Newmarket Era, 13 Jun 1913, p. 4

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lGffie rota feV OFWOMANSUFE From to 50 Year of Age How It May Be Pawed in Safety I D fog the Change of life I was all run down I was really too weak to walk and was very despondent and thought I going to die but taking E Vegeta ble Compound and Blood Purifier my health and strength returned I am very thankful to you ami praise your medicine I have id vised several women who suf fered I did to try your remedies Yot may publish this if you wish Mrs David Morris South Wellington Vancouver Island No other medicine for womans Ills has received such widespread and unquali fied endorsement We no other medicine which has such a record of suc- Challtige Before Parliament adjourned last Wk Sir again threw down the challenge on the floor of i the Commons of Constitutional j peal to the country Ho said Our policy is to help the British Em pire by our share in building Up a Canadian in Canada by Canada That is our policy and stand byj and invite the Prime Minister to give us an opportunity toUst it be fore the people- Ottawa special of the- To says It was a dramat ic close for the most dramatic ses sion in the history ol Canadas Par liament The last word was the challenge of Liberalism to the Gov ernment to trust the people to be lieve in the ability pride and the aspirations of to Cour ageously discard the Nationalist Al liance to recognize that permanent Imperial unity can be based purely on local autonomy and to appeal at once to the country to determine fin- ally and properly the great issue of cooperation with the Empire in mat ters of Common This appeal was refused and Prem ier Borden in reply took occasion to posed would be on the Government program next session coupled witii the demand for Senate reform Amid ringine cheers from Op posite Sir I cess as has VegeU- that the Compound For more than 30 years it has been the standard remedy for wo mans ills such as inflammation ulcera tion tumors irregularities periodic pilns and nervous prostration and we believe it is unequalled for women seek a direct appeal to the Canadian the period of change of life people and will open the campaign If you the doubt An impression obtained about when Compound will write confidential Lynn for Your letter will be opened read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence the proroga tion took that the Govern ment would dissolve the present House and order a general election before another session was convened North York will be pleased if this impression is realized James AnthTtea conies the greatest tourist ho continent will be well worth the spent upon We all know the Mustoka Trunk wilp tell you that every year thorp piss over at over tourists that means for this country I completed through to Or dan Bay canal will provide a waterway for gasoline yachts and the in drawing not Wore than six feet water because a any of these yachts are propelled by gasoline up to get into the 1st at Pass by the through the Georgian and on to the returning by every number this stop talking about should take a trip to do WIS At the recent session of the Legis lature the Prime Minister arid the had every opportunity to put through legislation In they declared such a and had paint ed with bright colors advantages which Would accrue it to ppttin- into law what they talked about they drew hack and did- nothing Now after the session ha3 closed and there are nine months of quiet ahead Sir reintroduces his treating talk to the St Clair and Detroit conversation of a vers tall the Canal I watms included sb Wi f II I II of having a Hath Is under our often remove four and Ave at elt- Impot olblo if at tended by DriX3 THOMSON DEKTISTS The Trent Waterway- There was a short but animated debate in the House of last week on the vote of- a million dollars tor the Trent Canal We quote from Hansard Mr When will it le open ed up and what will the te used for principally when opened up Mr IVjchrane So far as Opening it up to La Ontario is concerned the meeting on June will be completed this year How long it will take io open it up to Georgian Hay cannot say yet Mr Since mem- At 3rd not one word was spoken by Sir Janus Whitney or any the speakers reference to the charges and this too although her for North Oxford has appealed to Mr had ased a series me I might give a concreteinstance I Dr A Manual Treatment and Massage PERMANENT HEALTH THROUGH PERFECT CIRCULATION Vapor Health and Medicated Baths of direct questions to be answered by the Prime Minister It Sir James cannot answer questions satisfactorily days of the Whit ney Government are numbered and its defeat is inevitable I remove the cause nature cures I treat for Asthma Pleurisy Neural gia Lumbago Di sease Liver Kidney Rheu matism Chron ic Constipation Hay Fever and Loc o in t r Ataxia It was charged at the annua meet ing of University Alumni Asso ciation in Toronto last weeki that the University staff was being being opened up recruited Oxford to serve the purposes of a type of Imperialists Of course it caused quite a sensation The Alum ni denied it and indignant but others claimed it was true and presented statistics showing the ten dency complained about The end not yet of the value the canal At Peter borough there is a very large Hour now grinds 1500 barrels of Hour day Ihere a very oatmeal mill which supplies England and Scotland They cannot get western grain in enough quantities because tliey cannot get cars and they have prom ised that in the event of that they can get their western grain in they will double their capacity That Indicates at once the v of toe canal and a great many things that description will be done when ire is up Bennett I would advise on the other trip over this Trent Valley water system When it is opened into gian Hay it will be under the pre sent administration thtre will be a capacity in the large elevators at Mr Herbert Lennox MP P coun sel for Mr Stair of the Star Theatre who was on trial upon the charge of exposing ah indecent pic- 1 lure asked his client this question in Port and Midland or nearly court There was a good deal of it is that as the old Erie canal succeeded in carrying grain barges with a capacity of only bushels in barges with this canal carrying over 16OOC bushels a large trade can be done from Port to Mont- agitation then against you from these psalmsinging moralists was there not North York must have quite a few psalmsinging moral ists on the voters lfst Does Appendicitis Master Herbert s odescribe the P res- sis Female Weaknesses all kinds supporters at election time and removed without Drugs or Knife a Specialty Hours to am to 5 Sunday- and otbcr Jigurs by Office Park Ave Opposite Method ist Church Shod Newmarket Examinations Free Phone 173 June 7 Time Card NO NORTH At the Presbyterian Congress Toronto last week in an address in real If the grain is not carried by- thoic barges to Montreal the canal will at least have the Keep ing down the rates on the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Trunk He I The ir James Whitneys reference to the subject at still more apparent when it is re- and on up from there wli not only be impressed by the route but he will the- w I at the cb are for building an enormous tour- owell made a attack trade Americana have gone to the on the lakes Back of PeterIrov and anco issue direct y charged the have built residences costing or Government had W000 It is going to a great from the tourist and if we can interests for the Middlesex oh completing this work attract Mr if perhaps New York and all over the world the of the- abandonment hundreds and thousands of people the to found country will be well repaid for effort and outlay The discussion continued for some time only further information that was elicited Mr statement that the lncS campaign funds secured the liquor dealers upon the canal was expect ed to reach sixteen million and that he to see it complet ed in two more years There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together and intil the last few years was supposed to be incurable For a many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly ailing to cure with local treatment pronounced it incurably Science has proven catarrh to a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure ion tlv market It is taken internally in drops to a It acts directly on the blood mucous surfaces of the system offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to care Send for cir culars and testimonials Address J CHENEY Co To ledo Sold by druggists We Take Halls Family Pills for Con stipation In Hungary much force Rev Railway from these Leave Toronto Newmarket Allandale am 250 102 in 956 NO Leave Newmarket Toronto SOUTH am 520 1010 Poultry Profits Raise Hens that Lay Rhode Island Reds winners and Eggs for Setting Eggs per 100 Montreal emphasized the fact that Canadians must christianize these people of they will paganize us lie thought the time to narrow of naturalization At present foreigners can in three years secure franchise Too I often they use that the freedom they have granted In the West are colonies wlnre people aie lead by wily politicians through na turalization and then to the polls like sheep to the slaughter 535 The limit oven by the Dominion Mo Government to lagging depositors I the defunct Farmers looks like I another indication of an Federal election An Ottawa the Toronto News re marksrTbi iovernment has decid ed to give some assistance to tie of the Farmers Rank hut there will be nothing done this jsion This was male there will he nothing this session The hint to is helping the to retain power the I Government to retain rower the in return will good their of the public treasury To make Room or Block Offer Hens at Each AUBREY DAVIS Millard Ave Forty Men Hanged i plain the Gold toast who pre- v London June of the practice and human forty of Society a have Rrltisn colony on J Africa Sir ttni Justice I sided at the trials arrived at Ply mouth He declined to dis cuss case hut fellow travellers If have Suspicion that the said that one hundred of the are leaking a sure test can dread arrested be mane by applying a paste of soap forty ol them and water to the joints If llforo is while many were or break hubbies will appear In a little while This a at- The Leopard Society Da tempt to locate a leak uinony- the and lies lor matches a candle should ever be caused trouble to the Government understand that the ministers p Is to make the canal eight feet over the locks on all the new work The old work is six but that can be deepened at a comparatively low cost If you had a waterway through Lake and through the large lakes and rivers in that district could have barges carrying bushels of grain You would in a position that the grain trade of Lake Ontario was In twenty years ago re call when the American grain which came from Chicago and Fort William for transit to the Old Coinry and for distribution in Canada and the United States was Carried In schoon ers containing only bush els We will have here a waterRay with an eightfoot base ami barges that will carry bushels of I grain It is he regretted that the general public take no cognizance the extent and Capacity ot these wat erways Take Lake which is from to twenty wide and the lakes Peterborough a number of which are quite largo lakes It Is true there are points where there are canal Connections but lhre youhave a series of large lakes Historically speaking point out that a survey made of this area comprising these waterways over one hundred years ago With prophetic vision he saw what is happening today and what is likely to happen in the whii ihis series of waterways ill bo connected with Lake Ontario Mr I may out haniplaln up tne Valley and dieted that one day the would be connected That Word comes of the resignation of the Hungarian Cabinet because a member Parliament proved that the Prime Minister had accepted money at the conclusion of certain contracts with the of Hungary The report States Although the Premier derived no personal pecu niary bbenelH from money which was devoted to the promotion of po litical party purposes from a legal and moral point of view it is not permisble for Minister to accept any money from doin business with the State In Ontario the Minister the Crown admits that he received money a Government contractor and what was worse from one who had a claim pending against the Govern ment The Prime Minister admits that he was told about this trans action and yet the money was not returned eat resign- would not resign Wait however until the general elections and then the public will have its say The Great London Shows Enlarged and than ever HOWS Great Circus will be with US department has been enlarged Five hundred per formers over a hundred cages con tain the Million Dollar oo and the show is completely with Mew and aifiolvitcr diffident The London Shows is truly a mammoth institution When one has seen It from end to end outside and inside and has una- of seen and learned for a fee how much real- pleasure and ben efit it has been he can easily under stand why a big of the high standard the Great Lon don Shows occupies enviable po sition in the amusement world it does The farfamed Dublin Dapple Grays Winners are also pre sented in Conjunction the Rig Shbw- The Great London Circus will ex hibit In Newmarket on Tuesday June I o- Street Commissioner Wilson and Dr Hastings have decided to immediate to prevent a number of merchants on Street from sweeping their store re fuse on the A cty ordinance kind of refuse to go into the garbagp box to carted away Far Better Than V Tile Wall Paperand More Economical EVERY true housekeeper take an in- tense pride in her spotless and shining bathroom The wails are one of her greatest problems The kiddies splash soapy water and anything but a tiled or a Mello- toned wall soon becomes soiled Ordinary wall paper is impossible Varnish Tiles turn yellow blister and peel off with the steamy heat is one It comci I In Hungary the Policy ed In Ontario the best finish for the in beautiful flal tints that can be washed without trouble or injury You can apply it to walls tub and woodwork Beautiful combinations and color suggestions ate at our store now in the fashions See them today AT 3B J CLARU -Mrr- Children FOR FLETCHERS CAS TO I A Tobacco cultivation in tain has now Passed the stages of an experimental and is fast j coming a Industry- Hun- ilrwls acres In Scotland and Ireland are heinj turned in to tobacco says an HJh paper Greenhouses St A Wedding is made Beautiful most of all by its Setting of Flowers The Brides Bouquet is the Greatest Importance in the Making o a Pretty Wedding Brides Bouquet made by us is Correct and Strikingly Artistic Our Bridesmaids Bouquets are Correct and Beautiful Our Prices are indeed Moderate Estimates Cheerfully Funeral Wort of Highest Qual ity at Moderate Prices on Short est Phone S PROMPTLY SECUREI all for MARION University St Montreal Eggs tor Hatching Bred to Strains OF WHITE WYANDOTTES AND WHITE A BUFF My Birds are bred the Best Laying and Exhibition Stock In the province- FOR SETTING Bert West MAIN ST NEWMARKET Homeseekers Excursions Each Tuesday until Oct WINNIPEG and EDMONTON RETURN- US Other points in proportion Return limit two months Train leaves To ronto p each Tuesday May to August inclusive train to take Upper Lakes Navigation Steamers leave Port Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays Port Arthur and William The Steamer Manitoba from Port McNicoll will call at Owen Sound leaving that point at pm STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto 1215 pm on sailing days making direct con nections wltb Steamers at Port McNicoll Particulars from Canadian Agents or write MURPHY P A P- ATKINSON Agent Newmarket the l secret in the west coast ol lakes is whs th In Government are erecting a statue Falls I do not that largo quantities of will he carried over that tern because transportation will he slower than by rail but 1 think it will have of railway companies to time and that to rates than exist at the present I have apology to oiler for the Trent canal system as a to rist and been hanged lived The m4y for Cou CcWi f And v mutbl All natives falling to conform to rites or submit to Its den amis subject or slavery I Send the Era to absent- friends route when it is finlshrd it 1 N It London Acts with HOWES THREE It INC Jj THE BUS SHOW COM- FOR LETCHERS mt Tuesday ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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