Newmarket Era, 30 May 1913, p. 4

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srvvsvbtBKEiaKia WOMANS MOST SUCCESSFUL MEDICINE i s i J J IW is ft IceCream Trade Only Very limited number of peo ple in have anything like an of dfhvlopnvnt of of this country According to statistics by Dominion dairy authorities the quantity of cream used annually in making ice cream would make million pounds of butter about or more pounds of Returns indicate that twentyfour Canadian cities iiixn establishments which used a sufficient quantity of cream last year to pounds of letter pounds of choose No wonder the price butter has gone up from 15c to Wo and Now add the foregoing ho quantity lcocrvani manufactured in tin small towns villages and also in Canadian homes and reader will be able to form sorn conception of the con- sumption this popular deluwoy Known All Over the World Only For The Good It Has Done know of no other medicine which has been so successful in relieving the suffering of women or received so genuine testimonials as has 11 Vegetable Compound lb nearly every community you will find women who have been restored health by this famous medicine Almost woman you meet knows of the treat good it has been doing among suf fering women for the past years Fox Creek BM have always had pains In the abdomen and a Weak there and often According to census returns of the after meals a fore- establishments where In my stomach manufactured oh an scale Pinkhams all fourteen have been started VegetableCompound since and arc that last has done me much rear although the I am stronger cool and unfavorable to digestion is the consumption of the and I can work with trade increased twenty per cent ambition have that of encouraged One feature in trade mothers of families to which the authorities are begin- to take it as it is the give greater attention is the best remedy in the world You can pub- nrawhaek of adulteration Sonic man- this in the papers Mrs WILLIAM not over scrupulous guilty of using cornstarch gelatin or other ingredients to Increase the profits I but now that our authorities are regarding icecream as a valuable article of food its real worth has appreciated as I Medical author- tell us that pure is both healthful and nouruhng audi I Canadians generally will the bet- let for using it rather than ina CO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Brut Vain to Id There Is only one applanation for numbers of letter thai jrc receive praising Tablets and that is that these tablet certainly do cure any kind of trouble Here is a typical letter from Eliza It Is with pleasure I write to inform you that yonr Dyspepsia Tablets have proved of great to me I tried remedy after remedy but without any lasting good Having beard of your tablets such cases as mine I decided to give a fair trial They proved satisfactory in my case The remarkable success of Dyspepsia Tablets is snch a u can only come to an remedy compounded according to an exception ally good formula pure ingre dients by expert chemists If you are troubled your stomach vast ask Druggist about Dyspepsia Tablets compounded by the National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada Limited and sold the Dominion at a box Greenhouses St Oor Toronto better Word was father of the drowning last wee of Mr Jbuyr for the Arm of A Wellington St west in Parle Deceased Lotal Notice Iho limit limit It 1st t It is St It North St m 11 irt limit the Jo- the wet limit of I St to westerly cost ft- cast St from 5 to the 110 feet limit of Prospect St cost South side of- St the west limit of Hamilton St to a point It westerly licro- coat South aide of St from TAKE NOTICE THAT w The Council Municipal of the Town of intends to 0 South side of upon tbo streets and loads t east limit Main St- with a small pariv of friends on respectively set forth in the wat of Superior St a fishing trip hereunder written Improve- Kst st A man Tp was ont and intends to specially assess ff of flan to a last week who Rot bold of cost of each wort upon lha I unit of Tot I to Ml g a County Constable- badge and then putting directly thereon St ArtMl IK estimated cost of work cost Ml W is of which is of Ontario St from I North of rw bribe to ret bo paid by tbo Corporation and it east limit of Niagara St to mil of WjajtfJ bribe to M Lot Man of Main St age is special as- It Cost cost gWTO segment is bo paid In an- 33 South side of Ontario 8 fidb Instalments the oast limit of Niagara St to the desiring to petition east limit of lot IS Plan against undertaking tho respective It cost made its letting of S Fox Creek In the Laboratory at Lynn Mass are files containing hundreds of thoussnds of letters from women seek ing health in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have more propcrlv regained by taking domestic Vegetable Compound many of whom state that it has saved them from operations ABOUT the table over the luxuries Dominion now than A Wedding is most of all by The Brides Is the Greatest Importance in the Making of a Pretty Wedding The Brides Bouquet made by us is Correct and Strikingly Artistic Our Bridesmaids are and Our are indeed Moderate Estimates Cheerfully Given Mineral Work of Highest ity at Moderate Prices on Short- est S on hishwa threatened to arrest them and then took them off Prison Farm is too Rood a place for this of swind ling- frauds A runaway at North Toronto on Tucay resulted in smashing a bi cycle and a plato glass window and badly damaging rig Six firemen were partially at a i- at Hancocks planing null on morning Sir Irving K P aged wanted to his as treasurer the tpper Law Society on account of his great age j but the Society lo retain St to It Huron ft St St racto- works must day of this do so on ir before the Judo day of May 1013 J Clerk Hast side the north to a cost the north limit of a distance of cost IS South side of Huron St limit oi St north- the westerly point PJS It therefrom- lot easterly dlsUnco A Niagara St coat Ontario St North side of Grace St west St to the the limit of Prospect west limit of Lot Plan a It therefrom it cost side ol Built Joseph Ave the east limit of Prospect St St SiillKiHilK A Under the jJKV l l CoUiicii of The liuiii ot Lot west Plan of the Pcoile from foreign is a menace to the morals IarVidi- l from side of St liit- Timothy St to the limit of Queen cost side Of Joseph the north limit of air- to limit of It cost ft distance of It Kst cost 1 M West side of Prospect St the south limit ot Queen St a of ft Kst cost til v Should they be Onoe out I Dont bo too hasty and consult us Thsy MAY bo caved worth mnutMUIhf you nothlnap trLX3JHOMSON TO NEW YORK DENTISTS TORONTO EDITORIAli 10TES The- Ontario Railway Board has set May for the opening the investigation into the affairs the Ontario and West Shore Railway the- defunct enterprise for which the farmers of North Huron are now paying bond interest License Inspector recent ly seized barrels in the PP 11 sheds at Owen Sound and packed away in them lie found quart bottles The stun was con signed a Montreal rum and the Icllv papers stale that a rigid prose Dp fl Henry Manual Treatment and Massage PERMANENT HEALTH THROUGH jcutton will be institut PERFECT CIRCULATION Vapor Health and Medicated Baths Eggs lor Hatching to Lay Strains -OK- WHITE AND WHITE A RUPK LEGHORNS Birds are bred the Best Laying and Exhibition Stock in the Province EGGS SETTING Bert West MAIN ST NEWMARKET I remove the cause nature cures treat The Telegram this question Is House Commons that is discussing a renewal of the tank char ters the parliament of a free people or en assemblage boys to the i Hankers Associations it is up lo it St to ft Why parents allow their children to west limit of play jlons street ear tracks on highway is a mystery On Saturday North side of Timothy a 7yearold lad while the east limit of Main St at play ran out from behind west limit Cedar St bet pile and across the track the cost RadiaL A car moving was 10 North- side of Park Ave within few feet from spot where the west limit of Lorne St the lad was crossing prompt action point on the South limit of the so far checked the Plan Corporation car that the lad only received a slight ft Est cost blow and was pushed oil the track South side of Park Ave from from the Est from to a South side of Huron SI from a point on the north limit of Lot Plan easterly to the eastern limit of Lot Han feet Est cost South side of Huron St Iron the west limit of Main St westerly The Grand Trunk railway at was burnt to tt ground last week It was a narrow escape May gels sev eral votes in the supplementary 10 a point distant feet to the east but none that is such limit Lot 16 Plan feet interest or tnat gives so satisfaction as the W Norih side Lot St from the to be west limit of Main St to the east the west limit LorneSt westerly of Church St feet Est Finance 1 to answer the conundrum Homeseekers Excursions j To Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta V each until inclusive last sease I I gia Lumbago whiteMinis s iHt the week the supplementary nister ance laid before the Commons y estimates for won the Kings to the corporate limit ft Est cost guineas with a horse named Heart cost North side of Millard Law of Oak at the Woodbine on side Park Ave from Irons the east limit of Church St to day The attendance broke ail form- the east limit of Lorne St to east limit St records cast limit of Lot 33 Plan 31311 ft ft cost During the week steps have been Est cost j West side of Prospect St from taken looking general strike I North side of Park Ave from J the east limit of St to the about 3000 carpenters in the near 1 the east limit of Elm St to the west north limit of Lot 3 Plan 324 More pay is demanded If the limit of Victoria St 338 Est ft Est cost employers resist f any great length cost j West side of Prospect St of time there will be plenty cold West side of Lorke Ave from the south limit of Lot to the noses seeking aid next winter the South limit of St north limit Lot Plan 150 Mission work dots not aprar to letnc north limit of Timothy- St ft cost expensive in At mis-Jt- Est West side Hamilton St frost sionary Tabernacle on St L- East sidd of Lome St from the south limit of St to Mrs iienburg gave an intensely in- south limit of Park Ate to a the of Lot Plan here in connection with the celeb in of the tercentenary the great French explorers visit to district Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A A EXPERIENCE Kidney j added to Constipation estimates previously presented Hay Pcver and will an increase h O I over year inc lhe emergency Nervousness Appendicitis cont sis Female Weaknesses of all kinds and removed without Two byeelections to the Ontario Drugs or Knife a Specialty legislature willbe held in the near Hours to am to lling 3i lo the EDMONTON and Return Sunday and other hours Park Ave Opposite Method ist Newmarket Examinations Free Phone Time Card GOING NORTH future The resignation Hon A appoint- lor North Grey and the elevation ol Hon I Lucas to lull Cabinet rank in the Ontario Govern ment creating a vacancy in outre Grey necessitates these two Ridings It is expected they will be pulled oil next month and Return Via Chicago and St Paul Through Pullman Sleepers in Winnipeg on above dates leaving To ronto m No change of cars Return limit two months Tickets are on sale via aid Northern Navigation Company A DUFF DPA Union Station Toronto J C Depot Agent Phone J Phone Agent native evangelist for one year in thai west limit of Lot 20 mission district cost Charles Hill was killed at the North side 0 FairbanksMorse Co factory on west limit of Lot Trad DCSIQN8 Ac oar v ft Est cost East side of Prospect St from Andrew St from the north limit Lot 111 Plan Plan to to the north limit of St Plan HalaUlbtbfcyUVtb from The constituents of Mr William last a large crane east limit of Lot Plan ft Kst cost a Li him cost East side of Prospect St pultgla window was IS- South side of Andrew St from the south sde St to the ruined Monday evening by- a an west to who was being shoved through it by a passerby who was le- solicited A man getting oil a street- car at j College St near Ave fell and was seriously injured his skull eein fractured Toronto Art Museum opens next Scientific M it New York Leave Toronto Newmarket Allandalc SOUTH Leave am pm Allaiidnlo 535 Newmarket tU3 Toronto 310 am pm 830- figures indicate that Canada has paid 43652 in fees to the two gentlemen who are lo when they construction the National endorse of his action in connection with ihe charges against Sir lames Whitney riviWesnd Elections and Hon W J made in Committee in Ontario legislature re the Taylor donation of t the provincial Secretary from a- Govern ment contractor its honor at the Town late protestor and Mrs 1 ra hi ill tender Smith continental Railway Considering est it is hoped the result their quest he more than that of P visitors Poultry Profits Raise Hens that Lay SIC Rhode Island Reds PRIZE WINNERS AND EGG PRODUCERS Eggs for Setting 100 Eggs per 600 To make Room for Young Stock Offer Hens at Each AUBREY NEWMARKET Millard Ave made in lhe I Legislature A big delegation is A few of many im from Toronto including Mr spent the Late Queens W who Mr Stanley Cook of of the speakers Two trains to with his mother Mrs J will to one on Mr and Mrs Parrolle of J T It from Stratford and PeotVlto with on the P R from points Scott Rain that line That from a eminent contractor for Tiki pirposes is proving who at Cook the sister Mrs Mr and Mrs M- daughters Mary and Mil- political of Toronto with their daughter a In Miss Mar- It is stated that people veiled on the Metropolitan cars on Sunday last was Sunday tiny were allowed to run under vllriritovU were the Itbesries Government end of Cedar Valley with friends Dominion lor action the investigation committee here from ordinary of the Legislature didnt help Mr Toronto vs- the to allow case one little bit his motherinlaw Mrs John a prominent North I Mr of Abridge was at farmer died twenty home here niter Wing stun by a bee Gasoline splashing in tank car swayed it from the tracks causing derailment of live freight ears near Komoka i highways When the Charter to a the Metropolitan to run on YOURS St was granted bv the County Council it was with the distinct understand ing given by President Warren that Sunday cars were barred As thin I agreement the County Council should now demand compensation for Street Make Your Paint Money Electric Restorer for Wen AanttOttol tttt Id lha body lovnd act mike new Price JoSt Dn P1H French la portion the all Br a box or to aav adduii Co flt Catbarlitft Oat Government by again passing its Act and ignoring the principle which Influenced the Senate to amend the measure last year in suring the operation of principle enunciated the PrluiC Minister in the Commons again been con fronted with the amendment the Sen ate made when the bill was before that Chamber previously The amend ment Is very important and will be endorsed by the Dominion reads as follows sum of money vot ed In any year to expended tor highway improvements under this Act skall bo apportioned to the severer Provinces of the Dominion in proportion to the population of Provinces respectively as shown the next preceding- census The Prime declared this was the purpose of the Government what sense was there in refusing to incorporate the principle it enunciates in bill was only a whim ami exhibits a studied attempt to have a slap at the Upper Chamber be- causa Its majority is Liberal i- I There Is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than oil othr diseases put together and the last few years was supposed to be incurable For a great many doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proven to a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by P J Cheney A Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure Ion tl market It Is taken Internally in doses from drops to a It acts directly the blood and mucous surfaces of the system ilev offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to care for cir culars and testimonials Address 1 CHENEY Sold by druggists Take Family puis for Con St OS Mr David Cook Mr Love Mrs II Love from Toronto by way of and Sun day with friends here Miss Hael and Toronto were under- the parental rout here Mrs J of Toronto was at his home here Mr and Mrs Thus Heath of Toron to were with the formers mother Mrs Heath prior to their depar ture to Edmonton Miss Mossie of Toronto was at her home Miss Minnie McNeil v was with her mother the Con Mr Geo Mid- land was visiting son George here Mr las Brooks left 0 Monday for alter spending the most winter with brother the 2nd Con The chief attraction here on the was a runaway team belonging to Mr Stephen Sellers which made dust fly down Main St Fortun ately no serious damage was done the ihfMt tod and CcaU make your paint money buy satisfaction means a great deal Von cant achieve sat isfaction with cheap inferior lliat crack and peel and blister and to look shabby almost as soon as dry Nor with paints that arc coarse and uneven in texture and lacking in lustre that will not give long wear But your money buys unfailing satisfaction when you spend it for Lowe Nigh Liquid its made of best materials made by highly efficient machinery which grinds mixes much more thor oughly and uniformly than could 10 done by hand Because The Lowe Brothers Company has years experience in good making behind it and its experts are always seeking for Mtennenh The Concrete results are fiat Standard Liquid Paint goes fartherarid spreads better than- other paints that it gives more wear and retains its look of brightness end freshness longer Its panels LIQUID PAINTS the best paint investment you can make pays you dividends of long and satisfactory service Yen can find more beautiful durable uptodate color combinations ill this line than in any other Your house will not need to be like your neigh bors for theres variety here Standard Liquid Paint is put up in sealed airtight cans ready for plication Every carl large or small contains the quantity of paint designated on the label Full Imperial meas ure of Paint Just as dependable High Standard Paint are Lowe Brothers Varnishes and Enamels for exterior or in- finish andVernicol a stain and finish for floors and woodwork They will save you money as well as give satisfaction Let us make suggestions for your color combination Ask for color cards See sample RE v S ie-lr- fefv- OF ONTARIO TODOMTA

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