Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1913, p. 3

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1 A i if i J fit f nAT on is a Auction Sale Of household effects belonging to Main Street Newmarket log next Monday evening 1 Baptist Church Service Next Sunday afternoon At Mr exMayor Toron- to will preach in the Workmens Hall the Bank of Montreal hearty Christian Citizenship welcome to all I J To be Removed The Paragraph on Page about the paraphernalia used Newmarket Canal is not quite right It will be sent by trolley to the R Junc tion Hear King thence over J and P R to to bo used in doublptracking the P to Port Arthur Mr lxthlan expects to have it nearly all loaded this week and week the scrapers vote at Holland lading will bo loaded worth League The meeting last Monday night which was in of Taylor was very interesting- There was not as large an attendance as usual due to the act that a number the mongers arc attending the Summer School at Whitby The Delegates expected home from Whitby this week will like ly take charge oi the meeting next Monday evening under the head the Missionary The Most Deadly Paris Made is only hind we sell per at Hardware Of Quarantine Raided About two ego small-pox- was found in town Though Ufe strict prompt re Medical Officer Itwas to the one case 111 I PlcNlcc Ladies Outing Hate for Ladies Outing Hats for Outing Hats for Ladles Panamas 5500 for Rocbfc rf Womens Institute Branch of Wo mens Institute will their next meeting at ho home of Mrs A Start 0 Saturday July The subject for afternoon is Floz- Dishes their Composition and Value Their Use in Health Ill ness Makfiig and Serving Ice Cream and Ices All are welcome Completed The nor hrick en the prem ises of King George Hotel is now and good service It is commodious convenient and wellbuilt structure with accom modation for and As as the yard is clean ed up the place will present a tidy and inviting appearance Score one more point foe Option in New market Improvements The OddFellows purchased old Mechanics Hall on Lot St haw coinmeneed putting in a new founda tion The basement will bo fitted up for Refreshment and Dining Rooms and the Order will have one of the most Lodge Rooms north of Toronto Mr O has removed the roughcast from his residence on Church St and is having it replaced with hoard siding which will bo a improvement Some changes arc also to be made to the interior Dont Waste the Water Mayor Allan has commissioned Mr Stoddard Millard to call at every house in town and urge the citizens to be as sparing as pos sible with domestic water and also to read the watermeters Mr Stoddard reports that in some cases there is a meter in the Iki but it is not working whilst in other oases there is no meter at all At one place he found the meter working backwards having been in stalled the wrong way The reser voir has only eight feet of water in it while the capacity is 10 feet- A Special Committee of the Council is considering the advisability of boring two more artesian wells Entrance Exams Following is the list of successful candidates in the County of York A I Arnold Barnes J I Campbell I Can- I Clark M fc Clark G Cooper Craven Fairies A Forsyth A Hayes J Hoov er Jackson V M Jennings M Johnson Kay A A King J I Marshall 0 Monkman Morning E I R J Muir Mur ray McObmgle I A McLaughlin I McMahon Pago R Pater- son Pratt J Pressor H Raymer I Reamoh W Rob inson M Rumble M A Skinner J Smith Stewart M A Thomas If R Thomson trnderhill Wales Walker Weir If F White M Wright J York A fine new sign adorns the front of the Methodist Church Mr Wood was the artist Dig crowd down town last Satur day night One of lie workmen the now Specialty building had a stroke on Tuesday presumably on account of the His is Arthur Floury of Aurora Canadian Home Circle candidates were initiated at the meeting on Wednesday night result of- Tcwmtftwott for ibis Circle At the close of the business a good program was given music and ad dressesfollowed toy refreshments Initiation will be also for next meeting A good class of is being arranged by R Tatnplin of Toronto Clever Capture About two months ago somebody played a trick on the local police stealthily securing the key of the Po lice Station and letting a prisoner go free a piece of clover work Constable Duncan caught the prison er at Stratford last week and brought back to town where he Was let on susjended sentence pa payment of costs which to The main who let him out is not In the The Ricrmril WiimasDn place at Ketleby Cemetery bo Wednesday Deceased died at the Www Mr at on VANDORF if Tho are busy those days hoeing Quite a largo number attended fiimday morning enjoyed scrhton to that Miss Velma is back from the Thousand Islands ho reports having a dandy time Oh say was the matter with Fred that nVJ drove south Church What is the matter with some of our that they have put such dirty slurs In the paper when tho ones that tho most boatrides Perhaps you yill know who wrote this and perhaps you wont perhaps you care and perhaps you dont per haps y will be mwl but I hope you wont perhaps I care and perhaps I dont Sparrow Big Coat Discovery in Northern Alberta Ottawa July ft was learned to day that Dr recently one the best coal areas in western Cana da on the Smoky River in northern Alberta mites northwest of Edmonton fields are located within main line of the P and experte reported that deposits arc and su perior to Pennsylvania hard coal The area of has leased by Dr and Mr Paul Honolulu a wealthy business associate and- they contemplate coal mining operations on a large scale At the session of Parliament a charter for d line of railway to tap field was secured It is said that customers se cured- include the German ment which coal for its na val stations on the Pacific Panama is completed it thai largo sMpmento will made to Germany and other coun tries via Vancouver and the canal clutches of the is the word law yet as muni Methodist Chutfh Good congregations last Sunday and the sermons by pastor Rev A P Addison were very fav orably received The Choir was ably assisted Miss Long soloist of Wesley Church Toronto who contributed a solo in the morning also a solo ami duett with Mr hi Darker in the evening At the Sunday School Mr Archi bald who is about to leave for India as a missionary gave a missionary address the new pastor spoke very nicely to the children Your Cooking and Ironing Will become a pleasure of you use one of our Oil Stoves of best makes to choose from Hard- ware A Safety Razor Bargain Holder and 2 Gillette Blades on ly at Minns Hardware of July Presentation From the Rodney Mercury we copy the following On Thursday evening June about thirtyfive friends of Miss Ed na I Morton A also the Senior pupils of High School gathered at the hone of Mrs Levi Miller and presented her with a berry spoon shell a teaspoonB and an Austrian China fruit set Friday morning June the Ju nior pupils of the school printed Miss Motton with a sterling silver ladys Companion The substance of address in connection with the presentations is as follows We cannot allow you to go from our midst without some expression of our deep regard and appreciation of your faithful work and service during your stay among us Your strength j untiring zeal and christian example have been a source genuine Inspiration in school church and home life May your In fluence remain an impetus to noble in the lives of all your Rodney pupils and friends The boys and girls of Rodney School feel deeply the loss we are about to sus- ojj esnecy Rodney We wish to express ap preciation of your splendid example- and what it means to lead noble and useful life pur very best go with you Mies Morton a daughter or- Mrs Neil Fair Warning Mr Armstrong who the late Philip farm back the old Gotham mill pond i informs us that he is annoyed beyond endurance by people going into the woods leav ing gates open throwing stones the anim killing chickens playing tricks of various kinds and giving the family an extra amount of labor and anxiety He has therefore decided to prosecute trespassers in future and lias given notice accordingly Mr Dennis informs us that lie is also greatly annoyed by boys throwing down the fence along stream south of the town tramping down the crops and otherwise mak ing their presence objectionable Ho lias notices up forbidding trespass in future The carelessness and of some people thus shuts out everybody no matter how considerate they may be from strolling in the woods these hot days ft Guaranteed to Keep Time GolelFiUeci ib00 Sterling Silver Solid Gold CO Ticket issuer If Mr Geo Preston is feeling some- hotter lately Mr 13 visited at Mr Walkers on Sunday Mrs A Snider spent Sunday in Toronto Mr and Mrs S Robinson Au rora spent Sunday In Vandorf Miss Nellie Stiver is visiting at Mr Walkers We wonder what attraction the 3rd for Wee Willie Mr Foster and Miss evening Mr dilFs Some aro going to the Lennox pic nic on July at Jacksons Point If have not got a card yet there are plenty at the store Tho League are having a picnic at Mr Prestons on Friday and Wesley League arc invited to at tend A Lawn under the auspices of the Liberal Club Is announced to be bold at the home of Mr Linton Con on Thurs day evening July 10th Orchestra from Aurora and also vocalist Messrs J Walton and King are expected to deliver address es invited TOWN LINK ITEMS Mr and Mrs Isaac Armitagc of Newmarket ate of- Mr and Mrs IM Blackburn the lino Mr Arthur Webster wife and fam ily Toronto motored out on Sat urday ad were guests of Mr and Mrs George Blackburn of the line over Sunday On Monday Mr and Mrs George Blackburn- of line enjoyed a motor ride with Mr and Mrs Ar thur Webster returning in time for the Christian Church Garden Party which they enjoyed Mr and Mrs Albert Wilson form er residents of the Town Line but now of Toronto are visitors among old friends this week Miss Mary Smith ol the Robert Simpson Oof Mail Department To ronto spent the with her mother Mrs Win Smith over for the Garden Party and re turned to the City on Tuesday Mr Frank Newmarket took in the Garden Party Monday Mrs and children of the line spent the last week in the city returning on Saturday Mr Percy of Toronto spent under the parental roof The Christian Church Bush Meet ings on Sunday were largely at tended the evening service in the Church when the edi fice was filled to overflowing The Rev Tribble of Kettleby occupied the pulpit preaching an eloquent ser mon The Garden Party of the line Christian Church on Monday night was one of the- grandest successes ever had The ladles Aid cer tainly did their part in supplying the good things for which great credit The program was excellent Time nor space will not permit the writer to single out nor eulogize the various artists Suffice it to say of the vocal artists that each one acquitted himself to the en tire satisfaction of the vast audi ence The Aurora String Rand and the Blackburn Orchestra received the approbation I of all The various speakers were anxiously listened to The witty sayings of the Revs and of were not only interesting but amus ing Mr J Walton as usual felt home The Rev re ceived many hearty congratulations his winning smile and warm sliakc were gladly welcomed His familiar voice and logical conversa tion brought back memory his many years of pastorate that won for him many friends who regretted departure Professor Dales whose parents were among the pi oneers of the Township delivered a felicitous and interesting speech cm Character but the climax of was struck when the called name Hon Mackenzie King on whose appear ance an outburst of applause arose that took several minutes before he could speak Ho was in great form and very soon from his flowery language and usual power of oratory kept i the and the universal conversation is that it was one the most mas terly expositions of various topics just touched on as not allow ever given from a public plat- Riding The audience was captivated and the impression left can never The he received Is a thing over to be Rev Hall of performed pi Chairman admirably Yorks P received a cordial to be present he Was coo- by his absence An Ideal Vacation Trip VIA GREAT LAKES At this season of year when so many planning their vacation trip question Where to go na turally arises What could be more delightful than a Great lakes trip where the air is pure sua shines and cool refreshing blow- Few people realize with What ease and speed a trip from the East to Fort William and Winnipeg can be made via Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Express Steamships You can leave Toronto noon Tuesday or Saturday and arrive Winn p m Thursday or Monday Fiftyseven hours from Toronto to Winnipeg- twelve hours faster than any other service For those who wish to leave on different days in the week and have a little more time on the wat er- tho trip can be made leaving To ronto- noon Mondays Wednes days and Thursdays arriving in Win nipeg a Thursdays Satur days and Sundays If you are contemplating a trip do not let this slip your memory Cana dian Pacific steamships make the fastest time have the best of ac commodation and the table Is unex celled Full particulars and reserva tions on trains and ships at every Canadian Pacific Ticket Office i HI White VcstiDgs to Bedford tec White Pique 20C to White Repp A Dress Linen 20c to Vic r Lawns to India Linen to Persian Lawn toac QQQ ALLOVER LACE In Cream and White from 0c to per yard Do hot Forget that we keep the of HOUSE FURNISH INGS- the County of York and Most Complete Stock in the history the Town Cotton Lisle Thread and Silk from to per pair o Berlin July Fifteen delegates to the grand conven tion of the Knights of Pythias open ed their convention at oclock morning The afternoon was given up to a program of sports including a baseball match A grand band con cert tonight in Victoria Park by six bands was the concluding number the biggest program ever attempted in Berlin For Sale Horse and RubberTired Ap ply to J Cor Main and Huron Sts Newmarket lien Wanted For loading ice Experienced ice housemen preferred Apply to Ferrier foreman Belle Ice Co Belle Ontario Decoration Day AT Newmarket Cemetery Sunday July the 13th The Lodges and Societies taking part will meet at the Market Square and leave lor the Cemetery at oclock headed by the Band DR SCOTT President Secretary Bioyolesjor Sale At All Prices FROM TEN TO THIRTY DOLLARS Best Value on the Market All Bi cycle parts kept in stock Coster brakes at each Tires All Bicycle repairs promptly attended to NEW SECONDHAND STOVES and Household Furniture bought and sold Bicycles to hire A AMcNAB Mala St Newmarket- i Mens Ladles Boys and Girls Clothing Boots and Shoes Main Doors South Klog Hotel I also Buy Junk of all Kinds rt bare any drop a card We hare Everything BOOTS and SHOES that Man Woman or Child can want We handle only at Possible and Guarantee Every Pair That is one of the secrets Enormous Sales In this Department We shall bo pleased to show you the newest thing In r wouerv We handle the Best Only as think that THE BEST is Wmoto good for our Customers John Bull Pickles for Toasted Cora Flakes 3 for Quart Jelly Powders 3 for 26c Choice Pink Salmon large lb Has 2 Star Ammonia a for A I WW r We will not open for Business on Wednesday July 16th in order to give our Employees a full Holiday to attend the Largest Annual Picnic held any where between the Atlantic and the Pacific Mens Wear Department closes every night except Saturday Night- A Night of Out Prices Live Stock Market Prices for export cattle in Toronto this week are to for choice butchers cattle to fair to good butchers to common to fair 575 to 25 Good butchers cows were in de mand and prices held steady Good butchers coWs sold at medium to and common to 350 and feeders are scarce and met with ready sale a steady prices Drovers are paying from to for good stockers and feeders according to quality Calves are more plentiful on the market and prices range a little easier this week Good butchers calves sold at to quality at to Milk cows meet with ready sale prices ranging Irom to 75 Good spring lambs arc selling to poorer quality from to Light sheep sold this morning from 1 to sheep to culls 150 to 250 The hog market in Toronto this week has remained firm Enquiries throughout the country Would seem to indicate a fairly good supply of hogs hand Hogs selling in To ronto for weighed oQ cars and f points to ft Newmarket Markets In our Ladies White Nainsook Under skirts in a Assortment Lace Embroidery and Fine Lace Trimmings to Hot Weather Price Ladies Lace and Trimmed Drawers and Corset Covers prices ranging from 25c to Childrens Fancy and Chambry Dresses sale price Childrens Fancy White Lawn Dresses trimmed with Bead ing and Lace to Ladies Fine White Repp Skirts reg for July 10th Fall Wheat per bush Goose wheat per bush Barley per bush Oats per bush Buckwheat per bush in vi 50 36 Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per It Geese per lb Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per on new I I t 0 50 0 0 20 0 16- 23 25 a to 20 Toronto Markets 1913 Fall Wheat per 99 1 Goose Wheat per 95 Oats per bush Barley Feed per bush 0 Rye per bush Peas per bush Hay Per ton 14 Butter per Eggs per New Potatoes per pk Chickens per 0 TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM NEW BETWEEN TORONTO SARNIA STE MARIE PORT ARTHUR FORT WILLIAM Lv Toronto T R am Men Wed Hamilton am London 4- pm- Sarnia Wharf Nor Co pm- S S Marie Nor Co Sun3 Port Arthur Nor Co 730 Fort William Nor Co am fcn pm Wed Winnipeg P Railway am Thur Sat ParlorCafe Parlor Cars and Firstclass Coaches between Toronto and Wharf Standard Sleeping electric lights lower and upper berths Colonist Sleeping Care berths Dining Car and Coaches be- Fort William and Winnipeg Commenciag June 10th a through electric lighted Standard Sleap- Car will operated between Fort William SaskaT toon and Edmonton iJ This the inauguration Grand Trunk Lake and Route tr- vice ad Western Canada A Special Train will run reverse way from Wharf to Toronto commencing June each Tuesday Friday and Sun day thereafter Full Reservations on Steamers or Trains may tataed on- application to Grand Trunk Agents write HORNING P A Toronto BROUGHTON City Pamper add Station Ticket ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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