Hi f I I I For Years Res Health stable Compound I Canadian women arc- continually writ- us letters as the two following which expression of for health Station Ontt have VcgcUblis Com pound and flflVflf found any medicine to compare with ft I hod ulcers and fall ing of womb and doctors did roe no good I dreadfully for years until I began taking your I recommend It for and in digestion Mrs HENRY Station Ont I heard your medicines highly praised and a year ago I began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were Irregular and painful it would be worse To sit down caused me pain and suffer ing and I would lie no nervosa some- times that I could not bear to ceo any or hear any one apeak Little specks would flont before my and I was always constipated I cannot say too much for Vegetable Compound hnd Liver Pills for are no medicines like them I have taken them and I recommend them to all women You may publish tills testimonial Mrs J Martin Canada -T- INS many way a of fining No vo and lot toll you How and Wliyand If Wo Health and upon your taotti Give Clio careful The Roads A Good OoTiuniWdaOnl Whit ney made tlie following a few days I Win A and A have been ap pointed commissioners to and study all matters relating to the construction ana maintenance of pub lic roads A highways or bug purposes to visit such localities as may sec flt to the results obtained by oilkrcnt nyBtenw note method and maintenance well inclMa of fiDanctng samp and t report jjen- thereon also to report ana re- commend lor adoption a scheme- or Plan tor the construction improve ment and maintenance the roads and fehwlys in the Province of Ontario City papers Commissioners as being- well flualincd for the onicor Mr McOrafc who to of slcJiia invaluable and although now a resident of Alberta be is an old Ontario man resided long enough in this Province to know what the average county roads fl like province Mr been of Good and Mr McLean Provincial Highways and men Tekram a Jot of val uable first land information as W problems county roads of On tario and Hie way them Of course toe of the of the the coat is to will be inquired into and reported by the to Ibis point Mr James the luff way of County Com mission is credited Fofc one thing the of a Provincial will roads built will the name pi a system Hitherto each has worked on a plan Of its own Irrespective of work wing done or planned by neighboring coun ties The of this Com mission should mean a unification of all the good road building in the vjrtsc Autocars arc very destructive to ordinary roads ami now that the price is fast tbey will be come more numerous and the wear and tear of highways consequently increase A good roads system construction to meet the situation Hi therefore one of the pressing needs the country 0 Dr A Manual Treatment and Massage HEALTH THROUGH Vapor and Medicated remove the cause nature cures I treat for A Lumbago Rrights di sease Liver Kidney matlsm ip Constipation Hay and hoc motor Ataxia Appendicitis Female Weaknesses of all kinds tnd removed t Drugs or Knife a Specialty Hours to am to Sunday and other hours by appoint ment Office Park Ave Opposite Method ist Church Shad Newmarket Examinations Free Phone Time last of headaches jPiHiifudeand depressions of yworeq than safe certain homo remedy yyJi THIRTY INFANTS Spall Nervousness According to statistics furnished by Post Department the Dom inion has established 13850 divided tihe several prov inces as follows Ontario Nova Scotia New PM I Al berto Saskatchewan Yukon The Mercury calls attention to a couple of recent prophesies Toronto News a Conservative Senate by and Pas tor the Mlllenum is to dawn in And is pos sibly about as reliable as the other- Yes and if former prediction be comes a reality it end the Con servative demand for Senate Some quiet rumors arc being cir culated in political circles city hat Premier Whitney and lion Adam fleck arc on the outs In re gard to somctttng connected with llydroKlcctric transactions Of course principals say is nothing to it hut there is a shrug of the shoulders lUj denial is inndo that means something A despatch from Ottawa announces that Hon Dr Minis of the Interior will leave ha Capitol Aug or a of the West Much of his time will he devoted to the study of Irrigation question has become such a live issue in that part of the dominion Hon Mr states that he has received nu merous invitations from towns to stop over and study local conditions and developments The following observation touching Canadian suggests food or thought It is from the Vic toria Times We should sec to it that we do not mate Canada a hap py uniting ground for those gigantic combinations south of the boundary lino whose control over legislatures and congress has made it almost im possible for the forces of reform to deal with them Ad allround reduc tion of Canadas tariff ought to be our salvation even tho establishment of American branch houses In this countrj and upset the National Policy a T Time Card GOING am Toronto Newmarket Allandale 103ft GOING SOUTH Allatidalo Newmarket Toronto ar pm It is am pm 1240 stated in the daily press that is to carried this season from Port Arthur and Fort William at the head of Lake Buf falo NY for one and a quarter cents per bushel The Montreal in this connection rises to However much may be inclined to overlook the tact our neighbors to the south never fall to recognize the cheapness of water transportation is one of the tacts in future development 7200 American Autos Sold in Canada I Aug Automobilea and parts to the value of were shipped from United States the fiscal year an against a decade ago according fig ures by the of Foreign and years shipments 38600 worth were jn firilslted Canada was the largest buy er having taken cars valued at England bought almost valued at Divorced i- were United Again Mich Aug 2 a merchant of j Palmyra ami Mrs Nellie from whom he was separated by the courts more than twentyfive years ago are remarried After the divorce the wife came here with her two children and secur ed employment so mfght give them an education she mar ried The second husband died six- years ago Within the year former and wife started to correspond and as a result came to Kalamazoo Tlo couple became re conciled and now are again husband and wife Gave Stepdaughter Twenty- Let ie Work Cpntifuife Pastor Russell I J In Theological Will Not Ofhefpinbrnlrr What Can Be for the NonElect and Hon Regenerate the Pastor Not Able to Agree London Bible fito- has hoen in here for days in the London Taber nacle Gate Pastor delivered two to day We report one of them from the text were your children unholy but now are they holy Corinthians Pastor declared his text probably the of much of the confusion on the subject of and infant damna tion Before discussing his text he wished to call attention to a very advanced theological step recently taken by the Presbyterian General Assembly in the United States Ac cording to telegraphic dispatcher it had altered the Confession of Faith as to save nonelect infante as well as elect The thought that God had arranged a plan whereby some infanta would to Heaven at death and infanta to eternal torture for centuries troubled he minds of all Christians Catholic and Protestant Borne said that elect infants be and nonelect infanta tor- Others held that baptised in fante would he saved and other in fants not baptised or sprinkled would jo to eternal torture held none could be saved without re generation and these being perplex ed as to how infants could he regen erated could hardly have any hope of infant salvation For centuries good people have suffered terribly he- cause of thee confused ideas Pastor then showed how fool ish all these seem when con trasted with the simple and beautiful teaching of Scripture that the sal vation of all young and old of heathen lands as well as of Christian lie FAMOUS STUEOA J Id A Touring Car J1050 Flanders PHONE If at any time you are in need of any Assistance in Our Line us a Call We will do Our Best to Satisfy Our Customers at All Times both in Workmanship and Charges CALL UP THE DEVIL r London Ont Aug Mrs Hattic was morning found guilty of cruel treatment of 12yearold Worth her She admitted making the girl strip and through the resurrection power of then with whip gave twenty- Messiahs Kingdom He concluded five lashes this of his discourse by Doctors testified that the child must Why should we trouble longer have suffered terribly The womans the errors of the Dark Ages when excuse was that the child had Wo t fct Hie as an electric en money and in other ways with the A week ago the girl lhe appeared from home and two days mm 1 IN WESTERN CANADA GOING TRIP WEST 1000 TO WINNIPEG MSI per to RETURN TRIP EAST FROM WINNIPEG Pitt tuft wntpcwallefioailltclnutxitor Of later was found wandering the picnic grounds at Stanley feed ing on scraps left by She walked all the way from London a distance of twentytight miles sleeping at night in the fields the It is hinted in political circles about the City Hint Sir John whose term LicutOovernor ex pires in September will be asked to continue as the Kings representative another year The Globe speak ing on this extension says Until such extension of term is it is impossible to stale what- posi tion the LieutenantGovernor will take but it is assumed that he will accept is believed that the Pro vincial Government is heartily in The Kind of vol of an extension of term i I For your Hoys is up for con- how Sen lorn copy or our curriculum It will write facte you know A Term In one of our Killer any lime SCHOOLS TORONTO Head Office Central yonirvA Bin Toronto lUBhaw Bicycles for Sale At All Prices TO THIRTY DOjAKSla Best Value on the Market All Hi- 1 cycle parts kept in stock Coster brakes at each AH Bicycle repairs promptly attended to STOVES A recent press from Van couver states that confirmation from a Government expert of recent discovery of existence of import ant hot springs- near Harbour on Sound Vancouver land The were inspecten land tested by a j of the Dominion Geological who says thai the flow is at the rate of from three to four gallons a second These springs are s In Hie heart of one of the most wildly beautiful sections of Vancouver The Daily Telegraph a new Mon treal paper in which the Daily Wit ness is merged is a live journal as compared with its city confrecrs and is giving a fresh impetus to thb Speaking of- Sir Wilfrid Telegraph observes There is no thing more amusing than elephan tine efforts of Conservative press to convince themselves and comfort their readers with lhe elaborate fic tion that the Literal leader in his holiday jaunts about the country is meeting with disappointment in toe condition of his party We know here in Montreal that his filling was not disappointment but delight and en couragement He never leaders in- fighting fettle Referring to feeling and senti ment at Toronto the Telegraph adds Reports Toronto indicate the same condition of optimistic confidence there Toronto is not a Liberal ci ty as Montreal is Hut Toronto is a centre from which Liberal inspira tion goes forth and some the more tireless and unfcarlng Canadian champions of downright Liberalism strengthen their stamina and add to their repute by preserving their cour age in that Tory environment More over we have not a doubt that the basic feeling of Ontario is Liberal A terrific hail storm passed over a strip of the township of last Sunday running from to south alout Lot Sev eral farmers suffered and some we hear had all their crop roved tOOO Unable to Agree Pastor Russell declared that he felt great for the move of the Presbyterian brethren but neverthe less he could not agree with their conclusions believing that the Bible teaches otherwise He realized that the Presbyterian view of Election made it difficult for them to deal with the nonelect both adults and infants Re found Scriptures declar ing that God is selecting the Church from amongst the world He conced ed tha those not elect would proper ly be called nonelect But he found nothing in the Bible to indicate that nonelection to in Kingdom means predestination Big Contract for Work at PL Severn Claris specifications arc out for tenders the first contract northern section of the front Canal which cover the Port Severn section i including a lock at that point of Contract will cover all the concrete Many have been consigning adult work connected with construction and infanta to the number of of this lock which will have a lift of every day or every year to feed with entrance ex ten- eternal torture because nonelect sion walls for highway bridge con all intelligent people are out of trolling dam and highway at proposition Surely tho mouth of river and small j mistake has been made flams at seven other points during the Dark Ages and God has Each tendering upon the work been slandered Will be required to deposit with such The Pastor then demonstrated that tender the sum of and God is the very personification of AUGUST 18th AUGUST GOING DATES From alt Kington to Renfrew and thereof in Ontario Toronto Wctt Tfunk Main Lice to and South llifrecf From Toronto and Ontario North not Grand Toronto to and Eait of Toronto iu Renfrew including tfFrom Toronto and all nations in of but not Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North Bay SEPTEMBER Sik Trunk Lint Toronto to North and thereof in CPR- to Sauft Sit Marie Ontario but pot and West- BE SOLD TO WIT Oneway tickets to Winning only trill be cold ticket wDl a an VrTea extension coupon has been at Winnipeg by a farmer showing he has engaged the to work as a farm laborer the coupon will be honored up to September for ticket of onehalf cent pr minimum cents to any station vest of Winnipeg on the Canadian Padfie Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Pacific Railways In Mini torn Saskatchewan or Alberta but not of Edmonton Calgary or MacLeod A will be to a ceconddais ticket good to from any station on the Canadian Canadian Northern or Grand Trunk Railways In Alberta Saskatchewan east of MacLeod Calgary and to original point by the tame route as travelle on going journey on or before November on of one half cent per rallt fifty cents up to Winnipeg added to from Winnipeg provided the holder deposits the certificate with the ticket agent on arrival at and works at thirty days at barrelling For full particulars ree Agut or Of l CPB ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Party whose tender is accepted will have to deposit 10 per cent the thereof as a guarantee for j completion of the work we have been able gather it would look as though the work will run upwards of The contractor must provide at his own expense all necessary nta- tetials plant tools derricks steim j shovels dredges scows drills tug- I boats labour and everything nieces- I the execution and of the work and must he iirmedialcjy after the con- tract is executed by whose tender shall have and completed on or before the day of March 1015 Tenders for the work will he re ceived up to the day of August ooo a have at last in obtaining what wo the Best Value in a Wove Envelope on the Market Corn mere to Size per of Size jer of Special Price on Quantities Ask for Sample and quotation with your business address printed on them Era Wisdom Justice Love and Power whereas a God who would foreordain being per year to pass to an eternity of torture would be not a God but the most terrible devil imaginable Bible students are realizing that the Bible teaches noth ing the kind we once supposed As their eyes of understanding open they appreciate the Divine character Digging Up 1000 Day as never before Condemned Need Redemption Vancouver BC Aug reminding his hearers that has been obtained from an to Scripture we are saved by ficial source of the stones publisneo faith not by being infants the the rich gold strike on the tor showed conclusively from the in White River District of Bible that although infants share in Secretary Wesley Blair Sentence and have pro- Vancouver Board of Trade I vision in Jesus redemptive work be saved only Office NEWMARKET o In lit I To Op DISTINGUISHED Sin Wilfrid lauricr during the decade and in which led the party in power at Ottawa the of Montreal says He was not a dictator lie was a Liberal leader who trusted in Furniture bought and depended upon the people But his personal record was wholly white You dont know the difiereneo tweeit an apiarv and an aviary Parry Sound July The Indeed I do then of engines of a Rouble- What is it header freight train were killed with apla two student and a regular is where then- fireman and was injured today when a heavy freight train drawn by two engines ran into a herd of cattle Both engines were derailed and overturned along with a number cars which were piled up impact The accident occur red at an early hour on the at Siding about thirteen miles cast of this place be- keep Hows This cold Bicycles to hire A A Main St Private Christmas Cards or gents Samples Large ton Gw2 It is charged against him that ho did not abolish Protection He struck it two of heaviest blows ever dealt that systematized the British preference and curtaiU ment of specific duty trade Policy Sir Wilfrids administra tion brought prosperity to the coun try a policy the present Borden Gov ernment has since followed almost entirety We offer One Hundred Dollars lor any case Catarrh that THE PERFECT SHOIi cured by Catarrh CO was a last week fire in cannot be Cure J CHENEY We the undersigned have known P J Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly hon orable in all business transactions and financially able carry out any obligations made by firm Rinnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of Testimonials sent free Prices 5c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for nevertheless they can by coming to a knowledge of God and Jesus and then exercising faith and obedience to the extent ability His position seems The spanker then reviewed the- Bi ble teaching that all mankind sinned in Adam and came under the Divine curse or sentence of death not eter nal torment In due Christ died for the ungodly those who liv ed before His crucifixion and those day was born since Because of this general J district redemption coextensive with the curse there is to he a resurrection out of sin and death conditions back to perfection of life Only those who intelligently reject this grace of will die the Second Death Meantime all infants and adult at death go to Sheol Hades the tomb there to await the resurrection Morning Messiah a Kingdom Then the dead shall come or from the every man in his own order The Pastor closed the state ment that his text contain nothing to indicate that the children of un believers are to be tortured or those of believers to go to at death tl I wired today for particulars and re ceived a telegram from the Dawson Board of Trade Secretary stating was washed by two men in four days and that the gold came to Numbers Dawsons conservative people are leaving for the diggings fully convinced of its genuineness Other reports say that SI 000 a taken out of the in eight days by two men worked on Discovery claim No on Eldorado Creek John Moore arrived at Cordova Alaska yesterday with the report that two miners using tin plates had washed oat on their claim on Bonanza Creek in a week sQOOS I A Sewerljs City Constantinople over a million inhabitants and no SMM4- S CO YEARS Trace i DESIGNS C sketch Oldest isirtzt rMtee without ctuge UkYWU dentine of lor fjUHIgCoT Hew York K2 ST- Too many people fondly imagine that one days work is a sure cure for r Made In Smart Styles Suitable For Every Outdoor Occasion YOUR DEALER HAS You Af THE BEST CANADIAN COmOUDATID co ywireo i July During one of j the severest rain and thunderstorms which have passed over this vicinity for years about oclock yesterday Qunns bam on the farm was struck lightning The loss is StOIo pally insured Also Miss iar- dines two barns in the township of were burnt a a quantity of and all wheat two cows and several farm implements Her loss will bo insurance being small Send the Era to absent friends loiUv SOUPS tin a family Purest and Order A land fid in a line j car dene WHEN YOU SWEEP absorbs the dust OUP a ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO