Newmarket Era, 24 Oct 1913, p. 7

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k class Jr uswcr can go told dinner And work- last id bis It In I at the liandid employ- used the ok too to Him good- in arming to Mr d twinkled Had Had iOHV cllbd each Kails on In our Show Window you tec of the newest designs In hit It is a reproduction of the ware ever produced and Is to bo original designer It j closely resembles the original that u a connoisseur ban detect the The price- is not what you pay for the genuine STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA Mr Ab carter broke Ha arm yesterday morning owing to a runaway Benefit livening The Moving Picture Show on lasV rooming the benefit to struck a magnificent flow in Cricket was a great success last now well at depth of cot gain very a hours ensure abundance of pure water for domestic purposes for some lime to Come Big Put chase During the past Jew monUw when buying conditions were favorable the Davis Leather Co purohas- calfskins the foreign Market Nearly all of these have- been 1 shipped and wil shortly Acknowledgment The thanks of the Newmarket Brigade arc due to Charles Esq for his generous gift 0 to the Firemen for their ef fort in saving his house on Bolton St Ilast Iwilllmmiry last Christ mas I J A The Theatre was packed the picture and also the by the male quartette China Hall Grocery Pure Mlin Halloween Service Newmarket Institute will hold a Halloween Social Friday even ing October ih Poplar Bank street north A good program will be provided and refreshments served Come and en joy a sociably evening Sec Pine Pictures Last Sundays Toronto World says there were people on the grounds the last day of Newmarket Fair and It gives two splendid of crowds In same paper throb fine pictures of Col barns entrance etc on his farm in Township ol King Mixed Pickling Whole and Ground Cloves whole and ground whole and ground linger whole and ground whole and ground whole and ground Black Pepper whole and ground Pepper whole ground Mustard Seed Chillies Tumeric Bay Leaves Celery Seed Pepper First Quality Cider and White Wine Vfmgars ensure success We have a complete stock of Fruit Jars of all sizes The Lending UptoDate Prompt Delivery Phone CORNER OF Wain Timothy Streets Salvation Army There was a full house at the Bar racks last evening when Vanderwan of Toronto who can read twelve languages gave his illustrat ed lecture From Manger to Throne which was greatly appreciated The pictures Were As a result the special services last week the Army had conver sions Police Court For some time Constable Duncan has been carrying a summons for Frank for unlawfully from a farmer In East On Wednesday ho was located at when Constable went up and arrested him- Yester day Police Magistrate dealt out summary without the ex pense of going to Toronto for trial It Iwlng the prisoners second offence hd year was to Central Prison for Jess day Voters According to law the Voters- List for the Town of Newmarket should have postal on 28Mi of Sept but Was delayed in the hands of printer and was posted lost Sat urday list contains names distributed as follows St Ccorges Ward St Andrews Ward St Patricks Ward A copy of tho is- posted up in Post Office and in Clerks Of fice It la the duty of every voter see his or her name is on list correctly If there is any or other error notify the Clerk in writing before the 1 Nov Town A New Band If the OddFellows and the Council can reach satisfactory agreement it It likely that the Band will be reorganized and rum as a Society Band The instruments are reported to he a condition largely because of not being use The propose to buy the at a CoirimunioatiooB were presented giving claim on behalf of for dam ages to accident town on Aug 1st Baker resignation of ship i Bills were presented as follows from Hey G Washington Livery attending funeral of- Mrs funeral- Mrs Moulds 3o0v Toronto Otn Hospital tenant Mrs Moulds ua j Investigating scarlet fever cases order of J Tribune printing and Court of Revi sion days labor on Marsh Bridge and outlet A Button wire fence Mnrshf Bridge George circles for arctic cement bridges M F Starr steel or Con Baker I culvert pipes In diameter- J Baker ICG yds gravel for Con joro holts J A Harrison balance gravel ace H balance gravel ac Clark yds gravel for LN 1000 I Thompson 12 yds gravel by J ft Claims for killed by dogs were presented by value J Hennessey value Treasurer was ItSlructed to pay the bills prbsentcd end two- thirds the amount ol each claim Resolutions were passed instructing thc Clerk to notify Mr H solicitoil for Mr Plpber that v it i JsBBsqi Hi Cause Foot ci uation in order to have proper con- Council disclaims any liability for of them and sell or exchange damages through at they do not require town appointing Pep I havo found found to- himself was Had the- old to ffhar- at- the for you and in- much for tune- the old ritil a 1op5 learned- iron now The Market Bargain House taction Bale made clothing etc ears it Norma knife and for waiter- demanded Murday let at a and 1130 m J I UK A DMAS An- P Doe PHONE South of Hotel 232 King George Ye MRS Newmarket sir Wanted Dining Room House Maid at Picker at Pickering College head and little it other gV id for Sale and Ewe Lambs rcgls- Bell Bros Apply House to Rent Phillips Anniversary The homo of Mr and Mrs Chas Lewis street was scene of a very pleasant gathering last Monday when a number of friends met to do honor to Mr and Mrs A Haines being their 10th wedding anniversary Thanksgiving dinner was served The occasion was all the more enjoyable because it was a complete surprise to them The bridesmaid of 40 years ago was also present Surveyors at Work A civil engineer several helpers under the direction of the Hydro Commission have been surveying in the vicinity of Newmarket the past week Report says arc trying to find an easy grade for an electric line between Newmarket and ville way of and Lake in order to help Hydro scheme of power and light to farmers and incidentally to strength en their position in Newmarket Womens Institute The Womens Institute held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Fred last Saturday Owing to the disa greeable weather Vandorf Institute were to give the program were unable to attend Miss Dorcas read from Institute book Kingship of SelfControl a piece entitled Living Life Over Again and Mrs- gave a The Mrs John Smith was appointed a delegate to attend the Womens In stitute Convention- in Toronto are being made for holding a Social on Halloween night See particulars later A P A Held first regular meeting in the schoolhouse on Tuesday evening last There was a very good attendance to hear Mr McKay speak on the progress and the possibilities of Can ada He gave a brief history of our country from its early discovery up to Confederation describing the methods of transportation of Great Dominion and how Canada dertook to build the great ocean to cean railroad showing that our peo ple real feed in those days the great possibilities which lay within their reach The speaker also outlined the progress made in steamboat transportation in manufactures of all I kinds and how that Canada leads the I world some things He pleaded that the young people would above all remain true Canadians as part of the great British Empire It looks like feasible proposition and the hand will likely be more permanent as a- society organization Some fifteen old players have signi fied their willingness to help if re organization is affected by the Fellows VIVIAN Swansea is spending days at his mothers Master Theodore of Pew Miss Ruby Waynes of Toronto homo for a few days Mr Austin Bingham n uncle Bingham Miss Sarah Cook Commissioner rebuild bridge on fiideroad between Lots 21 Con 2 arid Councillor Com- to rep sink hole on 4 Lot A ByLaw was passei appointing Frank Tax Collector in lieu Gideon Baker resigned Clerk Instructed to have the necessary bonds executed Council adjourned to meet at Nov at am j coo THE AMIABLE MISS The average not built for comfort many of them do not fit properly or shape themselves to the your feet are tired put and Inithe colt fibre cushion compresses heel the ball of your foot and your toes ample support to your arch and your rests in a natural position in perfect com We have in a variety of shaped and leathers At least come in and try a pair on Just tosatisfy yourself how stylish and comfortable the Dr A Reed Cushion Shoe are it will be well worth your while A t J Si J lib The Men Main St West IS visiting his ANN TODD I was looking over a lot of the first papers published in our country a few days ago and I became very peace or spent an evening in that I happy condition in her home because of her total lack of amiability I hope that you girls will keep the amiable Miss Sally Ann Todd in mind land if when the time comes that is made of your own it can truly be said you that you arc amiable the chances will be is news of more a century ago S spend Thanksgiving wHn m was put the people I came pretty also Mr with some wedding notices and one I Mr Qf them read as follows l wonder wh the two young men Mr Simeon Blount was married were who called with their buggies last Thursday to the amiable andde- I on Sunday evening on the Mb Una pretty Miss Sally Ann Todd I ft otter wake up b the fact that Miss Sally Ann Mr Herman Woodcock spent Todd was delicately pretty did day with his friend Miss Myrtle not interest me nearly as as Woodward was amiable Jio visiting at i that newspapers made mention of the post office on Sunday evening fact when she was married I Mr George has invest- Jfound on looking over the paper that in new gasoline engine the people of that day counted JJJ Mr Anthony has engaged the ser- a great and I most commend- WSXSU vices of Mr Woodward far the fall victuo I wonder if we make these fetters clear Thanksgiving passed of very quiet- as much of the virtue of amiability IlVe l here A few indulged in shooting our fathers did in the long vou see drunkards home and others took the Hot Fowl Sup- I years when our land was young I Drive it out Pd at Albert have been looking into the exact mouWs groan Shorty of the amiable and one of my dictionaries tells that you see our men a J THE LADIES jWLl DRIVE IT OUT- Drive It out a curse to every man Drive it out is whiskey rum and you see I there was a time when to death by Satans den Do you see the drunkards end Drive it out It is so often said hardest for ihe appreciation of their synonymous words but think that should for Drive it out Drive it out by this standard Corded Velvets in New Shades of Wine Tan Alice Blue Green New Marme Blue New Fall Tweeds in pretty Checks Diagonal Stripes in all the New Fall Shades A Complete Range of Fall and Winter Coatings A Full Range of Dress Trimmings Fancy Trimmings But tons Silks Satins and Velvets I behold Q anything lovelier Men of love and faith and prayer I Drive it out I The Templar a person with a truly amiable Be the Kind that do and dare The mother who lets her children disposition Live for temperance everywhere have their own way comforts I have an idea being truly with the reflection that it wont last is a re the health long Not she figures on pass- for all wildly exciting emotions away and leaving them to volve more or less of a nervous man who resists not the first tender care of a stepmother that and when these emotions take the inclination to tippling is in danger will bump up against the form of raging illtemper they ex- of last of becoming a confirmed a good deal of nervous energy drunkard Having arrived at this The only trouble that many the living dont understand this distinc tion and use whiskey at the wrong time They should wait till they are dead EGOTISM AND GREATNESS they school teacher and little later the wide world where no one has his own to say nothing of discomfort they create in the home Gentleness is good for amiability and the girl who is always way For Sale Brilliant Favorite Coal Heater Nearly new Apply to Thos Robinson street stage he forsakes his home ne glects his duties Such an one may frequently be seen in some dirty ale house corner where he spends a is the possessor of a good life and nothing further for one of the of him except that the passersby may Hughes INSURANCE AGENT AH Kinds of Insurance Written Winter Time Table A change of time went Into effect on the Metropolitan Railway last going south Tuesday There is no car fcBtate Sold on Commission It clock i the morning and none vtiitin any Property call on him NT THAT LITTLE GIRL be bavins no will done up and too be outgrowing hot wayBand you havent picture since she to Jong dresses You etly want to keep her as 5 you do to keep lt Artist Post Offise Pnons in Your leaving Toronto at am other wise there is change in the ser- vico between Toronto and On the North end of- the line there are only four cars each way every day except Saturday whin an extra car leaves Newmarket for oclock The regular time is as fol lows Newmarket for North noon and Leave Sutton for Newmarket a in and p Sunday Cars Newmarket or South It a 6 and for North a and 8 p Sutton for and a and pm r Seud the Era to- absent friends Canadas LiriC Excursions October and 28 To Manitoba Alberta Saskatchewan via Chicago St Paul and or Northern Navigation Co Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Retoro 43 Proportionate toother point Return two months Through Pullman- Tourist Sleeping Cars are operated to Winnipeg with out change leaving Toronto pm on above dates The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Saskatoon and Full particulars and reservations any Grand Trunk Ticket Office J City and Ticket Phot J Depot Ticket Asjet Phone most noted writers of his day has said- The best and simplest for women is constant and sympathy for the noblest in terests of their fellow creatures This- preserves and gives to her an indelibly gay fresh and expression If women would Ifit harshness makes it would prove the lest means of conversion Now I believe that there in theory In regard to harshness and utter lack Jot Miss Pally Ann Todds virtue of amiability making one ugly I know- woman of about forty years who sometimes hear him the in the well croaking out some foolish News who live on the mountain have a longer day than those who live in the valley Sometimes all we need to brighten our day Is to rise a little higher Barrows As for the poor dipsomaniac who drinks to forget It would le as wrong to laugh at him as it would to laugh at the consumptive tot tering feebly towards grave He has made a wreck of his life worse still he has probably wrecked in nocent lives of dependents broken the has since the days her childhood heart of a mother or wife left Ihem- Calgary Oct rush to file on oil lands continues When the land office closea tonight over numbers had been given out to those who file The force can write up about applications daily and it will require ten or twelve days to clean up the applications of was an egotist an egotist of day Many of the operators are great type never a mean ego- riving daily tist as he was once slanderously scribed and all his sprang When a special freight from egotism which is after all from Northern Ontario was derailed another name for greatness So near Tuesday silver ore to much absorbed was he in his own value of was spread along achievement thati he was unable or unwilling appreciate the achieve ments of others Ellen Terry on Henry Irving Send the Era to absent friends the roadbed for threequarters of a mile Nine cars left the track when the tender The track was blocked for over a day until the wreckage could be cleared away and the precious freight gathered up and sent on to the refinery the 50 been the victim of illtemper has jren to struggle with the world i developed into a common scold and fault finder Her face con stant scowl and there chronic note of harshness In her voice Miss Sally Ann Todd was possibly reared to look well to the ways household for the girls of her day were reared to set good store by all the domestic virtues and If she look ed well to the ways of her household In addition to being constantly ami able her husband surely rave a good wife portion Of it takes- something more than mere amiability for a woman a happy home but no degree pllshment in the household can a happy home if Is When young I taught soho In a small town and boarded with of the best housekeepers and cooks ever saw but we rarely ate an equipped to a living for selves Such a rnan is not joke he Is a terrible human tragedy He needs help and sympathy rather than contempt WHISKEY GOOD IN ITS PLACE Tho late Dr Guthrie was once main taining the proposition that every thing in the world had Its uses and was good In Its place A gentleman present knowing that the good Poo- tor was a firm teetotaler askl him how be could apply to Why said he there is nothing lift for preserving man atter be is dead but the other it is one the worst things in the world for preserving a Mils the living and keeps the dead lfsl REAL ESTATE j HAS- everal Good Farms for Sale m On Easy Terms in EQBtGwillimbury of Exceptionally Good Value Also A I From to close to Town and If a rani HI J Nicely Located and at Reduced Pricea Call On or Write for Anything You Want in fiealEfl- C i Office Main Over Market TORONTO

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