Newmarket Era, 29 Aug 1913, p. 6

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i B J- J I 1 J AUfiOST I 1 v Wi It filbert T I I SUTTON MOUNT SUTTON ill about duration all that waft Jacob Cook has in Woodvllle and is Docked in moving there this week year Ho was one of Suttons Mr Prank ban into being engaged in the business in Iniinifi hero until and Mrs arc guests ol Mr and MrslirlKKs Mrs A Wait entertained friends on Friday last to meet Mr Mrs ROW Harding of Kenora Out who has been touring during thy summer has been and move there next week about two months ago Ida Shepherd and calling on The league of the Mclhoral was on Sunday to Hill many friends before eturning will hold a So- Mr and Mrs It I left on Wednesday for lomc Toronto J T I church on Monday evening Mr A Hen to building a widow and a grown up family him Train leaving Toronto via as an Trunk Railway at p Point will irotawer of the school for the en J at caretaker suing year the Mr IM Cole of Toronto In town at the homo of parents Mr and Mrs Cole of Toronto spent a few days with in town tills week MjSS Aita French Toronto Is with friends in town Ottawa is a Mondays only or Toron to will be run on Tuesday 1 ml will be discontinued after that date were Tho services on Sunday night conducted by Prof -I- Dales Miss Dales is at Mr Frank Mortons Mr Thomas Huntley visited Sunday School and the being away we made good him spending vacation at parents Mr and Mrs ton Miss Gertrude Walton attended Piftfro Library Convention at medc last week Mis9Mary Kitely Is visiting with friends In Toronto Mr and Mrs attended the weddiifc of her Air Kb mJt on Tuesday Miss Ted Walton who has been vis iting at the home of her parents in town lias returned to Ottawa Miss lessle and Miss Wilson returned last week from trip to the West Mrs Sloan and daughter A French of rubbor John i the hi re place rent got la are visiting friends home in 0 their eld KESWICK this Harvest is nearly finished in locality and the crops re The Indian Choir from Is land was at the Methodist hurra last Sunday evening They gavex selections one in their own congregation was music They are to tig at the services next Sunday evening and Mr J II grosser a turner teacher and local preacher on the Re- servo will preach The pastor Rev McNeil will be away from cir cuit preaching anniversary sermons on one of his former circuits We look for a crowd at the Sunday evening Miss McKay of Sutton West is the girls Mr Wilson Sweet has village Dont leave North limbury Wilson we need you It is reported that both this and Mr Wallace is to I he rain certainly was a blessing although a lot is wot working on their I How The fallow will wonder what happen ed Mr lohnHnoks had an interesting walk from Crossing on Friday night Tho old saying is Take your umbrella with you John revised ver sion reads also your long rubber boots after upending of months their cottage hero Mr and Mrs Smith left on Tuesday for the West will visit her brother Mr Frank anagh in Tran6e Miss Lewis gavea very en- parly on Saturday afternoon a number of guests Toronto being present A is preaching anni versary sermons In Ravena next Sun day The pulpit here will be by Mr The Kpwortl league last Sunday evening was of special interest en joyment Miss of gave a splendid paper on the work the summer schools for the study Mra J McKay was ho guest of Mrs Wiley for a few days Miss- Addison gave a five oclock tea last Friday afternoon or University students and others to Miss living of China Mr of Ottawa is a vacation With his mother Mr of Toronto was a guest at Mr Ross cottage over Sunday Mrs Hamilton of week with her friend Mrs If Dr andMrs and daugliter of Toronto were guests at Cedar Nook weekend Mrs French of Toronto is spending a few with Mrs Vokes of To ronto Miss ol Toronto was spending a few days with her friend Mrs An dy Wright Miss May has so ill for couple of weeks that the ser vices of a professional nurse were re quire- She is improving Mr and family of Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr Canes cottage The Misses SIRES AND SONS I of Missions with special reference to spent the week there Mrs J Graham and children of with 0 o the one recently held at Whitby Mr Troyer hen followed the arc spending a week for Mission Study Classes or as Robertson he put it Studj Tho result being a meeting the Parsonage Tuesday evening to ic such groups at SHARON The quite Mr old scribe is back i rest and is brim full of news Drown has sold his farm to Mr Bert Gardiner of Newmarket Mr Brown is building a mew house in Sharon and intends to reside there Miss of Schom- berg spent several days last week with her cousin Miss Merle Shrop shire Mr J spent Sunday al Mr Norman Crone and lady friend spent Sunday in Albert Miss Gertrude Moore of daughter Mr bert spent at Mr League Sept His Trusted Disciples The Messiah and His Church Matt 1G Mark Mike Speaker Jjaura Thompson of Canadian Missions Methods and plans Work John Missionary Meeting Speaker Ross Realer Sydney Milne the Syrian Literary Social Speaker Minnie Wright ReaderViola Hill Sanitation and Lev Siristian Citizenship SpeakerClara Hill ReaderWillie Wright Christian Endeavor Wedding Chimes On Tuesday last Mr son of Mr Tom the same Clair led to the altar Huntley Union St near The bride looks spending a friends in Our for the city remain until few days week Mr pretty at all times but Mrs Irving Williams of New York messaline satin and carrying spent the weekend at Mr J far of orchids she looked particularly handsome asMro in a suow- charming and it was Large congregations Sunday both morning and evening j The sermons of Dr Rankin and Dr J Hyde were a very high order The Indian Choir failed to appear as an- Pastor Dean of the Toronto is expected to preach next Sunday morning and evening Rev Levi Hairier of Pa and Rev VanNorman of guests of Mr Silas ton over Sunday Mr Ross took a fishing par ty over bo Snake Island on Friday afternoon for a pienic and when they got ready to leave his engine failed to work The parly were rowed ov er to Island Grove and expected to walk home hut Mrs on learn ing of the situation very kind I sent I them home in her auto with her chauffeur Mrs Pain of Thursday last week Campbell When 1j boys lack were returning from their cruise to Lindsay last Friday the boat was struck- by the storm on the and when opposite Fastboume became unmanageable ThdV ran is near shore as safe for the boat threw out the anchor and Uniplng overboard swam ashore They made themselves as comfortable as possible under the circumstances for the night and next morning found that the boat had sank while their possessions and everything moveable washed After considerable trouble kfrofeasor tiii hit New It I Id that paid chew In the ana inat Income year Count to lost luwuw the no when be in Theodore a In the employ Bros company In for the He only tbreo In that Dr Edwin patholo gist In the department of at recently a position with the Rockefeller Institute For Medical Research to re tain one at the Ho attracted attention by In the comparative- study of plant diseases lu their relation to man beast John succeeding William Jr collector port at New York wan acting mayor of the city following the shouting of Mayor Gnynor mail the Mi was able to resume office He Is a He I of where he won the oratorical contest in senior year From Columbia he went to the New York Law school where bo received bis diploma a mom In votdtat bellow all io did not tarn to when noni dons with troubled which wmI upon vitality bring voamhood and ftc ibowt It sod foaU tin tonic effect P It and Irritability other ttDdcAnj and organic of ft mental anxiety despondency Known and for ataadard for thedtseaica of Your dealer In It In liquid or tablet form or you can W onecent tor a of Dr Dr Pierce Invalid and Surgical Buffalo DR PIERCES PLEASANT PELLETS AMD STOMACH LIVER AND BOWELS SUGARCOATED TINY GRANULES Aurora with Mrs spent Town Topics Every now and then Cincinnati bo conscience and retornia but it doesnt last lung Kansas City A near riot wan caused In Atlanta the other day by the ot September Mom This ought to help greatly to substantiate Atlantas claim to bo regarded the Chicago of the eolith New York Tribune One of the iDUtntrs a New York Insane asylum escaped ami went to city He surrendered to the po lice and asked to be taken back ray ing believe New Is a danger- oiia to live In That man luot crazy Houston Cm P MATTHEWS VICEPBEStDEia A BOGERT General Manager Capital paid up Fund Total Financial Headway of the sure and permanent kind Is rarely made without the a Savings Bank Account It stimulates saving keeps the money absolute safety increases it with Interest and provides the ready cash to take advantage business opportunities which coma ones way MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager Cost of Living WANTED X a mile Prince this neighborhood Mr Davidson hs leit where he intends to alter Mr who had the mis fortune to fall from the scaffold the new house he was to erect is slowly recovering from the general shaking up he received in con sequence the fall His many friends will he pleased to hear tins for Uncle Will is a general favorite Our advice to him is that he remain on terra firms in future a Sale Register SATURDAY Sept acre aim In North belonging to the Instate of tiolate Albert will he sold- on tic Square Xcwmarkct at am See Hills W nagh A net in- A farmer Robert was keeping vfgllover his barns during a thunderstorm when lightning struck the house and a holt tore to wanning mm it a West and lady friend couple that stood up before the minl the l spent Sunday athome Mrs and son Toronto are visiting with her Watson The Rev John again and were glad toget home safe Holland Landing officiated Tables Wng experience father Mr laid on the lawn and plentifully J supplied with the luxuries and ncces- Jaokson TOW vstmB Look out for another boost In the price of kerosene It lias been found that this useful fluid fa highly clous In exterminating grass Chicago Tribune The New York Press discovers that wedding presents are not on the free list Why doesnt somebody start a crusade about the high post of Invita tions Cleveland Plain Dealer Wives of New York men who are trying to cut the cost of living by do- their own shopping In a public market will probably hire a to take them downtown and a few serv ants to carry their bundles Mil I guests did things full The Major was in Toronto one of life and Hie day last week justice to the good Several our young men intend go- presents including many handsome to West for the harvest tides and the company enjoyed thenv George Sou tea and Miss Ada solves immensely Mr Fergus of Crone sjjent Sunday in Albert Newmarket was present as he also Buster is when good pictures are wanted Miss Lapp and Mr Frank and made several photos of the j of Albert are ipany and immediate family The I at Ml has Crones bride looked very pretty in her go- Mr Melville Moore life Aling away costume of blue and quite was visiting in a procession accompanied the pair to Sharon and on Sunday the car and gave them the usual Mr Fred Hall of Toronto was the J Ing shower of ric and confetti guest of Miss Maud on Sunday I Among the guests present were IV Miss Evelyn spent last Huntley Sutton West J Huntley at Miss Miss Pollard of has been ISeeton Rarker to teach school here Mr and Mrs I Win oil and Miss Maud visited at Mr I Mr Barber from lohu Moores of Albert last week Mount W T Cane and visaing at jack- is on the sick Mr list Mercy Barker ited her sihtcr Mrs for a couple of weeks Tansley of Toronto vis- Vaxson his shreds mattress on which Ins wife I lias two children were sleeping and wood hush to then passed out of the house nd tore Dorothy Mar am s tankVAa the- earth The Mrs We are pleased to see Walters and children were sligbtl SHOOK- around our town once brother I Tom Stick word cob all accompanied ladies all from Sharon couple intend taking a hard- nights holiday in the south Ja- Mrs Mrs Ross were sons Point Mrs Martin of Toronto and her Miss Martin of Philadelphia j Pa spent over Sunday with Mrs J Lee Mr lack of Toronto spent the weekend at Sfanor with his uncle Mrs Ross Mr- and Mrs J celebrat ed their wedding anniversary on Tuesday by having a few friends in to tea at Zephyr Villa Miss of and Miss of Aurora have been visiting Mrs Broad this week Curious Cullings TO VJINNIPEG Choice of destination to the excursionist from Winnipeg to Saskatoon Brandon Klcdersley Albert and to all points on the Canadian Northern Railway Returning a mile from points on the to Winnipeg from Winnipeg to original starting point in Ontario DATES OF SALE SEPT From Toronto all CN 0 stations east and south of Spar row Lake all Central Ontario and Ray of stations also stations on other lines east of Ray in Ontario and Quebec all stations on the east of and including line St Jerome to and J stations SEPT From Toronto to Sparrow Lake on als points on other lines Toronto to North Bay Sudbury and west thereof The Richest Country in the West is served by the Canadian Northern Railway The demand for Harvesters along its lines is very heavy and the wages the highest Write for Homeseekers Guide showing free awaiting the settler For full information apply to RL- Pass Agt Can Nor Toronto 0nt ZEPHYR James of Los the The- Directors meeting of the other day played River Society was held at the on a piano while fitonding upon Zephyr House here on Tuesday of fast week receiving weeks returned on Saturday to in Toronto We understand bis- field of labor will be Abridge We wish every success bead An orchestra of twentyfive blind musicians ltd by a one armed woman conductor recently played the whole of music or at a per- forma nee of that opera In the theater at tfpaln A man custody In Jail the other day was found to have one and donations transacting other necessary Dont forger the date Oct Come and see the best show the has ever The prie list Iras been revised also number of new regulations have added concert Committee hav ing secured expert talent promise held 0 CEDAR BRAE HOLLAND LANDING their Th with Mr Council ATTENTION If you want a new this fall it will pay you to come to me as I offering my stock Special prices and Terms I can also you a Great Bargain in a Intending to buy If me know I have them right hero Albert is Farm for Sale Being Lot Con Scott one mile east of Mount Albert contain ing acres of excellent land near ly all cleared All build ings All conveniences full par ticulars J M CLARK Albert to Creditors pleasant more Mr Peter Parr visited his Mr on Sunday Mr Mike Ramsay of Weston spending a few days at his farm here Some one has bought a shot gun It must be on account of the fox that aunts the north end of our town has a pleasant smile these days I guess it must be on account of the new buggy Miss Knight of Washington who has been vetting her cousins the Misses Knight Sharon returned Trustees of home last week Our Lord Mayor had a bumper crop of onions this year He had fifty bushels on quarter of an acre The Monthly Mission Circle as the home Miss Nora Siw on Wed nesday Gordon Bailey intends putting a now under his I wonder what made Porto change his Sunday night trips to Saturday night Above Council met at on afternoon Aug Members all present and after read ing and confirming infantes of previ ous meeting and passing a few ac counts for road repairs to and verts proceeded to levy the tax rates for current year as follows County rate I Township rate mills General School rate 2 mills Bridge debenture mill And also the various special school rates required awl asked for by the the different school Dutch spent Sunday his lady friend in Toronto Owens and family are visiting Grandma Fishing seems to be the order of the day Miss Gladys Marsh caught a black lass weighing pounds Tues day Miss Blonde Sherwood fell in the Janal and got slightly damp She was out by her brother Birdie Rev Geo and Mrs Scott are visit ing in Toronto this Mr James Ilughet visiting his sister in Theres a man town who nev er shovels snow fan you guess who t Mr Alex Johnston and daughter J Mabel of Oil Springs was calling on frierfds here on Wednesday last Mr Johnston taught school hero years ago Postmaster the mail boxes for Rural Route No Stone the earner will The Methodist Ladies League a very successful meeting at the borne Mrs Frank of this place The tables were set on the lawn and were well laden with all kinds of good things to which those present entertainments ever held ships and the of his loves in l0 hail uberta Ton Tot arm t Madden on Monday after spending a few das wfth him took several views and al- friends in Toronto so several as the guests were seated Threshing is in full swing and the at the tables Mrs is to farmers are all smiles these days congratulated the success of Mr- W J loaded a car of her meeting All twentyfive cent opera They get ft j potatoes for Shields on the from an Quarter tracks one day last week Public Ledger per tag In the name of the ocean plant Flippant Flings days The people of New York are to have Mr W J loaded a car congratulated were sorry when twilight came and it came time to but all look forward to again Mr and Mrs next Aug Qt The Farmer and a Nigh Tariff All creditors and others claims the Estate of Smart late of the Township of East in the County of York Laborer who died on or about 1st day July are requir ed pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf to file particulars their teams duly wifj the signed agent on or about September alter which assets will be distributed among those entitled thereto and the will not be liable so filed Smart Administratrix DAVIDSON Albert Oat sec- mence on this route on Sept tions Miss K itching after to meet at Pel- a months vacation at her home on Saturday Nov 1st at hero returned to the city on the accent is placed very the potato market appropriately on the top prices the pay Is not rorguttenNew j visited his sister Mrs Lake- of Vachell on Sunday have succeeded in extracting I Geo ol a- superior quality of point- from the visited at Mrs or garden variety of prune PlonSuadai From The- Txsi Mrs Heath spent a days last week with ne Texas Stockman and Farmer Miss rVheatlev who has been says the Democratic tariff will spending a couple of weeks visiting the producers of agricultural Miss Curl returned to her Products if it is passed fa what will hurt the farmers Mr and Mrs of and Farmer neglects to bridge were visiting the formers sis- he very good ter Mrs Frank here Sun day Dr J- Henderson returned home Rut dont gather from this that your boarding house will be painted this year Cleveland Plain Dealer Current Comment Six- alive pm lulaid Wanted Apply at Era Office or to Mrs Jackson Orchard Reach Mrs Robt Rriggs has returned home after spending a most enjoy able time In and Hamilton taking in the Centennial while there Miss a tew days last week in Hamilton and St rat one Miss gave a party last in honor of her friend Miss Jean Ross The Ladies Aid of Presbyterian Church have fixed up Dr corner building and Bell ice cream on Saturday evening Aug Mr and Marion were away last- week on Hv litesosl Opposite Snako Island Special Accommodations for Picnic Parties nicely wooded grove tables hold for boating bathing fisWng booth etc Write for open dates and ask for what you want Proprietor Island Grove PO day Mr of Calgary is vis- j his brother MrJas Starpc Mr Robt Glover who been working at tho past month returned home on Monday Messrs Stephenson and Al bert Morning left for the West on Friday Mr J Webb spent Wednesday and Thursday at where he at tended funeral of his lrother-in- law Wm- Miners Miss Donaldson was at home on Wednesday last with a number of in vited guests and all report an enjoy able time Mr spent Sunday last in tls city Mrs Madlll who has been poorly we are pleased to say Im proving Mrs Willlamsof is vis iting tier A Sweet Mrs Clarke and family of Ot tawa Is visiting her mother Mrs Prohibition prohibit in China seven men have burned there tor producing eastern paper says that torab- of granite are now classed as luxuries Oh give ita the in- keep your luxuries Cleve land Plain With this country Importing worth of yearly Ik must beep the of working overtime to maintain thu sup ply of old masters NewsTrib ute Send the tit to absent friends Automobile Runs chauffeurs Why not treat the pedestrian us mere tresjiaKsr when be to use the Rerun Herald The driver an automobile Is call ed a by those who ride with him hut what pedestrians rail him a lot easier to Cblrapo News The statement that there are automobile In New York only In that the number at only broke out on Saturday Sask and totally wiped out the building and contents ownod and occupied by tho OddWlows and on Monday after spending wkvfs- p lhat OUf iting friends in and js WUB cannot tell A high protective tarift affects on ly such articles as are imported into this country from foreign countries try Hence a high protective tariff protect our farmers from the pauper labor of Such a tariff however can and does add to the price of nearly everything ton Mrs Cummer of Mt Albert re turned home after spending a couole of weeks wit her parents Mr and Mrs Leitch north of here Mrs A Culverwell of this place and the Miss Ruth Rarton of LcasKd re- tlmt cannot be denied How turned home on Friday after spend- jn the sensC a of weeks with in reduction of tho tax hurt Toronto and the farmer Mr A at the corner Democratic tarin puts has reentry installed- a gasp- machinery farm tools and line tank on the west side of his p twine and bagging and tfcs store for the convenience of the mot- the free list reducing thc cost public- 0 things to the farmer and We wonder it the ol the stockman and Farmer pest which visits a number wm the farmer of our gardens the of the 0ur tested the night Knows how thankful we would be if he would tedder him at home in the future Mr and Mrs Thomas Meyers vis ited in over Sun day Mr Wm Horner leit on Monday for Kinsella AHa where his son Frank Democratic more of It party they will want Want BRIGHT ROY a situation as errand boy is demonstrating farming on a large do you Wellcan you tell me scale far Is from earth J Scott organizer for the sir I dont know but I who has here In the reckon It aint to of for past with running ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO i I I

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