mount Albert wilt make the season at Mount Albert Zephyr Baldwin and other points Walter Thompson Manager BARON MAC Imported Clydesriale the property of Geo phvr and other points In Scott 0 J Wilder Manager ROYAL bred imp Clydesdale the of Pegg will male the season at his own stable and on Wednes day nights J Peggs Lot Con East THE LADIES STORE celebrated frown stallion the properly of Hill citizens and Wff- Sons Queensvlllc will visit East Whitchurch and North wring the season Mr LYON A beautiful black Percheron this season Colt the property of W Hill Mr John Rosamond has rented his Sons Quecnsville will visit co the season wick Sutton and Raven- of Mr and Mrs shoe during the season j think of going out West ORCHARD BEACH J- Mr is occupying his cottage for the season Mrs D Lloyd and her sister Mis were here over Sunday Mrs Lloyd has rented her cottage to Mr of Toronto for the sum- Mr Wilson is building an addition to the boardinghouse The Toronto gentleman who I Rev Dr Campbells property north of- Rev Dr Rankin is preparing to enlarge the cottage The propertiesot Messrs Thorn- son and W Robertson are now 1 with a wire fence cedar hedge and flower beds alongside There la great riulry between Messrs Potior and Ross as to which have the better garden I Mr John lawn is levelled oft in fino snapo and will make splendid bowling green Many of the cottagers planning to spend Victoria Day at the Beech is renting his of hall BALDWIN tor the summer Red extended NEW i ASSORTMKNT SMALL BRASS HOT WATER KETTLKS for UP AT ffl ill CO and Ajt i Marriage Licenses Live Stock Market General decline in prices this week Cattle sheep lower and lambs lower Calves to Hogs PINE ORCHARD May meeting of Pine Orchard Branch of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs A Lloyd Pino Orchard Wednesday May at pm Mr Bruce was visiting at Richmond Hill of farmers around here are through seeding We are glad to see Dr Crowders- smtling face In our burg again Our progressive Tanner Mr Coom- has planted a new aiil early va riety of strawberry Bert Owen has returned home af ter a short visit in the city Both have rub bertired buggies now That looks like business- Kenneth Cameron has engaged with Bill Stevenson for the threshing sea son Night Hawk Newmarket Markets May 15th Fall Wheat per Barley perjiush Oats per bush Eggs per do- Butter per Potatoes por bag Goose per bush Buckwheat per Chickens per lb Geese per la Turkeys per lb Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per new Toronto Markets 0 8- 0 0 0 is The House Some Specials for This Week good Ladies Blk Cotton Hose for Indies Cotton fine quality p The Royal Rib Hose in Ladies an Childrens sizes Fast Black also Tan Reg special Buster Browns Sister Hose in sky pink tan white black a fine silkfinished in all sizes for children very special 25c A complete range of Ladles Hose in silk lisle and W C LUNDY A i IS 1 Wanted i Girl for General Housework in To ronto Family three Also girl to careot baby Apply Box Ofllce -I- PRIVATE OFFICE Crammloj down food rushing to work straight to with all It means in misery Proper with- a Dys pepsia Tablet after meal restore health and happiness A box of Dys pepsia Tablets- costs at your National Drug and Chem- loalOo of Canada Umlted May Wheat per bush 0 9 Goose Wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per bush Rye per bush Hay Per ton per per dot Chickens per Ducks per lb Turkeys pef lb- 33- 0 uooidoo at- Single Pare for Victoria Day The Grand trunk Railway System round trip gle fare between all stations taCa east of Port Arthur also to De troit and Port Huron Mich Black Rock and Sus- pwslon Bridge Good going Friday A Tabs a Buy Your Suit Now FOR- SPRING the Largest and of Patterns ever Fit Suits Made to- Your Special I saw v 1 te HIVES TORONTO