v I P I I am unable to sty enough in favor Fruitatires It saved my life and to health when I had given up all hope and when the doctors had failed to do anything more for I had a stroke of in March and this left me unable to voile or help myself and the Constipation of the bowels was terrible Nothing did me any good end I was wretched hi every way Finally I took for the Constipation and It not only cured me of that trouble but gradually tills fruit medicine toned up the and actually cured the paralysis Under the use of Fnitiatlvcs stronger and stronger until all the palsy and weakness left me I am now well again and attend my store every day and all day AZiVA is the only remedy In the world that is made of fruit juices and tonics a box for trial At dealers or scut on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa To Large brick house on Main street couth of the Methodist Parsonage Apply to HulM For Sale Horse Power Gasoline practically new A EVANS 1 Two 50Acre Farms For sale in East on West half of Con Will be cold separately or together lo suit purchasers Brick house drive house bank barn windmill cling pig pen plenty of water and good garden on each acres 3 miles from the best farmers mar ket north of Toronto Farms under good cultivation and close to church and school Apply to BROWN Newmarket Two Houses for Sale One on Ave rooms hard wood trim all conveniences Brick house and firstclass in every parti cular in very desirable location The other is a house on street rooms domestic water furnace etc Apply to GEO Newmarket Real Estate and Insurance Agency FOR SALE Good Building Lots parte Prices the Also Town in at Fav Town Homes Several Convenient to the Business Parts AND A Farms in King township As veil as Good investments Jew Lota and Pine Grove Bummer Resort Lota near TERRY Newmarket Office at Howards Livery Stables The Right Kind of fcif the Hub AWT to For your Hays Girls Bl4ordtl Just now copi er our curriculum It will Present some fads you should know A Term of our schools Insures a good salary any time Head Central College range award Bis Toronto Principal Furnace Work Plumbing Of Our Specialties Outfit t THE LEADING tf v AURORA At a recent meeting of the Board of Motliodist Church the Stewart was granted two months leave of bo a trip to England Rov Mr Stewart Mrs Stewart left on Thursday morning and will call from Montreal on Saturday They Intend making a tour Scotland and Eng land visiting many the most Im portant points They will in all probability Paris before they BRADFORD Mrs Lis Fcnnell spent ft few days this week in Newmarket Methodist Sunday School ex cursion went to Tacksons Point as Tuesday The ladles of Trinity Church made their garden party and tea last Thursday The driver of the rural mail On route met with accident one day Inst week near Mr- Far- Is farm The horse ran away and the driver was thrown out on his and was unconscious for over half an hour ft-OOO- Mr Walter Potter purchased an at Newmarket this week Tile garden party at was well sent delegation The Catholic Sunday School picnic Was field at Bond Head Saturday A large number 1 rom Word was received that Mr- John in the West son ol Mr and Mrs Daniel was by a foreigner The latest word received was rtihat he was resting easily and were hopes for his recovery was on ttedi morning while the crowd was the Mr Luiics Leonards Which was driven hy bis daughter took fright on the street near the poslofllce and ran away The two occupants of the buggy both yong were thrown out in ot Mr Mil ten Sloans resi dence but escaped uninjured The horse broke away from the buggy and down the full length of the street It was wonder It did not cause a general stampede World Q O Trade had cm the remedyproof of power to head- aches the sour tho poor end tho of will bo found in every doaoor- I mm Mrs Frank Ramsay from Califor nia la spending the summer with her motherinlaw Mrs Campbell Mr run ton Is visiting his father and sinter The Dickens Fellowship Club of To ronto spent a day last week with Olive if Misa Laura Trent of Newmarket was guest of Miss Mann last week Mr Roy Morton had a houseparty from Toronto at his cot tag a couple of days week Mr arid Andy St fclrno MusVoka last week and a day or two with his pa rente The Hamilton Herald remarks In bis prime the 1 late John ston was one the greatest ath letes in the world Thirty or forty years ago he was accustomed to car ry away more than his firsl prizes from every important series of Caledonia games in this country and In at the Philadelphia Centen nial he won the gold modal as best allround athlete But Mr Johnston was a modest man and seldom talked of his p8t tri umphs and glories Johnston was an old North York boy born in the Township of King O Board a very successful program ion Day iherc was a large attenl- anoe Six teams entered the baseball tournament in which the of Toronto carried away the silver cup defeating bridge In the final game by Corc The war was won by leating by two straight pulls Tho football match between Green River and Old Country Club Toronto was won by former by a score ol This match terminated in most dis graceful fracas which no true sports man should ever be guilty of The following resolution was pasw at the May meeting of the Ministerial Assoriation Re solved that Association learns with regret of the approaching de parture of Rev V from our midst and would place on record its appreciation of tlie sterling worth of our brother and the value of his service to the cause and our Lord Jesus Christ We would assure our brother of the high place he holds in the esteem of his brethren in the ministry and of our sense of the loss his removal will en tail upon the Association and the Community in general Wo regret that in lite exercise of bis judgment he has seen fit to sever bis connection for a time at least from the work of the ministry but we trust that in the near future he may deem it wise to reenter a work- in which he has o and blessed of God to the salvation men Our prayers will follow our brother to his new home and we shall cease to crave for him and his family a continuance of the rich blessing of God wherever bis future path may o ORCHARD BEACH SUTTON The annual picnic of the North York Conservative will be held at Point on Wednesday July This promises to bo bigger and hotter than ever The following are among the speakers Honorable Sir James P Whitney Premier of tho Province of On tario Hon WJ KC P Secretary Hon J Duff MPP Minister of Agricul ture Hon I LucaB KC P Provincial Treasurer Dr Preston Conservative Whip Cochrane Ministor of Railways and Canals Hon Hughes Minister of Militia Samuel KC North Ontario William Smith South Ontario j A Boys South Herbert Lennox KC P W KC South Ren frew A South Huron West Jas Hart MPP East Wallace MP Cen tre York Champagne KX Ottawa Alex McCowauM PP East York Ferguson MP West J A Arm strong MP North York Grand decorated automobile pro cession from Sutton Con cert by the Highlanders band Music by bands Including the Boys Cadet band of Toronto Races water foot- bail baseball and other games Special midway attrac tions The whole will conclude with a grand pyrotechnic display Special trains from different points on the special service on the Metropolitan Special boats and Come and enjoy yourself GORIL13Y home of Mr and Mrs Elijah Rose Go rule was the scene of a very pretty wedding Wednesday Juno at four oclock when their eldest daughter Eaclla May wan united in marriage to Mr Rob ert Boyd of Toronto son of tho late Robert Boyd The was performed by Rev Dr Smith pastor of the Church Richmond Hill Promptly at tho appointed time they took their places on lawn under an arch of evergreens and roses to the strains of wed ding march played by Miss Nel son Tho bride who was given away my her father looked charm ing in a gown of white Duchess Satin trimmed with real lace and pearls with veil caught up with orange blossoms ana carried a shower bouquet of white bridal roses The bride was attended by her two sister Miss and Rose wearing pale blue satin and pink roses The was assisted by Mr Will and Fred Scott of Toronto During the signing of the register Miss Norma Scott sang Promise me After the ceremony and congrat ulations offered about fifty proceeded fc the dining room where a dainty wedding break Bat served The grooms gift to the bride was a beautiful sunburst to the bridesmaids whole pearl rings to groomsman pearl stick pin and to the pianist a gold belt pin bride received many useful and costly Her going away suit was cream whip cord with hat to match Mr and Mrs Boyd took evening train for their home in Toronto where they will reside on 198 Arthur St A union picnic of the Methodist and Presbyterian Sabbath Schools of took last week til Bond Winnipeg July Crop conditions throughout tho Canadian prairie west are of the brightest Precipitation during the past has been plenti ful being beneficial show ers at opportune times Sunshine al so has added greatly to bringing on of crops to the correct and with real July weather anything In shape of failure is next to im possible Montreal July Father assistant pastor St Charles Cath olic Church risked his IHe oh j day to save the Host from military activity Is anticipat ed at the Long Branch Rifle Ranges from Aug lft to during the meet Ontario ihe program for Is decidedly interesting- will be awarded prizes more than in any Mrs Warien has donated iW6 lor prizes school The railways are making a move to force skippers and consignees to look after their own cartage and to do away entirely with the system there by railways make the cartage on a basis Thi3 will mean a fight before Railway Commission St Clair avenue civic car lice Is to to in operation next mouth- Dan- forth avenue line will be in in or October- Premier has invited to open the National in this city on August next and be his accepted the invitation Miss city while Viking- rock in into a deep Wednesday of last week and was drowned Tiic Glorious Twelfth will hare by the Ladies Orange Benevolent Association The procession will start at from quoins Park A city scribe remarks trouble with our spasmodic prosperity is a fellow talk half time about curbing arid the half buying a motor Another case of- an auto chauffeur asking a girl to take a joy ride and insulting was up the Police Court last Friday and adiournel for a week It is stated that the Provincial Secretary has decided to Keep tab on who violate the law by especially country roads Torontos the receipts from the Toronto Railway Co for June totals but tho discovery of shortage in the opera tions of City Water Works dis closes the that the railway is better managed than the Citys cipid departments Tbe Salvation Army took their fust party school children to the Army Farm at on Tuesday Before many moons the will be running a double track ser vice between this city and Junction The York County Roas and Bridge in their neglect or to repair the York- Mills High- a minute at the laws if I A had recently been set out one Sunday morn ing for a walk before going to church- He wont out simply to stroll in the bright with no thought having an opportunity- of doing anyone a He bad not gone very far before he met a little who was crying He had fallen down and spilt pall which ho was taking to a neighboring house was not so much the loss of the which troubfed htm as the fear of punishment which awaited him when he got home for some mothers never male al lowances for This was the mans oppor tunity and he did not let He put a ten cent piece into empty pall- more than for the lost milk and soon smiles took the Place of tears on the little fellows In telling his experience to his tor shortly altar that young man confessed procured more hap piness or not counting whit ho had given to the boy than ho bad more titan once paid ten dollars for There is nothing that people are more desirous of than happiness and nothing which can be procured more cheaply A smile a hand grasp a kind word or a penny will of ten bring greater Joy to the heart than lbs millionaire spend ing his thousands in selfish indul gence iherc is nothing which is richer in true happiness than doing good j J 1 Ccie4 fcUikod TrtsMt HO OK VMS WTHOUT CO I L Taoasandj of rata to a aci If km it Is too I iy before Pith dark heart iiimpioatbo face tired High I n face Imp ucu it you any of tho you deepen eyes dark under them veak bock on of heart dreams sunken cbwks careworn expression poor memory and tired restless VMk manhood decay bono pains throw etc symptoms it is too you and sreak specks eyes dark clrcl- under them weak back Irritable of heart bashful dreams and In YOU WILL BE A can curt you and make aman of yon esc the- blood that all blotches and ulcere disappear the M steel so that and full and clear returns to body and moral aod systems ccisono more vital from system Dont let quacks and fakirs rob it your Wo rffl no pay i Tilt AND THE LAW Yes were working overtime just now Some nights we dont get home untl after ten and were supposed close at five said the clerk Hut not a man in the place has a word to say against the extra work or time Its extra pay as well you now good dinner served to us at expense- of the boss Hesides hes right on the Job himself very unliI we are ready to quit lie doesnt ask us to work or hard er than he does himself and he makes it worth while for us as well as for him Whose own example strengthens all his laws quoted the listening one with a smile Thats it exactly Who said it that way Pope eh Well he knew what he was talking about all right PRIVATE AND READER QUESTION OR HOME TREATHEifT OH REQUEST Cor and Detroit All letters from Canada must be to our Canadian Correspondence Depart ment in Windsor If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in as and treat no patient in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and for Cauadian business only Address all letters follows KEffNEDV KElfNEDY Oct The Greatest Aid You the local news Job Printing way bridge have unwittingly involv ed the county in a law suit entered by larvis tn compel the au thorities to make proper repairs For nearly seven hours last Fri day as a consequence the most severe electrical storm the year railway lighting and industrial ser vices dependent upon the Toronto Electric Light Company were inter rupted The street car service was interrupted lor an hour before the steam auxiliary could be put in commission June marriages are on the increase in Toronto During June lG there were 073 marriages recorded at the City In June of last year the number was 735 The birth record werent for bis own example Does not the illustration fit tho laws under which we all live and work whion we should all obey glad ly laws ask nothing of us that He has not shown us how to do 1 never ends us anyi place where we need go alone He never sets us any bask that He will not he with us through it all working by side with US He has given us a Divine example in living in serving in doing the will of the Father and the work of the Kingdom Can we not do our own part then willingly gladly thankful for the op portunity of cooperation with Master and grateful for the ex ceeding rich reward we know is can give paper your If you do not feel able to run an advertisement surely you can afford to give the hews- paper your Cards Dodgers Bill Letter Heads and Envelopes to print lor June this year was last year same month The City Hoard ucation dont sec eye to eye a for laid up for us to be claimed I the work is done and the time final reckoning Is conic The -ooo- when for a wants ion new buildings and sites and is asked for tearing that new ones may be built The HIS POINT You are wasting your time fool- Council thinks the old thing cannot be done by will do for another year or two or anyone else It is foolish to A second harbor seal was brought to Park last week from Newfoundland The Rose Society ot Ontario held its first exhibition in St Georges Hall on Thursday last was quite a success At a meeting thy trustees of the Firemens Widows and Orphans He ifer Fund last wvek re- his friends be ported as standing to its credit in to it on trying it when you might be winning fame and fortune at thing else So well meaning friends declared to the quiet young chap with the invent ive turn of mind and the bis idea Ho had bean working upon that same idea for months with failure as the result so far It really seemed as if The Newspaper Man Needs it and it helps him to pay the printers for putting in type the thousand and one free notices he gives you and town Era will giye you nice work and the prices will compare favorably with any place in the country Awful change in the weather on Sunday Saturday night it was hard to find a cool spot ibut Sunday af ternoon campers were glad to heavier clothing aud sit around the open fireplace- Mrs J F Harvey and son from are summering at Dudley Manor Mr Harvey has gone to Gore Bay for a few weeks Mr of Toronto was a guest at Mr Strachans over Sunday Two motor were swamped tho high waves on Cooks Bay last Sunday Key Peter- Addison preached a great sermon for a man of his years last Sunday morning and in ev ening Rev Lawrence of Toron to held the large congregation while he delivered a powerful gospel message Next Sunday Hew Mc Kay wellknown Presbyterian missionary is expected morning and evening The consignment of new and en larged hymn books added to the good congregational singing in the Union Church Miss Bertha Toronto spent a few days last with her sis ter Mrs Mr and Mrs Brothers of Aurora were also guests at Sun day Dr Will Addison and family spending the summer with hi Rev Peter Addison Mr Harry Brands aunt from Mont- lion by a fire which wiped nut his real Is at Mr- Canes church on- Saturday afternoon a loss estimated at the Milk was scarce Long Branch on Dominion Day A lady for half a P was forced lo buy for her baby man who would take such an- advan tage of a womans necessities must be short on conscience Harry Hunt an ironworkman on the second floor at Harris Abattoir Building fell through an open space last week to the floor below and re ceived such injuries that death en sued Recent serious disturbances of the system is having its influence on the public mind Tlie new manager ol the citys service recommends that a steam re serve plant be installed without de lay This fact will give the Hydro- Electric quite a Jar To maintain extra emergency means increas ed expense consequently profits Out of granted this year to Provinces by the Gov ernment for agricultural education and share is The money is now at the credit of Ontario in the hank- Try Us conquer it or it conquers me lie replied Neither h happened yet His healer charged quiet tone did not in the least reveal under Dint whicli she the strength of the will behind it j extension to line from the Metropolitan track at It stated Toronto and York Radial Rail- -r- mm COLLEGE Excellent College Depart meat High Department College or Arts Department i U for a BE SQUARE By Rev A P Brace Fellows Play squarely Bring strength to the game Fight fairly Then loss js no shame Mo palm for quitter His head hangs too low But huzzas for the hitter Who plants a clean blow Men Play for the prize No matter the strain You fall but you rise A knock is but gain Your heart for the best Your soul for the right The ultimate test A life clean and bright Your principles right Your play square and keen Your blow full of might At all things unclean Your head in the light Your eyes on the goal You fail But your might Inspires some weak soul eQ ROYALTIES AND TEMPERANCE It is very good to know that our modern kings and flueens nnlike ost of those who have gone before are on the side of Temperance and even encourage movement for to tal abstinence Queen Victoria the Band of Hope and ac cepted an addtess from the Band cf Hope Union at her Jubilee- King Edward and Queen Alexandra Prince and Princess Wales opened a Band of Hodb bazaar t As to our present gracious the King last May became Patron of the Unit ed Kingdom Band of Hope Union and the Queen Patron Great Brit ain Forward Movement by winning a million more members Selected track at to Village and intermediate points While trying to sell a stolen horse and rig was ar rested at Agincourt last week The horse and rig belonged to a livery keeper was sent to the latter place for trial Hamilton July About 545 o clock on Sunday morning fire broke out in the Terminal Freight sheds at Main and Catherine streets and at oclock was almost completely demolished Not in many years has so fierce a fire raged in Hamilton and it was due only to the valiant of Chief Ten As sistant Chief James and their men that the buildings in immediate vicinity were saved Gaspllne tank exploded and was blown six blocks two freight cars and large quanti ty of merchandise were destroyed about Dp Indian Root owe their singular la curing Rheumatism Lumbago Sciatica to their oover of and strengthening the enable these organs to filter from the blood the uric the product of waste matter into the joint end tad cauxes tfcetc half a cntury of constant that Dr Root fl Kaoaottiota Motor Boat for Sale foot Motor Boat with a p Gray Engine Oak finisTied Chair seats in firstclass condition A EVANS Newmarket EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that all per sons having claims against the estate of Isaac late of North deceased shall file tlie same with the undersigned solicitor for John executor of deceaseds will properly proven on or before day of July as im mediately thereafter the executor will proceed to distribute the assets amongst those hereto hav ing regard only to those claims then filed with him Sol for Executor 3w23 Newmarket Ask all countrIe5 wIU be fees Montreal FALL SEPT i Send toe Era to absent Heads Stands In a class by when strictly flrstolaee work is consider ed Write for i ifisaM I TOSHrBB Of ONTARIO TORONTO I st AU Han Ve T