vim i I Hum que Pice the past twelve years I boo painful altackB of Dyspepsia I could not digest my food everything iin in my of had no Three doctors attended me lor two gave all kinds of medicine but did me no good My weight came to only and thought going to die I bad the fortune to try Kriiltftllveft and as soon began to take them I felt better persisted in the treatment and to great joy I steadily Improved How I feel very well weigh 115 pounds and this Is more than I ever weighed even before my Illness I attribute my and entirely to Frultstives and cou never praise them too much for saving my life To all who suffer from Dyspepsia and Cons tipation I recommend a miraculous remedy MRS ANDREW STAFFORD bo for trial cite At dealers or from Limited Ottawa Acting under from Pro vincial Inspector Po lice King poized a- largo consignment of whiskey at express Tho whiskey was expressed distillery at Was addresses to Simon My a ficticious namo at a small flag station south of It is supposed that owner Intend ed to send it Into local option territory of or There two largo boxes carefully packed and without marks except tho bill of lading and It Is mated the liquor would cost In troubles- of stomach liver bowels troubles quickly jsafoly sorely relieved by KING CITY 1 Its a I- Apply House to Rent to Phillips For Sale 1 A comfortable Brick House convenience Apply to Millard with Mrs Ave For Sale or Rent leroomod Brick House on Prospect Ave suitable for boardinghouse All modern conveniences good stable minutes walk from Office Specialty Enquire of IDs Prospect Ave 8w30 1 For Sale or to Rent acre Farm in King Township Apply to J tf38 Box ICO Newmarket ah For Sale or Exchange Nearly now square plan White brick house and good lot soubh side Millard Ave Newmarket Terms easy Apply to Slater owner Graven- hurst- Out House for Sale A New Brick House on Sim coo street rooms domestic water furnace etc Apply to GEO Newmarket i Estate arid Insurance Agency FOR SALE Good Building Lots in diflererrt parte of Town at Prices Several Town Homes Convenient to to Business Parts AND A flood Farms in King Township As well as Good Investments in Jaw Lota and Pino Grove Bummer Resort Lots near TERRY Newmarket at Howards Livery Stables Learn Typewriting at Home The death occurred hero an Friday of last week of Miss Vtrna Winter only daughter of Mr and Mrs Mil ton Winter in her year De ceased had been unwell for some time and was takon much worse about a week ago Miss Winter was one of the best known and most highly n ladies of locality She win be missed by the Method 1st Church which she was a very active worker TI10 funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to King Cemetery and was of the largest ever held here The bereaved paten have the- sympathy of the entire community OOOi The foundation of the new factory building is now laid and the building is getting under way Mr Watsons twoyearold baby was seriously scalded last week by sit- ting in a pail of hot water which Mrs Watson had sot on the floor while opening the door The concert Tuesday overling under the auspices of the Agricultural So ciety was a great success especially point of numbers The committee catered to the popular taste this year to a great extent procuring the best possible popular talent viz Bert Harvey Owen Smiley Jessie Irving Carey and J ten or with the result that there was a big demand for seats and a appreciative audience 000 At the conclusion of the Ladies Aid Meeting held at the home of Mrs J A Cole on Friday afternoon Oct the members of the onward Adult Bible Class in bidding fare well to their faithful and con scientious teacher Mrs- J T who is soon to remove to presented her with a handsome chair as a token of their love and esteem A suitable address was read by Mrs Bert Colt Cole while Mrs Ambrose made presentation After very kindly reply from Mrs several hymns were sung concluding with Lang Sync is a of the address To Mrs J T Dear Friend We the members of your Sunday School Class hearing of your intended departure from our midst feel we cannot let this op portunity pass without showing in some way the appreciation we have long felt for the work- you have been doing as teacher of our class We feel our lives made better your cheerful disposition and god ly example As token of our good will we ask you to ac cept this chair and as you sit in it from time to time may it remind you many friends you have in Sunday School We that you may bo long spared to con- in the work of the Master And wherever your lot may be cast may Gods blessing rest Signed on behalf 0 the Class RICHMOND W Bible Society will placo on Sunday Nov The Curling Club has been fa Secretary I On Sunday last about nix on the as Mr Herb Avery- and fami ly driving home when opposite Mr Huntleys store tho bolt came out of one of the shafts and horse ran away throwing the occu pants out of the rig The animal then freed itself from tho and took to sidewalk It past tho home turn in to stop with Us hip in contact with west plate glass In Mr Raos storey splitting to ribbons The occupants were shaken up but none were seriously injured The horse was cut by the fraciurcd glass is at present the head- quarters of a party of surveyors about a dozen who are running a lino easterly to Claremont- as a con tinuation of the Port Perry hydro radial Young Peoples Union Society of Is making a new de parture for work Rev P is to present and discurs the work of some wellknown author at each Monday nipjhts meeting Mr Is to be commended for his whole hearted efforts towards the up lift anil wellbeing of the community Wellington for 11 years an enthusiastic of the choir and of the Methodist Church was the happy recipient of a gold watch and fob given by his brethren on Thursday night October Mrs was presented with a hand some piece ol cut glass and bouquet of carnations The gifts were a com- surprise but In every mer ited by one whose zeal enthusiasm and steadfastness knows no waver in i v Dont time on lot or because theyre a few cents cheaper have proved best for Piles and Injuries As a mother you It to your family to use the best thats SKMMQJi now use for the wireless service was reported other day A fire man on hoard a steamship was taken ill There was no surgeon on board but there was a wireless telegraph apparatus By means of this the captain of the ship was able to get into communication with another steamship in some other part of the ocean on which there was a doctor The described the symptoms of seaman and the physician hundreds of miles away the sea prescribed for him When the ships got ho far apart communication was interrupted found another on which there was a doctor and the medical treatment the nans life wears out There if lei happiness among- the than the humble among the rich tea among the poor But if these limitations could be removed I not to work so I could be best I could have that foe I know I am fitted I greatness gift always implies- greatness of respon sibility if one limitation goes othot comes that which seems to give freedom only increases slavery Almost all men- Ilk birds boat themselves against their cages long ing to get different world to soar beneath some more splendid ignorant of the abysses in that larger world and of the storms which sweeps those skies Of Master it was said Who for the Joy that was set before Him endured the cross The cross preceded joy as the mountain climb Is before the vision of the earth and sky The said to be happy- la to cease to desire or aspire In other words deny thyself Christs message Is The way to be happy Is the way of the cross thy self Make all you possibly can give every faculty fullest develop ment bo as beautiful as cultured as wise as circumstances will permit not that you may be happy but that you may use powers faculties gifts as I have mine for humanity In that way and that alone lies hap piness Bradford I I a lost strength tod Cod In II you in sgreeablo and easily form all wellknown Ionic curative properties o the best Norwegian Cod Liver OH Extract Cherry Bark sod Hypophosphltea in cases of chrohlo coughs colds or bronchitis nervous debility after foyers or waiting diseases of run down Tasteless Preparation Cod Liver Oil will restore health and vitality i Get it from your Druggist or bottles ft i Natl i I Drug and Chcmlcol Co of Canada limited 5feW was Kavcd K5i I I will teach you Typewriting in four home for cents a day and will supply a new Typewriter free Position when competent Aek for particulars- Tregwin Oliver Typ- Co Toronto An effective remedy for the re moval of Kidney and Kidney and Bladder troubles Gravel tic Pains ailments Acid origin endorsed by physicians and surgeons PRICE Free literature and testimonials from THE CO LTD For Sale by J Patterson Druggist l I j i i SHAW SCHOOL foots or and Includotho Central of Toronto with four Branch Wrlto for Prealdent303- Last Saturday evening shortly be fore 8 oclock Mr Ira of village came out from Mill Road with his horse and buggy and turned northward towards home When he turned the corner on Street he said he looked both north and buffi could no lights either way He hod gone less than a hun dred yards when something crashed into him presumably an automobile without lights Sometime afterward Mr was driving homo and found fhe injured man on the side of the road The was found by Mr Cooper and both were brought to Mr home The doctor was called in and found that he was suffering a bad bruise on the forehead Mr much during the night and was unable to tell anything about tho unfortunate occurrence until Sunday afternoon He now appears to he steadily Improving Tho case is now In the hands of coun ty authorities who are endeavoring to locate the guilty party who left the victim alone in the road A lit tle farther south an automobile call ed to the hands on a Metropolitan car and warned to be careful of a man and horse on or near the track Also near Finchs corners an automobile without light nearly ran into a team and wagon driven by Mr of Mill and in turn ing out the car was overturned Sev eral people assisted In righting the car but no person to have tak en the dumber Liberal ENORMOUS to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal are renewing earlier than ever this sea son The subscription receipts for October were over per cent ahead of October 1912 The Family Her ald grows in popularity after year It is the big dollars worth beyond a doubt and deserves its im mense circulation Any homo does not receive The Family Herald should trial for 19 AURORA The Toronto and York Radial Rail way Company who had the contract to install the new electric system here completed their work Monday The work was commenced on September 2nd hence the work has occupied on ly about seven weeks Work has been commenced on the foundation of the new covered skat ing rink by Mr The rink which is located on the Steele pro perty just north or the waterworks will be ft by ft covered with metal It is expected to cost in the neighborhood of The new cement cpuAty bridge at the north end of the town on Yonge Street is completed and opened for traffic- The contractor has made an excellent job- Reeve Knowles was in Toronto on Tuesday and met the County Commissioners He called their attention to the bad state of street on both sides of the two county bridges at the north end and the commissioner instructed him to make the necessary improvements The county is bound to keep the road in proper repair for one hundred feet on each side of the bridge There are three county bridges in the town consequently tho county should keep in repair six hundred feet of street in town Mr and Mrs John Graham of Albert were guests of Mr and Mrs Brothers for the weekend Mr and Mrs Jackson of Newmar ket also took tea with them on Sat urday evening new Convenient train to winnipeg CANADIAN PACIFIC popularity of- Canadian Pacific service excellence of that roads equipment has been so great ly appreciated by the travelling pub lic that it has been found necessary to put Into service an entirely new through Standard Express Train be tween Toronto and Winnipeg Commencing Sunday Oct the Gate City will leave IV PROBLEM IN FRACTIONS Roys and girls studying arithmetic become familiar with vulgar fractions with the numerator above the line and the denominator below A re cent writer suggests that life may be expressed by a fraction He says let us use the common denomina tor humanity A pretty big dcriom- it is too and one which rhaes us feel our own insignificance for if the population of the world is and y and I are Just average people then we are only one fifteen hundred millionth part or the world Yet after all that is not a negligible quantity If a boy should make that much of a- in an arithmetic problem he would never get the right answer It is J In Stock Now a Full Supply of First Class Coal of All Grades i Fresh Supply of Oil Cake Best Producer Tanners get your Feed Supplies now Feci will advance o Gait Art Metal Steel Shingles and Siding for Sale Fere Si Phono Chopping per NEWMARKET PROMPT DELIVERY TERMS STRICTLY CASH young man or woman ought to mean for humanity than ten yes than a hundred some people- See how that increases the value of the one a whole one out of a and fraction It multiplies the numera- half We are individually respon- tor it makes large our opportunities siblc that much of the light th responsibilities After all we p hougb iliovisness is certainly one of the most disagree able ailments which flesh is heir to Coated tongue bitter taste in the mouth nausea dizziness these combine to make life a burden The cause is a disordered liver the cure Dr Morses Indian Root Pills They go straight to the root of the trouble put the liver right cleanse the stom ach and bowels clear the tongue and takeaway the bitter taste from the daily thereafter arriving Winnipeg at a- second morning The train will consist of the highestclass modern equipment Com partment Car Standard Sleeping Cars Tourist Sleeping Car FirstClass Coach and Colonist Car This will be found the most convenient and best train between Toronto and Winnipeg on account the daylight departure from Toronto at an hour when Hie Union Station is not congested and also on account ol the early hour of ar rival at Winnipeg The present Vancouver Express will continue to leave Toronto at p ol daily and will consist of the same equipment as the Gate City Express This train is the best to take for west ol Winnipeg but for Winnipeg and east fixe Gate City Express is the right train to travel by Full particulars Canadian Pacific Agcnn or Write Murphy District Passenger Aget Toronto vO The municipal gas well at Bow Island Alberta with a capacity of cubic feet per day has teen completed The money has been raised by local subscriptions and free gas is being offered for new in dustries which wish to locate there Now comes the aerohus a flying machine that carries passengers it comes down it becomes aerobusted Nurseries are famous for their fine Peach Apple Plum and trees They have the best nursery sou in Canada the largest growers of trees in the Do minion All scions and are cut by one man and he has been in their employ many years so no mis takes are made by using wrong scion or buds Send in list of the stock you require and get the prices Write for agency as they have some unoccu pied territory in this County Brown Bros Co Browns Nurseries land Ont 3m33 Mr and Mrs H Robertson Dr and Mrs A Lindsay Mr and Mrs and Rev Sibley sailed from Vancouver on November for China where they will engage in missionary work under the Canadian Methodist Church October was a light immigration traffic into Ontario ac cording to the figures handed out by counting one among many every make a mistake and refuse to let i VO man or woman in Canada our light shine then God will fail counts more and is an important by so much in working out the great fraction in the worlds destiny 0 Stop the gathering ot raw material the young the thoughtless the la- Decent and alter a while there will bo no finished product the drunkard the miserable the disreputable Dow problem of the worlds salvation in our day at least so far as we are We ought to be more than average people Many of the worlds inhabi tants are infants and many are degraded heathen and many are very ignorant Christians We are AngloSaxons As Tennyson sings I the heir of all the ages in the Doctors Endorse If we did not believe doctors endorsed Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds we would not offer it to you Sold for 7Q Ask Your Doctor it When the day for voting on Local Option in Jan 1912 was drawing near the officers of the Dominion Al liance telegraphed to the head of the municipal council in the towns and villages in which Local Option by laws were in operation asking for a statement as to the result foremost files of time A Canadian ana reeves of towns and vil lages were selected for this purpose because it is in the populous places that the enforcement of Local Option is supposed to be more difficult Ev en the enemies of Local Option that it does good in rural places Replies were received from fortysev en of those addressed The matters which information was specifically asked were as to the pros perity of the municipality the hotel accommodation available and the ef fect of Loc Option upon business the fortyseven replies there were only four which said that hotel ac commodation was not as good as it had been under license out of the fortrSeven definitely con tradicted the theory Local Op tion had been a disadvantage to the community which they lived Many made strong statements to the effect that very great advantage had been the result of barroom closing To republish all these replies would take more space than we can afford In the opinion of men wljo are quali fied to speak with authority whose actual experience of the conditions j they discuss and represent pub lic opinion Local Option is a Great Success POTTED MEATS- flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches The childs delight The picnickers choice Everybodys favorite CLARK a YEARS EXPERIENCE mm Trade Designs Copyrights c tzeecy for through A Co of fidetlCc ill C0 mouth At the first sign of bilious- George Birmingham of Dominion Immigration Department at Morses Root tr our Mrs A Grove and Mrs Cathar ine spent Thanksgiving visit ing friend at Newmarket and In absence of the pastor Mrs pulpit last Sun day both morning and evening a former Newmarket girl Low The quarterly meeting will be bold an Sunday j The annual of to Department at the Union Station Here the fig ures 2812 arrived in this Province for the month aii increase of Guelph 2Mrs Hewer aged corresponding month of lust sixtysix living at No Oliver met a horrible death yesterday ft Her clothes burned It J J twenty most completely oft her body and I thousand death was caused by of the flames It is supposed that she was attempting to light an when her clothing became Ignited The aged woman tried to rush out of the room but her carried her as far as the banister where she fell- over The accident was not discovjer- for a few Mre boarded with- Mr and when the girl In to she told her mother she smoke at- to get Past the the fire- was pressed bade and she washorroratrlcken when saw the body lying over toe banister She at it call fire soene too late to save Mrs Hcw- rThoy extinguished tire fire In the house little trouble The Home Attractive For keeping the young folks at homo there is no quite lik making- the homo attractive For making home attractive there are few things quite bo effective as a I which anyone can play homo a centre of attraction for your children and their friends Music will help perhaps in ore than you realize They will take pride and delight in producing any and all music which they may like dance music anything piano player is great sol ver of the one most serious parental problem and of all player pianos the GERHARD is the best Lot us show you why is to Seed for complete booklet It will- interest you present instrument taken as part payment Your r it Inly City nll f I ARHWK TORONTO