i Means Eye Glasses or Specs with the proper lenses at- WATSONS The County Paper as well as the Ohtefl a Best- copies eadh week Circulation during 1912 pet if paid In advance to United States No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance been Has always been our Specialty- We have sat isfied hundreds Try us Watson JEWELRY STORE JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AsaistantEditoc Newmarket Friday June 13 191 3 No Single Copies cents each 4 Y 1 G A Builders are busy Everybody is busy building Are you If so tell yourcar- or builder that youd like to have him get Yale Towne Hardware for you The Yale T6wne line furnishes Hardware requisites for Dwell- and every oihei kind of building or small Ask us for the Illustrated Booklet The Yale Lock what it is Stop in at the store and look at our line of Locks and Builders Hardware Hardware Phon NEWMARKET Burning Subject A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned Then is no Way of Saving Several Hollars than by Your Winters Coal at Summer Prices see us Nut Coal Coal Egg Coal Coal Pea Oar Toronto tetter On the return of Dr Wright I a member of the Scott expedition to the Antarctic to this city on 1 last the Corporation will sent him with an illuminated address and a gold watch An appropriation of for the occasion has bten ap proved by the Hoard of Control The great llfe- Assembly of the Presbyterian Church one d last week unanimously adopted a sweeping resolution taking a solid stand for temperance and the banishment of intoxicating liquors as a rem the of Canada The coroners jury- on the tody little Albert reached the con clusion that the position of the hand- organ on the street was indirectly the cause of the fatal accident The jury recommended that organplaying on the streets he discontinued LieutenantCol A Fleming eldest son of Sir Fleming and prominent officer of the Toron to died last week alter a was former Commandant of the Gov ernorGenerals and was lingering illness LieutCol Fleming a veteran of the NorthWest lion in About this middle of last week ward Wilkinson Was struck and seri ously injured by a motor car driven by o en King Street opposite the King Ho el He remoed Hospital The story about large of horses supplied by Mr Hums be ing rejected by Niagara Camp Officials is all throe were rejected out of one from being undcrsiol and two from Among the prisoners in the the Police Court morning recent- was a youi with her face in her hinds It was her first ap pearance as a criminal She is known in some country village of Ontario by Press Northern Ontario Work to Begin on Holland Marsh Syndicate Will Commence Operations at Three Years Since Was First Mooted YEARS AGO From Era Kyle June Agricultural Development And Delighted SeBic and Tourist Opportunities v The annual of the and Now when Association tqok jflaccat the did were delivered by prom- King- Edward Hotel Toronto on incut citizens and the visitors after 3rd and and was the which luncheon was served- est attended during the years Our train pulled put of Cobalt at- its existence over members with p and at oclock on Friday their lajdies present from all morning we arrived at the mining parts of the Dominion British town of South Porcupine An hour Columbia Many subjects of interest and a half was given to those who to the craft were during wished to view the place We were the business sessions City of I very favorably Impressed with lhB lost cordial wel- On an average everv At the nomination for Parliament on Saturday last Mr J P Wells of The j King was th liberal and beginning operations in connection proposed as the with the reclamation of the Holland CJonservatlvb candidate Throughout is soon to fee a act Upper and Lower Canada Liberals It is now three years or more elected by acclamation and i since a public meeting of marsh land Conservatives owners met together in the town At a poll t leal North Bradford to devise plans and this week Dr to reclaim the waste lands or occupied the chair Short the Holland Marsh The result of the dresses were delivered 0 the ssuea was the a before the electors by J P Wells committee the various Esq and Messrs Arch Kiddle A municipalities interested Petitions face K Jackson Sutherland were circulated in King anil West Win McM Geo asking to Kottlcby will hold its assist and cooperate inter the Muni- anniversary on the 20th in cipal Drainage Act These Webbs grove were signed by nearly every Action was taken by Town land owner Council to up Thnthy St from During July Alex Ratal of tho creek to now Toronto extended a most cordial wel- On an average every an expert H come to the Of third place on the business streets ttJW mp by the nun at the election next Monday banquet and also Canadian was a bar Apparently there is good PaHties report on the feasibility and days E VFS Order by Phone 22 or Cart W or Boyd Ben Manning A INCORPORATED BANK ofTORONTO SOOOOiHlO v- The Saving of Small Sums Paidup Capital Reserved Funds Savings Account are the most approved and convenient form of thrift They can be opened and added to at any time Interest is added to balances halfyearly Bank of Toronto receives deposits of and upwards and the West Branches in Ontario Quebec BRANCH for at the an official car and car pull ed out of tlc Union for New Ontario having printers and besides railway At oclock on morning the train arrived at in District and there was a rush Tor Hotel for gold fields less two break as The premises are been installed and the town so has a stenm lire engine for emergency service The population is expenses by the West council flats everybody was served in a Satisfactory manner AV oclock the party left for a sail on coaming wa ters of Lake Temagami in r ST- Tb an 250 pfcople with comfort ihe equal one ier cent of the total Is a repctitou of taxable profits of tlie mines within Lakes on a larger scale and is an it is therefore evident ideal resort as nature is that the finances of the town will all its and once shape in near Suture and happy in up on a charge of Vagrancy The Ma gistrate sympathized with her and got her promise to lead a different life Go home right away sih the court and she was let go free The Salvation Army people accom panied her to the depot According to returns of the Pro vincial Board of Health epidemic breakfast ami the men dined he camp of the Canadian Mining owners the wen Finance Co- that for the present and aa A stroll around town convinces one such time as more Interest be taken that there is an air scheme we ad on tie w- the place notwithstanding the and fact hat was swept capital and larger private ground by the great fife in the- Crests he introduced ft here the marsh land question rears ago A system waterworks W a dead were it not lor the fa foresight and of one man to undertake this big schenie Mr Watson about and the men employed in set to work to secure Art ta Miss Clara Mornsboth of the their families on the land ing lor this in as fast as houses are constructed- wasteland an aeragc Saturday last all that was per acre In this he was successful of but as in- all big undertakings there was laid to rest in were those who through local jealousy Deceased was much and selfishness at first opposed his respected She was a sister Mr progress notwithstanding the late this tliat most of the land was bought for 25 AGO Era Kyle June St Pauls Church Holland Landing by Rev AW on the ISth inst Mr Thos from there arc no camps or indications of the presence of modern conveniences is the ter- letters man beings The weather was ideal 0 1 s were sent Mr Watson Iriends of a measles has been more serious this SSnJlil vear as May edly the a A he -a- miiMPfi i mill con- mo at a higher price than Mr Watson The Iriends of Kettlcbv School was giving Others tried to decided to hold ft Party marsh land owners that the option Wednesday evening at the covered all their high Harts of Proctor report was that Mr Watson was hc potato bug doing mischief securing the marsh for an American Whitchurch this season firm Misses are visiting in Added to all these reports which city this week also the Misses have been false and utile Mr Wat- Jackson son was charged with securing op- 1 Mrs of is visiting the hasenunt Hj ff patiently precious is tabid hlle a little iktrty is divided Into and all walk to the about a mile were cases in Ontario of which on the con w immensity Ihe ffl to eaeh person Is most recent results the in Is found here the only public fitted out hat the 1 tin being erected or Church of waterproof coat and tallow Candle of Toronto authorized over half hundred more doctors to prac- lice the ait in the Province After at the hotel our including one lady train Pulled out tor arriving South End Lumber Yard Price has Taken a Drop for Order vour Next Winters Delivered in the Month May Supply and Save Ten Per Cent Furnace Coal 700 per ton Nut Coal per ton Pea Coal 625 per ton TRY SUMMER FUEL P W PEARSON Geo Close Cor Harry and Alt I hone Church and all times weakness in show thceii Some people have a Irving to One day last week when the steamer I Toronto was ap proaching the dock deck hand min ed Simpsju misjudging the distance jumped for the but landed in the water His comrades boat lost no time in rescuing lbs pressure and forced upon the mine was opened only surface ol the ground through a Wow it tfti Inch nozzle The water a large area of marsh deans he rocks and exposes the J S laili the IniwlJ price to several thousand dollars Criticism Is no longer heard The veins of rich silver ore was formerly done at the pensive and unsatisfactory on tie then divided into a operation It was It Is not quite This work I average output is now slow ex- a are method of employed Miners get per day The party was number of groups and drillers and mechanics thinking men of both Kin and West p Is Used the power have Nine men were arrested last week- under the direction of Mr Cole min arising out trouble occasioned by in engineer the A- and the striking tailors each group went to a separate lames Ashley who was in Charge guide I here back from Scotland on a charge ol was plenty opportunity for such an theft was sent to penitentiary for arrangement as are mills in live operation in this vicinity Our lot On Thursday of last week Diana pissing mill under the of Amsterdam the guidance of Mr Park a very capable an who soma time ago was marril and obliging man who is a to Benjamin Van by electric- mineral expert and draws a salary Ity known as the proxy bride year as manager tho was actually aid legally to width covers an area of generated on few miles away ItiVer a conclusion that he Holla igoing to be drained While come to the Marsh is meaning from Our volunteers left for the Camp at Niagara on Tuesday morning When the ladies of Newmarket take- hold of anything they moam business Nearly met at the Council Cham ber on Tuesday and purpose of the gathering explained by the Mayor they unanimously decided to assist our Firemen in making up We Sell at Right Prices POSTS SMINOIIIS Designs in Veneered Doors Stair Material and Trim in Oak Asa Cypress Georgia Pino etc All Goods properly Kiln Dried Celling Wainscoting Pine an Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak etc Veranda Columns Railings etc On Any and All Matters Pertaining to Any and All Kinds of Lumber and Building Material Thats What Wo are Here SUCH INFORMATION i Is as Free as the Air I GANE Learn Typewriting at Home I will teach you Typewriting in your borne for a day tod will supply a new Typewriter free Position when competent Atk Tregwlo Oliver writer Co Toronto For Bale A aloe Driver rising 8 kind In all harness well broken Also Rubber nearly now harness Must sell at once No further use as am West or by letter Holland Landing her husband by Commissioner Starr of the juvenile Court Rev Father Jones St Marys College Montreal who received the honorary degree of I- the University of Toronto on Friday last was entertained erary and at McC oiis Toronto is cadets The Rev and has already had an output 4im of The- immensity of the t buildings and machinery at once J presses the visitor The mill and its j n equipment cost it is run I by SCO p electric- motors the that tonnage has amounted and that is that the time has come or the cooperation of all interests and In this Bradford we feel sure will do its share Witness average was After out 00ft to May there was a surplus on June 1st of approximately Luncheon was served at this mines germs of dandruff PARISIAN Sage- is a hair nourish- In tl lUf fS tte a and iUfSSuS- passed by few lino reghmnts in o va regularity of manner of atl j the shaft feet saw the men at work ana first shipment of explained every part the pro- grown strawberries were last week and were sold at j a mining a box about live or six berries for a surprisingequal to a meal at cent hotels Tho Citys abare of There can doubt about the lected iby the street railway during fining possibilities of Cobalt May totalled In May last year was valued at year figures were The number of men Tho Grange premises were open- w1ork mm is to the public on Friday Inst I lie amI the total wage bill Is about a late Smith and Mrs a mllllondollars a month donated the property as an Art Mu seum for the city A telegram the close of last week announces Mr tfttf most substantial Louis leghorn of Toronto commit- building in the ted In the Bow River at connects Cobalt with on a SI miles distant and ftt of despondency 1 miles away James Dickey who some time ago At Cobalt we had pleasure of held up his wife with a revolver and noting Mr John and Mr was to Jail on a of In strong of also Mr appeared in the Juvenile New formerly of Court on Thursday last week and Aurora created quite a Ho evening a reception was ten- token charge of a policeman how- the press party In the Masonic ever or die nourish become an easy prey to the ravages of the vicious and de- been working for over a year and Is said to have found the richest deposit of free gold In the world It Is 1 sincere the big which is with corrugated Iron This mine plane of p I The town of Cobalt is a prcspcr- place with a population telegram from Calgary The Bank of Toronto a the Co In their large inviting dining hall followed by brief speeches Ev erything that the Dome is a good paying proposition The rapidly I Increasing population of tlie mining centres of New Onta- Is or was a the Party loSt W mines and plant and a sumptuous supper served by p PARISIAN Sage not oly prevents but is a certain cure for dandruff it stops itching of the scalp Instant- trip this year is to Niagara Camp Crossing Lake Ontario by the steamer Cibola Tho Methodist Conference is now in session Rev Hill B A is placed in the first draft of tho Sta tioning Committee for Newmarket Rev J A Rankin for Aurora Rev Hurst Rev T TemperanceyUle Rev Harris Mount Albert and Rev Geo Brown A couple from the Landing came to St Pauls Church here to be married on Wednesday when the bride caused quite a sensation by refusing to say I will The contracting parties re- tired but after an hour or two they returned again- and had the knot securely tied A citizen was fined on Wednesday for allowing his horse to roam streets at night contrary to bylaw ii v ft IA For Infants and Children- The Kind You Have Always Bought hair grow thick and luxuriant It is especially in demand by ladles because it makes the hair rjo which now amounts to many wd flufly J Pat- thousands has brought vitally to the t sells it under a fore the question food supply to do oil that is miners prospectors and businessmen back of the north are a hardy lot of men Jui fr 3Sb While assisting to make some re- pairs in the house the eldest son of mat alone in Cobalt and g 0 the 2nd- IS portions Ontario where prices for SSL l moat and form produce arc stiff to MS Bears Signature r What an early season means to road Is shown by first report received from Mr J this year Mr has taking advantage of the open weather to start his gangs in the Rainy River District to build roads under the for New Ontario Six have already been established in that country em ploying eighty and by the r- lul a reception us wn- is that MS Ruij era In charge ol a bow- the press party In the Masonic l the will likely ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO