Newmarket Era, 17 Oct 1913, p. 2

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V IftS one it At a Dining Room Girl and a Maid at Colic for Houoo to Kent WUU4 Morgan last that arid most ImpotV ant bur 1S Margaret Osborne pent over Sunday at- her ho Mrs Wrn Armstrong- of is connection they M removing ihc Mercer I Reformatory outside the city tot by the Mm returnea to Apply to I On MillarJ Ave Newmarket Jos Organ or Qalo accompanied y will sail for Mrs Fred vis- to the In town last week more suitable quarters and muv h W i to the homo in healthy Mr Albert Hendry and wife California arcvlBltlng relatives In Provincial Gov- of King Apples the chief rival Town fit a of locality three prizes for I Stowart of Or la to investigate need of a House ot tho plea and strange to Miss Laura Vernon during the Detention for all persons of defective the three were won by jpalr last week 1 I Jury considered the should appoint mentality y to all of which his honor expressed approval t000 ladies The Mercury com- Mr Cornell o Toronto the Wfl slow chap if fee wasnt around somewhere in lurking the pastry Hcctlon Hi i T I Piano case good as Mrs Queen trcct noxt door to Marble Shop 38U J For Heater Stoves coal nearly now Prospect Found 1 In Newmarket on Wednesday Oct a mans Signet Wag Ap ply to JH Mills For Sale or to Rent arro Kami in King I Afrs T Perkins of Toronto spent Wednesday with her daughter contest on Saturday Mrs Timothy St- West In tbe byelection to the Commons and Mr P Mcintosh of Toronto over Mr and Mrs Osborne Mr and Mis Chapman went Conservative by a majority Jot A press despatch to Western Liberal papers states That fearing that legitimate methods would be in- Apply to J It IJox Will Investigate at Last Better late than never Is an old proverb and It fits nicely wlten ap plied to Public Road and High ways Commission We pleased Uo notloo tliat Inorder to obtain the views of all sections of Ontario with the Conservative iteJw4 regard to details of Rood roads a campaign wholesale worst that has ever program the Commission appointed Ji iX election Con- by Ontario Government is 1 federation ranging for a public Mrs Crone and daughter throughout the Province Be- impression is at twee- now next year meetings will bo held at Ottawa will bo introduced u Mr Belleville Hamilton the Government has no assvraree that A the Senate will change its attitude on the question Thats where C dayB with Mr Mrs Mr Donald McDonald and wife ol j Toronto visited at Mr John it on Thursday of last week and London It given out that the purpose of the Commission is to hold confer- as it will make an Mrs A J last week Hughes Millard i- 1 For Sale or Exchange Nearly new square plan white brick house and good lot side Millard Ave Newmarket Terms easy Apply to Slater owner Bicycle Stolen From Bide of Roses Grocery Store on Wednesday ev ening of last week heavy crease In wood of left handle Re ward for information loading to re covery For points The to be derived from road improvement The of roads cot for the 1 J sources nud for roads should he derived Tho value of statute labor Mr The classification roads governing body in which of the Duke of Governor- General ol Canada and Alex andra Victoria Duchess of Kile start- this vicinity Miss Shier Miss Irwin and Miss Mcintosh of Toronto attended a of Miss evening by had been baptized Presents have A Montgomery Supt of and showered uptn both the bride JJ Alfioma Central Hallway J and groom valued at W0000 in each class should he j An event of historical importance to the Salvation Army in Canada 0 roads of I ho locality which j will shortly be celebrated when that aro or which should ho organization will welcome to the Miss Oracle Mrs K Marie and wife were in town a couple of days this week on account of his mothers illness The Hutchinson of tang are spending two weeks with as main roads for focal market Dominion for the first time their new ertson gave a sevenhand last or accumulated and General William Booth afternoon in their honor traffic eldest son and successor of the The width of tires and th con- General William Booth founder of of each class should be the Salvation Army Toronto and and new brick stable yard King George Hotel POSSESSION GIVEN NOV for Rental of same will be to Oct For full enquire at King 0wg Hotel BROWN Manager glue motor truck and other traf fic We understand tlhat at the visit to this country places where conferences are to bo hold daily sessions will ho convened from to oclock to OP- Mrs left for on Wednesday to visit her brother Mr Geo before leaving for her Man and when you tMnk of them you natural think of r Hero are Stylo Overcoats ad Shawl Collars or Two made On Collars that aro Sturdy and Able to Stand the Hardest of Wear but theyre Good to Look at in Ad dition The Prices aro Just the Sort You Are in the Habit of Paying Except that in Many Oases are Really Take a Look at Them 750 and FINE TAILORED FOR MEN Which in Every Way is as Up-To- as the Name It is the Finest Guaranteed Clothing in Suits and Coats Either Ready f6r Service or Made to Your Measure According to Your Inclination Big Values in either case to mm I ft J I ALLWOOL UNDERWEAR Which we Guarantee wont shrink The Prices cant either as they are already Winnipeg ar the centres to be home in tho West She has had a visited by General On his Pres- delightful visit with old friends Mrs A Pi Addison will receive Beyond all question the Dominion ol first time Canada wants reduction in the Parsonage Main St on Friday Oc- GUARANTEED SOCKS All Sizes Good Quality Satisfactory Service At pair despatch from 3 to and and 2nd Thursdays J Por Brick House on Prospect Ave do mestic water largo lot good Easy terms Apply to S Gardner NewmarKet m Hughes REAL ESTAIE INSURANCE AGENT Kinds of Insurance Written Real Estate Sold pa Commission If wanting any Property call on to OP- for- present tariff A despatch Son also evening ses- Ottawa dated Oct says- wards the hold where desired In I Sir Wilfrid of each month wo state that i speech in which he declared himself in Mr Co I favor downward revision mnfTvilln Cook and Miss Cook of Lemon and the Misses Cook of well as Mrs Tp of Whitchurch noon and from in foriprcscnt tariff A general discuss ions will be Ki Pronto Tate for I of downward revision of the stayed with Mrs sessions will be tariff owing to the countrys Vernon over the Fair also Mr January j ffcs surplus is here to be held from time to time in W lhc a tarm reVisl0n th0 Opposition loi Hill M a of presenting their views In filing given by the Canadian JL date for Toronto meet- Canadas trade Is widening as the Tuesday evening on of January wo seasons come and go think the Commission Slave made a ouna mistake New Councils will be first session for the year on the day previpus and may not be able to attend next day Two or three days later would been m convenient 0 come a new a TUB CRADLE At Bond Lake Oct to Mr and Grant a daughter Mrs Arthur Tory Paper Rebels and go Ontario has Aifred market for her apples Bug who gave One day last week the first shipment fine address on The Land was made from St to Cape Town South Africa The bushels Mrs rival Queen St who has y proved very Efficient in the orchard i Centra Telephone to Mr Geo SJ consignment comprised of apples the chief the Northern Spy He with him here good Not for forts of excuse the of Toronto and was pack- special boxes in compliance with he of many friends tie Fruit Shipment Act J Simpson preached have the Canadian j Carlton Street Methodist Church and have the Conservative jr- success but can we something to be thankful tor but the be certain that day bilingual question must be squarely people been to such ah exhfbi- Montreal Herald maes the Toronto last Sunday evening tion of Tory absurdity as observation Tin not in paid We in this country Notice is hereby given that a Court fill be held pursuant to the Ontario Lists Act by His Honor o the County Court of the County of York at Public Library Hall on the day Oct at oclock am to hear and determine complaints of rors omissions in ttie Voters List oi the Municipality of Whitchurch for Dated at this day of Oct ff CLARK Clerk of the said Munici pality and of said Court Borden Government for its refusal to touch the tariff The me arc putting our youth Toronto Mail and Empire of October descne it ft is in- capped the climax when it said to note most of the Canada gets for nothing larger in this country and the cessions than those for which more owed very little to culture than a fair equivalent was required Herald comments upon met What want is one school and one language The history of the Panama Canal is given in a book of 45 pages in a very succinct and interesting manner ll by Mr of the reciprocity pact above thusly any in M was at one time absurdity go we i j obvious inference is that the new 1 1 I Wanted Family of two Apply to Mrs Schmidt Eagle street has been passed for the be nefit of Canada and that Canada gives nothing in return Instead it is plain to ordinary common sense that tho Americans have not considered Canada They have reduced the tar iff in the of their own com mon people The Borden Government has kept up the tariff bars against the interests of our common people those whose being we might 0 ewiTi and who also draw attention to the fact very few of our successful burglars and safecrackers have had the ad vantage ol a university education The point is that the qualifies ana habits of mind that have to do with intellectual culture are distinct from those who have to do with the get ting of money Not content with the Dominion ryeelect ions scheduled for tin a Amoved to in sixties The is a credit to For Sale- Brilliant Favorite Coal Heater new Apply to Robinson street and in the interests wealth has been created by higher decision in Ontario the Whitney conditions- going to stage one of its This specious foolery however was own The opening of the Constitu tes much for the digestion of Peel is the byeelection Ottawa Citizen which declared since the General elections Wilson has The majority secured it For Sale Happy Thought No with warming oven and water front Ap ply to Dr Scott Prospect Ave For sale Apply to V Brooks Mt Albert or Newmarket i A good story is told of a promi nent French Canadian in employ of tne Seed Division It was at breakfast table of a hotel that his Imperfect English and with southern menus placed him in fi amusing perplexity Will you have oats asked ttie negro waiter at the breakfast table Oata repeated the astonlebed Canadian unaccustomed to the cere- crude form What you Hoyfqueriedtie No Ill the outer stockade of privilege in America The citizens of the Republic have de cided to cease taxing themselves by a customs tariff every time they import will not be reduced in Canada No food stuffs The tariff concessions What a triumph Can adians will continue to tax themselves as usual Certainly the US grain consumers will take more Canadian grain and farm produce But Cana dians generous people will refuse to import anything in return At most they will take as little as possible and will insist upon paying a tariff toll every time exchange Is made How long will the Canadian people tolerato such a condition The prob lem still confronts the People Tory party is bound hand and foot to tie special privilege classes The Liberals are anxious to Continue their policy of and ease the burdens o Canadian people as President Wilson and the Democrats eased tlie burdens of the American people Once the Canadian people face Is sue without being stampeded by the flapping campaign of the pro tected interests and aware- of the alliance between the jingo Tories and the Nationalists of Quebec tfieir an swer will be decisive j by Samuel Charters the Government member who has resigned presum ably to Registrar of County was over S00 With a good candidate and the Liberals are said to he bringing out a firstclass man this majority should be very greatly reduced and in fact there is a chance of electing the Liberal candidate The Opposition goes into this con test with a noticeable supply of op timism and enthusiasm- The con stituency as a whole Is said to lie strongly for temperance and the in dications are that the Abollsh-the- policy will not only secure the enthusiastic support of Liberals but will affect considerable degree the normal Tory vote Peel looks to be better fighting ground for the Liberals than any of- other places In which have been held The cumulative effect of Mr advanced program of social legisla tion to the advantage of the com mon people Is manifest Its real strength admittedly will not bo exhibited until the elcctio for byeelections are regarded by many voters as academic rather practical Era till Christmas for book is illustrated and the author Rev Morton of formerly of Keswick in renew ing for the says It is to me a letter from home to which I look forward every week I consider it al- most In this splendid District threshing has been consider ably delayed by some drenching rain and must now continue till the freeze up The crops are better as to yield and grade than last year I- am en thusiastic over the West and am glad to have some litfle part in the mak ing strong the foundations Gods Kingdom in this part of our nation Kind regards to friends In a speech delivered at the monthly meeting of the Caledonian Society in Toronto one night last week Mr Justice Sutherland ex pressed himself in favor of the speak er being appointed for life He com pared tie Parliamentary customs of Great Britain and Unit ed States After comparing the ori gins of the constitutions Mr Sutherland deprecated the custom on American continent of permitting the Speaker lo retire with each change of Government Mr Justice erland is a school chum of the Editor that we are proud of GRANGER In Newmarket on Oct to Mr and Mrs Sam Granger a son THE ALTAR KETTLESKINNER At the resi dence the brides parents on Sept by Rev of Mt Albert Mr J Kettle of Midland to Miss Montalena youngest daughter of Mr A A Skinner of Whitchurch ANDERSONTRAVISSAt the resi dence of the parents on Oct by Rev IT Russell Anderson to Florence L daughter of Mr Whitney Traviss all of Whit church Township KIMETKROCKTAOn Sunday Oct at St Johns Church market by Rev Father Whitney Mr Tmytro Kimot to Miss Krockta both of Whitchurch formerly of Galacia Austria THE TOMB a Ion- period of illness at the home of her par ents Mr and Mrs George j hart Stouffville Laura on Saturday Oct Itji in her year At General Hospi tal Toronto on Oct- Harry beloved son of the late George Ont and brother of Mr Wm late of Newmarket aged years WALLACE On Monday Oct 1913 at Toronto Margaret be loved and youngest daughter of the late Pfu Wallace formerly of Newmarket Interred at St Johns Newmarket yesterday morning SEASON and Is now on and Vinegar you require Spices We handle nothing but the pure and of the Finest Quality We have always a large variety of Native and Foreign Fruits to choose from THE LEADING House can buy your Cheap For UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John ill for 16c Phone Iff SO TRY OUR Phone and we will supply your wants a A ONEILL On Oct at To ronto John Francis bclovcid son of Mr and Mrs J J ONeill ago months li days Interred at St Johns Cemetery Newmarket on Wednesday afternoon HILLOh Tuesday Oct at his late residence St Toronto Richard beloved husband of Eddy Hill aged years formerly Meadow- vale Ont Service at the on Friday at p Interment at Pino Or chard funeral leaving tr to Newmarket on Saturday morning J PURITY AND QUALITY OUR Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes i ARCHIVES OF All- order will Careful ALMfentlon ist J IMIN STREET I for Gamers jd Photo SupplUi i Weekly j G TELKOHAPH OFFICE No v TORONTO i-

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