Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1913, p. 6

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SB ERA FRIDAY TINMIALB A JOHN YATES SUTTON MOUNT ALBERT HAND The Mount Albert Band Us resum ed practice and with the addition sonic experienced player will bo in a bettor position than over fulfil during coining sea son At the first nights practice Mr Rowland the popular lead- was presented with a by bis fellow a token of their appreciation of his efforts ringing the Kind to its present state Of I Miss of Orchard spent Sunday with Miss Rah Miss Gertrude Well wood pi Cleve land Ohio is spending a few days at Mrs Steele is Visiting at the home of Mr A Miller of In town on Wednesday BOLT Too Late for young nut our some swell driver pacers Watch out girls bells are around our lon Miss of is spending a few dis with her mother Mrs Will J Quite a lot of visitors around town 2IIU It made things lively It is said one or two liens have trol- summer sounding all I surer for payment as follows dairyman was whom We will debate a ordered then have Something will go I where the on Sunday night to distinguish him from the Rev of Holland Landing other individuals of same was calling on on Wednesday called Uncle op of last week The School I Sunday to exhibit racer HOI PARTY A number the graduating of Victoria rente spending ten days rt Cottage at Roches 1 a class Point The girls present The Misses of Whitby Spruce Matthews Sort Allison Kel A We us all Toronto Miss of London Miss Miss Douglas Miss Miss Clemens of New West minster Miss Whitney of Miss J Oldham ML Albert Miss of ML Forest and Mrs is acting as their O Monday evening the leave for Hall Toronto whte they prepare for a very busy week ol Graduation ION Where has ions scribe- gone Me Nathaniel Hooter was the guest of the Misses Sanderson of Newmarket on Sunday- Miss Mabel Markham is the guest of Mr It L Bang Alder Quite a number around here Attend ed the wedding Miss Mary Rose on lune till Sorry to irport Mrs has been the for There will lie meeting night at That brown horse ha up that long lane every and through the week ding bells are close at vou hear them do making reparations for their mini picnic at Island Mr and Mrs las Stick wood and family of Newmarket visited at Mr Win Halls on A number hero intend in the concert at Newmarket on Wed nesday Mr Allan Sbaw visited in Toronto over Sunday Messrs Morton and Alan Shaw wish to thank Harvey and Uncle lames tor their kindness shown them by making bee on Monday night was attended Miss spefih the weekend at Aurora We are iOrry to hear the death or Mrs Stephenson of Aurora formerly of Sharon We to Mr- Stephenson AU6h sympathy his bereavement Your uncle thought it was Lyon Macke4iiie King canvassing electors the by Its too late for that Hell get few Aird is getting nith his barn work he hopes to have ready by harvest Great prospects- tor a banner crop of hay oh now Old meadows are Tidy Tommy has money that says he will have per acre- was sorry indeed to read of death of our old friend David lvutis Aft line an old as the strolls or so wit views or sctimnl to I a Ed Williams hours with t on road drag Walter Wright reps culVcrl fi7- John days A team on John days work on lots 10 ton Powell team washout Case day with I team mi drag IS Albert Watson reps culverts Albert Watson reps Albeit Watson I day with en gine on grader loo laj men and Wm looks work on Con III a days a men and team tilling lie riAt of njoy cheerful lift ow to ho with to life not da If III of from hot fljho or to itrtWiU to DR PIERCES F p nj Iw or had or or nall on t 1100 or lOe rffc V Here Dr recraUt and and tiny granule on- with knew him his character and to depart from it If to Clevcrdrii day Work 1I30K A good inodti for Ihe rising I a long Sunday night The wed- hand Mr it Kaiser of Newmarkat afidtUs part of week God home lheie An honest Mis J Snialley and Master Should inscribed upon his spoilt over the Week end with ment friends in lunula oorgo right of way for Here He at rest beneath this s Thorniest and the truest work ot ry as A postage stationery ami extras that the Corporate Seal- DRY TOWN I here am again the sick A llruiiscombc ot their factory in town will move away Mt 1 met with accident his leg while harrowing morning The recent frosty played havoc with the plants set out ambitious garxleners who were loo a hurry Tin enough vet five months without a miss is the of Dikes Electric plant The annual church Parade 1 was held on Sun lay night Service in the Church by Mr Host who preached an sermon The threatening weather interfered to some extent with the attendance Mr built an ad dition to his store to be used as a warehouse Our teachers are over time to their pupils for com ing examinations Mi John Clones horse was run in to by an auto on the Centre one of tlie animals legs injured Hello Nil this week Mi has been on list We are sorry to hear that Mr Herb Nelson of this burg has recently a engaged farm his uncle near hope for a speedy to- Ho spent over the Week end with I ment hereto attached in Presbyterian Congie Mr and Mis Stone of Toronto their serviees that Geo Stone of ft j Ml Albert indendiht were visitors at home ol Mr J reqiure A Millard oxer the holiday company to remove all blush SKlL ta rSV st matter with serious Injuries caused runaway team while being at work on the lie I haven We a great bun teed Knox church on Sunday whan a number of children Wore baptised best girl along The concert in Hall j on Saturday evening was fairly woll attendee and those taking part were well received and heart ily encored hordes were winners at fair on Victoria Day The black mare won first money in her class and the Lay horse second money in the freeforall willing this race KBMPjAt Sutton On May Sylvester William Kemp son by of ione Co said Paste to remove all blush and Take or other waste matter made by said company while building or Carried hat the Clerk Jersey- finds himself In lorn J to reply to the Swamp occasionally and how of Mr J he got there the power at- i accident and ex- An old bachelor friend their- lines adian the neighborhood A A A RAIL W A P lie power pi av sir The attraction of Council that of late a Kemp aged cover v Mr Henry Seilore has completed the cement work on his house Who said ordered a new rubier tire Buggy What do think about it Miss Ina spent Sunday with Too lale for last week Miss Vina Morris also Miss a liking tor Mrs Jas A- Theres a saving hank account of to the general Township And The will monthly meeting ol this week come hold their regit- on Thursday lies Mrs Tate is visiting friends in the City week Mr S of Pittsburg Pa is visiting Mr West Miss Marsh spent a few days in the last week Marion McKenie and Mis Nora Me motored up to ranch at Vic toria Itoul on returning on Sunday Mrs Gilbert Long two daughters and son of Toronto were calling on Mrs Walter on Sunday Mr P W Smith has opened an i parlor in the corner store Who was the young man at League on Sunday night who got his Mrs Norman Smith spent the weekend at whitehaired axes ate levied and and that the Corporate Seal be hereto at- re Vera ami Carried iv Provincial Hub this Coun cil Hereby grant the sum of fifty lingers The Misses toured the in an on seeing a great deal in a I dollars for and Manys the time I l read bertreen lots and Con on shanks mares Slow but sun fiU the Reeve anil Councillor Crowder Council adjourned to meet on dune in the Municipal Hall Sharon at the hour ten oclock in the forenoon ieA Clerk Thats short YOUR BOY ENTITLED TO A FREE CANADIAN FARM Why worry of sons flovcrnuient at Ottawa is giving away this free homesteads in Western Canada The bulk of these located along the Canadian Northern the line recognised the West as the PIONEER FARMERS RAILWAY This title Was because the Canadian Northern Hallway never lacked to build its steel Into now districts placing the railway and ait that It stands for within easy reach of the pio neer Prom now on till the end of October Hooiescekera Excursion tickets to Western Canada are On Bale every Tuesday These tickets are good to return within two mouths from date of Issue except tickets sold from May to July inclusive may he extended for two months on payment of Five Dollars for each month or part thereof to agent at destination Stopover will be permitted at any Cana dian Northern station West Arthur lion of passengers a Tourist Car for Winnipeg via Chicago and Du blin will leave Toronto Union Station at pm on the following dates June 3rd July 1st July August 2ctb September October Write for all particulars Some Canadian Northern Publications A Creator ot business A story of Canadian Northern Railway Peace River Alberta and How to ft Key story of the of Western Canada 35000 Free Any of the company will gladly give you any or all of the above publications or write Passenger Departments at Street Toronto Ontario or St James Street Mon treal Quebec CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY It better know is good to know much still to make use what but we J F Cook General HorseShoeing a Specialty Painting and Repair ing Agency tor Pages Fence Deering Farm Implements Wa gon Wheels and all kinds of Fine Car riage Horses Clipped Mrs Bell who has been visiting I of Toronto spent friends in Detroit returned home Sunday Under the parental nor mi Friday last Miss Milne left for Fairbanks spent si end summer day in town The Misses St John of W Lane lost a valuable the weekend with Mrs Jacob last week I Smith and other friends Mr J Webb spent Thursday of last was week in Cooks town over Sunday A moving picture show has opened j out at the south end of the village was to our The rail scene seems to be the most Pearl interesting play put on yet Some j Sunday startling views are premised for next Glad to see Jay is able week out and around again Kester Drown of the Bank of The League have changed Toronto is spending his holidays In the time of service to 730 p lor town here the summer months The League fray to hi m Mr Henri is raising the- upon me with desperate cries curtain on Conservative and Nation- phone Tell scenes last Dominion elections by which the obtained a certain amount of support in Que bec Province He says the Postmas ter Hon P a candidate independent of both parties- claim that on my knees to come ami speak for me at yea on my knees tier is as his chief was calling j n lr Pel Its a relationship Conservatives Bast Council home for A meeting of the Council of the nicipalitv ot Township of Bast held at Sharon mi Cain was home over All members present After the oath was- admin- Messrs Longhursl and Thoiupscn are dwelling of a new root on the Mrs brick held in the at clock vidson ALBERT SAIE is here think Is sick it Good Grain acres 85 acres worked balance and timber Water In pasture room Dwelling bank barn silo pig pen and driving house Good mar kets and Station 3 and i miles Telephone on place Easy terms acres cleared worked Good clay team room frame dwelling bank barn with Windmill driving house pig pen x stone creeks at front and back farm About of timber on place and lots ot wood Terms cash balance arranged or would exchange tor good 50 acres Also good Highly Improved Wheat Farm in Manitoba with stock and Im plements away below value About acres adjoining village and sta tion on DAVIDSON Box Albert- with met home in J unc bride bells Mr Sherman the measles Monthly Mission Circle last Wednesday afternoon at the of Haines Miss Maggie Drown is visiting Cleveland Ohio Mr ana Mrs John Moore spent Sunday at Mrs Rich Shaws Col was in the Friday Mr is in ML Albert this week A large crowd as usual at on Sunday morning The Misses Ruth and Soraldiiie and Miss es Ramsey and rose sang a quar tette on Sunday morning that of praise Mr and Mrs of evening will be of the church Monday night Miss Lila Kavanaugh is in charge of the post Quite a number took in Fair at Richmond Hill also the sports Watch for the June Newmarket I hear the wedding R McNeill and family spent Sat urday in the city hells are ringing loudly Who may the lucky one be Mrs John spent over the 24th with her parents at Hillsdale Mr Mrs Frank Dunham of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Dunham Rev McNeill Sound to attend has gone to his brothers BALDWIN was attendee visited at Mr Harry Wigids on Sun day Mr and Mrs Charles Watson visit ed In ou Sunday We are pleased to hear that Miss Olive Black is slowly improving Mr West spent Surflay at home Mrs Bell of Winnipeg is her mother Mrs The Misses Ruth and Haines and Messrs Summerfcldt and Wright attended Methodist Church hi Newmarket on Sunday evening ration ceremonies of soldiers in Queens Park on fie was Introdoced to gentleman prominent in military circles Do belong queried the Individual Charlie modestly pleaded guilty to the impeachment Ok I know all about you laughingly re sponded the aforesaid gentleman I read the Breezes And by the powers hope you enjoy them say- to he to the member by the the Court took up the business of the day when the following- cases were dealt with Arthur Knights reduced j Thos 10000 dog oil James dog off James Wavling dog oft John A dog oft Harry dog Moved seconded by Keller That Assessmeni Roll as corrected be and rs hereby eon- Armed firmed v A Clerk The Council took up the business of the Township when minutes last meeting were- and confirmed Communications from the following were read viz from IT By re damages sustained by Mr Bond flooding cellar opposite Newmarket Cemetery from T J Robertson re damages on west ot Newmarket from Marks and damages 1 Lee automobile in on Yonge- Street from Walter Lepard of Scott Township asking or Alter hearing two deputations from- AT TUESDAY OF THE WORLD read Owen COMPLETE AND UNCHANGED FROM ITS OT1 K 25 Largest Am Most perfect Show Continent The Sensation MANY TIMES TUB Biggest And Most Bewildering Production Ever Seem TheMonarchs Supreme In Realm North Newmarket re the slaughter house belonging to the estate the Council took up the- presented Moved Kelley seconded- and resolved that it Reeve his order on the- lrai NT A A- General CiptUTpftld up Anal The Influence of a Savings Account i w or tew hundred deposit you In drw It oat only you do or money In the Besides it all time MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH a Manager Incle Owl I guess most of I do is today 3rd attending a great shoot at Newton- brook for a gold medal and champion ship of Dominion yds with any rifle allowable Advices from Scott announce the arrival of a son at John Taylors recently of Johnnie Is evi dently prospering In- one at least and long may prosperity at tend him He now has half a dorcn boys and couple of little maids Another for Baldwin on Friday The joyful news was heralded abroad that Mrs Frank Tomlinson had presented our millet with a token ol her devotion and love for him by presenting with a bouncing ba by boy Irs Words fail to ex- It may be have a lAirfie- Steele of the Genu ine l Canadian Gem Turnip Seed and Host to bo got anywhere Will be at New- market every Saturday and seed will bo left at Mt Albert press Franks delight My little a baby good and true And I feel so I dont know what to do Whykiss Bessie thats what Baldwin congratulate and this evidence good fortune Mother Farm for Sale or to Rent acres halves of lots and In the Con of County of York Best barn in township Stabling for sixty cattle feed carrier and water sys- torn tint cannot be beaten Stabling for and box stalls also a I pen for hogs Farm and fencing in condition and very suit able for dairying being only half a mile from Metropolitan Station stop farm house bard and soft water church We convenient chance ol a lifetime her For further information apply to Richard P Oct All at FUNNY CLOWNS 100 acrobats AND THE Marvelous Eddys GREAT ACTS ANIMALS from all Parts Continents THE MONARCHS SUPREME THE ROYiL YEDDO TROUPE DIRECT FROM Y0K0H0IIA European Novelties People Horses Troupe of Elephants Cameb DUBLIN GRAYS THE BLACK BANDS ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME TRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION Free Street Parade A 2 Exhibitions at Night at I I

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