r Of LYNDON Recommends EL Pink- horns Vegetable Compound Backache Nervous ness Headaches It Lyndon Ky- I have been taking Vegetable Compound and general run down con dition of the system and am entirely re- of these troubles I recommend your remedies to my friends and give permission to publish what I write riirs H Von Lyndon K When a woman like Mrs Von Koden Li generous enough to write such a let ter as the above for publication she should at least be given credit for a sin- care desire to help other women for we assure you there Is no other rea son why she should court such publicity Canadian Womans KxperlciiCci Windsor Ont The birth of my first child left me a wreck with terrible weak not have those weak spells and I feel like ft new Woman since taking Pinkbama Vegeta ble Compound I am now well and strong and can do my own housework do not take medicine of any kind It was Vegetable Com pound that restored me to health Mrs Robert Parent Avenue Windsor Ontario If yon want special advice write to lied Id no Co confi dential Lynn Bass Your letter will be opened read and answered by ft woman and held la strict confidence j Ontario Conservative Methods ABOUT TiV It is a matter Ut ile ibo public as t Secretary or from Mr Taylor tor plunder a touching the fundamental principle of and in tee interest purity pi administration abstract ing donations from a contractor in violation difference betweVn the de clarations and Its supporters on the one aid and of the Opposition on the other Is as wide apart as the declarations of Writ and the evolution theory Darwin In regard to the creation man Mr asked Mr Taylor J While you had contracts with Government did you make a to Government or of it for purposes This was his reply wont an swer that question and the najority to instat spells but I am glad to tell Mc to deal justly without ioar or favor- on another quest Mr was asked Did a Ctfc- to the Conservative or any the Cor i bad time to reply the Chairman of the Committee It out order yet this was the Very vital Is sue referred for investigation Mr Taylor was asked be had approached by Mr for money at any other time than when ho gave the On the first occasion he refused to answer on the second the Chairman refuse the question to be answered and on the third to get at the truth Mr Hasinas counsel the question being put Under the present Government sup ported by P P for North this is called government of the people by the people for the people A day of reckoning is TEETH in i of having a Is under rnont Wo oftan and five at if at- tended by pain DrLGTHOMSON SUCCESSOR TO NEW YORK DENTISTS I TORONTO D fl Henry Manual Treatment and Massage PERMANENT HEALTH THROUGH PERFECT CIRCULATION Vapor Health and Medicated Baths I remove the cause nature cures I for Asthma Pleurisy Neural gia Lumbago s Di sease Liver Kidney Rheu matism Chron ic Constipation Hay Fever and Loc o Ataxia Nervousness Appendicitis Paralu- Female Weaknesses of all kinds and removed without Drugs or Knife a Specialty Hours to am to Sunday and other hours by appoint- merit Office Park Ave Opposite Method ist Cfaurcb Shod Newmarket Examinations Free Phone Legislature Prorogued During the session of which prorogued on the Inst- one hundred and fiftythree bills were enacted into law Among the more important were the Acts relating to the HydroElectric scheme providing local transportation fa cilities and Railways and the- Municipal Herewith we give the titles of a number of the Acts of public interest To amend tlie voters list act To amend the Ontario election act To amend the tile drainage act Relating to sales and mort gages of settled estates To amend thi Coroners Act the partition and sale of real estate To registry act For the prevention and ftriuries To the act Respecting the property of married women To the act Respecting construction find operation of works for supplying pub lic utilities by municipal corporations and companies Respecting contracts for tho supply for electrical power to municipal cor porations institutions T Time Card GOING NORTH pm Allanoale lCS 340 805 SOUTH am pm 520 Newmarket- Toronto or 1010 310 t Mr- it Rhode Island Reds prize Winners and won derful ECO PRODUCERS Eggs for Setting Eggs per To make Room for Young Stock Oder Hens at AUBREY 1 Each Millard Ave Electric I ta proper i ill will IS box or two lot oat VMS Dr de Vknsi Female Pills lbs Respecting municipal To exempt firemen from local ser vices To anend public libraries act To amend the motor vehicles act- To encourage the and growing of trees j To amend the liquor license act To amend the public health act Respecting cemeteries and in terment of the dead Uq regulate the manufacture of dairy products Respecting milk cheese and but ter manufacture For protection of neglected and dependent children For the prevention accidents by fire in hotels and other like buildings To provide moans of extinguishing tires in Townships Respecting line fences Respecting the game furbearing animals and fisheries of Ontario amend school laws of On tario and respecting Separate Schools Respecting the towns of Aurora and the Positive Clutch a Pulley Works Limited Respecting tho town of Newmarket Respecting the Toronto and York Radial Railway Sunday cars Corporations public officials and other interested in matters to which the foregoing Acts relate should take early opportunity to selvcs acquainted therewith The shooting of robins is an un lawful act punishable by fines rang ing from to The only condi tions provided by the statutes which robins can bo shot without breaking tho law is the protection fruit from their ravages King township council at its last regular meeting passed a resolution instructing tie reave to make ar rangements with the Hydro Electric Commission for holding a meeting in the township an early date to ex plain to the feasi bility of adopting the scheme May Out of a job and with but cents in his pockets Walters inquired at the General De livery window at tho PostvOmce yes terday if there was any mail for him To his ho was handed a which Informed him that his father had died and left him an es tate worth Upwards of The letter was from Ms aunt Mrs P Petty of Knoxvltle and was first word Walters had received from relatives since ho ran away at Hall Torooo dnrinfi too fast week a was givrn effect compel dividing land in to lots to out streets to conform with any particular ays torn A Paper rises to remark marriage by JM befog In Holland trie in Toronto la too much a tbe act which came into force In Ontario las tlj ariets would ifco be to his weeks be fore toe i made is of A Wedding most of ail by The Brides Bouquet of the Importance in the Making or a Pretty Wedding Trie made by us is Correct and Strikingly Artistic Our Bridesmaid Bouquets are Correct and Beautiful Our Prices are indeed Moderate Estimates Cheerfully Given Antral Work of Highest Qual ity at Moderate PERRIN ftashinRtao despatch states that President Wilson has come out very as pi and tree sugar aerie years aa pro vided for in tie recently He be was sldoring compromises stood the measure as passed louse and be regarded It as the duty Or the in the Senate to its platform pledge by the House- bill into law There Is In Rowing you enn tried and proved remedy thoroughly Well adapted to your Every woman who Is troubled with headache backache languor egttremo and depression of spirits ought to try learn what difference iey will Bypurilying a system Ihey better digestion sounder arid bestow the charm of sparkling- eyes a rosy and vivacious spirits Thousands upon thousands of women hare learned Beechama are and Unfailing Home Remedy In MaWtu lor Hatching Bred to Lay Strains OF WHITE AND WHITE A My Birds are bred from the Best Laying and Stock in the Province BOOS Bert West MAIN ST Speaking Iks of John he- or a scaoooer years and Valued the to the schooner Lord was war and agtUiist the tie qUcdllou John is entitled to interest from the the The was worth mid if is Allowed for the full one hundred year it is computed the owners will he to A For bandinv to Deputy Speaker in the Commcna at Ottawa Premier made a ry Hamilton Herald sVoVemment supporters at are haying a time i tending Speaker the criticism of the opposition fact seems to be honorable fault is not so much rente incirfahVs fib He completely lest his head in the row last Saturday Mr was a sorry choice for deputy Upper Lakes in rt England that the day of the street Via Canadian pad Ac tars and motor omnibuses is spread- The Canadian Pacific throughout the country London Mar arid May proposes ro tun services of tramway southbound will operate Great Lakes j cars without rails in many suburbs Steamship Express ween Some twenty towns it is Toronto arid Port on the j said are arranging for cars Its the hardest test there Is for a Madani on the front ball and stairs and even here will stand up look well and wear for a long time flows so freely and dries so quickly that you can put it on yourself without showing It dries with a hard lustrous sanitary surface that Is easy to keep clean and is as tough and dux- able as a famish can be made Use it on your stairways floors linoleums all inside woodwork arid furniture Clear and seven permanent and colors Your money back if doesnt do all we for If sbhhhibbbbbsbh- P A NEWMARKET daw by Toronto she the 4am of Viva Alien Farmer and a CAPTAIN dam produc ed McCarthy W p aa- Scott and last two are iid to be the fattest full sister in the world and they are full listers of Captain i first at of lar- Is the fastest In over a hell mile track was nine firnt second once fourth d in nurses tbe dirt in winning ftra rarcs and In another over ice the winter by Captain n one of to beat pacing colts In ftarto Han proven herself to a auocrtslul raco mire as aotiie twenty difforent the put two years was never behind the has the credit all three in ralkit winning at Ifce various full fairs Hill and town has been in and was there second to Undertaker at In halt Captain Is also sire of that Sfrid tor at old could trot a half in A of I have seen him step s MA without one hit of raining utts being a trottrr he has proven himself a extreme speed first wherever In he won 2nd at- the Show in a Class of entries To a foul 1 paid the 1st of For the season parable lat round Mingle leap time of service l insurance is folio flrsclasa Or motor omnibuses We notice e 13 a XJtSJ that an order for j twenty motor omnibuses for Toroato to Ont been given now to look as li at and Saturday with Palatial Upper leatii Port on I On the of May benjamin Van above days for Marie Mlf to bed Toronto a Arthur and Port sino tt He awoke morning taken place be- Port Sunday and Thursbay at a arriving Toronto and at leaving Part iiolland Van and Saturdays at am Proxy It is probably the riving Toronto 315 pm Until first a residing To- Steamship Express into com iarried to girl with Up- a of miles across the sea without per Lakes Steamships leaving Tori at the am rage ceremony the bride particulars from any Canada the marriage vows Agat Dis- repeated It ij presumed that the Toronto breathes the sentiments of the Government This is what it has to say tbe Canadian Sen- in case a majority enters a veto to the Governments naval bill If Passenger Toronto HOME SWEET HOME It becomes necessary to th The world remembers fiSgi John Howard Payne ffi It is one of the ironies fate that the poet from whose pen has come immortal lyric of the was himself roving outcast- home less wanderer story Broken fa health reduced in for tune the poor American found him self in great publisher and his creditorswhp came to so him the penniless poet was in sore straits The Atlantic Ocean se parated him from kith kin the poor American found him- the throbbing heart of the i fill city of London Between St SJ allowed him little- an Is creditorswho came u though these been weakened by every fact of Canadian expenoaoe since confederation of the pre- the would com mand the support a great majori ty of the people London May guns has bean just st Stallion by the Captain BrVSOn King George tests forty rounds were frrl by these CERTIFICATE No guns and the target was hit thirty- Inspected and Enrolled Enrolment nine times These guns fire 768 shells as against the shells The Property of by the 135inch guns of- NEWMARKET the Orion and Lion J season of health London May A new kind of a and weather as sanragette wtiag6 was committed MONDAY May 5 Will leave his today a sacred painting In a church stable Newmarket and proceed at Eastbourne being defaced The lor noon thence to days catalogue of discoveries Albert for night and Tuesday four supposed bombs the r00 a anarch fire TUESDAY AlternoonWill pro- skins on a golf course arrangcd teed for night in the letters of the mot- Bakers Baker to an organized attack on shop win- Stouftville dowa in a provincial and or the mate will i held responsible t the Parties trying mare not returning them regu larly to the horse will whether in foal or AH accidents at owners risk Pasture for from a rates rooms Manager bomb hoaxes HL ITS ft cm yon lav to kwU Cloik tic tot J 1 TkJ CO Sliver Camplne 1 have kept chickens more or Use If the past and during have all the popular and out of the varieties the White Orpington as the best allround breed for reasons 1st I havo never has anything equal them in egg produc tion 2nd they are unequalled as- a fowl both in size and in flaor they are easy to raise and care for being gentle and will not fly over a three foot fence they lay- a brown egg are beautiful to look at 5th they will do better in a house or yard than any otter breed 1 booking orders at per The Silver Compine is a tew lha and this is Irs a with them but I believe Bros of j ft I am looking for eggs each March A few settings for to- John for noon thence to Elgin Mills for night FRIDAY To King City for noon thence to Aurora for night SATURDAY To his own stable Where be will remain until the Monday DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE bred brought to this section Jan CAPTAIN No i InS i my eggs fertile ffy telk through fc by Diplomat he Nut- tort fix York Poultry Show Caledonia Chief and sister Billy Weir high sulky Third felt the sense of isolation naval tho bitterest pongs Per- l on Thursday no solitude is more majority of than the solitude oof great solitude broods In the loots of the Si I SSSSl 1 It is as Knight has rT- said the hearts Bereft of lSf all other Payne seized the harp and lightly touched the ffiSK S -J- strings Rut not in vain For the J lire of inspiration was in to ve Government a final farewell Re- soul and on the banks of Thames from the aching heart an km bumble exile leaped the hearthstone 0 the melody of Home Home SSid if a tteU this part ifc differently a married woman Sometimes a married woman Commons at Ottawa so hungry for a loving word that she Jo herself fbere Is more Catarrh la this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together and until the last few years was supposed to he incurable For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed Hon I Lucas who has been ap pointed Provincial Treasurer is of the promising men in the Government Even its most scarcely claim that Uw Whitney Cabinet is body of I strong men Taken as a whole local Remedies and by addition of Mr constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it a5M evidently doomed to defeat The events of the last session the legislation like Workmans Compensations and a really adequate Factory Act the al ienating another million acres in Northern Ontario the general iner tia shown by the Government and es pecially the damaging in tho charges all are sign posts the road to Political eclipse for the Whitney Government Thats the Paint you ever stop to consider the fact that good paint is an investment while poor paint is merely an expense Any painter or building owner who has both kinds will instantly corroborate- this assertion Poor paint is not only an expense and an endless expense but a needless expense for you can always obtain LIQUID PAINTS A paint that wears two to four years longer than the other thus less any cheappriced paint Science has proven catarrh a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney A Co Toledo Ohio Is the only constitutional cure ion market It Is taken internally In doses from drops to a It acts directly on the blood mucous surfaces of the system offer one hundred dollars for any case falls to cafe Send for cir culars and testimonials Address J CHENEY A To ledo Sold by druggists No paint will give trouble as long as your house stands no repainting however good can stick if put on over poor it will cost you vastly more to hum off poor painty the only way to get the surface so painted into proper condition for repainting than to use good paint in the first place But when yotf use on a proper surface gears wear that surface will be in good condition for repainting Sold only in sealed airtight cans all ready for use Every can of High Standard Paint large or small contains the fulllmperial Measure of Paint dependable High Standard Liquid Paint are Lowe Brothers Varnishes Enamels and Mellotone a flat oil paint for interior decoration and Vernicol a stain and for floors and woodwork Ilk They will save you Let us make sug- I I I I