Newmarket Era, 29 Aug 1913, p. 7

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I NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST ft I- i I is ho I ft A Nest with blue Price HOWLS of 4 On white bands good per Sot ground Special skis hist opened crates which cams too late or Spring Trade Naught to sell pieces White with Gold Tracing Blue with Hold Tracing with Sold Tracing Canary with told Tracing Special Trice Per Set for Assorted Colors full Size i TOILER in Colors All Nice terns Full Bilk and Style Special for Set J I JL DIKKOT OK STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA War is Private Dane Tho Foresters called their picnic at Bond oft last Saturday alter- owing to unfavorable hut a number of people down on the afternoon and evening earn and in evening a number of the Specialty f a private da at the Frost here last Monday morning Monday is a holiday Labor Day King Council meets at Kcttlcby on Saturday Schools open on Tuesday Thursday of next week Court I at in Newmarket Pigeon Flying Annes Toronto won many Mr Ted sent some Valuable scores wltti her recitations Others birds to North Hay Borne time ago and Only One Mac with smoke ar rived The rest were likely the Misses Oil and Merry Taylor Pi- v lost In the bush Arcs- sent an- saapl4 a very other basket to Cochrane on Phasing manner Contractor for the now artesian well has got the machinery in good working order and down feet at noon yesterday with an 81 pipe calculation is to continue this size down about feet and finish with a pipe- lie aspects to strike water some day rictar close of next week al a depth of or foot Library Association- 9 Methodist Church The pastor A Addison ex pats to conduct the next Sunday morning and evening Quito an increase in the attendance at Sunday School last Sabbath The regular meeting of ladies Aid will be held the Boaxl of the church next Wednesday after noon at 3 oclock sharp As niatr of special importance will discussed a full attendance f members Is requested be the New Oarage Mr K Robertson has bought the of Mr brick Too exterior the Town ilall a being and Tb new transformer for Queen St armed Wednesday Wednesday icing the last hallholi day for the stores this season a of the clerks took in Ex hibition that day Tomorrow la the last Saturday halfholiday for the factory hands The Metropolitan are running ex tra cars on account of the Toronto Exhibition Auction Safe Of Furniture Piano Stoves etc at the residence of Mrs Pros pect Ave at on Friday Sept Cheap Tickets IRochP Annrk Avoid the rush on the Metropolitans Sh I by visiting Toronto via ihurci and is transforming China Hall Grocery pcarance of the- building A glass front is being provided and the ground floor will be used as a show room for with a private of fice in Bast front corner When changes completed Division Court will transferred to this building which will be arranged therefor The back part of premises will fitted up for a repair in connection with the Trunk Railway and save plate- street Car rush by getting oT at Station Tickets on sale at Drug Store or at tiie depot as Pickling Spices Whole and Ground Cloves whole and ground Cinnamon whole and ground whole and ground whole and ground Mace whole and ground Black While Pepper Mustard Seed Tumeric Celery Seed Pepper whole and ground whole ground Chillies Day Leaves Powder Catenae Pepper First Quality Cider and White Wine Vinegars ensure success Wo have a complete stock of Fruit Jars of all si8 f Leading A Financial Item assessment or 1913 I shows an increase of At the usual 28- mills rate this would yield in taxes The current debt at the end of was 5332105 so the taxes received on the extra assessment for 3 would pay the overdraft and leave for extra expenditure On Monday nicjJH Council the rate at mills on the This will raise more than e- raised in Newmarket in one year There will kick from ratepayers get their tax slips lows Newmarket ing the turn up Newmarket I to Toronto any time good to lo Sept only 105 to Toronto on Sept or 1 and return any time to Sept inclusive only Mr Jos and put his the he Prompt Delivery CORNER Phone OF Police Court His Worship Police Magistrate had a busy morning hero Fri day Five town boys were charged with stealing apples from an They all guilty and off on payment of costs after listen ing to a severe lecture on The owner of an automobile was Who Took the Horse On Wednesday evening of the Con limbury drove into town horse under the shad of Hotel Metropolitan car I his return horse linissiry Thinking that the Iliad broken loose he went homo saw no trace of the missing fit Yesterday morning he back to town and could no trace of the missing property about the hotel- After looking around for a while the horse was dis covered tied to a fence on street but it was dead The ani- had got tangled in the w valued There is a strong who the horse The matter in the hands of the authorities and are expected shortly were let Tho Fourth Annual Meeting of the York District Library Institute was held at August and in the King fleorge School There in the 1 being represented- There were 22 delegates present papers were read by Judge A Hardy Secretary of Library Association The ManySided Library Mr Secretary York Library Institute The Past and Future of York District Library Institute Mr A Campbell In I Library Work Worth While A Dales in Relation to Schools Instruction In and Car by Miss Patricia Spear man Cataloguer ATI which were listened to atten tively and much help gained Discussion on the various papers were instructive fea tures of trie program After tho afternoon session on Wed nesday the Ladies Library Auxiliary spread a sumptuous lea for the dele gates in the Library Room alter which the Library Board treated the to an auto ride round the I city taking them about 22 miles in four fine automobiles After return ing business was resumed at Thursday Meeting convened at am and The only inci dent which cast a shadow on the otherwise perfect session was the ab sence of our beloved Inspector Mr Walter who recent was bereft of his lifes partner and Is at present taking a much rest The next will at Sutton West The Library Hoard de serve thanks for the royal numier in which they entertained the visiting delegates RB I SEE BY THE PAPERS wmk r i J x A x f x c i mm I uV If it x I he in in great they horse but- out value find Foot The average shoe built for comfort many of them do not fit properly or shape themselves to the foot so feet arc tired put and P-VA- the fibre cushion compresses heel of your your toes giving 9 ample support to in a natural position in perfect comfort We have size in a variety of shapes and leathers At least come in and try a pair on just yourself how stylish and the Dr A Shou arc it will be well worth your while I I IP A Birthday Greeting I fined HO and costs amounting all rjlaltl Timothy WSO for speeding his automo bile past a funeral procession THAT LITTLE GIRL Of yours shell Boon be having her hair done up and too filic will be outgrowing hat childish ways and you havent had picture taoen since she was in long You dont exactly want to keep her as she is but you do want to keep the memory E Photo Artiat Opposite Office Phono The Photographer in Your Town Lawn Bowllaj Club A doubleheader was played by Rolling on Monday night and in his defeat The first game was against Willis and let and sound forth and mate a joy- Did you oyer stop to think of significance of the above It is estimated more than per cent of the population that can read are newspaper readers quotation or rather the uni versal repetition of same thought signifies to what tremendous ex tent the public depends upon the press for its ideas and daily The following is a verbatim copy of a letter from a devoted daughter to Not so very long I see by the her father on the anniversary of his papers referred nearly always to birthday It is so replete with news happening but today and lofty thoughts and so lull expression is just as likely to indicate of genuine filial and news advertising news all clothed in such rich imagery arrival of some choice merchandise some change in style a new idea in apparel or any one of a hundred in teresting and constantly changing bits information which crowd the Pages of reliable papers like The Era There is indeed much worth while The men Main St Vesi New market and choice diction that it cannot fail to be read with peculiar and real interest For obvious reasons nan are withheld Dearest Daddy Another anniversary of man- the housetops won another An auto chauffeur was fined costs amounting to nearly noise let it be proclaimed from hacking his car in a dangerous on a crowded street A charge of abusive language was settled out of court on payment of costs and the case was withdrawn THE GIFT OF Millinery Apprentices Wanted Apply- to Mrs Christian Church he is fairly itching to get Take from a man every gift hut at Dr Mutt as he thinks if he can Let him be blind and deaf beat the doctor he will have attain- and lame let him stammer tin his the summit of his desires How- j speech lack education and good man tling also lost to the sdrAe Handicap him as you please evening so long as you leave him sincerity he On the following night will command respect and attention down before the veteran Steve j His work will endure The world J Doyle Pearson for was which is always looking for the real the star and played an excellent thing will Harry Marshall had also to firm ties arisian gladly overlook all his Splendid congregations were present acknowledge himself beaten by Steve in every relation of life sincerity is on Sunday and the best of feeling pie- result of this game puts Steve the secret of power The salesman i Perrlirs Greenhouses St vailed all through the minister or day being of Haverhill Mass He treated both his themes with that I thoroughness that is His morning topic The the Prince of was thought fully considered and no Kbit viewpoint one approached the man who sets about to fool er A Wedding is made Beautiful most of all by its Setting of Flowers The Brides Bouquet is the Greatest Importance in the Making of a Pretty Wedding ifce Brides made by us is Correct and Strikingly Artistic Our Bridesmaids Bouquets are Equally Correct and Beautiful Our Prices are indeed Moderate Estimates Cheerfully Given Funeral Work of Highest at Moderate Prices on Short est Not foe iPhoae PBRR1N veil I Old Hook it far outshone every respect His he Burning Bush was as thoroughly handled and a attention was evident through wiole sermon The organ in as winner of his and he will meet Fergus in the semifinal on Thursday The winner will play generally the with on some evening early next week- must end as he has in fact A got badly trimmed begun by making a fool of hictself by on Tuesday hut it The clergyman who preaches is hardly be wondered as his soul does not approve nvi the assistance of no farther to explain empty other who put up a horse lop- The Competition for Singles and There is no virtue that more men just to decide the Champion of believe in and fewer practice Ifeny jwill he started next week l S it may be fair to say are Bradford will have a Tournament engaged the utterly futile at- month so as many rinks asjtempt to run the bluff on the test of possible are wanted to represent world To pillow slums to false Newmarket fronts to limitation marble Two rinks skipped by J Stock- watered stocks things are quite lev and went to Brad ford on Wednesday and came home charge of Mr Weaver of to whose skill was evident all thru the services as well as his great mastery of the instrument Mr caver gave a recital after even ing service to which all remained were well repaid for the l against strong rink good day was thus brought to- a fit- to conic out even while was ting close I shot down was not up A will his usual formbut and pulpit at services Sunday Fox plaved a rattling good game for the other rink Mr your may see by the papers if is here and want to add my he will but study the advertising Kxd wishes for many pleasant re- pages I turns to others that you will i0oo4- jceive at year we spent the evening of SINCERITY your birthday in the quaint old town of Hake well Derbyshire England and it does not seem possible that a year ha slipped away since then I am sure we ought to feel very grateful for the pleasant year it has been and for the good health and prosper- ity we have been blessed wfth Doubtless the year passed quick ly with you for your life is full many interests and when one- is busy the days slip by like a shadow on the wall I I cannot imagine a more beautiful spot to spend ones birthday than at lyourchapmng summer home on the shores of May your love of Natures ties prove more and more a rich and pleasure of greater and greater Satisfaction and may you in commu nion with her variable moods be able to read her messages of peace and hope and cheer I And so dearest father as you stand upon the threshold of a new j year of your life and looking back upon the years that have gone may only the really helpful and good of thorn remain and may whatever is unpleasant and sad slip away quietly oblivion and looking down the dimly lighted vista of the years to Established to give Best- Work at Moderate Prices Satisfaction Guar anteed leading Feature Careful Handling thus life to fabrics Trial solicited Goods for and delivered Moved to new house on Cedar Street Phone Established Incorporated by Act of Parliament CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS On who does not IrmseU sincerely be lieve in the merits of his goods be failure The business pews There largely not what they The chief anvietv of seem too Branches at all important centres in Canada and London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of Ontario Bank as heretofore Branch will be accommodated branch ROSS A v Clearing Sale Summer Goods To make room for Fall Winter Stock and In All Departments GIVE US A CALL P PHONE 232 Main Doors South of K log George Hotel If you have any or Junk to sell call j worth League The meeting last Monday evening was of an exceptionally interesting character Miss Beatrice Wesley dealt with the I different branches of study in connec tion with the Arts course calling attention to the breadth of study and also to the utility of Arts course as a preliminary to law etc The side of the University life and many other interesting features were mentioned The work at the Faculty of Education was made plain by Mr Stfckhoods description Among other things he attention to the Increase persons attending the Faculty of Education as compared to number attend Normal Schools showing that higher certificates of qualification as teachers are being sought after to a greater extent than formerly An outline of the work to be cov ered the various years in the nod ical course was given by Roy Attention was called to the efficiency equipment and to the unusual ad pome may you face the future with losers one point was iPlfi is to keep up appearances If fesh hope knowing that you have and managed they are poor they must at rate devoted love of your cbildrn appear to be rich When the wealthy brewer across the street sets must a lovely reeling for you up a motor car the Brown family put to know that you have given vis all a a mortgage on the house and let the hand so generously full along butcher go unpaid to the end that the road of life and I we all they too may boast an J fully and heartily appreciate it If they are ignorant they at least And so on this your birthday I affect culture We are going to send my- best wishes or all life spend the winter in Washington blessings and may God be very good account of its wonderful educational to you the year and advantages says Mrs Jenkins We through life In Stock Full Supply First Class Coal of All Grades of him In who has lately come to town from Winona played a splendid game and the bowling ranks- of the town lias greatly by thfi coming among us of such a good player There will he a good game orr to- night Friday to decide who will I play finals with Tom Somerville The contestants are Steve Doyle and Fergus and the Committee have do- all on expect to put dear Smithsonian Institution in the Be a real man riot- a shoddy or a sham aristocrat Be sincere that spectators will he admit- with yourself with your friends and I thirteen ted to the Greens freenot even your work With sincerity a With love in- abundance to- the dear est father in the world from your old sweetheart and daughter August tenth nineteen hundred and A Fresh Supply of Meal Oil Cake Best Milk Producer Farmers get your Feed Supplies now Feed will advance Art Metal Steel Shingles and Siding for Sale Here GEORGE Phone Chopping per cwt FORESTER NEWMARKET PROMPT DELIVERY TERMS STRICTLY CASH collection will be taken uoo- AURORA MM S vantages which cine now has student in The meeting for next Monday even ing is withdrawn Che Rev Canon Hartley of Eng land who is visiting in Canada will preach in Trinity Church on Sunday Mr and Mrs Willis of Aurora are leaving next Monday to visit the Old Country The young people ot Trinity church held a very successful lawn social on the grounds of the- rector on Tuesday evening over being present Tfcc lawn was flags and Chinese lanterns and the platform was pret tily decked with flowers- Possibly the finoat feature of the entertain ment was pinging of a male quar tet recruited from the church choir Miss Kennedy of St few talents and a little strength may go far Without it genius must fail Henry Hyde in Tribune During an electric storm at villa a man walking on the road received a severe shock bewildered Ottawa Aug 26 The rural mail itself delivery system has undergone an Intense increase within the past year At the present time eighteen routes are in operation This is an increase of about a thousand since the present Government assumed ot- While a number of routes are established in the the sir- much more largely centered in Relic Trent rn near village struck by a bolt which killed a dog and the farmhouse of Albert iii especially in Ontario displayed a much greater tendency to It- The result has been the closing of a large number of Courtesy always gives more than it costs- Go away from me said lonable dressed lady to the tramp wouldnt have you touch me for a dollar was only going o touch you for a copper lady came the reply- I dM u Season is just opening and Our Stock is Complete the Newest Goods and Designs Our Motto is Satisfaction to AH Call in and See Our Patterns YOUR PHONE 160 LSJ8 i TORONTO

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