Newmarket Era, 6 Jun 1913, p. 8

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mm jag mm FRIDAY JUNE x A I fes Saffered Tortures Until tf Cared Htm ilcMlLUNsCORNHR OKT Sept Your I perfect for Rhenmatitm For I suffered pain from or being up several liraeia for dasat a time went loililTerent doctors there was no use doing anything It would pass away They gave plasters and other remedies that did no good Plasters took no effect on me ercept to blister me and make raw spots I took many advertised remedies without benefit but fortunate ly about two years ago I got and they me Since then I take occasionally and keep free of pain I am cured fenc of Rheumatism and they will cure anyone who take them directed If this letter would be of value you publish JOHN this letter of value to us and to the thousands of sufferer from Sciatica Lumbago and Neuralgia It points the way to a certain cure a box for J Hal aire At dealers or from lives Limited Ottawa fcife around the Hub to ssooan Mr and Mrs It spent visiting friends at and King The now uniforms of the lird arrived A concert will be given in the Auditorium Friday June Street parade Mr A Mitchell has sold his livery business to who takes possession at once Herbert A has purchased a seven passenger automo bile the in total assessment of Aurora last yea was this year it a I increase Last year the population was this it is v House to Rent Uriel House St South of Methodist Apply to Hy Newmarket For Sale Mrs Ale to To ronto on Thursday to treat ment in anhhspital Mr Levi Tottenham has the erecting Mr Caleb house Mr of New mar- Ixt spent the not id a with his Mr and Mrs All Lloyd Mrs 1 and Miss attended the at Hill on the Quite a number our citizens at- The Worlds Remedy You raako no risky experimerit when you use occasionally whenever thero is need the most universally popular home remedy known Pills which have stood the test of time with absolute suc cess and theirworldwidefame rests securely on proved merit Large frame Stable all pine him- 1 the at also cement blocks Inquire and Hill on the Jith J for Main A Huron St Newmarket 3 Houses for Sale Frame Houses Domestic Water Lew is Newmarket on Timothy St Apply to J For Sale in the growing ttinufactnrins Town of Newmarket Main and Water Streets very Many people enjoyed the in a fishing excursion to the river while Iters baited the fish in the pond Mr ol Newmarket the weekend his parents Mr and Mrs The mauy friends of Mr It lI- sympathize with him in the un timely Ids wile in her year and was a for a doctor A Co Trice pleasing disposition a large circle of greatly lends relieve the numerous ailments caused by defective action of the stomach liver kidneys and bowels Cleansing the system they purify the blood and tone body brain and nerves Pills act quickly they are always safe and reliable and you may depend upon it they Will Benefit You Sold tf Try box Birch and Beech for Flooring UNION TUEBT For Sale or to Rent House and lot with 0 Kind good stable lots of Emit miles from Town Apply to H EVES Now market Heal and Insurance Agency Town FOB SALK Good Lots in parts of the Town at Also The funeral of Mr David Kvans took place on the of this month and largeU attended Mr never gained strength alter tin acci dent lie with sometime and being at age of ninetyfive was II completely worn out passing The neighbors friends all away on the the with Hie family as everyone hoped the community would hi honored by the respected gentleman reaching the century mark Civ the evening of the 33rd the fam ily of Mr AlLcrt were to be greeted by a number of friends from the Christian Church and who came to pay their to their daughter Mary whose marriage will take Place on the of and to behind them tokens and appreciation Mary has been a faithful and willing worker in the Several Town I able speeches were made by the to Business Parts Teacher Mrs in whose class I Mrs I she was for nine years a regular at tendant and the choir leader Mrs ieson A very pleasant evening was spent was served AND A Good Farms in King Township IS As well as Good Investments in Moose law Lots and Pine Grove Summer Resort Lots near TERRY Newmarket Office at Howards Livery Stables SUMMER SCHOOLS Four in All svilijvi- Civil Service mi will bo couduolcd Sob T Central Hull- College with four City llmneb Schools cam July 3rd AUT till enter any lime ir No vneatluiis Write for Iok- Toronto was served by the ladies af ter which presentations were made fine linen cutlery and glassware The young of the vicinity gave a granite shower to Wl Rose last Wednesday evening The smallpox all over Mr Smiths family are all well and the school has been open fur the past week Miss Mary Huntley spent the week end friends across the lake airs and Mrs Norman Toronto paid a visit to Mrs Pax- tons nee Miss Smith pa rents here- Hie Ladies Aid of the Christian Church intend holding regular meeting and at the home of Mrs All welcome BlfCh and beech on of their cheapness are becoming ami popular as Hie supply oak and maple decreases This taken from a bulletin soon to be issuetl by the Forestry of the Interior at Otta wa on the lotlUstrieS of Ontario iy on receiv ed from over twelve hundred firms is therefore worthy of The average wholesale price per feet measure given in the above bulletin for maple ami oak flooring is twentytwo dol lars and eighty two cents and fifty five and seventy tight cents respectively The average price lor birch and beech flooring en the other I hand is nineteen dollars ami seventy one cents twenty one dollars and seventy four cents respectively that represents quite a saving especially when compare with Hut these wohIs quali ties to recommend them besides the cheapness Twenty two per of the flooring manufactured Ontario is from the wood of the and the yellow hitch the more com mon white or paper birch not usual ly growing to a sufficient size for the Birch is a hard strong finegrained reddishbrown wood which takes a polish and there fore is very suitable for flooring It can be stained to imitate more ex pensive woods such as mahogany cherry or walnut and easily worked it is also extensively used for furniture and interior decoration Beech is one of Ontarios cheapest hardwoods j the ordinary grades of lumber costing only thirteen dollars and sixtyone cents per thousand feet ml measure It frequently- consti tutes onetenth to onethird the cheaper grades of birch flooring but its qualities justify its separate use for it is strong and s hard that it becomes quite slippery in time It is also used for furni ture to some extent of the birch and beech used in On tario ninety per of the former and ninety eight per cent of the latter are homegrown The existing supplies of these woods in Ontario sufficient to meet a much great er demand and as oak and maple ate growing increasingly dear it is that the use of birch and beech especially for Mooring will soon be come much more widespread Copies of the bulletin mentioned can be Obtained from the Forestry Ottawa April Immigration CUBE KIDNEYS was of YOUR tailing that reliable remedy lilN They will the Ibey wilt the cure you to slay curd or your will be promptly refunded Montreal March It affords ma great pleasure to Inform you that I have utedGIN PILLS for about fix months and that they have done ma a great deal of good I had Rbeumttlim for two years and this i 11 ii 1 fayed myself from it by taking TILLS to the public A PILLS neutralize the acid con dition ol the urine prevent the forma tion of uric acid la the blood and atone in the bladder and kidneys keep the well and strong and thus cure and word off Rheumatic attacks a box for Jj50 Sample free if you National Drug ami Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto US An Insect Injurious to Cattle Raising Cattle raisers in all par of are fainUiur with the lumps that Oil their animals during the winter and which white gitihS or at a later Alatiy exist as to the his tory of the Insect us the War- hie Ply Of Which the white grub is the- larva The generally held that the eggs are the backs of the cattle and when Latch ed work their way beneath the skin Is proved by careful Investigation to be 1st Assistant Pat hoi eg 1st of the Health of Animals of Ho- of Agriculture who has studied the subject that the eggs are- not laid on the back but on the logs of the Cattle Tins appears to beat oat that the hatched insects are licked by animals and thus And their way to the backs where they de velop beneath the skin The matter of chief to the cattle raiser is not the ex act course taken by the Insect within the body of the cattle beast but rather economic of the up on the business cattle raising throw light on this phase of the sub ject Dr Hud win has written bul letin which is numbered of the Health of Animals Itiaoh dealing with the economic aspect of warble Hies In ibis it is shown that enor mous losses occur each year through damage to bides caused by these in sects Ianirs consulted on sub ject claim that during the gftltby season extending from dahuaty to July i per cent of hides are warbled and foot about per cent Canadian are more or less damaged The extent of damage s by 16 tanners- to from about Cents per hide the estimate of on Ontario tanner lu cenaTj which is equal to per- an num author observes that man who undoubtedly loses is the farmer the tanner docs not want the warbled hides at any price and sev eral of them testify they buy hides only dtirii the season when hides are not grubby lie estimates annual loss to between per cent This bulletin of twenty paces first to have been issued the sub ject in Canada is helpfully illustrat ed Copies will be mailed In response to applications made to the Branch of the Department- of Agriculture at Ottawa If I on carry Id right In min ute and the sl of the sen left to was tho brisk reply that can prompt from the ener getic listener never what you could have done with It you dont mao a try at it What you Is to turn out the traitors and call in all the can find lb Shake speare says Our doubts are traitors And moke us lose might win rearing to you know whrn just now that you liarHirlng those irutlor nt giving helpful and in your self a fair start Turn the doubts out lot others see how It works out auy- Ami the vlo followed vico found it Ids cess in the thin that- he had feared to attempt Most of us have to llcn of whether we arc going to disrtenin doubt or the Inspiring of and hope before call much Whether we will aeeoiAllail mUeh depends laVidlj that de cision if we to the J NO NAMES WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT Confined to Hla Home for Weeks rt titer M rn la youth Vvlna I hard rl raaoJioo Dp a at a rhraMjal4JraaaPP bop I It irkOwsTermi lhr vaimy to all doctor day my horn why off work ao much and I lol Mia my to Irs A KnDClraabehad from an lhr we iiiar ad akllfuL I aH a men Nat durtry I was tomwhii for three tnr and with a cure In a hp tftment bow I and a day rCflerk HAS YOUR BLOOD DISEASED BLOOD moil and mod sap Terr ihvku cad art of Mercury- It may symptottl cure all llood on men downyoirsyl ra Titally you aro you to to marry Ha I wo Hern euro j so Ft acta or later broken rniaoJliTocerjox slcally ant for you CoMahttUn I euro his for en ft on I of Ilea NO NAMES USED WITHOUT CONSENT PRIVATE ar Erarrtlic LM FREE FOR TREAT MEN ATE Coai KEN we do not fur the way If we turn them call in hope we can do part in wail and faith in the life that has given us to do part and inj Ills readiness to us doit then there the in the frorid will do well- MUSIC MA l caught an from friend that I to hold on all my one who had just returned from a visit with the poetic one She is not a maker verse herself but also a keen lover naturally of the others Che dav Cor Michigan Ave and Grlswold Mich addressed to out Canadian Correspondence y sjsssjasjsjsaHB9Basjsi iiiont Windsor Out If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute In Detroit as in our Windsor offices which arc or Correspondence and Laboratory lor Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Oat oar rata add reas HUB tailed viiMia ine 1 she the llres the Irish poet ft are the music And wo are tlie of dreams and added Just a word or two that set me sh said that was possible lor one to he a music maker whether thee could play a note or write musical line of poetry imisle in the heart before it ever finds utterance upon the it never Amu that We can be music makers all if we will not only ourselves but for others If we will keep our and lives in tune with God and love of our lellowmeo our lives will make sweet music If Its the hardest test there is for a varnish Madam on the front hall and stairs and even here Kyanize will stand up look well and wear for a long time FLOOR FINISH flows so freely and dries so quickly that you can put it on yourself without Rowing laps It dries with a hard lustrous sanitary surface that is easy to keep clean and is as tough and dur able as a varnish can be made Use it on your stairways floors linoleums all inside woodwork and furniture Clear and sevn permanent and beau tiful colors money back Kyaoiie do all- claim for It AGENT so attune ourselves this of Ignorance- Then that actually has had be- a discord in the of lrieii knT work and she keep itself ami prove Itself world 1 never jlid any It wis just the same toriots the lll Ill I I fin In Linn saW we make tat us ho f things those dreams inspiration must weave themselves into our lives be fore bey- can worked out into No one ever did a great or deed without a vision a dream of its possibilities coming first ttc cherish these when they conic to us encourage them when they come to others and to to tliat I of sin audi death is the ideal in mentioned muuie so fair a Jesus Christ The nun women playing it herself was- was who have Iuili upon that foundation a closed book to her- I have been the bast men and women gave it up let- Her the lead and have left behind- them the most she opened the Pates a world or enduring and glorious work even in literature and of nature lore andi of very domain where scientific domestic knowledge that ideals have been erected as supreme made nie gasp at my own lack of Happy and strong and brave shall we knowledge of these splendid things to endure all tilings and to So then we started hi to get do all things ill we believe that substantial temples of service in earnest and wevobeen day every hour every moment His hands Henry ami love to God out of the fair vis ions of inspiration that He sends in to our hearts Is inspira tion to- cherish the music and dreams iliac come to KM AND School To help Small Breeders Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing of Our Specialties See tie Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS 4 SONS Next NOTICE Here is frUce to dispose your and a good for It Mixed Iron per cWt per Copper per ft Outer at a good price Am also paying Good Price and Wool Anyone hating in to of me a and I will call CLOUTH Hal St Newmarket The prize list oh the Canadian Na tional Exhibition Toronto August to Sept is being distribut ed and it shows that the manage ment have given special attention to the Agricultural general ly and to the encouragement of the smaller exhibitor in particular In Cattle more is given to both the beef dairy classes and the list has been extended so that In classes many as eight priz es are given Thus the small breeder with a animal is practically sure of recouping at least a part of the expense of shipping to Toronto More money is also given to Horti culture Floriculture and Poultry The list totals and as no prizes are for everv dollar this goes to the products of the home the school the farm and the garden special attractions this vcr are featured by three the Irish Guards and England and Conways band from Chicago while of the spectacle The Burning of Home it is enough to say that it will by John Henderson of England who bus put on all the big spectacles of recent years In Britain Winnipeg Man May Immigra tion Into Canada for April shows fen increase of per cent over that of live same month last year TU total number reported is as for April The Increase in the number coming from the British Isles is exactly the same as the total Increase per cent The total number of immigrants was wMJfe last vear the number was Arrivals the Imted State show a decrease of per cent the figures belbz for April this ye and fast year 31101 There is big Increase from contin ental 17 per tent more com ing from these countries Returns show Canada received from European countries other than as against 19409 last ye lie stole a then cave it back in the sheltering wood She too was guilty for alack Receiving stolen goods tor card ia iCAST For Infants and Children Tin KM You Haw Abrays Bought Boara Big nature Report for the- month of May Jr Taylor Kay loci Frank Kay Murray Mum roc Mitchell layl ia ONeal Thompson Wilfred Jr 11 Arnold Molyneatix lohnuU- iiabam Class Nora May Primer Harold Tommy lack Thompson Lloyd Kay it May Mitchell Jr IV Highest literature Jr HIHiKhest in Highest In Thomtson Jr Highest in Jottnnio W Primer Highest in Heading Tom my 5 and in ingUloyd Kay and Jack Thompson GO Average attendance SI- Lottie A Gordon- Report of No for May- Mary Ker Lindsay Kenneth Mariorle Clara Tate Jr VerA Itall Cameron Marian Ramsay Jr HI Muriel Parr Eddie Kershaw Hurry Watson Ross Jennie Glover Eugene Jack Tate Bessie Kershaw Hazel Eves Muriel Wesley Arthur Glover Primer Vera Glover Herbert Hod- gins Leonard Willie A Fletcher Ruth Walter Davis IVuton Glover Clifford Class Ivan Eves Margaret Da vis Violet Hall Dora Selby M Teacher C so disappointed in Louise the first time I met her the one now counted Louise among her dearest friends I had heard so much of from Marie that I was ball afraid- to make her acquaintance Lest and to giveihem getting hotter and closer friends ever since to our The trouble in the beginning was Lie unreasonable demand A writer advises 4 a chacun que as he aptly un scrait folic or as we would say demand from- any one Which he- can give to ask peaches a pear trte would be folly So to the best from any one we must thai in which they are fair of our life is Van Dyke I neighlcrs seem good deserves iSVs she seemed creature we must cultivate tlto test in our when we met I shall never the selves and share with blank that came toiiue when I iiiit to art to and quickly th and luii cold and 11 mutual joy ixdbenefitf as well a THE IN The one ideal pure anil per manent and sAjffttylngt tit one ileal laxatives accomplish their purpose with efficiency and minimum discomfort doses needed a- box at your Druggists u4CaMkal CaGwi3Ua i fck The Home Attractive Ai folks at homo no quite Life Making the home attractive For home there are few quite so elective a w EINTZMAN which anyone can play a Make your home a centre of attraction for your and their friends will help perhaps m ore than you realize They will take pride and delight in producing any and all music they may like dance music ragtime anything The piano plaver is the great sol ver of the one most serious problem and of all player pianos the GERHARD is the best Let us show you why this is so Send for complete descriptive booklet will interest you Your presentm9tritment taken as part payment I Send the Era to absent friends iT Street West Opposite City Hall TORONTO j i ARCHIVES TORONTO

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