it IP SIw So Restored to Health by Vegetable Compound ft Mich- A year pro I weak and the doctor I displace ment hail back ed bearing down bad that I could not it in a chair or walk floor and I was in severe all the I felt discouraged on I taken everything could think of and waa no better I ifeegan taking Veg- Compound and now I am healthy Mrs Br 1 i L No 2 Box Mich aya Peoria I had backaches that I could hardly atand on feet I would feel like crying out lotsof times and had such a heavy feeling in my right I aide I had such tcniblo dull headaches very day and they would make me eel drowsy and aleepy yet I could not Bleep at night After I had taken Vegetable Compound a week began to Improve My backache leas and that heavy feeling In my sldo went away I continued to the Com pound and am cured You may publish thla If you wish Miss Clara No Box Peoria III letters prove the value of Vegetable Compound for womans ilk Why dont you try It Aurora During ek referring to he Aurora option case stated the point which the Division of the Supremo Court have to- decide in now hiring The stated case Involving the veto of the Provincial Secretary In refusing to permit licenses to bo Issued where ntergln- is close is elaborated with detail but Stripped of legal phraseology It means this If a Re turning Officer declares a local option bylaw carried by over threefifths can licenses in a place where such a bylaw was submitted prior to May The effect of reference Is to determine tho validity of the veto power in the- With much interest ill par- tic concerned are awaiting the de cision of the court next month HOTS The nowly appointed Sheriff of County Mr MoCownn Ik first Conservative to I elected to the legislature in East York elect- ors will again pronounce on the of next month as to whether it will continue to have a Conservative re presentative J f mm bo ontraot out out Dons and ooncult MAY bo realtor worth MM ttoltiln A reward is by the Government of Ontario for the ar rest or disclosure of whereabouts of Joseph Lome who broke jail at Marie on the of month Lome stands charged with murder and lears the character of being a dangerous man he al lowed at large York had an WttMn 4kt TAOLETS Klgnment too into ttildernoas ten miles mIleB rail way is only one explanation Jfor the numbers of enthusiastic letters we receive UysppQia Tablets dud that Is that these tablets certainly any v Here a fyrdcal letter from Miss Amis pleasure J write that sla ablets have proved of graft value to me tried remedy after remedy but without beard your curinjr such cases of After an session the of New York last week William Governor of New York State by a of to on charges of having diverted r contributions to hits private use ami having under oath false statements as to his Campaign re ceipts The Governors wife made a declaration that she had diverted some of his campaign contributions to the of slock because i she felt the household needed money but Wat failed to avert the Impeachment Dyspepsia Tablets is a success as can only come to compounded according to an exception ally good formula from put ingre dients by expert chemists you are troubled Tour stoiuacli ak your Druggist about Tablets compounded by the and Chemical Co of Canada sold its Dominion at a box For Reaping Time Wtiy ye idle all the day Twassafd by one of old With sickle sharp do not delay firing in tiro sheaves of gold Wait not for mighty to do On sunny shore Your hath worth for Een at your very door In highways budget Search for neglected sheaves Ruth of old you can The careless reapers leave lot uh work with loves Although the sun lie True courage for each trying hour With that not T MAKER ho and found at and busy woodman at work had cUredhe timber a for about on that space had At ft snug cabh the on every iide was tho profound untrodden wilderness The man stopped his work and surveyor pleasohtiy And where did you come from ho Yorliv surveyor Live said The man gazed at him as If ainazj and by and by said Well Weill dont sec how you can hear so away 1 When foes assail when friends pain Wo feel tho chastening rod do not murmur or complain lis in the hand of God 1 l GTHOMSOr NEW YORK DENTIST- Drt fl Manual Treatment and Massage PERMANENT HEALTH THROUGH PERFECT CIRCULATION Vapor Health and Medicated Baths I remove the cause nature I treat for Asthma Pleurisy Bron chitis Neural gia Lumbago s Di sease Liver Kidney Rheu matism Chron ic Constipation Hay Fever and I Loc o in r MM Ataxia Nervousness Appendicitis Female Weaknesses of all kinds and removed without Drugs or Knife a Specialty Hours to am to Sunday and other hours by appoint ment Office Park Ave Opposite Method ist Shod Newmarket Examinations Free Phone Speaking of the Liberals vmt of responsibilities or the Globe of Wednesday remarks- The supreme duty of Liberals Canada today is not to gel back into office Their return assured it may come sooner than leaders of either par ty now suspect It ought never to conic unless put of office the Lib erals master both themselves and some of the stupendous problems pressing for solutionproblems which the present Government are daily proving themselves unable or unwill ing lo solve give TIMES ARE NOT WHAT THEY USED TO BE person who says times arc not what they used to be- is stating a beyond- contradiction TWs first quarter of thy twentieth cen tury its particular advantages and also disadvantages The young man who wants get ahead lias helps which his fatter heard of and hindrances to which his grandfather was a stranger Suc cess Is not won It never was and it never will be But on other band It is not an inacces sible prize There never was a time when brains and energy in combina tion could not secure It and such a day will never coin Our times are hot like other times but that is no reason for discourage ment If they have their peculiar difficulties have special advan tages The right sort of youth same chance to succeed that he had in the past and that he will have in the future I Office 00 Then baste hands oh haste with wiping fatal now to wait But find today tin broken hands Tomorrow Oh too late the to he A staff correspondent of to Globe writing from Says that last year Provincial Government statistic Western crop amounted to bushels Norman Lam bert the same correspondent states that this year the crop reach He ex hortations rcgardinR mixed fanning the wheat crop has open sown more widely in every Province except Alberta owing to the big dp- crease in its winter wheat area lias only acres this year compared with last vnr We likewise notice that Mr White of the Canadian Immigration Depart ment at Ottawa after a lengthened tour of the West also makes a estimate that this Western wheat crop for will exceed bushels Lord of Harvests again To call both small and great Will Ho find grain Almost Within our gate tomes Ires And when the time It come Do not his spirit But in our arms may there some Rich golden garnered With open arms Hell say Well done The reaping time is oer And in My faithful one Kind rest forever more A crown of life Hell give us when He hath dispelled all fears What doth it matter to us then Though we did reap tears I S Lehman School Pine Orchard Aug Of Pi- l T Time Card GOING NORTH feLeave pm Newmarket 715 AHandale ar 1030 310 1050 i GOING SOUTH am pm 210 Newmarket 137 Toronto 730 1020 The Right Kind of i For your la up n fur copy of our curriculum It vrlll should know A Term In one or our a pood any SCHOOLS TORONTO Read oniuc Central Toronto Principal Mono ton pinches the Borden Conservative Government for its exaltation of American over Can adian workmen in the following fash ion Canada for Canadians I truck with the Yankees The Government is erecting anew Customs building in dominion capital It has permitted the con tractor to import nearly thirty men from Hie United States t undertake the foundation construction The Hon Mr Minister of I a- General Purpbsts allegcci ground drat Canadians lack experience What a decadent we are becoming under Tory rule a few months ago Premier could years to come and now Mr Bordens Min ister of Labor permits importa tion of Yankee workmen says that Canadians lack experi ence for the foundations a public building in the Dominion cap ital I Only few den declared that Canadians not build warships for fifty Mrs and daughter Montreal left for Toronto last day spending a few days with Mrs Elliott Mrs J J- and her tor Miss Clarice of Ottawa Spent an alternoon last week with- Mrs Lf Jackson Mr and Mrs Rimer Davis and fam ily Kingston spent a few days with Mr and Mrs A J Davis Miss Kelly Miss Delia Heck Clarence Lee and Mr Bob Kelly pad dled to the Holland on Tues day and caught eighty fish Small congregations the Inion Church last Sunday owing to the heat Mrs Kilgour presided at the Next Sunday morning Rev Dr Rankin Is to preach It is that the Indian Choir from Georgian Island Will sing in thp even ing Miss Hung from China a twoyear University Student is summering with Miss Addison dean of Ainsley Hall Toronto Mr and Mrs Likens and Miss Likens of Toronto guests SOON A certain man wfco had been in vited to speak at a political meeting was placed last on the list of speak ers Moreover chairman intro duced several speakers whose names were not on program and the audience was tired out when introduced the last speaker with Mr Hones will now give his address My address said Mr Rones ris- Hon they you is Park Villa all goodnight and I This We ofler One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that be cured by Halls Catarrh Jure J CHENEY CO To ledo We the undersigned have Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly hon orable in all transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm KinnanA Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0 Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and muqous surfaces ol the Testimonials sent free Prices per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation LEGE Bicycles for Sale At AM to THIRTY Rest Value on the Market Ail Re cycle parts kept In stock Coster brakes at MM each Tires All repairs promptly attended to NEW SECONDHAND STOVES and Household Furniture bought and Bold to hire A A McNAR Main of Mr Mrs Thompson at Cedar over Sunday A very peculiar phenomena Was wit nessed here on Saturday evening about oclock The m was showing brightly and at same time smart shower covered the thirsty grounds It only lasted for a few minutes A load of grownups vis ited the shore on evening the last issue of Pleasant Mr is back from Hours appears the following Bav and finishing up his voca- in reference- to the figure nine at Dudley Manor ire nine which came into Mr and Mrs Hawkins 188U will Ironto were her brother hundred and eleven Mr Andy A until the weekend Miss Vera Ross of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Ren Ross BERLIN Excellent College Department High School Department College or Arts lnl TntlcSlrjmiiv Fill fiJii RATES SU1 aa to T Furnace Work No other figure a long has a race wliicfr Agents Wanted Private Christmas Cards Indies or gents Samples free Large profits Darllne- 0w26 the calendar on stay with us years from that date or comber has ever had such live run and th nine only once before in lasted over a in which it continually figured from January until December 1 a per iod of ope hundred and eleven years The figure three and seven occasion ally fall odd combinations but neither of has ever yet served for a longer pprod than a hundred years in our calendar since the pres ent mode of calculating time was ft is also clear that from their relative positions among the numerals it Is an impossibility for either of tbeni to appear in d reckonings continuously for a longer period than a century 1 1 the Era to absent a family for ShiJch WU to decs Us Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS DISTANT PROSPECT A tourist travelling in the- western part of Ireland was trying to have some fimjGt the expense of a native of country You have a very fine view from here my friend so id the tourist Aye rcplfedtbe guide we can sometimes see a long way Ah I suppose you can see Amcrj when its clear Farther than that replied the guide without smile What Yes If you just wait awmW you will see the moon ft SOUS Next to Grocery Trinity No iill Says Roman Emptfrbr Put It into the Contusion Claim ifiClalm Ona in Thrae a August Russell addressed don Tabernacle eongregatlon today We report one of his from the text To us there is one God Father and one Christ I The Pastor de clared that the con fusion which hafl rent Christian Church into hundreds of sect has come through neglect of the Bible a cause not generally recognized Creed are the direct reVutt of the errors contained in all creeds No heathen idol so horrible a that which the intelligent Christian people have portrayed the pen purporting to represent Mm Almighty- and toward men We have misrepresented our Creator as worse in purpose than the vilest of humanity Why delay If Jehovah be God let us worship Him If the horrible of the Ages be no longer our God let us destroy his creed image and for get them Emperor Creed After the Church had forgotten the Masters declaration that His Twelve Apostles would constitute the atones of j the New Jerusalem began to their bishops as apostolic They overlooked the fact that statement that Judas place would he filled by another in timated particularly that there would be no successors to The Twelve Judas real successor was St Paul Students now that the eleven before being confirm- in by the Pentecostal blessing erred choosing Matthias whom God merely ignored Gradually the bishops rose to power as Gods Inspired oracles Propor tionately The Twelve lost their influ ence It was easier to take word of the bishops than to search the Scriptures Thus study greatly during the second and third Centuries and disputes between Christians and Greek philosophers Jed some of the bishops to extremes they jnajntaln the teaching that JeSEi was the Son of God and became man in order to redeem mankind but some went further and claimed that He was the Heavenly Father Himself who had come down to earth and died In their anxiety to overwhelm the Greek skeptics these Christian teach ers unwittingly involved themselves in absurdities the mystery was advanced and the mystification of saying that God was His own Son the Lord Jesus His own Father and the Holy Spirit an other person and yet the same person appealed to people who delight to reverence most what they do not Thus today when ques tions are asked respecting the trinity how one could be three and three one the answer which satisfies the ignorant is Mystery But the makes no mystery of the matter It never mentions the trinity The one text John seeming faintly to support the thought is now admitted by scholars be an interpolation dating from about the seventh century The Revised Version shows quite distinct ly Re reading of earlier manuscripts To Us There Ik One God The Pastor then explained every text in both Old and New Testaments as a prooftext supporting the mystery and convinced his hearers that these text are mis applied He- quoted the Explicit statement from the Old Testament Hear Israel the Lord thy God one God and that from the New Testament used as his text for this discourse Pastor Russell then showed that ac cording to our Lords own teaching the oneness or harmony between the Father and Himself resulted from our Lords ignoring His own will to do the Fathers will Our Lord exhorted His disciples to have the same will spirit the Holy Spirit the disposi tion to do the Father will Our Redeemer formerly known as the Logos was the beginning ami the End of the Divine direct creation So the Greek reads In the beginning was the Logos and the Logos was with the God and the Logos was a God The same was in the beginning with the God By Him were all thing made that were made and without Him was not one thing mad John The Pastor then related the history of the Council of Nice called a council of all the bishops about one thousand to cer tain doctrinal of which our subject of discussion was one Only bishops came After cussing the for months they submitted it to the Emperor who de cided that the Creed was the Christian faith Thus the mystery was enshrined by a heathen emperor unbaptized not even sprinkled A Tt l I- I t dp mm our if ropridtors FAMOUS STUDEiAKER GAR Char Barrister PICE- OFFICE Tore Real CAR 1 Touring Car Studebaker 20 Studebaber Flanders PHONE at any time you are in of any ABBiatance in Our Line us a Call We will do Our to Satisfy Our Customers at Times both in Workmanship Charges UP THE RED DEVIL need give Beat All and FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA GOING TRIP WEST WINNIPEG half cent per from up lo Calgary or RETURN TRIP EAST FROM PEG GOING DATES AUGUST mo all to Renfrew Inclusive awl thereof AUGUST Toronto West Grand Trunk Mala Line to and AUGUST Toronto and Ontario North not indodJni Grand Trunk Toronto to and of Toronto to Kington late Renfrew IndudioK these From Toronto and all in Ontario of but cot Grand Trunk Toronto to North Bay Grand Trunk Line Toronto to North thereofin OnUrio CPR Lice Sudbury to Marie Ontario but not Including and Wot WILL SOLD TO Oneway to Wianlpec only be vM Each will Include a When been at Winnipe by a farmer he the holder to work a be honored u to September for at rate of onehalf cent fifty cent to any of VInnIpe on the Canadian Canadian Northerner Grand Trunk Pacific in or but not or MacLeod A certificate will be to a ieccndb j ticket good to return the Canadian Pacific Canadian Northern or Trunk Pacific Railway in Alberta Saskatchewan and Manitoba of MacLeod Calgary and Edmonton to original point by the tame route travelled on going journey on or before on payment of one half cent per mile fifty upto added to from Winnipeg provided the holder deposit the certificate with the ticket agent on arrival at leait thirty t For full tee nearest CPR Agent or write L ATKINSON Agent New market I I- Steienaib lie Hew Helled Ho r without written content BLOOD Patient No The arc all goho Stum ami arms iiJ J now I am to you and the favor have done tor roe You my name In to I am to toon- Thanking you onto more etc TWO MONTHS CUBED Patient No- Slnsl Indulged in immoral 4 years In urJne and drains at night Veins on both pains In back weak sexually He writes I received your letter of date and in reply am placed to say that taking two treatment J consider myself completely cured as have no signs of them back one year TUB WORLD SEEMS DIFFERENT Patient I have not had a regular Emission I know and am feeling The world seems altogether different to me and I thank for directing me to you You have been an me VARICOSE Case whrn to started treatment Age tingle In In Immoral habit years Varicose Veins on both sides pimples on the face etc After two ireutment he writes a follows letter to hand am very glad to say that I think myself cured Varicose Veins have completely forqulte a while and it a cure I work harder and feel tired I no desire for that habit whatever and If I stay like I have every to believe I will Thanking you for your kind etc GAINED 11 IN OXE MONTH This patient a chronic of Nervous lllty and Weakness and run down In vigor and vitality After months treatment he reports as I am welh have gained II pounds In one month so I will have to congratulate you- report am beginning to feel mere like a I feet my condition Is getting belter every week ills 13t re port Dear Doctors I feel Ibis IS he last months that I will have to get I thought at time I would never be cured but I put In you from the start you have me CURES GUARANTEED OR PAY W cure VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all DUeaxea peculiar to men CONSULTATION FREE BOOKS FREE If unable lo call write for a Blank for Home Treatment I All from Canada to our Can- lwu iiiaoCorrpcndeDce Department as KENNEPV I Cor Michigan Ave and Griswold St Detroit Mich J J I Pi HARVESTERS WANTED TO WINNIPEG Choice of destination left to the excursionist a mile from Winnipeg to Saskatoon Brandon Kiaiersley Prince Albert Edmonton and to all points on the Canadian Northern Railway Returning a from all points on the Winnipeg from Winnipeg to original starting point in Ontario J i FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA Hero is a letter Irom Sun day scholar in California written to the Sunday School applies places than California This is what writes Im a Sunday School scholar I always thought the Sunday School was or be an example or his life should such as young toys could follow which would lead them- to lead a clean pure life teacher smokes and shall his- ttmplb we as much right to smoke cigarettes as he to smoker we do Has the scholar- as- much riht to smoke as tho teacher What do you think it Vork First Only a fool will take his holidays before he earns it Some Blanks Marriage Is a lottery with booby prizes predominating Dr Morses Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing- Rheumatism Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys They enable these organs Jo thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid the product of waste which gets into the joints ano muscles and causes these painful disease Over half a century of constant use has J roved conclusively that Dr Morses Root Pills strengthen kidneys and Curt DATES OF SALE AUG From Toronto ana on and from stations in Southwestern Ontario on and south of Trunk main line Toronto to From Toronto and all stations and south Sparrow all stations on Central Ontario Railway and stations on Bay of Quince including Kingston also points on other lines north of line east of and including Sharbot Lakeland Renfrew From Toronto all stations east and south ot row Lake all Central Ontario and Bay of stations also stations on other east of North Bay In Ontario and Quebec inudfng all stations on the east and including line St 1crome to and St J stations SEPT Toronto to Sparrow On also points on other lines Toronto to North Bay Sudbury and west thereof The Richest Country in tlje West is served by the Canadian Railway The demand for Harvesters along its lines is very heavy and wages the highest Write for Guide showing free awaiting the settler For full information apply to L deal Pass Agt Nor Toronto Reside OX or Office in Mi ice He Dp Royal be of o Englai in Hospital Office a 1 Tecum set s WATCH Opposite Ave All Specialty Mark REAL Give us J Farm and Sold Teacher Dealer Agent Com pie i No US Store Mi MAI At the Pap if LA In GEO OLD his milk the cheese Irwin an or living which lie t ARCHIVES OF TORONTO