Newmarket Era, 18 Jul 1913, p. 7

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v yd- To Rent i house in vicinity rooms ail Box Office House to Rent Ave Possession Aug Apply J 037 PA- York Co Commissioners It Mr Weft- lodged a for damages against the of It pears in Bide Creek ridge broke a kneecap that un even boards on the floor of bridge caused the accident The County are not with County liability trot deferred the matter consideration and further Inquiry Last Saturday morning In or near Metropolitan M of money Howard for eavinat Office On last inter Vis itor called at the Mission and YHCA In this city were Hem a of the Japanese Parliament and rotary of Mm HcmMr Kbura teen member of the Japanese since tbft establishment of the wikitdo Tenders for he wall breakwater canal Mid retaining wall In with the Toronto harbor damage claim now pending have been for is that an Dominion Government The cum Era i ft young men to work In the Turning Steady work around Apply to The Sons NowinaTk Wi T Mason opposite now prcparcti do all kinds of brick work ovens furnaces do Chimneys a specialty plain and and also Cement work Lost i In Newmarket last Friday between IK Station and down town a heavy Hold Chain witAi KeycrifOne Howard lor rotiun to Livery Card of Thanks To the many kind and of Office Spe cialty Co and Independent pi for acts and during the and death of my husband William Cain return my fin- thanks MAUGABKIP CAIN I Stray Heifer Cam upon Lot Con North on or about 2nd of Ju ly a red and whHc Heifer with calf by side can same by proving property pay ing charges and taking animal away Sutton tire nays was ripped to pieces by projecting nails Mills Bridge He wants but claim will likely disputed as Warden does not ad mit responsibility on the three bridges un der construction between York and is reported HOTS breakwater will extend from eastern gap to Woodbine Ave the and from the western gap to num ber Struck by a motor car was trying to late on Sunday afternoon An- May Jolly of West v as thrown to the street and died about five oclock Monday at her injuries Leaning the caboose steps a three miles Mist of Whitby last Sunday night Hooker fell to his i with and was picked up hy a train which followed shortly afterwards- It is A cablegram dated July states that a motion for the sec ond reading of the Home for thought that he was struck by the Ireland Bill was defeated in projecting girder of House of Lords by a majority of Daniel of Toronto 1 was visiting tatewnJiBt his father at last Sunday week Mrs It was taken Toronto Hospital for an operation last week Miss yiolct of Newmarket is the holidays at her uncles In Mrs W of Toronto is virdtlng with her mother Mrs I Muir Mr and Mrs J vis- among friends and relatives- at last week Mr and son of spent with his daughter Mrs Morning of Miss Ida Poo to and Miss Atkinson of were guests of Mrs J Sunday Lloyd left Saturday morning for Buffalo to spend a wee with her aunt Mrs J Cross Mioses Vera and Florence Meads of Toronto are spending tje Mrs las a n I a The motion of lead er of the Opposition in the Upper House That this House A most disgraceful row took place at the corner- of St Patrick street and Kensington avenue last Monday evening when several thousand Jews declines to proceed with broke up a meeting being held by Mr Hospital on the Bill until it has beta Singer Jewish missionary Tom Harry Gain of Toronto attended Dec oration Service in Newmarket Cem etery last Sunday Miss Lou Richardson was operat ed upon for appendicitis at Toronto I Hospital on Tuciilayand was doing A Months packed Days thats the result of our July Clearance Sale to date To sure we never before sold Goods at such Marvellously Low but too we never sold So much in so brief a time a of submitted to the judgment of tho country This motion was Carried without a division As a result of remarks by Col the Hon Sam Hughes Minister of Mili- at a recent banquet at it is said will rc- The Hon Minister says thai one- who did not like what lie ho began to speak when his brethren began howling and throwing stones dinner plates and other mis sels The police were expecting a sign The Hon Minister says were ready Several one who did not like what he mw disorder pic- i to get out as Boon as Vailed for over half an hour rowdies got stung in Court report menced to preach from the text As Mr Wi Smith tyro at the Moses lilted up the serpent in the joined on wilderness even so much the Sun- of Wednesday his wife and family man bo lifted up but scarcely had from the Old Country Mrs Mortimer wifp of the Hell he pleased it appears that with out Ministers knowledge who thought it would be a dry ban quet was turned into a wet one and conditions became very annoy ing It is said some Toronto mili tary also are annoyed at the position taken the Minister No telling where it will end The Police This community shows a progressive disposition to itself and go the limit hook line and sinker when a Square Deal is assured and the Plain Truth and nothing but tho Truth told The tremendous selling of the Past Week has reduced quantities but has not upset assortments altogether Theres plenty here still to please everybody and there are that will make you wonder how we Hi its our Clearance Time when we forget profits and Seven wine clerks on vessels of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co up before the Police Court on charges of soiling to calling at Toronto without pleaded guilty and were fined and costs Now will they be good At the byeelection in North Monday last while Mrs the Ontario Legislature on getting a tub of hot water Hay last Mr Colin Cameron rcaa twoyearold son vativo was elected over Mr bath the child climbed into the Quaker Liberal by a majority of tub and was so scalded that he This result said to at- expected to recover 500 Acres Wanted of land for stock farm three to five hundred acres convenient lo Station with a least one good dwelling aivl barns seme woods and running stream of water JOHN Toronto Voters List Notice OK County York Notice la hereby that I have transmitted or dellYered to the per- and 9 Its Ontario Voteia List Act the required by to be o delivered of the pursuant to Act of ell appearing by the last roll raid be to vote in the municipality for members of the Leg islative Assembly and at and that list was first posted in my office on the July and remains there lor InopecUon Electors aro called upon to examine the said list and any any other errors are found therein take proceedings have errors corrected according to iw CLARK Clerk Dated this day of July to an and defen sive alliance between the Whitney Government liquor interests The Opposition leader in the Ontario House said to entertain the con viction that when the people re alize that this combination exists he does not believe they will stand for it As Owen Sound Rave the unprecedented majority of for Cameron it certainly looks as if Con- I senfatives and antilocal fi united their forces in the contest Holy Trinity Church was favored with a stirring address last Sunday evening from Rev of Fort Mcpherson which is within the Arctic Circle He of the con ditions which were found when the missionaries first went there what they had accomplished and what re trained to he done The conditions of years and today were very All over the christianized world Peace are adopting resolutions favoring the of national dinorences by arbitration but the present Canadian Minister of Militia doesnt appear to take any stock along that line judg ing Irom the way he is spending pub lic money for drill halls a number of Canadian beavers the Zoo at will shortly be enlarged with a pair ol South African Crown cranes a pair of English an Australian a pair of leopards a pair of hyenas and a pair of lions from the Dublin Zoological Gardens The London Zoo offers zebra for a Canadian Moose Mr W P Bull KC a wellknown in various of the country Nineteen are Toronto bar at prcs- under are in has contributed under con sa deration for eight more and tenders- have been called for twentyfive additional This makes total says a press despatch from Ottawa of fiftytwo centres which are being supplied at the pre sent moment with accommodation Meanwhile the appears to have forgotten that Mr Armstrong represents North York the Dominion Parliament and never a brick- has been laid to wards the erection of the long prom ised in Newmarket 000 towards the fund which is raised b the Times to secure to the nation the famous Crystal Palace as a national memorial While returning from the war race at Kew Beach four members of the Toronto Canoe Club had narrow escape from drowning about last Tuesday night As they were pass ing the Toronto Ferry Companys that they were caught in the swell of the steamer City and I their canoe upset They were by a passing launch The first Ontario wheat crop was Telephone Manager In Newmarket un derwent an in Toronto Hospital a few days ago and is do ing nicely Messrs Fred Sax ton Joan War ren and Will of Toronto all Newmarket boys attended Lennox Picnie at Jacksons Point I Wednesday Markham Sun Mr J Newmarket was in town a day this week He also was in connection with forming a Seed Growers Association Mrs Harvey son are visiting her mother Mrs Gray and sisters Mrs Albert Lawson Mrs Thos Blizzard of this town Mr and Mrs Geo aiid daughter of Joseph Ave are occupy ing their summer home near The former were in town two or three days this week as they back and forth Miss Helen Wilson and Miss of Queen St arc spending the week with relatives in town also Master spent Wednesday with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs H ProS- Ave Mr J Jackson announces the engagement of his sister Miss Jackson to Her Hill A of formerly of Newmarket marriage will take place the latter part of the month at Alberta Word comet from that Mr Ross of Belhaven a graduate of Newmarket High School won five firsts and three seconds in the Athletic Sports in that city on Dominion Day One of the medals is nude out of a gold piece Mr and Mrs Geo A Spring of motored from Buffalo to I can do it You see but One Sell Every Bit of Summer Merchandise Re gardless of how much of a we may have to pocket Mens Century Suits must be cleared regardless of Cost Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits y50 Ladies Skirts and Skills radically reduced for quick Clearance Skirts Reduced to Skirts Reduced to 8900 8 Skirts Reduced to 8 Skirts Reduced to Lawn and Linen Waists Line reduced to each Lines reduced to each Lines reduced to each Lines reduced to 8229 each 8500 Lines reduced to each mm Q Hon Fire did JloOOO damage to Adam Beckys box factory in don An unknown- auto is reported to have struck and Wiled an eight-year- old boy near and caP upset a buggy causing the death a earold man Dr Allisons threeyearold girl Irene strayed away her nurse girl in a berry patch ale- don East and lost for seven hours When the news spread in the town places ere closed and all hastened in search The tot was found seven miles from home London July report of Mr A Eastman manager of the Windsor and Lake Shore Newmarket an I are visiting at lh al Adam he home of Mr Mrs W on Springs brother The have shows that motoring all around the neighbor- elect the road at We have Received a Quantity of towns and will leave for home this morning Mr Patterson wife and family and his motherinlaw Mrs J motored to and spent Sunday with friends in their old home town They considerable loss after operating and fixed were met- Owen Sound bad political marketed on Tuesday The sample led on Monday evening His father an cation last Saturday evening when sample came from Chatham mother accompanied them tj New Mr Win MPP for The tide is turning on the borders j market for a visit Huron met Hon Q of the City Moore Park ratepayers Provincial Secretary in on adopted a resolution favoring charges of preferred ration from Toronto s NORTH I For Gale I Berkshire Sow weighing a to have fourth litter Price Just two Bred Bull Calves left out of the lb hull Who gets these at each fall with a lew females Any female in herd will be priced Write for prices and breeding DENIMS against both the Prime Minister Austin OBrien a Bell Telephone Provincial Secretary in the lineman was killed on Tuesday by Legislature Although the gathering coming in contact with a live wire was convened under Conservative reports to the Department pices Mr Proudfoots address was of Agriculture seem to indicate that received in the main with much in- J Ontario will have very little more During the course of his than an average fruit crop this year observations personally addressing j Lady Clark wife of former Mr he was very point- 1 Governor Sir Mortimer Clark is scri ed and said You admit vou ill at her home Avenue ltd this money from Mr Taylor The Toronto Chinese Christian En- Why did demand of receive leavbr Association held its fourth at this time from a Government con- picnic at Centre Island on tractor with unsettled claims Tuesday last Over C00 people were ins before Mr made present including Chinese MAN or WOMAN with some spare tinve and a large circle of- acquaintances our Special in connection with an excellent invest ment proposition Liberal retainer paid to right person COM PANY Limited Scott Street To ronto r 1 1 London It is said that a contract of over has been for construction of a rail- way and harbor on the west coast of Ireland In with the allred route scheme of which the Canadian Government has now approved The railway will run from to Hay which Us to be the port for oteamers which will make tu run to Halifax in three and a half days Glasgow last year decided to cheapen its tram fare by doubling distance that a passenger could go with a halfpenny fare Instead of the revenue decreasing by half a mil lion dollars as was anticipated it actually increased er- than according to a newspaper the reduction has completely changed the whole life of people Artisans now go home Tor dinner instead of parrying the lunch basket so cheap are the fares no answet- Mr ask ed Do you know that trans action is an indictable ofTence under the criminal punishable by and Imprisonment and that the per son convicted cannot hold office un der the Crown or Government do you still retain the no answer Mr then ask- of this criminal act No answer was given The questions are important getting political funds contractors f o o MEETING OBLIGATIONS DUE WHEN A student over books at hour considerably past his regu- The following is clipped from the Buffalo Enquirer of July as Mrs Crone and family were residents of Newmarket for many years Mrs J A Crone of Summer place was delightfully surprised at her summer home at Crystal Beach Thursday afternoon when children and grandchildren to the number of twentyfive assembled for a dinner party In honor of her birthday- The relatives from outoftown were Mr and Mrs S A Crone and Alfred Crone from New York Mr and Mrs Walter Crone Mr and Mrs William M Crone Nelson Crone Miss Crone and William A rmftage from Toronto and Mr and Mrs Seymour Allen and family of Detroit soOOi THOU SHALT BE Optimism All orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention is a great twentieth lur word lesus Christ was an bedtime H day he been fa 1c is why he said to who had aforetime been called into tho hours SSSSf be Cephas meaning rock- bedtime he still had sus doubtless not thinking so much of if START ME Start cries little Alice from her perch in the I want to go high start me Somebody ccnt lie starting you all the time answers Tommy- hall impatient of her demands upon him half desirous of giving her a hit of instruction Put your foot to the ground and start yourself It is the same story same cry the world over People are longing to mount high along many lines but for Iho most part are sitting still and waiting for someone to start them They want to Teach success in liter ature in business or professional life but they want to swing high from the first to be pushed by some ones money strength or name Those who are really willing to begin with their feet on the ground and start Iheinsefrettarb few arrears He had overslept in the morning and from breakfast on had been work which should have been done earlier At bedtime he still had much to do and tired brain with which to do it a train gets little it is more likely to keep los ing than to moke up what it has lost And the same is true of our selves lost makes it easier to lose another If you spend a little more than your this month it is easier to follow your own bad example next month than to make up what you behind Some people go through life behindhand in almost obligation that can be named always deluding themselves by the hope of catching up a hope sel dom realized Catching up is infinitely more dif ficult than keeping up If you cannot meet your obligations when due where Is the hope that you will meet them when have doubled or trebled I Send the Era- to friends what Peter was as what he might be Simon recognized the fact that had faith in him and responded to the optimism of lesusihad faith that the Simon should come a Cephas a steadfast man That very day Simon began to be Ce phas We are all unfulfilled prophe cies us then show faith in our No matter how discour aged they are the fact that some body believes in them someone concerning them will go a long way toward making them what they ought to be There are other things and people world to push a man down hill Let our push be always up real optimist la not he who only believes things but ho who while he believes- does some thing something to bring bright and better things THE CRADLE L LIS In Newmarket July to Mr and Mrs Ed Willis a son THE ALTAR Newmarket on the of July 1913 by Elder 1 at the residence of the brides parents Millard Ave Mr Geo A Haines to Miss Ger trude Nelson THE TOMB WIDDIKIKLDAt tho Western on July A Dyke wife of A of Newmarket In her frith year his late residence line King on July John Brown in his year At Holland Landing on July 15 Mrs Francis en agod years Interred Newmarket Cemetery yesterday With a Government Guarantee of Purity While it Lasts we will Sell it at MOD Imperial Measure What a has doesnt fliuch as what he does with it so Our Phone No 0 is If IM Elf J PURITY AND QUALITY OUR HOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family XL J j STREET Agent lor Cameras Photo Supplies ChoooUtw TELEGRAPH OFFICE Store No THE LEADING Iliiiiitiiiefi Undertaking House Yon ecu bay Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A A SPECIALTY Night alia attended at reaMeac John THAT you the thing you want la t il etc which will be jeu upon lelli ill about foe Stcd ic priced of vera a automobiles ftireless leitumhr and tad and iin and tenia etc No ambition or for l i will five that and need write for and complete and popular price J DRAKE A at ft si Ho TOIVbFONfAfiit TORONTO i I fc V 1 i

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