Newmarket Era, 18 Jul 1913, p. 8

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J FRIDAY Ik TO BENEFIT You May Pubirsli My ft About wil Mr Jones Is proud to acknowledge he great debt of gratitude he owes He is glad to have his letter published lit order other sufferers may be induced to try wonderful tablets made of Juices j have been a sufferer for the past years with Constipation Indigestion and Catarrh of the I tried man tinny doctors but derived no benefit whatever Finally A rend an advertisement for I decided a trial and exactly what was claimed for them have them for some lime and find they are the only remedy that docs me good I have to a great many of my friends and I cannot praise these fruit tablets too highly PAW J a box for trial she At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa in i f Two Farms For sale In East on West halt of Lot Con 3 Will bo cold separately or together to suit purchasers drive house bank barn windmill sling pig pen bouse plenty of water and good garden on each acres 3 miles from Nowmarket the armors mar ket north of Toronto Farms under good cultivation and close to church and school Apply to Newmarket I r 1 f Two Houses for Gale One on Ave rooms vood trim all conveniences and firstclass in every parti cular in very desirable location The other is a house on Sim- coo rooms domestic water furnace etc Apply to GEO Newmarket and Insurance Agency SALE Good Building Lots in different of the Town at Prices Alco Several Town Homes Convenient to the Business Parts AND A l Good Farms in King Township well as Good Investments in Jaw and Pine Grove Summer Resort Lots near B TERRY Newmarket Office at Howards Livery Stables Farm for Sale VERY SPECIAL 100 acres in concession of Whitchurch in best part of the town ship near the line Very close to 5 minutes walk to Church school and store Only miles from Toronto 1 hour run in over good roads miles to miles station on C miles to Metropolitan Line bet tor location or more beautiful sur- could be desired Good clay loam level drained and like a garden in cultivation lare Bank Barn with good stables Straw shed pig pen arid hen house room solid house with Water tank axils and watered by a good spring crock and choice orchard Local Tel ephone in the house AH buildings in good repair This is one of the best all Dairy Grain Farms to be had in this desirable locality Must be sold quickly Price very reason able I For full particulars re pos session terms etc write HUNTER oft Chicory Aye Toronto 3 Phone I fcLUWJt Monday to Mr Mrs James fionv Tho funeral of the late Mrs formerly of took place on- Saturday afternoon The held at St Mary Mag- Church is and must bo good health Sallow arid hlemiBhea usually caused by the Credence of tho lood also headache backache lan guor nervousness and of spirits If at times vhen fa need you will use Miss Lukes and Miss left on Monday on a trip to and through the Maritime Provinces Mrs Howard Mrs A Williams Mr WiUiamu Dr and Mrs Winter of Ottawa wore In- town- on Mr and Mrs J and of Newmarket motored up wock and spent tho at Mr fas Mrs Kenueil return ed with t J 1 boys wo having some days now nice foe Thcy Well pretty was a party at Mr on Friday night- report a good time Miss Verba Liustcad was home ov er Sunday There is talk of getting a gasoline boat for pleasure on town Lake The wedding bells will be ringing in pretty soon A garden Party under the auspices llin will be held on the lawn of Mr Win Hunt on Friday July An excellent pro gram will be given by Miss Myrtle elocutionist Toronto Miss CUtionlst Toronto Male Quartette Mr Reynolds soloist Aurora Band Dr Smith of Richmond will act as Tea served from to oclock Rev L of the States is his parents for a time Miss Mary Huntley of Sharon is visiting at her brothers Mr Huntley for a couple of weeks On Monday night about midnight the business places of Silvester Bros aim were entered and sums money stolen the past two or years several young lads in town have been suspected as several other places in town had at times missed small sums o money We told that some boys have been recently observed spending the night in the booth on the Park Now parents should certainly know some thing of the whereabouts of their hoys at nights as no good can come from those who prefer to remain thus away from home The strong arm of the law eventually reaches all wrongdoers and if the guilty lads persist in this course of life they will soon be in the toils As it is the probabilities are that the minute men of the Felons Association arc already on their track and hard ly ever fail to secure the guilty par- tics We would the parties to live different life and especially to earn an livelihood Tribune tO AURORA you find yourself bettor in every With fcuriiled blood you will improve diges tion sleep and your will be quieter You will recover the charm of sparkling eyes a spotless com plexion rosy lips and vivacious spirits Good for all the fam ily Pills especially v 4 them outside in or hear the garbage barrel as well as in the house or store All Grocer a and cell Fly Pads Sold In lutttt tile of oy JIm Tilth I j to food for a couple of weeks Miss Cane Newmarket spent a couple or days with Miss Florence Miss Allen of Toronto spent the with Miss May Roy and Miss Grace of also fix Gordon of Toronto were weekend visitors at Mr Reg Newmarket and Mr Barry Meyer of Winnipeg spent Sunday cottage Miss Mac of Toronto spent the weekend with sister Mrs L Jackson Miss Forester of Newmar ket was the guest of Miss Joan Campbell for few days Quito- a number took part in the dance at Wilsons boardinghouse Saturday evening The Misses Hillock of Toronto are spending the month of July with their sister Mrs Br Mrs John F Jackson reached Villa on Thursday last week and will spend three or four weeks Top new arrival at Mr cottage on Sunday morn ing caused quite a sensation July to Mr and Mrs Archie daughter In the unavoidable absence Rev Dr Mackay last Sunday Hie at the Union were conducted by Rev Dr Ramsay of Ottawa Next Sunday Rev Geo Smith Secretary of the South American Missionary Society is to preach Mr and Mrs of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Wright last lhe high wind last Sunday was a development and his ability to enjoy life To achieve the end he has in view would not Lo gin to compensate for such a sacri fice And there arc other ambitious young- people who feel justilied in the course thoy arc pursuing because they alone are wronged That la not enough They are required to be fair not only to other people but to themselves Our Toronto Many a man with a cape has accomplished great things Impure milk is being j discouraged it health and large of every Toronto mi Toronto milk depots where milk pasteurised at Sick Hospital can obtain ed but these are not directly under charge of a trained nurse pas- is at per quart with tile deathroil of of cityborn Mr Alex Poison of Rossshire Scotland accompanied with about twenty teachers who are trav elling through Canada and the United States were in Toronto latter part of last week He said Can ada is the great magnet in drawing our young people away from Scot land A few are going to Australia but the vast majority to Canada while practically one is going the States About members of the Sons of gland left tile Union Station on I Monday for Montreal from they sailed for the Old Country On Saturday last Geo station agent at Islington while on a street car at Queen and McCaul stretch out his arm- to a newsboy to pay for paper when a car com ing U too quickly behind bumped the car on which be was riding and threw him to the pavement He fell on his head and was rendered un conscious Reports from the j I health is evbrythinK Yet while feet physical wnditfons cannot easily be overestimated how often do we meet with persons doing great arid important work a very- small of and greatly im paired functions frequently has this been history that there has originated the saying worlds- won is done by thennvalids A most remarkable Instance of is found in the recent biography of Stodman of Americas foremost literary men distinguished in the fields of poetry and criticism Again and he- was- forced to give up the hard struggle of his life- work in New York and seek health In the mountains In and letters he records over a symptoms of disease yet be was not a nervous crank Shortly before his death it was discovered that the of his sixty years of intense mental and bodily anguish was his defective vision no eye was blinded really murdered by oth er had only about hall its power ground out in suffering mingled with his verylfle blood he had boon pro ducing beautiful poems and splendid- essays Young men are frequently deterred from entering on large careers of use fulness by some defects or physical often trifling imaginary which could he overcome by persist ent endeavor Is it not act that one of our most noted Canadian plat form speakers eagerly heard and greatly sought after has a defect his Some our most use mlnlslors have been weak in body but have continued their work and most of those who listened to able sermons little of their HI EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM ftcttafljbf body to soy Ibcm trill weaken all organs of iha ruined of id Kip rigor and the carer remain weak- Ho menu pbyilcalj and you and freak despondent and gloomy specks eyes ithdark circles under thsm back fckloo Irritable of heart earns la urlab pimples on face eyes hollow cheeks- croworn ax- poor memory and tired restless nights decay pales hair etc Haw lfetcd GUARANTEED TO CURS Wo treated senses of Ilea tot almot a do Dot to us FREE O CHARGE and wo via tea whether you Wo VASUCOSE VEUi3 EASES GLEfiT BLADDER COMFLARfTS Fro to call for QUESTION FOR oES AH letters from Canada must be addressed liVfjlS to our Canadian Correspondence In Windsor Ont If you desire to see vis at Medical Institute fa Detroit as we treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian only all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Viniior Oar sWritofor priva opportunities arc not perfect la end visitors Something loose in a sailboat in the bay on Sunday and a young rowed out to fix it VVbJle engaged the rowboatbrokc loose The young man saw it moving away from hlni and jumped in after it swimming to shore witn bis on Hi Messrs Carl and Mont of spent over with the boys at the Post Rev Dr Ramsey was guest of during stay at Reach ONLY FAIR TO OTHERS HUT PAIR TO YOURSELF 1 Mrs Farr of who J young man ambitious to become was here during illness and death rich often warned to be fair to of her mother Mrs Joseph- Stephen- j others The wealth gained disbon- Temperance street and or taking unfair advantage who has remained here since started in the nature of the case for home on Tuesday Her father ring lasting good In these days Mr Joseph Stephenson accompanied I I A I Furnace PlumiMng It lavetroughiiig i yof Ur i tts Outfit the Shop THE LEADING J OSBORNE ft I Next to July Geo i was drowned In Ontario tolay to wye Iwo children in a into the lake roan was married only few months her and will remain in the West for some time Aurora will have election before its electric problem is finally disposed of The property vote on two money byi laws on calling for an expenditure of This amount covers the cost of purchasing old plant of the Aurora Light Co at a valuation of also 12000 for new equipment and for new water pumps Mayor Bald win says the proposed expenditure in cludes plant to light every Street within the boundaries of the town which will necessitate fully street lights The new pumps are very much needed for ire protec tion The mayor is confident that the people will gladly vote lor the 121000 expenditure We have been going ahead very nicely in Aurora during the past few years he said Our tax rate this year will not like ly be more than on the dol lar and last year it was 25 mills so that I think we can afford to make a few improvements Percy Harmon aged years of Aurora was Up before Magistrate last and got a bad scare He was charged with steal ing a dress and two blouses from the Metropolian station at Aurora The lad gave clothes to mother- I dont want to bo sent away from mother the lad sobbed- On learning the dross was stolen it bad been destroyed The boy prom ised to Pay all damages and costs and was let off on suspended sentence I with lfJOO tons of coal from Erie Pa to Port founder ed in a storm early Saturday out from Point when trying to mate Dunkirk apt and wife of Toronto were drowned and possibly John Eddy al- out so of Toronto Tho new curfew law of Ontario m- states that children un der years of age must be off street by oclock at night The City County Police ought to get busy driver of a departmental store delivery rig passing along by the Sick Childrens Hospital was so pre occupied that he let his horse run into one of the undertakers ambu lances used for from the old to the new in stitution The horses head went through one window of the ambufance SOMETHING DOING By Rev I Snider The gruff sign is sometimes seeo upon the factory door No admit tance except on business Some times it reveals its repelling pur pose in still fashion and bluntly says Stay out Why is necessary to placard places to keep people while other doors have Welcome or All Are Welcome printia upon them and still they wont come in What is the attraction in one place and what is the lack of attraction in the oth er The answer is involved in the word work In the factory the worker must not be interfered with by the idler or the busybody who would take the attention of a labor er from his employment Some work too cannot admit of disturbance while there are also secrets in some trades Otut secrets are al luting and accomplishments are attractive and he loiterer satisfac tion in the business of another Something and doers draw The Church with its respectable board announcing its services with Everybody welcome at the bot tom has something to learn fr place where the sign says out And that sometb made here- Some remarkable transforma tions of material here Some criti cal brainsweating heartcommending business here No kid glove piety i here No club or clique here No stayout at the end of pew Commercial Use well g gummed and quality Also letterheads statements for office stationery All we ask is an opportunity to quote prices show our samples you place an order and 4 Era Printing Office for Sale foot Motor Boat with Gray Engine Oak finished Chair in firstclass condition A EVANS Newmarket unscrupulous competition too much emphasis cannot be laid on this view of the case but we must not stop there It is important not on ly to he fair to others but to be fair to yourself There is a promising young em ployee in an eastern city who has confided to a few of his intimates his intention to be a partner in the firm by the time he is thirty He is re lying on hard work for the realiza tion of purpose which shows his good sense Hut in other respects he is cot so sensible He leaves the in the morning before any of tho family are up and comes home at night when over He has formed the lunchcounter habit and prides himself on ability to bolt a meal in five minutes or less Ho is losing his ability to talk of anything but business Music pic tures and society all This young man is scrupulously- honest as far as his fellows are con cerned Nothing would him to take an unfair advantage of some one else But along with this hon esty he is continually unfair to him self He is undermining his health J ORCHARD I Mr and Mrs Arthur and Master Kenneth of Aurora Were guests at Dudley Manor last week Miss- Wheeler Toronto is spend ing few days with Miss Edna ol Toronto is a fortnight with her rnoUker Mrs Fisher gone to v i t The childs delight The favorite MEATS- flavored and perfectly- cooked make delicious saudwiches The City has been ordered by the Police Magistrate to remove the earrings from its horses The ornaments been adopted by the company for identifi cation purposes but they hurt the horses A of four toughs were ar rested at the Union Station last who was selling foliar watcfies to unsuspecting travelers for and The leader of the gang was fined or no days the accomplices a Tittle- t Los Angeles July With twelve persons known to dead sev eral fatally injured and in hospitals it was expected today that the death list in- a traction wreck on the outskirts of A a fetes last night will reach fifteen and perhaps twenty MarHram says The death of Sheriff makes vacant one of the most lucrative offices in the gift of the Ontario Government position is Worth nearly a year The appointment will on th recommendation of the mem bers for the three York and as a West York appointee got the county it should be an York man to fill this position It fs said that Alex for East York will make a strong bid for position for himself stand the best chance al though there arc now about one hun dred applicants for the position EKE when welcome is on the front of the church Hut business the Kings the pulpit and in- the choir and in the pews and in rue Sunday School and in the League Brotherhood and ttie veoti In work for in Where duty is lost amid the Around and over such a threshold the people will come- wlietherr word on- the board is Welcome or a trick has been and it spells out 0 BERLIN CoJlcge Excel- School or firti P it I Vat fcLZiraCJUftB For Sale Blood irare and her Cob 1 In all Ask for our will be sent St Montreal GO YEARS EXPERIENCE j Wtp laxatives re especially good for children are pleasant to take gentle In action do not TrriUte the nor develop a need for conlipnal or increased WHOSE SHOES Crews A man just in his prime had an important appointment made vacant by an elderly wlloinl age longer filling- the position acceptably a strange coincidece the man had taken the young mans hat- by mistake- When the mistake was de tected the supplanted man humorous ly and yet pathetically remarked to his junior I have your hat and you have my shoes All rmen advanced in years must make up their minds to this inevitable fact that show The question arises is to be Positions are constantly through and which are to b flljed by young wen are prepared to fil them unfortunate and pUiful a man comes up to any opening aad not enter It be the qualifications for it Ev ery roung m should train for some in life He may have to wait for years comes lor promotion but it fecund to come Ore tear of a for future suc cess is a good strong constitution Illhealth will handicap any wherever he may be called to labor An education is another re quisite The lack of mental qualifica tion has thrown many a person out a chance for a good Job A re you a good penman Can you calculate quickly- Are questions frequently put to boys seeking position Then other important qualifications trustworthiness and temperate habits No employer want a or manager who cannot le on who frrooke oigarettes and with are not in in our day 1 Nat ion a Exhibition EXPANSION YEAJT Livestock Afiriculture IxhibiiEibyUonrstiion Govermai Foreign ART EXUIBI1 P 4 cop in4 na oar ll coca a a ra Oldest lor ft frotm Germany lifted Svxes and Canada Educational Inhibits Review Japanese Ficoorks Shov oVeatest Cat Show a NERO us BURNING OF LILO The Mvaical Surprise The Musical Ride AutoPolo Matches Circus and Cruirlot Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival IRISH GUARDS BAND ScfiTe of other Famous Bauds Twelve Band Concerts Daily Wreck of the Airship New Giant Midway Grand Double BUI of Fireworks I PATRICK CONWAYS BAND Sept8 t 1 5 J 1 i i I J ft J A 1 m 1

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