Newmarket Era, 22 Aug 1913, p. 3

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AY AUGUST MM Surveyor Vanoruiah was working around the depot here this itoeV pre paratory ptanstfor the switch on the West of- the la With- a walk both sides Mr a basket of Barrio Monday and ah- on They returned In Mr John Sharp extending the front of Main street umbers present Reeve Keith ttid- Messrs and fioydrV t I Mrs cornet of Huron and prospect Ave has a that lays extraordinary eggs Last week on measured and a half Inches lengthwise and six and a half inches crosswise and it contained 3 yolks a r Depot Mr Sain got- In his usual car of Saturday Seven cars lumber in on Monday morning fl for Office Specialty i also a car of Pretty lively crowd around the depot on Wednesday morning It looked like old times it The Specialty made ship ments Australia and Now Zealand last week They expect this trade to Increase when the new factory Mr changing his store house on Eagle Into a More the Presbyterian Church The Specialty Employees arc talking about an excursion A transformer on Church St burnt out on Saturday night Mr J I McKay is raising the roOf on residence on Park Ave Roche is changing tin grocery in his store from to the around floor again A dirty was played up on some young people last week when a written notice of a double wedding this week eh advance of fice with tho request that we publish the No was attached but wo accepted It in good faith It now turns out that it is absolutely false writer may yet get into serious difficulty if the can lie traced by the as the for an Is It was a dirty mean trick for anybody to do Cemetery VIsHors to Newmarket Cemetery cannot but ho favorably Impressed with The permanent Improvements that are being made days A light of new concrete steps five wide with a sixinch rise has been built on the South side of tluS main avenue and two similar lights arc completion on the North which will make access to the rise of ground much tor pedestrians formerly and no doubt vlll be greatly appreciated by the genera public Just now is very much parched up otherwise the is looking well and Is a credit to the Town Corner Stone Laid he foundation for the OddFellows Hall on si is now com pletion and it Is expected that the Committee in charge of the tions to the building will proceed lih- ii lately after the completion of the present contract with work the building the building was not a new one ceremony was held for the laying the Corner Stone hut a parchment bearing the names of the Committees and Members th and the of tjui lidge of Ontario with copies of each local paper an I other matter relating to the present day were duly encased in a proper receptacle and enclosed within the wall lined Luck The Parisian Laundry is getting hit pretty hard lately Ihc beginning of last week they lost a horse valu ed at through Inflammattptt horse was purchased on Friday afternoon while starting for the Lake with a full load of clean laundry the horse took going down the Morrison Hill just alter the corner the Town Line on the 3rd of East at an automobile going up the hill became upset the rig smashed a wheel to pieces and got loose but the Hues twisted around logs of one of the horses and brought them to a standstill alter running about yards A pltono message was sent to Mr Ed Boyd who went out at once and help ed the driver out of the ditficiity Died in California Word was received in Newmarket on Wednesday of the death of Mr William Bell at Los Angeles which sad event took place the day previous alter a lengthy illness month of which he was confined to ins food He leaves a widow one son and one daughter Joseph and Ansel Deceased resided in Newmarket for a number years prior to removal to California for the benefit his health lie was an honored the Methodist Church and also a Trusted along the late Unas and I Richardson Mrs Bell was also an active church worker Hie whole family were very greatly missed when they Town and many friends will deeply sympa thise the bereaved in their sor row Struck the Cars The Metropolitan car that left here for Toronto at six oclock on Tues day evening struck a iriun on the track a little south of Aurora Me was Knocked down ills leg broken and head Injured It proved to be Mr Hugh Evans of Rose brother of Mrs Art of New market Medical attendance was call ed ard lie was taken to his home where ho died the next morning It appears that he was walking the track and when the car whistled he stopped on The motorman slack ened his speed thinking perhaps he wanted to on the car but as he did not give any further indication the driver took ofl the brakes to go faster when I stepped near the track again and was hit the step Deceased leaves a children now resolve Itself of on fccaml in v nlrd lay The accounts ordered tobe paid -V- Ltd J- Hock drawing ravel 34 gravel and 36M Pear on and fta45 iPitubur tad Co la eight iM duty on wire WT on wlrtr 65 on pipe J freight On III fi55h unloading coal 7 crushed ritone 2D0V0 Pay No li Pay fcheot No Pay No cement lumber Application for- electric from granted Application Lor water service Mrs lho granted Motors R XL and Geo A a grant to Society tor JUKI Mr Monar hoard re Oil motion above report was adopted of Council Mr was heard on of Finance Com Submitted a dealing with matters to them and also mi of the receipts aou pOndUnros or year Council resolved itself in to committee of the whole on report of tho Com Me chair committee and report ed report as amended On motion report was adopt- Dr Boyd on of Light and Water com presented a re port recommending that a now bo purchased On motion above report was adopted Mr A on of Road and Bridge com presented a report dealing with sidewalks On motion report was adopted Hillthat Clerk be in- sraucted to write tho with a view to having them improve the railing on bridge Queen to protect anyone fall ing through carried Council adjourned An ceremony took place last Friday when young were St Josephs by Right Rev Mgr The novitiates Were Miss Battle In Others made AOBNTSroh widow and six Extravagance Keeps Up No Matter How the the Government Spends More das Millinery Apprentices Wanted Apply to Mrs Hughes SI Christian Church lie hot wave seems to have no ap preciable effect as the congregations wen good last Sunday and Rev J again filled the pulpit to the satisfaction of all present His morning theme Cods was extremely well handled and many valuable lessons were giv en from the Bible history as proofs of the working out Gods plans- In the evening he spoke on the topic The Choice and dem onstrated thoroughly that only one satisfactory choice could be made that would always be a source of su preme satisfaction to all who make it The Choir rendered the usual num ber of anthems in good style while the work of Mr at tlie organ prompted many encomiums of praise Next Sunday Rev M of Haverhill Mass will conduct the services and on Sunday Aug Rev A a former pastor will occupy life pulpit at both The will meet he home of Mrs Waller Eves Prospect Ave on Thursday afternoon Aug 28th at oclock A tea will ho served at the close of the business meeting invited help make this great Thompson Bohrer A very pretty church wedding was solemnized in on Mon day Aug nth when Clarence P eld est son Mr Geo A of this town was united the holy bonds matrimony to Miss lose of The bride was very becoming ly gowned in tan silk with black picture hat was attended by Miss Vesta Thompson Newmarket who were Alice blue while Mr Norman also of was best man After the ceremony the ty adjourned to the home of the bride at 112 street where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was partaken of happy couple left by 1000 a train to spend a week with the grooms parents at their summer home Muskoka bride travelling In costume of blue and fawn coat and hat to match numerous and coatly by thorn testify to esteem la vhich both contracting parties are held They will reside in Berlin League Those Who were fortunate enough to hear Rev Mr Still well Missionary from India last Monday evening were highly pleased address lias to do largely with the educative side of mission work in connection with the mis sion Many interesting calculations were made showing clearly the im mensity of the task of endeavoring to reach many people comparatively in a country the Inhabitants of which make up fourfifths of the British plre Incidents in connection with the learning of the language method of getting audiences methods of over coming prejudices of the and the difficulties prevalent because of the caste system were all given a pleasing manner Great praise was given the medical side of the work for the great op portunity spiritual work is given when administering to the physical needs Next Monday evening it expected that the meeting will be of an educa tional nature idea of the work etc at the Faculties of Arts Education and Medicine of Toronto University will he given Let all members be present and bring some one else WATERMANS IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN Means an to Inky Fing ers and scratchy penman ship and a convenience that will facilitate one a business or social Writing for years to come Water mans Ideal for Every Mem- her the family varying in size mounting PRICKS RUN FROM UP Pen Guaranteed I 4 CO and Opttolana Ticket of Marriage During the month of July debt increased by During the present fiscal year tlie treasury of Canada has paid out to Mackenzie Mann about as instalment on the presented lit the Canadian ern Railway by way of subsidies last session Mr and his col leagues have used their powers in parliament to Increase the debt of Canada a clear gift to these rail road promoters which has already taken out of the pocket- of every head of a family in Canada The net debt the Dominion oat the end of July was as compared with at the end of June Expenditure on ordinary accounts for the four months since the cud of March totaled and on capital accounts the latter an increase ol over S9o00- as compared with last year There is no possibility of doubt that Mr Borden is the head of the great est spending government Canada has ever known Hie time is not far dis tant when even the bounding revenues taken from people will not and another loan will be neces sary TOWN LINK ITEMS The harvest is coming on very fast A few more days will finish up a good- many farmers seeding will be the next order of the day The shower on Saturday freshened upthe root crop wonderfully The work on tin cement bridge on the townllne is progressing slowly as it big job Leonard Black spent Sunday at home What will Rose do now since his team of drivers is gone I wonder if Joe will have his gtnup ready for the Lake next Sunday They will he in good hands If correspondents could get a dollar ahead they might take Friday of not feeling well and took a I bf thought was Salts- a tai he became and before aid could be timed he aw4y was Instead of On Saturday last about o clock while in the- act of Wilton avenue Pat Sweeney was knocked run over by a rig driven by two men at a rapid rate- Though the wheels of the rig passed over Win the men vhipped up their horse and drove furiously Sweeney was taken to the Hospital and Was found to bo serious- injured j anhounceiiiciit of the Labrador Mission in On tario appears in last Saturdays Of ficial Gazette Up to Friday last upwards of of thin years taxes have been paid thereby exceeding the avcrfgc The postmaster- of Toronto has re ceived word from Ottawa the as other throughout the Dominion to fiend any circulars re lating to foreign lotteries to the Dead Letter Office at Ottawa All postmasters have been warned that orders are not he made pay able to any of the lotteries In consequence of the crimes reported to the police author ities bat ween Toronto and a strong impression prevail that a gang of thieves pickpockets and con fidence men and women arc working the transportation all along the route If tlie reader has occasion to travel between the above named two cities or is desirous otvisitjng the Falls it would be well to have no thing to do with strangers Word has been received that the visiting educationists from Canada the seas have leen royally en tertained at various points Miss Charlotte Hendry of Hamilton Mr of Stratford Mr Hand of prior and Dr Bruce Smith of Toron to wore entertained their Majes ties King George and Queen Mary at a garden Party at Buckingham Pa lace a few days ago A Hamilton Old Boy writing to the Toronto World says that the dis trict at the bead of Lake Ontario tributary to Hamilton may some day he the centre the and the Hamilton Herald comments the city during the past week was the centre of the universe Many a street car accident Is oc casioned people who like show how smart they are Passengers have no to Jump from a car and in most cases where peo ple fall from car steps they attempt to jump before the car stops Three or four ago at Albert and streets a man about years CI age tried the jumping oil trick re ceived a fractured leg Another Chinese restaurant keeper on street was fined and costs for keeping his in en un sanitary condition At the reception by the visiting Geologists week flowers and music transformed the Corridors into a mrt of fairyland Banks of flowery and palms filled the corners and the leaves electric lights twinkled Behind all two orchestras were con cealed r Ladles Lisle Gloves button length black white and tan 25c Fancy Dress Muslins from to clearing at t i Sugars Likely are very firm til Ends of Dress Linens and Ginghams from to clearing at to advance any ls Seedless Raisins Very Best Makers of Shbee i the Country are renrnsftnted In A bo pleased to call are Shoe Stock which is the Most plcte in the country We Guarantee your Grocery Ordor you ask us 9 I Pair and Keep Everything you W- An explosion at the Gas House on Thursday last week turned things remembered the who were gathered holidays as well as the Town Line correspondcnt I wonder if Bill was at the Centen ary at Hamilton Miss Somerville spent a cou ple of weeks in Toronto Miss Pearl Black of Toronto is of at Mr Alocift wish to inform the Planks were tossed feet in the air windows smashed an immense engine shifted from its base and the cement floor tern up all result of a nipple on a gas pipe rear ing through and the gas exploding One of the many interesting per sonalities at the etiological Confer ence last week was Professor A J Day of Syria Originally from Il linois he has been attached to a Protestant lay missionary college near Beirut lor a number of The farfamed cedars of Lebanon arc within tlie district of his activities Both the Ontario Government and the citizens of Toronto were pleased to learn of official announcement last wee thai Sir John Gibson LieutGovernor of Ontario will re tain the position until September of next year By that time the new Government House wHl be by Sir Johns successor The Royal Regiment Band of Hamilton rendered programs it the Island on Sunday With a view of acquiring expert In formation on the subject of war tac tics as practiced by the British a large party of Canadian Mi litia officers will sail on the next Saturday to be present at the manoeuvres at They will be accompanied by Sani Slinistef of and Defence still surrounds the The Italians of this city are ar ranging to a newspaper printed In their own language here in To ronto A company with a capital of has been organizers The man who shot Albert son in the arm while lying in bed in his own lus been ar rested His name is Geo and he says was drunk when he fired gun Ho was remanded for sentence hut meanwhile is pay ing expenses for the core is re sponsible this shooting The vital statistics of ibis durng the past week as at the Clerks office show the heat had its usual affect on infants of During week died of various causes and of that number were under one of igc six were between one and five years of age and seventeen were over sixty years The highest number of deaths On any one day occurred on Monday when thirty persons expired in shoe factory on Adelaide street Sunday morning did before being extinguished Real estate brokers have the farm on north of York Mills and wfll subdivide it into lots The price is said to be Two lads who escaped from the Vic toria Industrial School by climbing through the windows of the class room were recaptured the of this week It is estimated big lit- tic attended the Poster picnic at fete last week less than babies were entered for the baby show I prizes The new Superintendent of Nurses at tlie General Hospital Miss Sunn was formerly head of the operating service and night supervise Presbyterian Hospital Site graduated from this Hospital in and has bad a broad in nursing since Great preparations are under Way for Labor Day celebration he parade will lie a feature the oc casion Without letting his mother know where he was goim Park aged years suddenly left bis home on the and has not been from since A great reception was d vae Willy Hawkins night last as winner of Prize The scene in Park where an impromptu platform had been erected was unique md will thousands on the occasion Hocten nade an appropriate address of welcome and eulogized his victory After others had spoken amid cheers private Hawkins rose to He raid I do not know how I I I THE f I I I J Ladies fine white for Lawn and Mull Blouses Reg from to Ladies fine ribbed cotton vests reg price 20c each for Ladies Summer Combinations Sale price 35e Fast Black Cotton Hose reg 2Cc 2p for 25c Ladies fast color Tan Hose 25c for 15c m i MUSIC can thank for this reception- If I any honor to Toronto I have brought am glad I respondent for the that correspond for the Town Line did not borrow j horse and rig as ho was going to walk and Mr Fred Webster kindly offered horse and rig and said would not let walk And as regards an annual trip it happens not to be annually Let him who is faultless or sin- cast first stone Sask Aug There was another bad storm In this trfct- yesterday in ihe rain started and noon a thunderstorm broke and rain in torrents Iff the two storms Inches of rain fell 9 J lack of water at the cent fire on street which re sulted in tlie total destruction of the factory and damage toad- property- the extent 2f0i0O A milkman at the was and costs on Friday for sell ing milk from whicV had been removed Buffalo has its tough as well as other cfties Mrs Inez of City was arrested on street in Toronto on Friday afternoon on a charge of hav ing stolen a valuable diamond ring some other and a quantity wearing apparel She cnnsentd to return to Buffalo with out The first sod en the sltp of the rjew Loretta on Brunswick was turned by Father on last FIR VIVIAN Oh what a relief the refreshing breeze is today after the extreme heat or the past week Mr and Mrs and tor of Toronto spent over Sunday at the formers mothers Mrs has returned home after spending a few weeks in Among recent visitors in our burg wc noted following Miss Vivian and brother of Toronto at the home ol their uncle Mr Mr J of Toronto ana Mr Herbert of Scotland at Pine View also Martin at the home of Mr S Miss of Toronto and friend are spending their holidays at Mr Betersons Bluebell seems quite of following the road without a guiding hand Wonder If she is used to hav ing the reins loose Mrs Hutchinson and children of Toronto are renewing old in our town rtcllo Charlie old chap- the good work Write some Miss Brooks and have DEPARTMENT LI Courses in Piano and Voice Training Class Singing Students pre pared for the Examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music and of the University Musical Director and Senior Piano Arthur Oliver ATCW JUNIOR PIANO- MISS EDA HICKS VOCALMISS ROGERS Send for Announcement with Terms etc to f WK1 P FIRTH DS01 Nevmarket i When Lightning Strikes a building the electricity is Irving to get from the clouds Iron it is discharged into the moist earth If you impede its pro- or block its way it going to dam up and heat and may burn your buildings If you are equipped with UNIVERSAL Cop per Conductors you help the to flow into the ground with out harming anything WHY NOT IF YOUHAVE UNIVERSAL LIGHTNING RODS ON ipUR BUILDINGS Should they be struck the Rods will carry the electricity They are built to do the work Your buildings are valuable They could not be readily replaced They are in danger Why not rod thcra with Universal Rods Why not DO IT NOW Write us for literature and samples MADE IN CANADA by Canadian workmcnby Lightning Rod Co Mention the Era I and new buggy Murray- will be pleased to receive any available Reports say we may him where we find Dame Grundy says she is satisfied bo will fade like my name when the sun shines up The town Midland was visited by a disastrous fire on night the feet of lumber in Chew Mill yards were destroyed tho mill being saved A straight Is the shortest between honesty and Patience is bitter tut ita fruit is sweet Newmarket Markets turned to Toronto after sperding their vacation at the formers home Harvesting Is nearly finished around hero Everybody is threshing and the old familiar ques tion Are you going to Exhibition What happened our Mt Albert sports Someones rather lonesome Sunday evening Mr is erecting a handsome new residence on his farm which will quite outshine the palace In the val ley Miss of Toronto spent Sunday with her friend Brooks Oats per bush Miss Goodman returned to Toronto Buckwheat per bush after spending her holidays on the Eggs per do dear old farm Mr Brooks and sister on Miss B Paisley Monday evening Mr has also sought the I country lor his vacation evening a man Frosty Fall Wheat per Barley per bush Butter per Potatoes per bag I Chickens per lb per lb Bran per ton Aug 1913 bush 36- 0 0 20 O IB as per ton dark complexion tall driving a per ton new 25 Live Stock Market was practically no change in prices on the Toronto live stock mar ket this week except an advance of 10c in of hogs Toronto Markets Aug Fail per bush V Goose Wheat per bush W Oats per Barley Feed per bosh I Rye per bush peas per bush- Hay per ton Butter per lb per Potatoes per has per lb 1 o ARCHIVES TORONTO

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