Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1913, p. 7

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I I I I Presbyterian Church Rev Dickie of peeled to conduct the Sunday in- hi young drowned on the way to the eel certain a Point day am MidSummer RnftniaiRr Public Library will rcopen Pm Aug changed as usual and pm BOWLS A with Bpworth League meeting last Monday evening- postponed on account or the holi day On white ground v hands Hire Special Missionary Department have per Set Program for Monday next TO I Just opened two crates which carafe too lata for Spring Trade Bought Brcftcts are reaping a rich to cll Assorted pieces full Size White with Gold Tracing with Ootd Tracing Pink with Gold Tracing Canary with Gold Tracing Special Price Set owing so abundance of the crop and good prices Mr has bought two houses on Prospect Ave opposite the Public School and is contemplat ing considerable changes TO MOT Balance of Our Slock Sporting Goods in Printed In 3 All at cost to clear out Minns terns Pull Size and Specfel for Set Style Hardware lllia pi a OK STAPLE AND CHINA Still Another House Mr Win sold the house he is now occupying on to Mr Lueshy this week Mr has already commenced the erection of new house on the adjoining lot and does not give up possession until the new one is ready for occupancy I Paro- Wax For Ironing sups and at Minns Washing Scaling Jellies cakes or Cap- for ONION SALT A New Preparation Salad etc bottle FLOUR Makes Light petlzfng Cakes Recipes with package per ORRAM CUSTARD POWDER making Custards without eggs and 25c per tin Maple Butter Peanut Butter lOc and COOL SUMMER DRINKS Orangeade and per bottle Lemonade and 2fic per bottle Lime Juice 25c per Lemonade Powder and lc BOS Leading UptoDato Grocer were on Bowling No very impnrtnnt games this week but played whom he heat by one shot beat in a good game and two rinks that went to Toronto to play St Matthews got a severe trimming Charlie Willis fell down to Fergus and Dr was defeated by Fred Howling partment to do ever thing possible to clear mystery A sixyearold lad was found by Police on the streets an almost starved and helpless con dition The father is victim of alcoholism and his mother is said to have deserted both for a nomo in New Ontario- people attended the Roman Catholic picnic on Monday at Pott Credit Two people who were afford ing a burlesque amusement to hun dreds of people at last Monday out in a canoe on the lake accidentally upset and were nearly drowned by reason special clothing which wore to give character to their performance Murphy of Dixon avenue while swinging in one of the swing boats at Kfew Gardens on Monday at great height the air Ml out of the swing She suffered concussion of the brain and is considered seri ous Controller Church has afon time by the forelock and announces him self as a candidate for the Mayoral ty of Toronto next election againrt all Coiners The Street Railway Purchase Bill will likely he a domin ant issue next January Registered births in Toronto for July totalled and deaths Mrs Alma Bingham was arrested last week charged with a quantity of wearing apparel and household goods from Mrs Cook of avenue Mrs- Bingham was married recently and before her marriage was employed as a domestic When she left the goods wore missed A photograph of this City has been printed in some of tho daily papers landed years ago with a capital of cents in his pockets He started sidling newspapers and after a short time dabbled in real estate He is now reported be worth By is an Austrian and is now struck it amounting to in all or days In Jail lor assaulting Dr Pearson HARTMAN I Fine weather ate having these days Not many out to church Sunday af ternoon I have been a little at the rain Mr AtkinsonOml also Mr Da vid Gray spent last Saturday at Miss Deer and also Miss Kennion spent their vacation at Mr Pluirimcrs They home last Saturday A young couple from at- tended church here last after noon I wonder where bay driver went last Saturday morning and never rc- turned until Monday I age years lucky Mrs lean daughter Mrs Andrew Donaldson widow the late vicepresident of Railroad was secretly married a of of few Delivery Phone OF Main Timothy Streets I THAT LITTLE GIRL Of yours shell Boon be having her hair done up and too she will be outgrowing hot childish ways and you havent bad picture since she was in long You dont exactly want to keep her she is but you do want to keep the memory Z I Phot I Opposite Offlee Phone The in Your Towp TORONTO riSTTEB Numerous cases of were reported to the Police Coun ty Constables at various sum mer resorts and the radial jways during the holiday last Mon day One man lost J The home of Mr R Humphrey was made very sack on Saturday when his wife met instant death wlien she fell down the cellar steps A startling increase in mor tality is reported the past week- At the Scotch picnic on the Ex hibition Grounds last Monday Mr and Mrs Love aged respectively and years were the oldest married couple present They have been mar ried for years A portrait of Sir John Gibson of Ontario is to grace the walls of the Parliament Buildings in Queens Park C Cavers one of Torontos best known for twelve years with the Toronto World and for the past four years Sunday editor will leave tonight to be editor of the Sunday Herald at Montreal the rearend col Us Inn on the at Maple a week ago last Saturday in which Fireman John Wilson killed blame was placed at the inquest by the Coroners jury on Conductor Parker of the jfreight Three lives were lost hero drowning since Saturday of week Miss Nellie Lyons of Montreal swam across Toronto Day steamer traffic on Lake Ontario has so that Inspectors have been placed at City Wharves to keep too many passengers from crowd on board outgoing vessels days at to Win field Burrows Siftou of Toronto Canada prominent- as a horseman and second son of the Hon Clifford Sifton a wealthy Canadian statesman Mr is a lie ten ant- of the Canadian Corps Guides and owner of one of the fineit and largest strings of jumpers in the world While lying asleep in the home of his brother on Jersey avenue last Tuesday morning Albert RicharcVion was shot through the left arm by a rifle bullet clue way by last Farm Laborers Excursions TO WINNIPEG Plus halfcent per mile from Win nipeg to destination but not beyond MacLeod Calgary and RETURNING to Winnipeg plus halfcent XT mile from points east MacLeod Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg A CO From all stations cast of Kingston in AUG 22 From all stations Toronto to Tunnel inclusive via Stratford and south thereof in The threshing machines whistle be heard- in the neighborhood Wallers horse looks fine with that new harness Thats right Walt Spruce up Sorrv to that Miss Jean Pow ell has been sick If you are troubled with rheiunnt- or sciatica just give Dr a call Several people in Vandorf recommend his good medi cine Mrs Nelson Powell is spending a week in the city Mr W Proctor is still off work and feels pretty tough after falling on his bicycle and securing several in juries Roy says the reason his horse is so black is that never drives it only when the moon and stars are shining Mr Lcs Forester has been visiting in Vandorf with relatives and friends Monday being a holiday in Toronto many visitors spent the holiday in TOWN LINE ITEMS am not in the Ketr iUns in the of Aug 1st as I ex pected nothing hut false rotten slang and it thero Ho says he does not require a committee to help him to write a few items to call on the editor liefore they are printed Now I can inform him whoever he is I am capable of doing my own corresponding without any assistance and when I call on an editor I am on As regards the neces sity of a correspondent being a good speller I say so again and am not afraid to my rival a poor spell er and for his information J tell him there arc many mistakes his correspondence of Aug 1st in grammar as well as in spelling His reference tci me spelling Black Blackburn makes me say the man must be a fool who does not know spells Black In reference to the telephone mes sage I say no man should use a phone I whether he pays for it or is I Shoes Cause Foot Discomfort The average shoe built for comfortmany of them do not fit properly or shape themselves to the footso are tired out and J T the fibre cushion compresses heel the ball of your foot and your toes giving ample support to and your foot rests in a natural position in perfect comfort We have our size in a variety of shapes leathers At least come in and try a pair on just tosatisfy yourself how stylish and comfortable the A Reed arc- it will be well worth your while 1 TOO j The Men market pass unnoticed as I consider whore it comes from and would inform the whoever he is that there was a wealthy gentleman a man two thousand dollars to mind his own business but he could not My rival and him must have gone to the same school and also that a man once went to a doctor to get something for a friend and on the doctor asking him what was the matter with friend will 1 replied It must be his gall as his j f words were bitter with friend there must be something the matter with gall Everyone knows who is Town Line correspondent for the Era am not ashamed of my name and I heard a minister in the pulpit one say the man who was ashamed to put his name to anything was a coward but my opponent with all dignity signs afraid that the public know what the the correspond ent As it is getting late I been working hard earning money to pay my rent I will now close His reference to the liar is easily answered by saying voted I Local Option and it may be well if how conversation is and to show true the Heralds statement is that lack Armstrong was never spoken I to over the phone I have- the word j of one of the two who used- the phone that the conversation was private between and Mr Arm strong and saved him a trip to As regards the miss ing that causes much wor ry I say I have losi no sleep over it n do not intend to do so The mail carrier did not come to face me about anything as no reference was ever made in any of my items to him or any other person lie came Laundry Newmarket Established to give Best Work at Moderate Prices Satisfaction FeatureCareful Handling thus ensuring longest life to fabrics Trial solicited Goods called for and delivered Moved to new house on Cedar Street Phone a S3 Incorporated by Act or Parliament that drops o Ontario AUG From all stations el1 took the letter Meade I to Ketllehy PO and he did Ml me brother were Greenhouses St A Wedding is made Beautiful most ol all by its Setting of Flowers The Brides Bouquet fa of the Greatest Importance in the Making a Pretty Wedding Brides Bouquet made by us is Correct and Strikingly Artistic Our Bridesmaids Bouquets are Equally Correct and Beautiful Our Prices are indeed Moderate Cheerfully Given Work of Highest Qual ity at Moderate Prices on est t foe Phone Aug Hail did great damage in the district south of here last flight A strip of terri tory about seven miles wide and twenty long was pigs poultry being killed- Some of the farmers affected carried hail I Pretty Wedding J fi packed to the limit with the fashion able summer colonists of often referred as the Canadian Newport gave a gasp of astonishment todayiwhen Benson jtor County lunge declared Robert JjAull of St Louis Orleans and Lexington Ky guilty of having false pretenses he passed on Friday Hundred els sensational marriage to Aug David Church jr and Harry were drowned from a canoe Sunday Neither of hem list a little over a week ago The bodies have not en the idle rich here a continuous subject of conversation Winnipeg Aug That four lives I iexingcon I tained money ui Sentence oo PERUIN- meanwhile the Four I hen- r- talking of but not including Main Line To ronto to via Stratford all stations Toronto and North and and Scotia let From all stations Toron to to Bay inclusive and West thereof in Ontario The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be tween Winnipeg Saskatoon and Ed monton Nineteen were killed in two mine explosions at Pottevjlle 22 miners in a coal mine near Glasgow Scotland on Monliy owing to fire in the mine Aug Miss of Winnipeg and her thrown from a rig and politely jalmosl instantly killed here driving He says shouldt have no vote as the station to Mr Meades farm I pay neither rent nor taxes Now distance of about four miles The earn my bread and Pay my rent team hoi led The marriage by honest sweat- of my brow was to have taken and many rnore besides myself are j Calgary Aug Fred St Armour clerk in the department of one the CPR has it is reported con- not to the theft of of the and companys funds Ho is under ar rest together wjtli C and CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS Branches New at all important centres in Canada him Miss Doris Rold daughter of To ronto millionaire bunker and could swim The recovered Saskatoon Aug l Kilty corres pondents the Western Associated Press tell of SEASIDE EXCURSIONS AUGUST IS AND Round Trip Rates from Newmarket New London H7n Portland Me Old orchard Me Murray Bay Que St John Halifax PRI Sydney Proportionate Low Rates other Points Return Limit September 1710 to were lost in the Red River yesterday story of a good out- when an automobile with the ton un who returned from Toljet little above the average according to present prospects Wheat harvesting will start in many places about Aug ust and be general by the It is estimated that the time of rip ening grain will be seven to ten days earlier in 1012 which means a lot value to the crop Oats is likely to be a big yield and lax a smaller acreage than a year ago It is generally stated by that farmers have gone miK4 more largely Into hog raising any previous year and also that there is a movement to go into dairying and arming Mr and Mrs Stew art of Drayton ND Mrs Ander son and her 12yearold son were those drowned Stewart saw his wife dragged into the swirling cur rent and leaped after her as the can vas top disappeared beneath sur face He was never up The went down with the car but managed to extricate sclf and ashore He later the body of Mrs Anderson Anderson was saved he had descended from the car before it took the plunge Excursions each Tuesday until Oct 28 inclusive WINNIPEG and Return EDMONTON and Return disappointed if he does certainly must have a vote and that counts else they would he so anxious to try to buy it lor his information I will tell the first man that told vote in Canada was a the Cabinet so he knows now I have talked with politicians who forgot more than lie ever knew Ho accuses me of listening to other I folks he very thin he is doing him self he practice what he preaches I am sure I go to Church as often as he docs and if he goes -at- all it has little effect as men who go to church general are taught to tell the truth He thinks Liberal friends should bring me out for candidate next election How does he know they wont The reason why they do not is they think me too pood I am such a good Presbyter ian and longfaced as he terms it I am a bred and born an1 have yet to learn he is any thing and I too much principle meddle with any mans religion As the Owl says in the Baldwin he is a hardshell 1 vif n London Em a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Hank will be accommodated as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ii rl ra 0000 000 Via Chicago and St Paul or Through Pullman Sleepers to Winnipeg on above dates leaving To ronto p No change- of cars Return limit two to a jackass Now a man who refers to that species of animals must as sociate some tliem He speaks of my friends decreasing I find my best friend Is pocketbook Now in conclusion I wish to say Tickets are sal via and l aching that appears Northern Navigation Company correspondence for the DUFF DPA Union Station Toronto Agent Phono J Agent me bad a George held as accomplices member Armours method of obtaining money was by padding Pay and issuing checks to workmen was of Winnipeg Athabasca Landing Aug CJ A greater part of the business sec tion of Athabasca was dcstrovoVI by fire which broke out at am starting either in the rear of a pool room or in the Grand Union Hotel The two hotels were laid Hat and over 30 business enterprises were to tally destroyed The citys waterworks would have been complet ed wit fan a month but this morning not even an engine available to aid in fighting the flames Mr John Taylor of Toronto motoring with his wife and two child ren and a lady friend through Picker ing village the other when his engine went dead up a He got out to crank it when the auto started backward The auto ed a ditch into the fence part am a and tint well He refers i tU p06t In Stock Now a Full Supply of First Class Coal of All Grades to stopped it otherwise it would have gone over a ft- with the ladies and children O Q NOT CRAZY i press with reference to me I shall fr remedy for Ccuhs ted Do you think that Oscar proposed me merely on account of my money j Well you know my dear he must have had some reason A Supply of Meal Oil Cake Rest Milk Producer Farmers your Feed Supplies now Feed will advance Gait Art Metal Steel Shingles and Siding for Sale Here GEORGE FORESTER Phone NEWMARKET 60 per cwt PROMPT DELIVERY TKRMS STRICTLY ASH Man never escapes punishment for disobeying the laws of itature II tva Before ordering elsewhere see Our Stock it was Colorings or Quality We can please old or young We Guarantee Satisfaction in Every Detail WILLIS PHONE I I ARCHIVES OF

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