CM Meant Rye Specs the proper at lmiwk 6oAt tho Best copies during I pet if In advance JIM to foiled States No paper sent outside North York unless pId to advance Has always our Specialty We have hundreds Tty TCWatson JEWELRY STORE JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON Newmarket Ont Friday May 19 1 I XII No Single Copies cents each CD Toronto better j0 Are i V A Builders are busy Everybody is busy building Are you If tell your car penter or builder that youd like to have hi get Yale Hardware lor you The Yale A Towno line furnishes or other kind of building or The Chinese of Toronto will have a weak to uphold the burden Of nearly club built Mutual street 10000 human- Or the Church as is JfbriUA is raised The si let has already the land of the big deck been by the municipal pier in front the of the Chinese IU happen curiously of- the top deck were times i ptunrcd down Oft W tojM titty rind all who was helping him up to make an a chute slwt examination of the at the W WW WW No Nation TO I the pavonwxt broke his j WrtftHWj to Vote i day week Owiftrshlp Others ftlreei crowded it the deck aft go it because Us Itf of principle were italue bud inmii study through store when a woman or kilted by crushed to haVv beciv llieir prejudiced Is both cheaper and lor lUii Hydro HI the Illustrated booklet The Yale it is it Stop in at the store and look at our line Locks and Builders Hardware A BINNS Hardware Phone 28 NEWMARKET of by Nobody in more lor lid stole a silk dress was by the clerk who alter gf JJjgLYS SffluaTito Mfai While hysteria and fright cause the WJ of scored of othrs Burning Subject A Dollar Saved is a Dollar There is no Way of Saving Several Dollars by Buying Your Winters Coal at Summer Prices US ABOUT Nut Coal Stove Coal Coal Coal or by Phone or Cart Hofiart Hen Manning A or oyd j- INCORPORATED BANK ofTORONTO Assets Deposits General Banking Business The Bank Toronto with wars ot sue Hanking Experience with ample re sources with large reserve funds and with widely extended banking facilities offers to Merchant Manufacturers and other Business Men an unexcelled Hanking Service TV Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH FIELD Manager A South End Lumber Yard Price has Taken a Drop for Month May Ten Per Cent Order your Winters Delivered in the Supply and Save Furnace Coal 700 per ton Nut Coal per ton Pea Coal 625 per ton THY OUR NEW SUMMER P PEARSON CARTERS Geo Cor Church and Close Harry Gee alM Alt Phone we want you feel at the congress of the Presbyter ian Church of Canada have a busy time in providing for ifOd delegates now registered at the Union Station find ImroSilble to supply the demands of fanners ftg- rUulturai laborers An evening paper reports Mr Herbert been rotaiiud to too after interests of Charles flibson to for murder of Rosenthal lie is I taking steps to a new trial There seems to have been plenty of hard feeling both sides so will bind both p over to keep the peace sUtod Magistrate with to the charge against llymah I the Workers 1flion of raving threatened to Hurry the at lAuidall and John sons of bront St definite plan or the of the grant by the Pro vincial Government or Good Roads will le decided upon at accord ing to teports from the York Coun ty Highway Over eighty arts to planned much oi the material for which Is already con tracted for Ninetyone new lawyers Is grist turned out at the final exinvnations of the Ontario Law School last week During the past week the Hoard Control instructed Property Commis sioner to take necessary steps provide a civic jail acres for women The latter re- ported that he did not think it poS do away with of the Toronto Jail at least the next four or five years Mrs Margaret Clark allowed 11 the privilege of using J her telephone The man on leaving stole her watch which was lying on the table He was res ted pleaded guilty and was sent down to jail for a month I It has been decided by the civic au thorities to give the Australian team a luncheon while here on the ami of next- month For Jostling people a roller rink a smart was in the Police Court this week Any person playing the part iully a crowd deserves all the punishment the law allows Prenvier Horde rode from Queens Hotel to the Arena Practical Records article that ho C4H get else at a cheaper price ami why should we away laies a 1660 p The company ha two lines to and uq riuiiii steam plant at a tost of reserve power In ease accident So such provision is made under Hy dro The uersi of Metropolitan pow er at Hill Aurora and Newmarket declare that there Is Perceptible that it eutltvly ho truth in lite Whatever lht the have 25 YEARS AGO From Kyle June ToroaUi by Rev Jklrwon on the Mrd Mr y4ra Power costs A it- than the Metropolitan WJM have to be paid by the WW ft tt users of power on ever by the Metro- if Hydro power is the pfice Iboffos will not pay the debentures they can gel cheaper Tin likfkiing and houselighting will be the consumers and ha bills for light- to Miss Minnie J daughter of Mr of market the residence Keswick on the years and Mr Win of Toronto visiting in town this week Mrs has rcturnTd from Muskoka where she has vialiing ftlster for couple of weeks Chief Savage judge the mens tournament at the Queens Mr It onn of Toronto by Mrs was visit- estimate as by ftvery dairy farmer who will not the to weigh sample his they Can get cheaper cows milk says at the the Metropolitan The street- Weston has been using Hdio a few l in lighting and houselighting will he lor two years a greater Mock my herd were kept at a loss Soma the consumers and ha bills for light- than can use and IMre men find only one or two cows ling Will be just one filth cheaper price is only per p state that have found too rates than At that rate it will take a good many in the herd play a losing same Hydro rates That you will many years to reduce to p What doea mean Just this or if the ByLaw carries The has been that thai despite ali experience gained day what you will pay for under ill Hydro Power is adopted at Hydro end years it will cost nothing For users of power the is arranBetnents were made lor greater skill The pice of quoted by Mr Reck lor Hydro Power in Newmarket is not tie price from years practical dairying the farmer that in order to become thoroughly practical he must requi sition the aid or dairy records the cows appearance nor the own ers knowledge some shortperiod yield of milk extraordinary as that may have or a day or oris week or a mouth will testify with certainty to each individual cows ability to her way whole year Cow testing provides a simple and eminently practical way of dis covering not only if each cow pays but which cows pay the most profit- on the twelve months transaction feed consumed and milk and pro duced hndividwal Cow records help the practical farmer to build up a profitable herd i 1 You aSkin Rash will It skin rashes etc either in adults or children there is nothing known to science equals in quick ness and certainty of its curative power Mr Raymond Webber writes 1 have tried for many ailments ev ery time have found it successful Sonie time ago 1 had a bad rash all my body 1 tried homemade salves herb Salves and various and these proved of no use but when I tried was cured in a quarter of the time that I had been experimenting in vain with other preparations On another occasion 1 had brie of my lingers crushed and in that also was only remedy Used It healed the wound splendidly My had boils and once again brought about complete cure We have also it as a household balm for the injuries and coach In which the late Sir John diseases which are common to was driven through the every person and can that in our many ago ami experience there is nothing to equal building the line six years the right of was not purchased but the ground rented for This consumer will pay He has the over- renewal a ill have to be head charges as well as the cost power at the lion aim running exoenses to pay Kalis which at present is per which will add something over and the line will probably have to every horsepower so that actually to users power the Metropolitan power is between and per horse be renewed once or twice in years It is rumored that a factory in where Hydro Power is power per vear cheaper and this the corporation at per a horsepower motor means p is about to throw out of a year If the is defeated today the Metropolitan Co will get the benefit from sale of surplus power to manufacturers instead ol the Corpor ation The Metropolitan Co have contract ed lor horse power at Niagara Falls and are only using The because the actual cost a motor works put under Hydro charges about per p per year Tlfe difference between Hydro Pow er and Metropolitan Power for a p in Newmarket is about per vear We are satisfied that it will be a mistake the electors turn transforming at Newmarket down the Power today the reipis coachman handled A tow days ago Mrs of Street was taken to the owes power to certain its unique healing herbal extracts It Hospital in a critical condition She contains most ointments it had lighted the stove preparatory to J contains no poisonous coloring mat- some water In some manner no fat but is purely the oil took fire and spreading from herbal eczema piles blood pol lute side of the stove ignited nightdress and before it could be tingulshed had severely burned her body Mrs Louisa Ward entered actio against the Street Railway Co tor damages for injuries receive when alighting from a St car The jury found that motor- e Here son abscesses ulcers cuts bums and all skin injuries and diseases it Is without equal and should he in ev ery home box all druggists ami stores also Soap tablet e The Worlds Canada will look tor their daily food Her posi tion as already filth in regard to quantity among the worlds wheat producers is sufficient to give sur prise create wonder when her area and population are compared countries preceding her all times For Information which arrived in man had been negligent in opening the Montreal last door before car had come to a ton brought fifty most shop and assessed the damages at of were met and married by with tho their fiances during the afternoon on the list Mrs Holmes Crawford Ave ready this season over one thousand NorthWest Provinces the years of age has had a reniarkr engaged young women have landed ls al able During the past here most of them marrying upon month she has cut eight molars and arrival and setting out with their tor culti- eats with new teeth Her mem- husbands today objected very strong- tor ordinary is excellent and her eyesight to the high cost of marriage Mthw the good never having occasion to use censes and it is eyeRlassoS and is still active on her mated that in acres fell from Keith hi years Is under and sprmg whevt cut lag with Mrs Oliver week Mr and Mrs ML last Monday for owing to the de mise of her mother A no then wedding at Aharon last week whin Ml Addio and Mr III were the contract ing parties Miss A and Miss Main- prize Mount Albert are visiting in Kettle this Mount Albert Ladies Aid held ice cream social at the home Mrs Wagner the May Mr to address the Gospel Temperance Mealing next Sunday A Quibeli from the was visiting at Holt this week- Mrs Walter Crone and two children spent the of May with Mrs Geo Wool Mr Kirtons milldam at gave way last Sunday the third time this spring From Era Kyle May the by Rev Kenaedv at the residence the brides father M MeachemB A to Miss Mary eldest daughter o Mr J of Newmarket on the William Phillipsaged years De ceased was among the first settlers of the Township of East Mr J Wells address to the of York as candi date for Parliament appears in to days paper Nomination for North York at Newmarket on Whitchurch Township Council has appropriated to be expended addition to statute labor in improve ment of highways of thi Township Dr is announced to deliver a lecture on Temperance in Newmarket on Tuesday evening next A Liberal Government for Upper and Lower Canada is announcedwith Hon Macdonald as Premier and Oliver as Postmaster- General The Liberal Convention for North York to nominate a candidate to contest the Riding at election next month is composed as follows King Messrs J P Wells John Ferguson Andrew Davis Thos derously loaded cars is not all The son John Black Joseph Stores Joel grain has to transferred to the 1 Phillips Alex Thompson George Winn Marshal Wood George Pearson Whitchurch Messrs John Randall JS axson Bast Messrs John Job Hughes David Terry John Terry Win Dunham Brooks Howard Job North Messrs Terry John Morton Spraguei Georgina Messrs Arch Riddel and Moses Hill Newmarket Messrs A Wm McMaster and Jackson Holland Landing Mr A Aurora Mr Ashton I I- Wheat Gamer and then again from to the lake boats that bear soon Income the largest to other inland to the ocean count in the world and across the briny deep Of course J Philip MacHem f llritain the handling of grain at the Western Wilkin John Brown Mi to- which people Great IWiW ft lhe Jones Jaretl Lloyd and Silas and possibly of other nations will Sell at Right Prices I IMBKR LATH POSTS SHINGLES SASH DOORS latest Designs in Veneered Doors Stair Material and Trim in Oak A Cypress Georgia Pine etc All Goods properly Kiln Dried Wainscoting Pine aid Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak Veranda Columns Ratlin THE CANE A On Any and All Matters Pertaining to Any and All Kinds of Lumber and Building Material Thats What We are Here SUCH INFORMATION Is as Free as the Air I Learn at Home will teach your home for you Typewriting In cents a day and will supply a new Typewriter free when compotcot Aak particulars Oliver For Sale A nice Black Driver rising 3 and kind In all harness well broken Als Rubber Tire nearly now and harness Must ball at once No further use as I am golog West A Ply personally by letter- head of the lake is a matter the Government directly interests it self by the appointment of Inspectors who grade the wheat going into ele vators I family remedy Shl0b little tod docs a CcJi gathered at tho Quels Park bushels distinguished and votjup a 9 roqulred thirtytwo extra trains ot out the city on Sldei with a Paper wad which he was authorities at the station estimate with a stone when the- ex- three different railways who with leaning received the full force as ere sustained ftCldnnt the lather in day by the thousand decorate the Jnt erected in on the farm with powder to celebrate the twentyfourth The father h Placed tho in the stump and not less than and brother w South York-that- s sooth of Hill nave spent tn0 Highways and they now 51SV Several bones we OWN more for this year a grand open ing for the season on Empire Day men were arrested last week for stealing a keg of beer from a brewery van while the driver Was engaged delivering at a nearby hotel The Electric Linemens strike has broken and ho injuries Jot Intants and Kind Yoy Haw Always Bought This would feed the entile population of Great Britain Canada the United States and still bout one quarter the pro duct For export to other countries As the Independent states looking at potential value of the wheat crop in the three Western Provinces alone at an average price of cents a bushel it would amount some million dollars per annum In the Western grain crop the railways lake boats and elevators are the great factors The grain is not put up In sacks or bags but is shot loose into mammoth cars with a capacity of some each To move last years crop to the ele vators it took cars made up in trains from to each When It Is remembered that each car is SO feet litis these cars if all coupled together one season crop would nuke a train miles M shipped a car of fine cattle from here on Saturday last Mr J Kester had the misfor tune to lose fine spring colt one day last week Mr Has decided to learn tbe blacksmith trade with Mr Thos Meyers Mr David Cook has returned to the city after spending a few days at his home here We are glad to see Miss Ella Cook home again after spending a few weeks with friends In Mr Prank our popular bar ber installed a new gasoline lamp which adds greatly to appearance The party who is stealing whips and robes out of rigs in the Method ist church sheds had better take warning J 1 Spence for time Bursar for the hospital for incurables atPenetnguishene has been appoint ed bursar of the hospital for Insane and will begin his new duties about June Mr Spence succeeds who goes to Ottilia Mrs Frank Acton Kingston is dead as a of bloodpoisoning resulting from picking a pimple on her lip with a needle nine days ago She was- years of leaves hex and 1 i 1 St Catharines May While eat- J lunch at the home of her grand mother in a neighboring house last- Sunday the daughter of Raker Port choked to death Allan Day youngest son of In spector Day West St met with very painful accident on Monday while bringing the cow homo from Pasture Allan had the rope with which he was leading the cow wound around his tight hand the cow becauie frightened at something and pulled on the rope so hard thai before the lad could free his hand fully th first finger was jerked off at second joint Times x Womens Confidence In the efficacy this thoroughly tried home remedy Is never misplaced In every way in health spir its and In looks women find better after timer use of ARCHIVES TORONTO i HP MM mm AS K mm gS mi StfiE i a