Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1913, p. 5

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i I i J J Thos J Notary St Newmarket to loan good iim S A J Charted Barrister Solicitor Notary Conveyancer Commissioner for Taking Block Street- Aurora OFFICE every day am to pm In Toronto Wednesday alUrnpo Heal good in Aurora For Sale The of Cemetery wIHtcorscrvcd next Sunday afternoon will meet on the Market Square at oclock and by will march In pre cession to the Cemetery whore an appropriate service bo conducted and sacred music by the Band hfci V i jjV T y 1 i I prank Dunoon AUCTIONEER AND COLLECTOR jTK Wesley CORONER FOR CO OK YORK to York County Industrial Home i ftnd p and Telephone Opposite Post Johns Cnurvh During the absence of He v Father Whitney through Illness the Sunday services and pastoral is being after by of St Michaels College Toronto who appears to already won a warm place In affections of yocr feet ho JWi I lit Clark DENTIST Street I Office n Dp P J Cone OFFICENEW Main Street Newmarket to am to pm to Telephone New Gymnasium One of pleasant In connection with Yearly Mooting of Friends In Newmarket a few days ago was promise of a Now Gymnasium by warm friend of Pickering College which will be a source of gratification to thcstAi- dents and too generally It will cost and will erected this Fall of fettering or mw MTSfel4ftfevcrM9f 13 To fie Removed The construction ears rails steam shovel etc used the Newmarket Canal which have been lying idle hero for the past two years arc about to he removed to Sudbury for railway construction work Mr Lothian manager of the York Construction Co was in town last Friday arrangements to ship them over the Metropolitan to Richmond Hill and thence by Cana dian Northern and It to destination 1 ten wll more flleathtnWOO worth of fly killer J Gradual Ontario Veterinary College promptly attended TO Day or Livery Phono S J Graduate in medicine ot Toronto University alio Licentiate tho Royal College el and mem ber of College Surgcono of England Former clinical In Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Hospital London England OITioc Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone Consultation Hours 78 Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator Corner Niagara and Streets Newmaifeet BUILDER All designs of houses bungalows a Specialty Plans on application Residence Grace St Newmarket P Market Building Newmarket REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE us a call you buy or Smith St HEAL ESTATE BROKERS Office Main Street Newmarket Central Hotel Building Farm and Town Property Bought Autos Mr Bold three Ford motor week One to Dr Clark town ono to Mr and to Mi Potter makes new earn Mr Robertson has season Matrimonial wedding look at Tor on Monday Juno of Mr Albert Holmes whoso mother Uvea at Timothy Newmarket and May Brad ford ceremony was perform ed at Gladstone Ave Toronto residence of the bridegrooms brother Miss Irene was bridesmaid and Mr KnOwlton was boat man The bride was at tired in a travelling costume of and she looked very nice honeymoon was spoilt in Hamilton They wore the of numerous presents Laid to Rest The late Mrs Richard Park who was interred at Newmarket Cemetery Monday of last week was horn at Holland Landing the July Her brother Mr Harry Barry who resided with her another broth er Mr J Barry New- York City and a sister Mrs Murphy ol together with many rela tives mourn the loss of one most dear Rev rector of St Pauls Church conducted the funeral service Among who attendee from a distance were Rev Murphy Mr Mrs Sinclair To ronto Mrs St Clair and Miss of Bradford Mrs A Hi and Mr Toronto Two Band has been engaged for Newmarket Fall Pair Orangemen will celc- brat tomorrow at Albert East Council meets at Sharon today Friday Decoration Day here next Sunday Whitchurch Voters Lists Tor out Badly Burned Mr Knights little toy who was badly burned over two weeks ago is getting on nicely now and will soon be around again as usual Mr Knight lives in one of the bouses in Terrace Timothy St East Mrs Knlgfet left the fel low four years age asleep in the bedroom while she went to break fast The little boy woke up went to a bureau drawer took out a match and lit it setting fire to his night- He was badly burned up the side and under the arm Medical as sistance was immediately called and his life has been though he suffered greatly Town Council and Sold lit fl NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Violin Dealer in All Kinds of Musical In crements and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Stock Prompt Servic f Jackson LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Prlvati Papers issued at private resi dence desired Hi I Lacrosse Referring to the match on July at Markham the Sun says This league game was played here on Do minion Day before good crowd Bert Brown was referee and gave the utmost satisfaction In the first quarter Newmarket scored twice to Marlham once getting the first goal of the game This waken ed Newmarket up and for the rest ol tho treated the spectators to some pretty combination work The second quarter ended for New market third quarter and last quarter 111 That score does not however rep resent the difference between the two teams for some of the play ers were individually just as good as any the other side Superior com bination and clever stick work put the visitors secure On their play of Tuesday last Newmarket would have defeated a good many supposedly bet- V ter teams The visitors played a brilliant game Some of his stops us gasp Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Allan Reeve Keith Deputy IP alter Councillors Hill Smith and Ilelmcr Mr Burton appeared before the Council asking have Pearson St opened up Mr Racine asked about opening drain from his cellar Main St Following bills Miss nurse re quarantine account lumber Application for water from Pyra mid Lodge for old Mechanics Hall granted application of Geo gar St referred to Light Com Mrs Hatch asked Tor special rate for wafer for Greenhouse but Council decided to adhere to bylaw with minimum rate of per year The Striking Com presented their which was as fol lows Fire Water Light Hunter and Boyd Roads Bridges Smith Evans Property Industries inn Finance ByLaws and Keith On motion the Court of Revision will be held July at a m petition of I and others re sidewalks on Joseph Ave was referred to the Com power to act Owing to the great objection being taken by ratepayers to the Local done on the front age plan it was decided the Council take no further action A Special Com composed the Mayor Boyd Hunter and Keith was to consider the question of water supply and if necessary en gage the services of a consulting WILL YOU When the years have slipped by and momory rur over the oath you have come you will be glad you stop ped to speak every 4riend you met and left them all with a warmer feel ing in their hearts you did BO And you will be glad that you were happy doing the small every day things of life that you served tiro best you could in earths round You will le glad that men have said all along your way I know I trust him he fs as tree as steel You will he glad there have some rainy days in life Cldiidu and storms arc not the worst things in life I there were no storms the fountains would dry up the sky would be filled with poisonous vapors and life would cease You will bo glad that you your eyes tight against all the evil things men alout one anojhcr and tried tie best you could to words winded with poison You will he glad that you have met all the hard things which have come you with a hearty handshake ne wer dodging one of roing them all to the best possible account Selected DONTS VACATION Dont bathe immediately after a meal At least two hours should elapse before enter the water Dont bathe in strange waters es pecially if you are swimmer Swift and a heavy swell cause many accidents while rivera are often thick with weeds Dont start on your holiday a rush Go first few days or son will return feCUOg worse than before you went away Dont try to cover too much ground afoot or on the cycle Rest during ho of day and on ly do as much as you can- with com fort Dont take friends rowing un less you can manage boat above all dont change places once youve started let the children paddle late in the when it may bo chilly they are likely to catch a cold which will not shak en off for Dont travel with a lot of jewelry It is i quite and thieves are not unknown In hoarding houses and hotels while may drop a valued gift In some unknown placc in the blazing sun If you take a book with you to the parade or cliff seek out a shady cor ner where- the sun will not fall on j riot Ions ago Sir Wllrid i French writer Premier pordcfl and Wb Party Since I am leader must tot- low baa a better el- truth IWb aphorism by Mr in fafff wabbling and course re garding wards the farmers During the election campaign of Mr T as a prob able jnlnisttr In any Conservative government repeatedly premised electors that the Conservative par ty came into power be would that those lost money In the Hank should bo not hide vague phrases such an reasonable relief He declared openly that they should bo and in be was followed by nearly a score of the lesser lights throughout Ontario such would win votes These promises won election for Mr and a of Naturally when the Con servative government was formed the victims of Fanners Bank look ed to bo speedily Every opportunity given to Mr Borden to announce His first parliament was scarcely a week old before Hon Mr Murphy wheth er these promises scattered by Mr triors arid the rest wcrp to be implemented Mr dodged the question Hon- Mr White flatly an swered Hon Mr no such promises had been by member of Mr government FIRST TRIKD On December Hon Mr Murphy drew from Mr the direct statement such promise was by the Minister of Labor and the government has no informa tion as to promises by other government supporters Hon Mr Murphy retorted by quot ing from a of speeches in which Mr Crothers had used almost the same words each time Same pcoplo say that the depositors only should have their- 1oss made but I hold others are in same as the depositors We intend to see that every man who lost shall be recouped Mr Borden dodged this on a On February 19 Hon Mr Murphy finally cornered Air Bor den so that he had to reply then Mr said Respecting the matter referred Mr on the occasion refer red to expressed his personal views and did not to speak for the Conservative party or for its leader or lor the present administra tion which had not then been funn ed The matter drifted along An in vestigation into the bank failure as held and systematic attempts vre made by the Tories to insinuate that the whole trouble was caused by the Liberal Government improperly j rant ing the Farmers Bank this In his report on the failure Sir Meredith after a prolonged in vestigation said Pre evidence sat isfies that if the Far mors had been prudently and honestly man aged there is no reason why it should not have succeeded On May last a strong deputa tion of Farmers Bank losers demand ed that Hon Mr promises implemented presenting the claim so agreeable to Mr Borden the Liberal Government was responsible for the whole because it issued lbs charter this in face of Sir Merediths express finding hat the charter was properly issued A Continual Underground campaign was engineered to force Mr Bordens hand although this was strongly re sented by many leading journals in cluding the Montreal Gazette the the page or get in your eye Also Conservative organ or Quebec Keep up your reading too long Give your eyes a now and again Dont go to a place merely because Smith or Jones there last year it may not suit you J vva f h iff i i t l r r 1 t J mm nig I m You Can vo By Buying I Full fano oft trie Mi rf i I If OilB a mm 17 A GREAT EMPIRE BRAND NO GENTS FURNISHING PROFITS I guii AT THE f I Toronto Jobbing House NEWMARKET FLAT FOOT Causes All Sorts of Discomfort In the first illustration we to you the position of the of foot where the arch is broken down You can readily see how the unnatural pressure on tender muscles ligaments veins arteries and nerves must cause all sorts of discomfort and retard per- feet circulation This condition in many cases is the cause tired aching feet and those log pains so often laid to Rheumatism Varicose Veins In the next illustration etc- we show you I LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- GEO NOTICE Here is the place to dispose of your junk- and got a good prjee lor it Mixed Iron per Mixed per Rubber per It Copper per lb metals at a Rood price Am also paying Price for Fowl and Wool Anyone having anything this Una to dispose of just me a card and I will call CIvOUTH Si Newmarket Quakers for Peace At the Canada Yearly Meeting Friends at Newmarket last week the following resolution was adopted embodying the views of the denomination touching naval question That Canada should with draw entirely from both the propos ed plans for the naval forces of Canada and the Empire devote instead a part of the money to a definite peace propaganda under the cane of a strong National peace Com mission or department The Friends as a dcnoTninatioiii for two and a hall centuries have refused lo parti cipate in war or In military training or indeed in any other preparation for war The resolution also urged that international distrust was tho harrier to international disarmament It further asserted that tho tendency toward militarism in the Public Schools should be removed and teach ing as to the results of war substituted It urges that in declining to join In defence measures and in spending money on a peace propaganda abroad Canada showing true patriotism to the Brit ish Empire by freeing it from dis trust by foreign nations- The account of Huntley was ordered to he paid and charged to lots Council in Committee considered with the Special ty Co- re subway and asked per mission ta sit again Council adjourned The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at leaot one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the only positive now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional wquires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter- acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system destroying the foundation the disease giving- patient strength ly up the coasUtu- and assisting nature in doing Its work The proprietors fcave so much n ita curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that fails to cure Send for list of J Co Toledo Dont complain If you are not suited with the hotel o elsewhere or make the best it and avoid the same mistake next year iO BE Be cheerful in your daily work- in everything you no It makes task seem light And gives you courage too If your neighbor has had hard luck And seems to he upset A cheerful word may brace him up And his troubles soon forget cheerful with your fellow men In every walk of life And strive to banish everything That discord and strife Wear a smile upon your face- Extend a helpful hand- Be in your talk And join the Boosters Band Samuel in Office and Field Are you one of those every meal is another source of suffering DyapepaUTiJrfeU Kelp your disordered- stomach to digest any reasonable meals and will soon restore it to such perfect con- that youll never feel that you have a stomachy fake one after each meal a Box at your Druggists Made by the National Chemical Co of Canada Drug and Limited it taking the ground that the government no more right t aid unfortunate hank investors than it those who had lost in tor other business GAVE IN In the end Hon Mr and his colleagues proved too strong for Mr Borden On the very last day of parliament ho made a careful an nouncement With typical hypocrisy be avoided expressly blaming the late government but so worded himself as to convey the impression that the loss was due to the action of the lib eral government in issuing the banks charter concluded Having gard to this consideration the gov ernment consider that the depositors are entitled to a reasonable measure of relief which will be by legislation to be introduced ses sion Mr Borden however was careful to add this must not be re garded as a Precedent to any other sufferers from bank losses That is to say Mr Borden at first refused to grant this extraordinary aid to people who had lost in an or dinary business venture He the promises or the Minister labour and other followers in- the House Then he gave way and down to the level of the ward poli tician who is prepared to offer for votes Either granting of the money is right In principle in which case Mr Crothers should have been supported by the Premier and the Cabinet at the outset and the suffer ers reimbursed long before this or it is wrong in principle- in which ease yielding under compulsion only adds to the gravity of the Premiers of fence If it cannot be defended in principle the Premiers promise amounts to nothing more than the use public funds by- the publics chief trustee as a mean of obtaining votes To what length are Mr Bor den and bis followers not prepared to go for of office jHaaa A person doesnt have to be urg ed on by pretty colored pictures or tuneful Jingles to swat the mosquito Instinct him what to do FOR ASTORIA Adjustable Arch Prop Holding the tones and muscles in their proper places allowing nature to strengthen the strained ligaments and irritated parts ajid providing lief from all pains and dis comfort It is a Pleasure for us to show you toe superior merits of this the only scientific most suteess- arch prop devised It is made of German Silver Cannot rust or corrode Is firm yet sufficiently resilient rt May bo fitted in any your regular size Easily adjusted the varied conditions of boot im provements Come in and see what we can do for you WRIGHT NEWMARKETS EXCLUSIVE SHOE DEALER Why Not i Holeproof Socks ai3 Guaran teed for Six Months against any kind of wear or New Socks Try a box and be convinced Mens Lsghtweignt Men Silk for Mens Silk 3 pair for Ladies Lightweight Ladies Silk Lisle for Ladies Silk paira for Boys and Girls pair for i GET THE GUARANTEE DUNCAN- Jr The Gents Outfitter ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO 4

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