Newmarket Era, 3 Oct 1913, p. 3

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a from acres on of King for tt intends to upon It Spring Brief lets selection of Jurors in each municipality takes place next Friday courts Mr Stark baa got In a car of lor foundry work Secure your tickets Drug Store for the Concert next night Rail- city 8M evening of Oct 23 Special I Wednesday Will be held oft auanlorr U previous Oct J Another Savor Harrows Sitter will its cost times Wo know thy is ft fact from experience At Itinns Hardware w c a The regular Monthly Meeting will ft held at the home of President Mrs commencing 3 p Tuesday Oct ijc A lull attendance is requested rcss World Wide Reputation Canes Factory shipped a carload of poodertware to New Zealand this week as well one to London Next week they a carload England China and Japan will soon he on their list Doric chapter Ex T Grand of Toronto District No paid an official visit to Doric on man in tie employ of Mr Morning who lives About milch south of this place met with a Tuesday He was engaged In hauling corn from the Acid when the horses attached to wa gon on which lie was riding became frightened and ran away- The young man was thrown off the wagon and seriously Injured He was conveyed lo Mr Mornings house and medical aid sunt- for At the latest- reports improving Concerts The Directors 4io Newmarket Newmarket Agricultural Society have we accompanied by lit from Now York who Milne of Play various kinds of Instruments tejSt Patricks No and take part in the Concerts In the P of Hall next week on the three No- of Toronto HeIf tones a Wall Finish Thats different Its an Oil Paint gives a velvety finish It can washed with soap and water us you the finished walls Minns Hardware nights of the Fair Among the oth er entertainers Mr Fax Canadas Comedian Mr Walter Edwards Entertainer and Comic Vocalist Mr J Cameron iho Prince of Entertainers Entire change of program each ev ening you go the first night y will not want because you will know how good It will he Seal reserved at lon Drug Store Co early were served at tlio close of Lodge iprottedings and a social time enjoyed J LOCH Sell Ask for Red Roofing made Hardware AGENTS TOR fiM I I Importations bargains in Ribbons ALL USE of Dress Fabrics silk Shepherd Plaids in all sizes an Some of the New Weaves are I Its the Rest Guaranteed Minns Wash Day Drudgery Is ended the moment you install a Gravity Washer Free trial At Minns WesleyHay A very pretty wedding of the early Autumn was that celebrated in lity Methodist Church Toronto Tues day inpfnfng at halfpast ten when Miss LoHia May daughter of ami ftlrs Hay vard was united in to Dr Watson The church The Directors Special Prizes Since List for the New market Fair was printed Mr of King City offers the fol lowing fon colts hv Yearling iclding or 1st prize 2nd prize Spring Colt or Filly l 2nd 3rd Andrews Church The Rally Day service on Sun day morning was well attended and grown people remarks wore on Gods call to Samuel and proved very instructive- lo both young and old Miss had charge very tasty for the occasion- lie large congregation in even ing listened to a very able sermon from the text thou been so Ions time with me and hast not known me Phillip in various ap plications this question was made a personal appeal to each one present The choir Makers Anthem Praise the Lord A Etas took the tenor solo part Miss Oliv er rendered a beautiful contralto slo by Roma Cling to Thee- The Ladies the Womens oJKn Missionary met a few days ago at a Quilting and from their work and nations of cloth- have forwarded of cloth ing etc to the Indian children in the West Presbyterian Board ing Schools have arranged for some entertaining surprises in front of he Grand Stand next and Thursday the Town Grumbler in the could mind own bu siness it would more to his cred it Annual meeting the North York Poultry Association of Ag rooms this evening Worider how Mayor Allen liked his seat in semidarkness at the Town Hall last Wednesday evening Quite a number attended the dance in the Wesley last Monday night A number of Newmarket look was decorated with palms and the centre aisle having arches of pink rambler rose I Rev assisted by Rev Dr Cleaver Miss Ada Twohy played the wedding march from Lo hengrin as the brides entered the Church on the arm of her father who gave her away She looked lovely in a while duchess satin gown with a court train which was trimmed with rose point lace and seed pearls The veil which had also been worn by her was arranged in a Juliet cap and streamers caught with orange blossoms She carried a er bouquet of white roses and lily of tin valley and wore the gift of the groom a necklace and pendant aquamarines and diamonds set in platinum The brides sister was maid of nor and the bridesmaids Mr and Mrs Wells spent Sunday at the home of their uncle Mr Stewart Miss Graham has returned homo alter spending a few days in Mr and Mrs John Jean and Laura spent Sund at the home of his father Mr Beak Quite a number from around here attended the anniversary services in the line Presbyterian Church last ooo are having some nice weather days is the order of the day- Next Fall Fair The Club of meets at Mrs A Starrs onThursday ev ening hope for a great turn out Mr and Mrs Clark accompanied by Mr and Mrs spent a few days at formers home Mr and Mrs Penrose Mr and Mrs J If Penrose making preparations for a trio New and other points In near future While Mr Frank Penrose was driving on Monday night the horse got frightened at an engine and pitch ed him out of the buggy the horse running about a mile before got it GLORIA CLOTH BEDFORD WHIPCORDS repps SERGES I show these In all popular and colors Sweater Coats in Mens Womens from J I CO to free New Coats and the tins of New Peas for cans Fresh Pink Salmon- 25c of Kcllogs Corn Flakes Sugar is very firm and is a good We keep the Shoes you the very the at present prices We will handled by we personally w Coats are the Dal- bo pleased to call for tour grocery if you us to Mil A w A i J i to the are invited to our in the dance at night The pipe has not the new well Bond Lake OH Wed- Miss Vera and Miss Beatrice Wesley of Newmarket who were in arrived yet lo eon- pink satin veiled with dewdrop with the reservoir fon and duchess black I What a Great Man Said to the Great Canadian People 3CL3 I I Ml TODAY eo lliat wale- uiy i very short K age is discovery Parisian celebrated scientist who spent best years of his life perfecting great hair tonic In giving his recipe to the Canadian of a the this Vet hats trimmed with pink j Their favors from I he bridegroom were Italian cameo rings The best he said Parisian Sage is the brother of the bridegroom Rev most delightful hair dressing in the Millard Wesley was the recipient world It cures dandruff by of a signet ring and the ushers the germs that infest the roots J French and Mr Harold of the hair it stops falling hair Johnston received gold cufflinks gives vigor and strength to the hair roots J Patterson Parisian Sage in a large fifty cent bottle and guarantees it lo do all that is lined for it or is refunded It stops falling hair dandruff itching scalp and restores life and beauty to dull faded hair in it OOOt Newmarket Pair On Tuesday day next the Countys Greatest Event will be held in the Town of New market The Annual Fall Exhibi tion appeals to everyone as there will something interesting for all young or old A few of the many special attractions consist of a Bas ket Came the teams representing the High Schools of Newmarket and Richmond Hill on Wednesday between which there is keen rivalry and good assured Richmond Hill team have chartered a special car and will bring a big load of supporters with them Also in front of Grand Stand the following entertaining program adwt Christian Church Good services were hed last Sun day all through the day The Pas tors morning Waking Up based 0 Romans LM1 was full of of the register Ioves town home church Missionarv Coronation I ho bridegroom gf s and Evangelism The eve- lo fiol wer subject based was also well treated and the fcWAWf the ceremony the guests al to live aside from the fold was shown to be extremely dangerous J2J music by the choir al both green atn gown veiled services the solos in to antS taken by Mrs Mrs ft T N Stephens and Mr Willis to match diamond The Miss is ornament a corsage bouquet of for herself many warm friends At halfpast two oclock last Wed- and is giving the best of satisfae- was wearing a afternoon at the home of the lion in her splendid work on the duchess satin with diaiionj or- j brides parents Mr and Mrs A Mrfc the bride Kettlebv was the The school room was- packed Sunday was in grey satin of a but pretty wedding afternoon at Rally Day Service and fla Florence their eldest daughter por ornaments united in marriage to Mr The reception rooms and hall Johnson of Aurora done in palms and pink roses and cascade of pink roses was over the Live Market KBTTLBBY mm Prices in Toronto this week were Butcher steers 550 to cows to bulls to 25 to to feeders to lbs to veal from to and from to k Established Incorporated by a ct of Parliament to WW and Lamls from sheep to Hogs 035 weighed cars fed and watered 576 beard at country points TO O capital paid up REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS I j Toronto Markets I day Mile a Single Act that fails to make An extra ordinary contortion act arid a pret- l young lady introducing the most charming of losing A- tlie two funny men on Roller Skates the a thoroughly enjoyable program of recitations solos duetts and was given together with a splendid illustration of the quarters and Thurs- 1 lessons in stereoptioan views by the Supt Mr Walter Eves and a feeling of intense satisfaction pervad ed the entire service The school will be held in the afternoon at in future and the morning service at 11 a Great preparations are being made both for the booth at the Fair and the Bazaar in November and a busy seasons work is anticipated both in the spiritual and material work of the Church A and Sunday School Convention will be held in tlie Christian Church on Friday and fiat unlay Oct and 18th date and make sure you at- bush Oats per bush Barley per bush mantel in the drawingroom Thc or- hrice chest ra was stationed in the manfue fattier on the lawn where the wedding break- larch of eldest- ffin of Mr and Mrs Johnson Rev j of otliciate1 who was given away by entered the room under an asters to strains of Men- tend for you will have something will do y good The next meeting of the will be Consecration Meeting and all arc urgently requested to attend The topic on The Ideal Christian his fast was served artistic as in reception rooms being tied out The bride cut her which was decorated with marble as was also that on Iter mothers cake and slipped away to change her gown for travelling suit of navy blue with touches of and blue hat with of feathers and feather boa Miss Edna Crawford caught the brides bouquet which was tossed from the staircase and amid showers of con fetti the happy couple left on their honeymoon for the Eastern vinces The presents were The tables were jdelssohns Wedding March plaved by samcnoral scheinVi Clara She was gown ed in ivory silk- trimmed with shadow lace pearls and chifToii roses and wore a silk embroidered veil caught with roses and carried bridal bouquet of roses and maiden hair fern The bride was attended by her sis ter Miss Mary wore pink silk mull and carried bouquet of pink roses The groom was supported by his brother Mr Johnson of Aurora The grooms gift to tlie bride was pearl sunburst to bridesmaid numerous a twin pearl ring and to best 2nd 3S- 0 0 Hay per ton Butter per lb 0 28 Eggs per 32 Potatoes per bush 90 Chickens per lb branches at all important centres in Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT Former customers Ontario Dank Branch will be accommodated as heretofore BRANCH ROSS Newmarket Markets J Wesley sidesplitting laughing Funny lulls comedy and quartette breakneck whirlwind asking i Sunday morning the pastor Henry amazing the diver- communion sermon af- eats fdarlessiv and i ncw will be received and the Lords Supper celebrated The subject for the evening Courtship si Tad perfKtly performed Committee have changed and on Wednes day to a Pace and Trot will allow a larger entry of horses together with Hie Roth bid fair attract a large num- lt of fast contesting horses afternoon Oct The FreeFurAll A- Race on last day will without doubt draw some the best sand fastest horses of the Province and will give all lovers of this great excellent opportunity or an after noons enjoyment The entry list in Live Stock Poultry Domestic Dairy and Ladies Work will outclass of any previous year and will make this the record show for York Co On each night Oct 7 R and there will be held in tlie Town Hall under auspices of Fair Asso ciation highclass Concerts music by a celebrated New York Orchestra playing different musical Instruments Mr James Fay Miss Jessie Fax Mr Walter Edwards Mr J Cameron and Dr Robb Popu lar prices- Beat plan at Drougjjtons Drug Store Friday 3rd at oclock vice will be and very beautiful Outoftown a tie pin- guests included and Mrs JI Amid showers of confetti Mr and Oakley Los Angeles Mr and the cV Mrs Joseph Wesley Dr and Mrs lraln Niagara and Mr and Mrs J- Buffalo On their return they will and Mrs j their new on the of Kim The bride travelled in Mrs A Thomson Dr and Mrs W London fcng Mrs Morris Parry Buffalo Mr and mrnv Mrs Mdntyre Hamilton Mr and Dr M of Mrs Souris Man and Mrs Wesley will reside a Pal- Mr merston Boulevard upon their return New Wheat per Barley per Oats per Buck wheat per hush Per doz Butter per It I Potatoes per bush Chickens per lb Geese per lb Bran per ton Shorts per ton Oct bush and Mrs Mr and Mrs J Johnson Mr and Mrs Brown all of Toronto Mr and Mrs and daughter and Mr Fans 2nd 0 0 -18- 52 36 0 0 28 00 Hay per ton new 10 Season is just and Our Stock is Complete the Newest Roods Designs Our Motto is Satisfaction to All Call in and See Our Patterns YOUR TAILOR PHONE NEWMARKET ST and fine WA REPAIRING CLOCKS flOIAMOtiDsl JEWELRY cut GLA Miss Watson 01 miss aim Mr Billing of Niagara Miss and Miss Rogers Newmarket 9 Quebec Sept 26 All indations at Jon early hour this- morning Pointed to the cremation of eight the of Mr Alex Trudel as the of Our Thoroughly Reliable uptollieminute moderate priced and be exactly poat- at all times ON Steel Range Bargain Nelson reservoir and Hot Closet used months 50 for ISO at Time Tide and Taxes Trains VVait 110 Mem of a midnight firo which occurred in the threestoroy at g St Francis streei There were hv ST other families in the building in dition the Trudels and all jreseed with tlie of the eight children of no trace can found and who supposed to have perished Calgary Alia Sept stock yards- bylaw authorizing the of In bonds the Indus trial housing bylaw priding for the construction of a building for infant industries cost and a bylaw providing for the build ing of a hospit al were approved by the ratepayers at Saturdays election The aboli- Jewelers and Opticians P AGENT the ward system was also Thirteen other bylaws providing for the expenditure of on bridges and other pub lic Improvements were defeated HARDWARE DRY FANCY TINWARE GIVE USA CALL WILL IN POCKET I parson South making late- the fare Oct ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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