Newmarket Era, 16 May 1913, p. 4

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mm HE i if it SB ii JT J Hi J TBS MAY v V I is that Canada and lil- The letter made States will take part In the Sun- week In the Toronto press Convention to he W at PLUCK that man was working a house afire The Italian art good lAirk J a Jool Iluck Is a Hero none Mr a rule but his pick axe went In and itll three w the iron master to their twice and there wan Yes 45 to 50 Interesting Experience of Two Women their Statements Worth Rewlbig OntAtChaneof When doctors could do do more and I given lip by my friends E ble Compound came to the front and did wooden for me I bad been having fe male trouble for year my head trou bled me severely at I had bearing down pains and back ache and I was very anaemic from excessive flowing rec- Compound highly and do all I can to advertise it as a genuine wo mans medicine Mrs Sxxvester Oak Ontario Case of Mrs Klrlln Ohio can truthfully that I never had anything do me SO much good during Change of Life as K Vegetable Compound Before I had taken one half a bottle Of it I began to fee better and I have continued taking My health is better than It has been for several years If all women would take it they would es cape untold pain and misery at this time of life Mrs Aucs Kibun St Circleville Ohio Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a womans existence At such times women may rely upon Vegetable Compound faydlabcBdei cor- indiscreet in asking questions ii u Thiio ITcm aan that follows boldnen by Which evidence was suppressed only served en and ol v a follow UgseUriir with of in quite deep rerel WlLrvViij Mhirthti noV from contract this ridtoKt was The funds are n that those who ABOUT YOUR many How Why ftMtK DtLG THOMSON DENTISTS V Dp A Henry Manual Treatment and Massage PERMANENT HEALTH THROUGH PERFECT CIRCULATION Vapor Health and Medicated I the cause nature cutcs treat for Asthma Pleurisy Lumbago KttL1 s the in a Vain to bide so grave political an editorial ho lobe oi May we clip following and as it Is tor a Minister to tain party a contractor a pending and disputed claim against the not thus gravest as- pcoU ttv The disputes between Mr Taylors company and Mr eiUmdod years Mr Taylor could riot get a settlement law dcls not allow any man to sue Up Cftiwu without a permit or consul from the Crown com monly called flat Taylor Was thus htMpless at law without the consent the Provincial Secre tary In his he was or as parly funds and asVed committee he had been at other for money counsel sprang forward and a The ihis chang ed the whole and Mr Tay lor held a whip over the Provincial which law did not give 1 Instead being a- suppliant for a ft Taylor became master of situation and demanded a pri vilege the Government had hitherto declined to grant As a result an arbitration Place of a trial in the courts arid Mr Thome who stood in close to the Gov ernment became the referee who thought personal charges and Mr Taylors claim could be to gether and as the Globe observes If ho included an allowance for the smothering the personal charges in up the award of it was entirely lor he swore emphatically that he took ac count of he financial items only Mr Taylor protests that he did not pet even fair financial share As the Opposition subsequently maintained the whole thing from start to finish should be cleared up before a of Judges failing in this the Government will stand the public as condoning a politi cal crime The Pivinda will also hold the whitewashing committee re sponsible for an effort to up the scandal the stand and jdellver principle The Ottawa Press remarks fats plac ed record jnCrwtly provmg noney for from The paper then adds this Kogerf rise to remark that the has shown strong eVi- ilcnvxi Common sense what sort Of answer met mine fair and square nbere and I Always AM at fif no wrper the o if ho bad wanted to for though he muscular yon could ee with halt an that ho had sucfi work in Ms lire bribe poured down ace but be never stopped that one word up of knew that or We settled in our chairs eiso was near jost plodded aay Wo were sttinflto the of the J ha I as though there and the air was full of were else the world the sound of crash- pluck to and of the sharp he de hell do of metal and 0ol of smitten Wl v give out after the first j MI UIIds in this Ws Ifl the Iron master one py day aoUt years d or WW was shaky and pretty eight Tltoe goes So fast I hardly sM to keep of tijjg his pay Vest aitf thanked any here I was sltUng trad- the newspaper when there morning I was and a knock at door although I taught of my In said and In walked a w to get stranger was a man out lo ill at- about old drvsed had a though his clothes jj work With his bold Up and giey fttound Us Prove It We dara riot We dependent upon your To get It we mutt mdU- debet We make follow with a full under standing of what they rhn believe la these statement Yon ere safe when you For the Bowels rod only i and lbof who ed about J Own we like Tb act P li Even like you know ikat if a appeals to a it Ht to crown- up I lluo End you hippy tannic lfc 16 free ui from Aia give the query in fcis Breech the lyegislature on the report of the on and which cen sured Mr for action in preferring Charts against the Premier and Provincial Treasurer Mr Howell Vd- been clearly establish ed that payment 0 the was the basis of all the trouble and dif ficulty- The into this was blocked have or Squatting On the eating their bread find and chatter ing away S usual but no Sight of gentleman of the flannel shirt a mans boy I like looks you In the eye ho is worth trying If shift about didnt know Thats my experience Weil this young man up to my desk and spoke Without Waiting for me yet It fio want of man ners for bis were good ifiooi morning sir he Said and his voice bad a clear ring to It been facts elicited which prove some I liked Want work and It Mini that naturally end inrlivc without v Ibry act to a ltd rrtUUVC and la a abort the of and atop ueh unbexlihy it as been Make Prove This fin not uk you to tab our word for l hit Wo you us prove it and At to you Buy bo of evt our or up Then if you JuM irk wndea Without you or you will the money ycnl for that lodicala that an at least worthy of trial octfnt It prove our faith In It merit your any offer be won fair to We l for delicate ml inivfhicnt vciliKcket lire tablet SO tabic fiOo CAUTION la that art Dot aold by can buy only at the Store You can buy In only at our atortl J Y The Store a la Try Store la or the iR cat itb StorM re AmerkAa Drag Store erd in tfc Caaaib d lor al of charges ami if tads have not two it is the majority of with mem bers flovehweBt you give me any Ji I shook my head We never took strangers in that way and I- dont j for rno too you used to the wliiR a way- it you In the Is something beyond lellcf I iud to come away and 1 there he was silting Oh hy hlmselt all crouch ed up with a great hunch of bread in otic hand and a book in other I strolled up Behind him and look- over Ms shoulder at the It was ah Italian sir My lalling on the hook Brig Liver Kidney Chron ic Constipation Hay Fever and Loo o m to r Ataxia Nervousness Appendicitis Female Weaknesses all kinds and removed without Drugs or Knife a Specialty Hours to to Sunday and other hours by appoint ment Office Park Ave Opposite Method ist Shod Newmarket Examinations Free Phone T Time Card GOING NORTH Leave am Toronto 1C25i 310 GOING SOUTH Leave am Newmarket lM3 Toronto or 730 pm 705 pm 100 535 I It J 1 Raisejens that Lay SC Rhode Island Reds PRIZE WINNERS AND WON DERFUL EGO PRODUCERS Eggs for Setting 100 Errs per 500 hi noon Stock Offer Hens at Eacl AUBREY DVIS NEWMARKET- Ave BOTE The Dominion act as though tbeyi money to bum Heretofore the Chairman the Hail way Commission Board has been paid a salary a year Word was telegraphed from Ottawa on Saturday that Minister eft Rail ways had notice a resolution raise his pay to A thousand admission tick ets were made use of at the laurier meeting In Toronto last week His surmised that an effort was male by partisan to frustrate the purpose of the gathering the vast majority of Liberals present overawed the ticketholders The criminality the forgery how ever is none the less and it is sin cerely to be hoped that the guilty perpetrators of the dastardly misdeed may brought to justice This is a season of the year when whitewashing is orler the day This may ac count for tho whitewashing fever having struck Privileges and Elections Commit ice of the Ontario Legislature Said Committee appear to have da bed the whitewash so thick that it peeled oft to spots Tell it not- in Gum Swamppublish it not in that the P P or North York Was on the committee When Mr the Contributor of for political purposes to lion Mr was the Committee on Privileges oni Elections he was asked the following question hy Mr ProudfootDid you make a contri bution to the Conservative party or any member of the Government for political purposes Chairman Fer guson rulcdthe question but or der and the witness was not permit ted to answer Now wait till the plcnlc takes place next summer at Jacksons Point and hear North Yorks member give a reason why the witness should have mouth closed on so vital a question There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together arid until the last few years was supposed- to he incurable For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced It Incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease ami therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney A Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure Ion market It is taken internally Ja doses from 10 drops to a It acts directly on the blood mucous surfaces of the system They oiler one hundred dollars tor any case it fails to care Send lor cir culars and testimonials Address P J CHENEY A Co To ledo Olao Sold by druggists Take Halls Family Pills for Com Upper Lakes Navigation Via Canadian Pacific Steamships The Canadian Pacific commencing May northbound and May southbound will operate Great Lekes Steamship Express trains between Toronto and Port on the schedule firstclass coach and Parlor Car running thro without local stops Northbound Leave Toronto pm arrive Port pm each Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and Saturday connecting the Palatial Upper Lakes Steamships leaving Port on above days for Sault Marie Port Arthur and Fort- William Port Sunday and Thursday at a m arriving Toronto noon and leaving Port Mondays Tues days and Saturdays at am ar riving Toronto pm Until Steamship Express goes into com connection is made with Up per Lakes Steamships leaving To ronto am Full particulars from any Agent or write Murphy looked to him go out again without more words but he stood still must have work he said 1 to give- you satistactiou sir and I tell you I must It spoke as it I had the work in my coat povVet and as if he was determined to get Jit from me at any cost yet perfectly respectable you know with nothing I could take a good opportunity 1 The very friendly and I have learned sev eral phrases- Are you a school master and working in that hole I asked he said quietly I am a lookkveper It is a great advantage for a- bookkeeper to be able to read and answer foreign letters al though I have some knowledge of hold of and angry about My good sir said putting the paper down tbereis no vacancy in j tho If give me your fiWn he added turning it ov- name references I a m them and some when some day when we do have a job to dispose I will remember you That is the best I can d for you today The young man shook his hoed That wont do he said Think Surely in this great place there must be something a strong willing man can do it is useless to talk waiting till a vacancy occurs I must have work now today It is absolutely necessary was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that it was absolutely necessary or him to leave office and close the door after him but I looked at him again and didnt say it I saw that was telling tii truth and that he must have work It was not that he- looked shabby or that there was any suspicion of whining or about If had been oit he would have gone in pretty Rut there was a look in his eye well I hardly know how to describe it but the man was desperate and had some reason for being so What kind of work do you and one back was I am getting oh pretty well Why in the name of everything foolish didnt you apply for a posi tion as bookkeeper asked instead of this of thing Nobody will take a bookkeeper without references I shouldnt think much cf a firm that I suppose he added flushing little My re ferences were in my wallet that was stolen and it will he week or more before I get new ones as native town is oft the main line and let ters take a good while to there Ive always been fond of open air and exercise be added with a quizzical look at the hole where he had been digging and now Im getting lots of it Rack stiff I suggested So So Ill manage though of ten been worse alter days rowing and this is just as good bread as any other ahd he took abito out of his lunch and looked at his book as much as to say he had talked enough and wanted to at his grammar I walked off and didnt see him till he came for his In the as met Passenger Agent Toronto John a farmer near Kv succumbed to hs injuries af ter being gored by a cow a week ago W Rose pastor of the and Park Baptist Church Brant ford de clared that he had information to the effect that an organized effort rig in by white Want I said putting down the pa- evening shaky again lot smiling per again Any kind J You mean that I do Anything that will put bread In the mouths of he choked a little and stopped Then came from Canada two days ago with my wife and- three children and was rob bed of my wallet ion the train I not a penny Come with me P said and he followed me out to the His story might be true or it might not but I thought of a way test the- metal of which he was made The Stark Mills In Which I had some interest had been partly burned a few days before and a gang at work clearing away the rubbish A dirty job it was the men were up to their waists half time in mud water and the whole place was a muddle of rusty iron and burned tim bers and what notlooked like the end of the world and the wrong end at that If he had had an excursion down the harbor So he went on till the fourth day day I looked- to see him quit hut his kept up and its ray belie he would have worked In that hole and got strong and stronger if something turned up The fourth day I was sitting in the when the door opened and to came Green from the over the way Morning he said you know a bookkeeper Our poor fellow whos been sick for so long died yesterday have to think about getting another I shook my head but an idea came to me Will you take a man on trial What kind of a man WeWI hardly know said I think hes pretty good but Ive only four days I can an swer for his power of work and I told the mans story Green went out with me saw the young fellow liked his looks and- en gaged him on the spot He days work of his hole in tho mud shook hands me the next day found a home for the rest his life That is seven or eight years ago and he has been at the boilerworks since- If hes not to he made partner soon Ive been misinformed today and that is what put him to my head today when you were talking about just now That j man sir had tho real article and when a man has the real article and is honest to boot dont talk to me about his not succeeding in life Go ing Well gocMmoming luck to you In your new venture and let your watchword be Pluck Youths Companion Shflohm The family Fraud Coub Phil oh SO 10 much I ROMPTLY In all countries Ask for TORS wli sent fret Unrvenlty St Montreal CANADIAN Homeseekers Excursions TO AIUKRTA and SASKATCHEWAN Each iueeday until Oct Ih WINNIPEG and EDMONTON points in proportion Return limit two months Train leaves To ronto p each Tuesday May to August inclusive Rest to take Upper Lakes Navigation Steamers leave Port Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays lor Port Arthur and William Connecting train leaves Toronto a- Steamer Manitoba sail- in from Port en Wed nesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point at pni COMMENCING MAY STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto pm on sailing days making direct con nections witli Steamers at Port AROUND WORLD via Empress of Asia Leaving Liverpool June at Madeira Cape Town Durban Colombo Singapore and Kong Rate for Satire Exclusive of maintenance between arrival England and departure of Em press of Asia and stop over at Hong Kong Particulars from Canadian Agente or write P A P Toronto ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Insure Paint Satisfaction Electric restores body S to Hi proper restore mi FrmtVoro all ftrted At will a or for to hit Prof J voir new pi in Dr Vans Female The cigarette manufacture Impor tation and sale In Canada is to be lrphfbittt it way an nounced Mrs W Corresponding Secretary of the Do minion T at the County Convention Que that Sir R Borden had given assurance his intention to personally introduce a measure of prohibition as above stated A despatch from Ottawa says that no legislation however will be this year but that measure Is on the cards is confirmed the assurance of Mr who stat ed alost week that he Kid agreed to second the bill to be introduced by slave operators It is alleged an at- nuoj dma form and kidnap a shopgirl Trenton May 1 About oclock this morning the large canning fac tory of Miller A Co a branch of the Dominion fanners was discover- to be on fire and before the fire men could get out the fire had gained such headway that to save the plant Cry FLETCHERS May Damage bv the continued frosts reported from all points all through this district will it is estimated run into over to early fruits Many grow ers are taking steps to protect young strawberries currants and similar fruits in order to try and save buds not yet opened The frosts around here werei the heaviest In nineteen years and the loss wil be oas the greatest I ever experienced as fruit growing has never been so expensive ly engaged Many apple plum and peach growers were right In the middle ot spraying as the warm spell had induced an unusual growth of buds LIQUID PAINTS The gang had on were was too dirty for a Yankee to touch and even the Irish were shy of it They were little dark monveylooking fellows and chattering in their unearthly gibberish I glanced from them to my gentleman with his clear white skin and hands that showed that whatever trade he had ported at clearing away wreck age hadnt been part of it though he looked like one who had taken a good deal of exercise in athletic sports Heres a job I said only one I know of How do you like It enough he as cool as Youll get a dollar and a half a day I told him Youll probably get your death too When will vou go to work Id an hour he said Well off he went and I hardly expected to see him Rut before the hour was out was lack a flan nel and a pair of old trous ers He took his pickaxe and down he went into that if It an evening party sir Well I wen back to the office I couldnt be around watching the men or the boss would have been making trouble but my new hand stayed ray mind somehow and strolled around the wreck two or times in the afternoon Getting the best results with paint is a matter of more paint quality You have to consider the surface and the weather conditions And what is even more important you must have a good painter Then if you use a reliable paint are bound to get successful painting ing that looks well and wears long and leaves a surface in good condition to receive a new coat Such paint is It is the result of first class ingre plus proved machinery plus expert labor plus years of ex perience a sum to tal that represents the highest achieve- in the paint- making world today Lowe Brothers Household Finishes Enamels and Var- made in the same way and insure the same satisfac tory results There Js a Lowe Brothers Finish for every purpose put up in a convenient package ready for instant use It is easy to keep interiors bright attractive and cheerful by the use of the proper Lowe Brothers finish PAINT AND PAINTING tells what to use and how to use it Come get a copy and we will advise as to what particular finish is best for your needs A and give you definite in- H id i I I i for applying ID I I J J B i ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO f i

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