Newmarket Era, 29 Aug 1913, p. 5

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in i i I Notary Main St Newmarket- to loan on curltyv Charles Solicitor Conveyancer Taking Affidavits Street Aurora day from am to pm Toronto Heal flood Houses Aurora Sale Mr ft Gardner Mho recent ly told foundry in s and Cost i Allan was Monday morning In j Duncan for being drunk was brought Police Magistrate on Monday and fined prank Duncan AUCTION KICK AND COLLECTOR J Wesley CO OK YQKK to York County Industrial Home Office hours a in and p and St Newmarket Telephone Opposite Post Dr Clark Main Street Newmarket 1 Wilkinson dentist Office in Newmarket Dr i Cane Main Street Newmarket Office Hours to to pm Telephone to pm Hand day last week Mr of Street Buffered a servo accident A window fell on her right hand bruising ho two centre fingers so that the doctor had to amputate them near ho Unit joint who old to take an of any kind stood operation well The doctor took out the on Wednes day and the fingers are doing as well as can ho expected Small hire About oclock last Friday even rig somebody smoke issuing the top storey of Milnes Store at the North rung the fire alarm from Box i Firemen refunded shortly hut In the meantime the of the gathered suc ceeded in putting the ire out before the reels arrived It is to Every ten packet will worth WryfitlckyflykilJcr era 1 Ottawa Letter HON MR KXCAPES Will StuMy Conditions England ii Save spontaneous small heap of combustion netting and iron soiled or August and will not return until October 1st It is an nounced that the Minister of Labor has gone primarily to study conditions in England regard to coal mines and in- started from In order to facilitate J Boyd Graduate medicine Toronto University also Licentiate College JhyoiciECi and the Royal College Former In Hospital and College Note and itjroat Hospital London Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone Consultation Bolton Practical Fainter and House Decorator Niagara and Streets Newmarket S AND JKWELLKR Opposite Mcthodlat Church on Ave Under P Market Newmarket AND INSURANCE us a call before you buy or Build Smith Rutledgc URAL ESTATE BROKERS Office Main Street Newmarket Central Hotel Building Farm and Town Property and Sold lit A NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Violin Dealer in All Kinds Musical and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent or Columbia Irapliopbofies and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service O No meets the 2nd Thursday in Lodge Rooms over Douglas Store Main Street Newmarket Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Newmarket Office tar issued at private resi dence if desired decoration materials duo to It was very fortunate that the fire was discovered 0 vwn as it was extinguished with practical ly no loss among a studies the Minister discarded by Mrs Mothers is T Lockjaw from on a rusty nan wbHc walking experience Mrs of Sbe was to too Hospital and died- A from Is visiting the Just now They reach- Toronto last week and are on a from coast to coast to acquire concerning- the country lb has been ftscertoined that an Italian laborer Is reBpohaiblo for of the en gine which ran wild from the urst street yards last Wednesday arid crashed at Cherry street He jump ed off after starting engine The shipment or tomatoes to To ronto market towards the end last week created such a glut that they were on sale at Fruit Market at a basket were marked at to a basket to apples from to The circus and menag erie exhibited in city last week and wan attended by thousands There was a happy joyous time at the Elizabeth street school oh Thurs day afternoon and evening of last he formal opening of wellequipped playgrounds took place Fully a adults and children took part in toe etc The Boys Fall Fair will open on the evening of Sept and promises to be a grand success While on wedding trip Dr C or Parkway avenue was taken seriously ill with typhoid fever and passed away last week was THE OF Rns of Waves toy ieus of inninia have expert- meobtf lbeae may be of aouada that can be beard the limit both above and be low which DO sound ean be The of thptfc two problems the determination upper and lower limit of sound baa occasioned a deal of careful work and he coital ruction of many forma of appa ratus For determining the upper limit of for anj Individual and differ Gallon Whistle la generally used Itconslota of liny pine which la lengthened or shortened by a piston adjusted by a micrometer This little Instru ment can be regulated to make a ton which la too high for any human ear to bear and which Anally produce only a painful The whlatle wan by Gallon for bis of one of Into end of tola cane and bo walked through tho toe-log- leal bo would blow It near the ears of the animals Be ad justed the wbiatlo too high for Ma own ear to bear and If tho various animals responded to the be know that tbelr upper limit was great er than that of the human ear The ordinary human car can detect a tone whoso vibration rate la at least vibrations per second while the will produce per second upper limit varies with the ago of the Individual to such an extent anatomy on Hie rftafi that If tbenpper limit at sixteen years and Fairs The dates fr the Fairs are announced Dec ton following Fall i if At Oct and Sept and 21 Oct and- Oct and Sept and Scot 21 to Cookstown I Sept 30 and Oct Oct Sept and Oct I 2 Newmarket Oct 7 and Sutton Sept and 2i Toronto Canadian National 23 to Sept Oct and 15 Zephyr Oct 7- Oct and Prize Winners following are Winners in the Newmarket prize Fair Standing Seed Crop Competition Fall wheat Jesse Kefcfviek Dawsons Chaff ljj points Kettleby DawsonA Chaff points 3Johu A and Sou Queens Vllle Chuff points Thompson Aurora NO2 Winter King points Walter Proctor Newmarket points Proctor fPaweona us points 7 Wm Marshall Keswick Caw- wna points A New Law A new newspaper law has been passed which in a measure protects the publishers of from defrauded out of back subscrip tions Frequently cases come before the publisher where persons cancelled paper but incidentally to pay subscriptions Under the new law however the publisher can continue to send bis paper even if refused until such a time as said arrears have been paid Several cases of tins kind have come beneath our notice and we must say it a cheap way of getting out of an honest debt ifce courts class such an act as wilful fraud on the basis that a must pay for what he uses new law has passed into few weeks and assist the pnhlishei these cheap skates will most in his man This but effectively Meanwhile there are over sol diers on active service with rifles bayonets and maxim guns the coal district of Vancouver Island thou sands of miners arc on strike every coal mine in the district is abandon ed and several of thorn flooded with damages which will years to re pair hundreds of strikers and strike leaders in jril arrested under mil itary guard and kept under patrol by armed soldiers one of the most flour ishing Interests of British Columbia is temporarily ruined and Canada is compelled to import its coal from the United This disastrous strike started last Sep- temher and has continued ever since with enormous loss to the wlttle country It was only about a month ago that Hon Mr became cognizant of lie trouble Then he had a trip the continent a cursory around and returned with nothing done lie appointed his friend and law partner Mr Price of St the conditions in the strike district The only result was that from being quiescent the strike flared up into riots whigb compelled military intervention to Canada will run into many millions of dollars There is trouble on the where the big banded policy of Hon Mr Cochrane has stirred up the men un til they have been several limes on the striking Hon- Mr was conspicuous by his si lence throughout If the Minister of Labor needs lo study labor conditions he could find ample scope to do so in Canada Pro bably however Premier is wise in sending his troublesome col league on this pleasure trip to Eng land at the countrys expense His ahsence is evidently saving to the country no matter how high his ex penses mount judging by the of his interference in British Colum bia Labor men have not forcotten Hon Mr Crothcrs statement at Montreal that he had no sympathy with labor unions Under the administration which organized Canadian labor leg islation labor department was most effective and practically every serious strike was successfully with by conciliation methods the Industrial Disputes Act of Ontario Veterinary College Vctcrianary Surgeon of the Body Guard A feature of the Jamaican exhibit at the National here is a native hut built of bamboo and leaves decorated with a wild cane The hut is an exact replica of built by the natives nut in place of being lighted an light has been One day last while crossing of age were vibrations at sixty years of age it would be abbot per second St rand Magazine MUTUAL IGNORANCE Quaint Story of Dumas and Scribe Playwright bad his eyes opened by the plays of Scribe At that day It was the fashion among the- younger literary men to sneer at Scribe it Is today the corner of street and Laos- by the to sneer at Scribe downe avenue Frank Murphy was run into by a man riding a I and knocked iu front of an auto truck The truck fractured three of his On Friday morning last many pas- at the Union Depot were startled when the bell of a- powerful locomotive snapped from its supports and fell on Iq the platform with a crash Last week in Magistrate County Police Court three men namely Davidson VY and Kitchen who were driving down Vonge street on 10th Of August did not stop cars when they met a funeral proces sion In spite of their plea of ignor ance a fine of and costs was im posed on each ana the magistrate warned them that the next time they offended the extreme penalty of the law would be imposed Another religious international con vention will be held September some delegates of the Disciples Christ convene at Hall The delegates will include and lay workers chosen by the vari ous churches in United Slates and was called a potboiler a maker of mechanical a man who wrote scenes to fit scenery and a maker of rather than of plays Appalling were told of him by unsuccessful playwrights It won that he sucked the brains of other men pur chased Ideas revamped them and tbus acquired the large fortune be was then enjoying How they accounted for the fact that with the ideas of unsuccessful play wrights he made successful playa tra dition does not tell Hut all were the I freed that Scribe was mediocre that their success was occidental and that he was a miser Albert Wolff gives these details of the opinions held with re gard to Scribe in Ibe fifties and adds this anecdote The only Influential man 1 knew In Paris pumas the elder One day cold to him you give me a letter of Introduction i Scribe the Scribe rt the great romancerwbo is I to Oct when BghwJ to see Scribe without a let ter So I called at bis house that very day and was at once received Par don my Intrusion said but I had expected to bring a letter of I HA I You Can Guying From 1 Full Line am Oils Glass I II ALLAH 17 fl f 1 f IV 1 f rHE GREAT NO GENTS Spring Suits EMPIRE BRAND FURNISHING PROFITS TV l la J I AT THE Toronto Jobbing Bouse NEWMARKET I v I Canada England Australia and to AIeiandje the celebrated romancer Domos FLA Causes All FOOT of Discomfort In the first illustration of foot where the arch is You can readily tee how we present to you the position of broken down the natural I- A city came near being tehtpted Scribe Never beard of dealt under Under the Tory regime conciliation s for gotten and strikers are handled with bayonets rifles and artillery o O London Aug The novel sight of an airship- towing her dis- companion was witnessed at dershot this afternoon The last Friday while at tempting to remove a broken wire dangling from a telephone pole on street Thos Thonpson an aged man em ployed as watchman at the level gate crossing the on had the put to him last week when he was fined Si and costs or six months imprisonment for drunk on duty An incendiary fire MOO dam age to a lodginghouse in St Hast Friday Two roomers iad to crawl out of an upper room window into a tree to escape Another Chinaman had to hand out a big fine for selling opium lie runs a store in Richmond street Eddie Ward and Thos McDonald two members of the lifesaving crew J tried to swim around the Island on Friday a distance of seven and a half miles but the water was too choppy They gave a good account Who Is Dumas From Jerome A- Harts and the and Power One foresees the triumph of the po tato unforeseen by William not so much as a food but as a means of motion Coal Is giving out petrol Is up In price and down in pro duction The supply of both Is limited and must come to an end but there comes the that alcohol will be the motive force of the future Petrol and coal may give out but the earth will always grow potatoes Potatoes can produce alcohol and alcohol can drive engines In the potato we seem to have discovered the secret of per petual motion London Chronicle etc we pressure on tender muscles ligaments vex arteries must cause all of discomfort and retard per fect circulation This condition in many Casta is the cause tired aching feet and toocd tortur ing pains so often laid to NEWMARKET iir LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones fcyCall before ordering GEO Agents Wanted F Ladies Large profits Private Christmas Cards or gents Samples free ton A young girl who was one of a party in a motor near the town of had her scalp torn off by was hanging down getting caught in the engine shaft she was a daughter of Law yer of Bargains Mrs Hughes is selling balance of her Summer Milliner greatly reduce prices fight against army airship ship were machinery disabled to the her to the and a naval the I at tops the ecldj ted Farm Produce flood market last Saturday Veg etables and eggs were plentiful also ifpplcs Ruling prices as follows per doz to 26c per lb to Honey per lb 10 to Dressed Chickens per lb- Ic to Dressed Ducks per II 18c to iCc Apples Crab Apples pail Pears basket Now Potatoes per bag lo Now Potatoes per basket Tomatoes and per Onions per hunch So per hunch bunch Onions Pickling Cabbages and Cauliflowers Celery or for Oc Vegetable Marrow and Cucumbers for 5c Roans r peck Live Spring per 15 Old Ileus per lb Live Spring Ducks per lb A Live Ducks inc to I2e per Live Turkeys and He per h Pigeons per pair 20c Rabbits per pair Hides per p Calf Skins per lb lie and Sheepskins Tallow per Bo air- out when Hie in the latter vessel became Ilie Eta attached a haw- other dirigible and towed factory for repairs of a Lightning Flash The horsepower of a bolt of light ning which struck a house In Hesse last summer has been calculated by a German scientist at no less than of themselves however swimmmgoOO The calculation was based upon from the north end to the eastern the fact that the lightning instantly melted two large nails An electric Two women were arrested towards current of amperes and the close of last week on a charge of j volts might It Is said have confederate thieves They had the work In one second but Rheumatism Varicose Veins In the next illustration we show you i Adjustable Arch Prop Holding the and muscles in their proper places allowing nature to strengthen the strained ligaments and irritated parts providing from all pains and comfort It is a pleasure for to show you tfae suporiot merits of this the only scientific moat success ful arch mop devised is made of German Silver Cannot rust firm yet sufficiently resilient he fitted in any shoo regular size Easily adjusted to the varied conditions of boot ard see what we can do for you baby carriages and while one was engaging the attention of the shop keeper pretence of buying some thing the other purloined fruits and vegetables hiding the same inder the folds of clothing in the baby car riages Horace Wing aged real estate agent was committed for trial by Col the Womens Police Court last week on a charge of lightning it of a second In a very email WORRY Choose your variety and ask your grocer for Clarks This Jui will yon as any news Hem and wo hope this notice E p I E In re lire to We con dure flvo Wo pre to procure young lor purposes tempting improper new concrete over Wil cox creek Scarboro was opened for traffic yesterday It has a 14foot roadway is thirty feet long and cost At a meeting the Council held last week the following motion was unanimously the Bulletin That the Finance Com mittee be authorized to take such ac tion as in their judgment will be in the best interests the town in the matter securing information with the view of securing separation from county Sick are hot caused by anything wrong in the but constipation bilious ness and indigestion Headache powders or tablet deaden but cannot cure litem Dr Morses Indian Hoot tick head ache in the sensible by removing the constipation or tick which caused them Dr Morses Indian Root Pills are purely vege table free from any harmful drug safe and lure When you eel the headache coming take Switched Him Off not rich lite you said the young man but I am young strong and willing to work May I speak to your father Why not said the Is constantly hiring young men Just such as you enu merate Iouls CourierJournal provements Come in W WK ICHT NEWMARKETS SHOE DEALER an Indian Root Placing the Villain Is the villain of thai new play at the theater Wit- Im not quite sun but it must be either the man who wrote It or the man who produced it Chicago News Just Between You and I She Why bernnd me were the of friends before and her met Of Is between you and London Punch ASisiMbnthrf Against Hose Is the wrath of Holeproof Socks aix3 Guaran teed for Six Months against any kind of wear or New Try a box and lo convinced Aug William Sudden ag ed instantly killed this after noon in St Clair works when an emery wheel be was sharpening a chisel on broke to striking him above the right eye and smashing his skull Aug 31 While playing dock with a number of boys at noon today a sevenyearbid boy foil the water and was drowned The body was In eighteen feet of water Mens Lightweight pr Mens Silk Lisle for Mens Silk 3 pair for Ladies Lightweight Ladies Silk Lisle for Ladies Silk 3 pairs for Boys and Girls 3 pair for GET THE DUNCAN Jr The Gents Outfitter I ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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