Newmarket Era, 16 May 1913, p. 6

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JOHN YATES SUTTON I A ii 1 I MOUNT ALBERT worth on Monday evening next A good program will bo presented Kif full particulars see bills KESWICK I P further information met last Sunday ask the girts evening and had a very enjoyable Mr again km out to Sunday School along a lot other boys Whats matter IfcrrwvtenT all right the funeral of Mrs of Church J the subject will be- taken by Norton Also next Sunday tlie are hording a a real Rally Our pastor A wii give anaddreoeoier- on our leaue work The our league The iv not forget the Hard Times and nmte Soda to be held under jrrnnd success So invite air has taken sick of the l workers and ail Interested is Improving May work people are re- are requested to represent preset prepared to tid flnes subject to scrutineers I to look one new and startling weather brings our It is and see Rummer visitors back again to their not Note for Ladles onlyxes necessarily represent hard times waiting to see the effect We all on Sunday was targe The Ivroavcd friends the the to report Arvcls iKnn but we bear ho ftprotlnJt Mr ii Kinji of flelbaVh ate Kings house In ion buggies fcrfc all the rage Where are the other Carriage run around here BALDWIN i Sunday cars on our t6wn LAWN CLUB- it will be for best At a meeting held in the Commit- are ftVad to hear that our flood tee ttootn of Mount Albert Mr Russell ving who has been phone May jtl General Hospital is improving On motion of Or Johnston Mr nicely and will soon be able to was made chairman of the v and Mr A Paisley meeting Tern of the institute will It was to arganize a at home of Mrs Alfred v at subject of Household ftsUi will he by Mrs 1Ved Yon Nor man Music will A be held on 111 be given I second and third prizes will be given to girls under fifteen First and sec- competitors to find their own prizes to over fifteen All silk and have work Ion hand at oclock A good at The following members were elected by acclamation Hon Hon S Terry President 1 W Shields will Sec CommitteeMrs Or Or Cod Mrs Curator Mr bo has been com- tendance- of members is necessary as SO the is election of omcers business at West owing to ill health had a successful sale on premises on- Saturday Mr las has been appoint- j around liete ate super tbe Methodist pretty well seeding i1 piiiiiu Mr Allen Sunday School succeeding Mr resigned Theres of this lot of fences to fix Some is Putman fcuce mere Mr IWst has organized a Bible Class revolving fence On lu connection with the PresbyteUan I it tried roll cut of Miss Haines aeut Sunday at are sorry to that Nora and have the measles A number of the young people from attended Sunday School here on Sunday Miss Turner and Miss P Cain and organized Young Ladies and Young Mens Adult liiblo Class Mr and Mrs were thrown their buggy their horse being frightened by a motor Miss Haines banquet at last Friday ev ening Mrs Tom sister Mrs of Chicago visiting with now Mrs Pro was in Toronto last Mr J M Kitely was in Toronto Friday Tuesday and bought a new cement mixer lie left on Wediiesday to start a big cement Contract at Dur ham Co Miss Ethel Hall is at Bradford this week Mr Leslie Rantsey spent Sunday with his parents here friend Walter Sunday School which is being large- attended turned over twice Mr Steeper is improving lno new replacing the old worn by on all nice evenings out- a metal roof air on fish market is trustees of the school in stalled a new- galvanized iron pump in the school well very refreshing Mr John has started paint ing at the summer houses He has a large contract KFEP DOWN BUST The market in During the summer months our right Come try it always been decidedly The service on Sunday night was Every pacing vehicle raises withdrawn in favor of the Free the dust in A and business placjpdisU Quarterly Meeting dwelling houses near the pal streets been put W i move and get to choir or neces- j Practice on Saturday and to We have on several occasions advocated some way of sprinkling tlie streets but hitherto no way has found feasible A new experimenthas been tried recently on portion of one of our busy streets and the plan seems to work all right All the sur face dust was scraped off and crude petroleum sprinkled on with watering cans The portion the street so I treated shows every indication lbs method being a success hut of course it is necessary to extend the vate A small ment which can only be done from each citizen would the expense and afford a great amount of comfort during the dusty months Mr 1 Rowland lias kindly offered to proviae the oil at cost Wo commend this matter to the early consideration of all parties who- have suffered from dust nuisance We understand that one treatment wfll he sufficient for the season I wonder where our country but alas it only got Sunday night Mr and lady friend attended- Church in Newmarket oh Sunday night Messrs Kttely and Tate have order ed a Motor Cycle built for two Mr J Simmons of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr T Watson Mr John Moore of Mount Albert is all j was at Mr Merlon Shaws on Sun- day Mr Wayling is enlarging the cellar under Mr A lias a fine new ce ment pig pen Mr James Queens Wife spent Sundaywith Mr Orville I Mrs Thomas Watson visited In Newmarket a few days this week Mr Fred is remodelling the fence around his lot Lord Mayor is shilling his kitchen this week Mr Theakston has a quanti ty of hair for plastering that he has no use for for somebody who intends building Mr Huntley of spent Sunday at Mr Watsons lair Arthur Halt had the misfor tune to lose his spring colt Listen for the wedding bells The time is getting close now Miss Haines spent Sunday at Mr Ezra Penroses in Sunny -lim- practice on Saturday night church on Sunday night If you can not get there early come when you can Blessed are they who come eve at Eleventh hour Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTO R I A Farms for Sale 200 ACHES mile from Pine Orchard and from New market mile from school ami church miles Clay loam little rolling 180 acres cultivated acres second growth hardwood acre orchard Stream 10roomcd solid brick house bank barn silo house drive house piggery etc all in good repair Price We are having some very not verv good seeding Miss Nellie Smith has got home She is improving slowly Mrs A Mackenzie spent Fri day ana Saturday In Toronto Mr and Mrs Trcyer of Toronto arc visiting at Fred also Mrs Flanagan and family of Newmarket Marion MacKenxle Miss and been on the sick list but are Miss Bertie her mother Mrs Avhvard Is from the She is looking well Sorry to hear of Mrs Stephens bad accident She broke her ankle Mr Arthur Milne IsXlald up with two fellons and a one hand Improving spent- Sunday ACRES mile from Ze phyr led acres cultivated orchard level land acres pasture and through which a large stream runs well water frame house bank barn 60s 60 with stabling for head of stock lien house plastered inside pig and drive house in firt class condition Price For further particulars apply to IN Property with a new cement house 10 rooms cement floors in cellar cistern- In cellar electric lights This proper ty is beautifully situated Quick sale tor A MILLER Ileal and Insurance I SUTTON L and J P La very were in Newmarket on Saturday getting their autos iked up Sutton have arranged I managed there to attend divine worship In Knox church on Sunday May Rev C Ovcrend will preach to them Miss gave a dunce in St James Hall on Friday evening of last week to her num erous friends There wore about hundred and twentyfive pres ent and cards dancing and social chats away a pleasant conoldcraUc growling at the weather Too sou others wont rain and Kven to Clerk of mtifelr couldnt please eVexybody hold tofiiper In til the I believe there will be ideal weather Tfcls promises to tip snorter disturb cease on the Keep this In nrlndsbe raises Cain dune to July nth A Venus also the same tino Look tor wild times in electric and hall storms Another oid and much resident In the pefsoli Valentine IT or fc more familiarly known leased on Monday at the -rlpo- age and a lwlt years due to natural leaves a famllinf eight sons and tour daughters to mourn the loss of a good father Funeral Wed nesday to Kim his sleeping lis quiet old gentle- a resident of for sixty- years lie had great as a suceeaalv trapper and hunter for forty or more years and bis great delight was reciting or hearing hunting exploits late ho lias resided In quiet retirement with his son Allan who deserves credit for the way he father It must haw been considerably satis faction to deceased that his fam ily were a credit to His sens aro all temperate fifld Vnest men A brother Johnston of Baldwin and sister in Michigan survive him Im not in my usual humorous mood this week My solitary life on yon horned moon makes me feel loan scarce explain how for one thing and whn Im thinking Im re minded that Baldwin is the premier place tor kind neighbors and Im one that appreciates them I not preteni to name them their names are legion The are leaders The approaching nuptials of Miss Tremayne Sutton West are interesting to her many friends and admirers indeed a glorious young in the prime of her beauty Her Intelligent face shows her possessed of qualities that make perfect and loveablc women Her friends all declare she is one Hea ven grant that she gets a man wor thy of her If ha anyway approaches his brothers Alex and Donald hes not so bad Incle Owl sends his best A quintette of Suttons old time model girls Annie Noble Annie Annie McLaTghlin An nie Hill They were noble girls hard to equal- harder still to Lunge fishing Is Rood down the river out Jack somebody hooking ye The penalty comes high I Our roads are very nice now tout how long theyll remain so is a con undrum- A pig or two with well de veloped noses for rooting can play the very dickens Cut their snouts oft if they act dacent I see one his opened business in suburbs Tho corporation laborers are up our streets Uncle Johnston has fifteen lawn mowers on the Kings highway Theyre cracker jinnies at tlie biz Beautiful flowers blooming on our streets Be careful where you step We modest crimson tinted lower met me in an evil hour For I maun crush thy stum A Successful Dairyman and the Why and Wherefore of it It would pay to at j Spend a short visit to Tommy stables and sec how are The are Mar The regular of On omu Kant held on date la Municipal Sharon All Minute of meeting and confirmed After wore read ami ilniHilm in Iityjl On roads and other lti took tip the day by by whui a proposi tion has been Mr John to land or a of the road on lot 1st ol St and whereas ft to ha lit trio luterCflti of the iluVitcfpality iiui It that Clerk be and arc hereby authorised to make the necessary transfer and to sign all necessary documents ami that the Corporate sea be Hereto attached carried that the be IS liurcliy to purchase the right of way for the purpose straightening the stream at lot con Carried i0ct0ffBUnchfd that the Two hundred bo granted foe the purpose of graveling lots 1011 con The Reeve and Councillor Carried that whereas Mr A with the Treasurer the Township lot the purpose- of maintaining the Old Sharon Burying Grounds The sum of one hundred dollars The trea surer is therefore hereby author ized to receive the same said amount and any further sums that may be tendered foe the same pur pose and the Municipality hereby agrees to- expend a sum equal to at least six per cent per annum for the purpose aforesaid the sum shall revert to the party or parties or their from sums have been and that the Corporate seal be at- tarried Proctor Ctowder And resolved that the his order on the Treasurer for payment fol lows P culvert con W repairs cedar Stomach Aim to make thai and digestion good and you will keep Ho chain Is stronger thin Its weakest link No man la stronger than his stomach With stomach disordered a train of diseases follow Golden Medical 1 lter ill blood Pur lftJ from nl of Kl of me r If qM JtO4 by el mQ Who was the gentleman In on I MCI Si Tha is going some eh the village Wednesday calling old acquaintance Smith spent Wednesday last In the City Miss Fountain and Miss Hodge Sunday in and 1 Mr Norman Crone spent Sunday evening in our regular meeting the Institute will be held at the Hall or May at The an nual election oncers anda palmer given I different of tendance Ib Miss Annie of Thornhlll spent the weekend at her uncles Mr John A Wrights WDavidson full at- I FOR SALE Grain acres acres worked balance and timber Water In pasture room Dwelling hank barn silo pig pen and driving house mar kets and Station 3 and mills Telephone on place Easy terms acres 135 cleared 130 worked clay room frame dwelling bank barn GO with windmill driving house pig pen 80 atone creeka at front and back of farm About of timber on place lots of wood TermS cash balance arranged would exchange rii J Cook HorseShoeing Specialty Painting and Agency for Pages Fence Fann Steel all Wads Pine Oar- Clipped for good acres Also good Highly Improved Wheat Farm in Manitoba with stock and Im plements away below value About tloo DAVIDSON Kefreshments served Home howl and everyone Were loud In their praises of Miss hos pitality is leav ing for Calgary In the course of a few weeks ai Mrs the wedding to take place of May We Join in her every happiness as was high ly esteemed The regular meeting of Sut ton Council took place on Monday night at the usual time and place It was decided to have front street oiled again this year Considerable discussion was held re the lighting ot JacksorVs point The poles are now ready for erec tion and they expect to get pow er from the Toronto and York Hallway On Tuesday morning at St Patrick Church Toronto the marriage of Miss May of Sutton to Mr John of Cambellford was quietly solemniz ed owing to a recent bereavement ot the brides family The rector Rev Father performed the ceremony The bride was given away by her cousin Mr Thomas and was attend ed by her cousin Kathleen The groom Was assisted by his brother Mr Dennis The grooms gift to thbbrldo was a silver mesh tray to j the brides maid an amethyst rosary to best man a pearl tie The wedding breakfast was served at homo of the cousin Mrs OHanly Manning Ave presents were and numerous the out town guests were Mr and Mrs bedded with an abundance of straw as comfortably a poor man The cattle are so clean that you would not soil a kid glove in handling them Thats the way to do it Go to some barns and youd find a entirely different state of af fairs sometimes wish some folks had to enjoy refreshing sleep in their cow byres Oh say wouldnt Ask our Mr Hover to you the latest additions to his ortorie of songs Ho has an Irish song Molly that every word breathes of l direct from the Emerald Isle I tell you its sweet I do love an Irish song music com posed by Irishman All the young ladies are in Toronto We miss em What cant be cured must be endured If one never began thered be n drunkards Its that first that does the business Wo have young men whose boast it is they know not the of the wine cup All honor to them Stick to it boys Mrs Amos Kay is sending a- week amongst friends hereabouts Our friend John of North is amazing proud his who Is now a in Edmonton at the modest little sal ary of per an Hell be able to Keep wolf from the door on that I could tell you ever so much more but for the present bybye 00 vl of Mr Needham Mrs Wi of w on J Sutton Mr Geo of Ham- I mi WOr Albert Miss and Other Later on the bride left for her new home Markham s ArU May toan five hundred dead are lying on eld above resulting from three MINION BANK lUMusDi MLIJiatPfMlliOllft A QenerAl IrDiM J up Riinr Fund Audi isbooooo Banking Needs always he Dominion SalfJ Notts on most favorable Interest paid on Savings AccounU which may bo with a of dollar or inoio ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager RAILWAY 100 10 ito 1900 950 411 J refund J repairs work J Cutting cedar Miller repairs repairs A Manning repairs BY Timney grading Ontario Bridge Co J Case work M work J Hose work work P McShane work Hayes repairs P Proctor Williams work And thai the seal to attached Carried this council do now adouVn to meet on Friday May the at am as a Court of Revision and other business Carried A R j Clerk Stratford May 13 A solitary flash of lightning was the cause early morning of destruction of Knox Presbyterian Church and the snuffing out- of the lives of the Chief of Po lice the Fire Chief and apoliceman YOUR BOY ENTITLED TO A CANADIAN FARM Why Worry about the future of your sons The Government at Ottawa giving away this year free homesteads in Western Canada The bulk of these are located along Canadian Northern the line recognized m the West as the PIONEER FARMERS RAILWAY This title was earned because the Canadian Northern Railway never lacked to build its steel Into new districts placing the railway and all that It stands for within easy reach of the Prom now on till the end of October Excursion tickets to Canada are on sale every Tuesday These tickets are good to return within two months from date issue except tickets sold from Ma to July inclusive may be extended- tor two months on payment of Five Dollars for each month or part thereof to agent at destination Stopover will bo permitted at any Cana dian Northern station west of Port Arthur For the acconunoda tion of passengers a Tourist Car for Winnipeg via Chicago and will leave Toronto Union Station at pm on the following dates June 3rd July 1st July August September and October write tor alt particulars Some Canadian Northern Publications r Creator of Business A story of the Canadian Northern Railway Peace River Alberta and How to Reach It Key to Prosperity A story of the of Western Canada- 35000 Free Any Agent of the company will gladly give you any or all of the above publications or write General Passenger Departments at Kin Street East Toronto Ontario or St James Street Mon treal Quebec wl6m CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY THE COUNCIL OF THE Tp of East Gwillimbury will hold a Court of Revision on Sale Early Garden Seed Potatoes per bag also eating Potatoes fresh out of pit Two setting of eggs Tor Barred Rocks or White J SONS It Ont I Farm for Sale or Rent Seeds Seeds acres being West halves of lots and In tbe Con of East County of Best barn in township Stabling for sixty cattle feed carrier and water that cannot be beaten Stabling for horses and box stalls also a pen for hogs Farm and fencing in firstclass condition and very suit- for dairying being only halt a a Large Stcck of the 30th Wd3 in tl Canadian Gem Turnip mile from Metropolitan Station stop aptniJ g their Best Seed house hard at the hour of anywhere Will be at New- and soft water- School and church I market wry Saturday and seed will convenient The chance of a lifetime be left at Butcher Shop For further information apply to Newmarket Young Queensville P O Hall Sharon the hour oclock in the forenoon- All peals to be sent to Clerk on before the 21th day of May It Clerk Albert How Concrete igr Work Was Made Easy For You NTIL a few yean farmer cooiidered concrete material that could he used only by experts Thev knew that quality of the cement depended much of the success of concrete work They hid no means of testing cement such as big contractors employ and so could not be sure of its quality Yet the farmer needed concrete He was kept from using this best and most economical of materials by 1 Lack of knowledge of how to and place concrete 2 Lack of a brand of cement upon the quality of which he could absolutely rely y Canada Cement has both these requirements We employed men to make a thorough investigation of the farmer requirements to find out where and how he could use concrete with profit to himself to discover all problems he might come across and to solve them This expensive But when it was completed we had the material for our campaign to show the farmer how and where to use concreteand we printed a book What the Farmer Can do With Concrete for free distribution That book makes every farmej who reads it a concrete expert as far as his are concerned He hods that there is nothing mysterious about con- a few simple rules supply the knowledge required At the same time we met the farmers second objection inability to teat the quality cement by producing cement of does not need to be tested The Canada Cement that you buy by the bag at the Ctjuda Cement that is told by the tramtoad foe great bridge l w dent Limited IN I I K I AReHlVES OF ONTARIO a S6S

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