Newmarket Era , November 7, 1913, p. 5

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mm J b J Barrister Notary A OfficeMain St Newmarket loan on good Firm curtty to Charles Mvrister Solicitor Notary Public Conveyancer Commissioner for Taking C Naughton Street Aurora OFFICE every day from am to pm Toronto VMncoday Ileal EstateSeveral good Houses in Auror For Demean AND COLLECTOR I Dp Wesley 1byniclsn to York County Industrial Weeks bo Through Another Bridge or last week the ton threshing engine belonging to Mr demolished a bridge op the 2nd Con but this time there was nobody hurt- A pessary Food Supply 17 Boy Scouts took a tramp to tho and wore Inter- tree from another car from port Indiana Tor into doormat from window and door sills makes ecven cars Mr man who fa wait ing for allday electric power to lights en labor a and Office hours p m Realdence and St Post Dp DENTIST lain Street Wilkinson DENTIST- Office in Dp P ROYAL BLOCK Main Street Newmarket Office Hours to am 2 to to pm Telephone 22i Dp W- Graduate in medklne also Licentiate the College o and wll the Royal College of England Former Wrt ID Bye College Ear Nose and Hospital London England Main and Timothy Football A very exciting and closely con tended game of rugby football took on Pickering College grounds last Saturday be tween teatna of Pickering Col- lego and Howard College Toronto resulting In favor of the homo team by a score of to Womens Institute line Newmarket Womens will hold their regular monthly meetr at tho home of Mrs Geo- St on Saturday Nov tho meeting at 230 branch the Wo mans Institute expected to give program lor tlio meeting anl a good attendance is requested Another Regulation have been to hang up the lobby of the post a list of tho names of the mail rouJta starting from their offlcca the information of the business men and public generally It requires a stamp to communicate with any body on the Routes front Watcone Jewelry Store last Sunday Mr W has purchased a sawing with gasoline at tachment and expects to do a big buvinoss sawing wood in town vicinity Era till for A Successful Breeder Mr Simeon of was of shoppers town last Saturday When asked by an Era reporter if he still attending the Kail Shows exhibitor ho replied Yes but I do not go to as many a I did What have you in the line of prizes Oh about the nanus I nave aver aged a year in prizes for the last years I have been breeding Southdown Sheep and Durham Cat tle for years I have won as much as at Newmarket Fair In one year on sheep and cattle Nowadays the farmers seem to bo running into They may bo all right for quantity of milk but I dont think much of quality When it comes to milk product there is nothing to boat Jerseys I have a Jersey cow that given lbs of butter per week all through the cummer From what experience we have had on tin milk question we coincide with Mr Lemon PresentrrMayor Allen what Infinitely hetterreturra Keith Deputy Hunter and Councillor dairymen obtain Hill Smith and Hunter cowb than do other owners of Proposition read from Mfg lot of milk 34 delivered ripening hew factory month was Newmarket pounds the of 20 cows two Messrs Smith and Haines herd Two other also total- the above Company were W cows and producing milk gave pounds during same Theeo are not extreme comparisons because In many known CO heard before the Council Following bills passed Pittsburg Coal Cocarcoal G04l Radial on coal 10141- the test was lower t- on same Pounds of fat delivered would be unloading far lower Apart contract digging ever weight of fat and the to South Well monetary value of milk think of P Pearson coal and lumber 20 cows giving in one Can Oil Co oil month four and a hall tons of milk York Radial frtron same more than the other group It needs no stretch of imagination there would bo if Canadian cows in gener al were as poor as these twenty On tario cows people need milk plenty of It as a good nutritions and food in these days of But It poor Cows with only low yields are kept would bo this neces sary and universally appreciated food supply Fortunately through systematic cow testing these comparisons are possible so that an incentive Is fur nished to every owner of a poor herd to more worthy the name of dairy cows Simple records eas ily kept give definite acting as guide posts to bred and fed for large yields Berlin Oct Westphalia in NEW MARKET Telephone Consultation Hughes REAL EST All INSURANCE All Kinds Insurance Written Estate Sold on wanting any Property call on Bolton practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Niagara Newmarket JVlGKeuion JEWELLER Opposite Methodist Church on Ave Under urbriggs Methodist Church Good congregations again last Sun day Not a vcrv largo attendance at the Love Feast but a manifestation of divine presence Large number communicants at tho oclock ser vice sermons and music were of an high Next Sunday Rev McNeil of Qucensvillb will preach morning and evening pastor having consented to preach anniversary sermons that place Pound Ills Wc clip the following from the Bradford Witness On the night of the concert Mr Hill of Newmarket lost a raincoat He was at the fair on Tuesday and noticed one of the men at a sideshow wearing c that looked like his Taking Constable along he approached the suspect who protested vigorously that It was his own coat However the constable matte him remove tho coat and Mr Hills mark was found upon It The stranger had to give it up He said he it in mistake P Market Building Newmarket REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE us a call before you buy or Build Smith REAL ESTATE BROKERS Office Main Street Newmarket Hotel Building and Town Property Bought and Sold Hi Phillips READER Terms moderate special terms to Churches Studio 39 Beatrice St Toronto Ont A Stouten NEWMARKET Teacher Piano Voice and Violin Dealer in All Kinds of Musical In struments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent or Columbia fend Records Complete Stock Prompt Service Only a more than six weeks till Christmas On November the County Council will assemble again at To ronto to talk over good roads and whether the members expect back on the job year Begin to decide upon your Christ mas gifts now Often the work of your own hands is more appreciated than a more expensive gift you might buy Halloween passed over without the first depredation being reported ty good record for Local Option Hen fruit was sold at the Market last Saturday at 45c a dozen Died on Sunday Alter only a weeks illness Mrs Toole passed away on Sunday morning at her residence on Bolton Ave Newmarket at the advanced age of nearly years Deceased was the widow of Aaron P Toole who died years ago Her eldest son Mr Moses Toole re sided with her There arc three oth er sons living John in Michigan Reu ben in Manitoba and Isaac at Maun Albert The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon the remains being taken to Orchard Burying Grounds for interment beside her husband o a No meets the 2nd in Rooms over Douglas Store Main Street Newmarket mm I G Jackson Issuor of- MARRIAGE LICENSES the Office Newmarket Office fcy Papers issued at private if deal red NEWMARKEt LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering For Sale fi Horse Gasoline Engine practically new AWEVANS Curling annual meeting of the New market Curling Club was held on Wednesday evening There was a fair attendance of enthusiastic and the of officers resulted as follow Patron J Davis Hon Pros Hon Aubrey Davie P Schmidt J A Armstrong S Cane Luke Doyle Vice Howard ChaplainRev Watson Council Doyle Howard Watson A J McCaffrey Goo Doyle A Davis Auditors A J Davis Garfiold Rogers Tankard skips A A District cup sklpnW P A committee was appointed to arrange for the fixing of the two oh tho South side and a Committee to solicit membership The ore desirous of making this the best season in the history- of club and It hoped that there will be a large member ship The business outlook for the win ter in is not encouraging big car works have clos- both the matting fac tory and the woollen mills have con siderably curtailed their output A Prince Albert man accidentally shot hie companion while hunting He was fined has had his shoot ing license cancelled and is debarred from hunting for ten years A Barrio man says that in order to bo a successful poker player one must be cool crafty and have a touch ol meanness In ones disposition Tho Argentine government lias ar ranged to maintain permanently a meteorological station established by a British antarctic at Laurie Bay the inhabit ed point in the world St Nov this evening fire totally destroyed the main line Grand Trunk freight here containing a large quantity of freight Nine load ed with freight and several boarding cars for workmen wore also burned and a number of other cars damaged New York Nov VeMcIes on New Yorks streets have killed children since January last auto mobiles being responsible for of the deaths according to figures made public last night hy the National Highways Protective Society Thir tythree children met death under the wheels of automobiles during the month of October Chicago Nov Frederick and Lawrence convicted of committing murder with an automo bile were denied new trials by Judge Cooper in the Criminal Court today and were sentenced to years Im prisonment in the penitentiary These are said to fee the first Illinois con victions on a charge of murder as the result of an automobile killing Moose Jaw Nov Lillian Waterman Ottawa aged six teen was killed and nine other per sons were more or less seriously in an accident in the west yards of the Canadian Pacific Railway here at oclock this morning when a secondclass passenger car on the No Toronto express took an improperly closed swftjch and was splintered against a freight engine standing on the siding Nov Malcolm Ray for merly agent for the navies Packing Company at who was ar rested at some days ago on an information charging him with be ing a defaulter to the extent of arrived in an Saturday in charge of Provincial De tective Boyd of Toronto who went out after him He was brought be fore Magistrate Watt today and pleaded guilty to the charge but was remanded to jail lor a week In the meantime the packing company at will be communicated with and it is just possible that more charges will be preferred against Some change has taken place in list af Local Option campaigns now under way Some of the muni cipalities failed to present in time their petitions for submission of by laws Tho number of to be voted upon as far as now reported- is fortyfour The liquor party have al ready secured the submission of re peal bylaws in ten Option mu nicipalities There are seven Canada Temperance Act campaigns under way This makes a total of Con- teats that will be fought out at the polls in the near future York Radial frt on fitting Radial on electric goods J 35 Vow Radial frt on load CO Drive Pipe and Shoe for well Oarlock Packing Co supplies Jas Co for well 139 Referred to Com Application of Percy Traviss for water service on St grant ed Also Mark Main street Applications for electric current from Mrs M Sibley St Mrs on Church St Mrs McDougall Pari Ave granted Application of W Kidd Court St referred to Com Petition of John Rosamond and 319 others asking for a Vote on the re peal of the Option ByLaw Moved by Mr seconded by Mr Hunter that above petition he referred to the ByLaw Commit tee to examine and report at the of tho Council Carried Petition of Chas and others asking for a Provincial Aud it of the Town Accounts Moved by Mr Hunter seconded by Mr Hill that- the above petition be referred to the Finance Committee to report next meeting Carried The Mayor Reeve and Mr Smith were appointed a committee to con fer with the R Co and re port at next meeting Council Dr Boyd and took his scat The Special Committee on Band In struments reported that an ment had been reached to loan the instruments to the OddFellows at a valuatidn of 5108 and if any instru ments are sold the price is set down hi said agreement for each instru ment Report adopted The Committee on Water Light presented a report showing that the expense of the two new wells was giving a flow ol gals which is now connected with the re servoir The CornmitUe recommend- cleaning out one the old wells and boring another well Report adopted A communication- from the Meter Co re defective meten was re ferred to the P Reeve Keith and Mayor Allan were appointed to attend Good Roads Convention in Toronto on Jan Council adjourned The most wonderful progress Of any country In the world la de of Canada during recent years declares Sir Walter Napier who aocompzricd by Lady Napier has passed through Canada to the Pacific coast and returned after an abseree of 12 years Mr Lloyd George has further ex plained his new English land scheme There is to be a new ministry of lands which itself or through sub sidiary bodies will have supervision of rents may upset testamentary or other settlements that burden landed property fix farm laborers wages say how the increased burden on farm is to be divided between and tenant and compel sale of lands to tenants fr Also houses arc to he provided by the state for agricultural workers Jm SPECIALITIES FITS NERVE SKIN BLOOD KIDNEY GENITOURIHARY Chronic and Complicated Diseases 10 to Phone Main Consultation Personally FREE or by Lotto court the When through old age the bodily uuctious become NaDruCo Laxatives give gentle timely and effective aid without- discomfort or distress a box at your Druggist f I to of l4 IJKENDAITS Spavin Core wed by ten- and farm- erf years and it a Jan Spavin Cure lor good yeaift good rcnxItA In am never without II It write for copy or our book Treatise on the nee B J COTrlPANV Prussia is Urn home ol the sausage There it is a trader will name no fewer than kinds of A sausage exhibition was hold recently in st which a thijusand varieties ol sausage were A man who had working for little in a barber shop in left suddenly on behind a wife to whom he had married four Some days after his his wife op ened a letter addressed to her hus band and it was from another Wife living in England and contain ing a request for money to bring her and three children to Canada Mercury Ths flour mill belonging to Son of was burned to the ground early on Saturday morning mill was a modern every respect and was doing a thriving trade and destruction will be a great loss not only to the proprietors but to whole com munity We understand the mill contents were insured for The origin of fire is mystery It is not likely to be rebuilt The woman who does her own housework has no time to flirt Alta Nov Early this morning the whole business section of was threatened by Ore and the Fire Department was rushed there on a special train A bookkeeper working late upset a kero sene lamp in Douglass Bros depart mental which in a few minutes was a of flames The blaze spread to Hal mans drug store Millinery store and I Freemans poolroom and restaurant end at last was still spreading London Oct Percy Lambert tho holder of many worlds automo bile speed records was killed on the Krooklands motor car race track to day while he was making an attack on the hour record Lambert was travelling in his car at the rate of miles an hour when one of the tires burst and caused the machine to turn turtle at the top ol the em bankment and then fall to the bot tom The daring- motor driver was terribly crushed beneath his machine Quebec Oct The boot and shoe manufacturers of this city have de cided that alter November 1st they will establish the open shop sys tem in all their factories They have therefore notified the officers of tihe National Union that commencing Monday November 3rd they will make no agreement ol any sort with the members 0 the union as a body and that in future work will be car ried on in such a manner as the pro prietors wish Oct 31 A sago from Anderson of the Government steamer Acadia reports the loss of the steamer which sailed from Halifax about two months ago for Tort Nelson with supplies for the terminal works Captain An derson says the crew were saved and ho asks the Immigration Department here to care for The will bo due In Halifax on Sunday night This is the second supply steamer to be lest in Hudson Bay this the other being the Cerence which was lost on September To accommodation at all times with the outer world the Gov ernment arranged or a wireless plant to established at Le Pas and Port Nelson The plant at Pas is That for Port Nelson was ship ped partly on the and partly on the Cerence The went at Newfoundland but after wards reached Port Nelson while the was wrecked in Port Nelson Harbor All the plant was salvaged and is now being erected and Port Nelson will be in communication with tho outer world by end of the year St Petersburg Oct The belief that Arctic traffic may ho made regu lar and commercially profitable dur ing at least one month every has been revived here by the reports Dr who arrived hero yes terday Dr said he was sure that the month of September might bo profitably spent in regular expedi tions across the Kara Sea a plan originally entertained by English pioneer Wigging but finally abandon ed after several experiments about fifteen years ago Dr said that the trip which he has just com pleted days dur ing which no real difficulties to were encountered fir Send the Eta to aUent friends ARCHIVES TORONTO You Can Ry From Us I Lino lectric ft- Paints Oils Etc XL I 1 N ARRET i ft ens THE GREAT EMPIRE BRAND NO GENTS FURNISHING PROFITS OKI D THE Toronto Jobbing House NEWMARKET Dont be bothered with Damp Salt 4 IB TH18 GERM PROOF PACKAGE ftfttll cf refined Jul parity and yerded with CaiUrol The Seasoa is just opening and Our Stock is Complete in the Newest Goods and Designs Our Motto is Satisfaction to All in and See Our Patterns

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